White Privilege in American Society

Fuck you little boy. I referred to that ONE piece of trailer trash who stereotypes the ENTIRE black population in his EVERY post as a "peckerwood" and I will do so everytime that he refers to all blacks in the manner that he does.....that is exactly what I mean. In your warped little world anyone who is black should be passive towards all of you.......no matter what you say.

And how old were you in 2008? Probably barely old enough to vote? My guess is that as a "white millenial", as long as you don't commit suicide, you may be prosperous.

BTW , How much "inbreeding" goes on in Appalachia? Aren't there 54 counties of that region in Kentucky?

You never say shit to fuckers like Asclepias, even when posters like me point it out to you. I never allow some idiot to say outrageous shit about blacks in a thread I am actively engaged in.

In YOUR warped mind white people have to be self hating sado-masochist freaks like Guno to deserve any kind of respect, and that is what the entirety of the western new left believes today. I am simply a reaction to the blatantly anti-white world I live in.

In 2008 I was 19 and a freshman in college, and I knew that was also where the heart of Obama's support came from. The same assholes mindlessly spouting off about how terrible white people are were now running the political discourse in the country, and I knew that my mission was to destroy these people and their mentors.

Posters like you? Now that funny as hell. And what do you say to 'fuckers" like Shootspeeders and Squeezeberry?

Or even that
Thankyou4VotingTrump moron? You say nothing. and If you did, it would be a memorable occasion.

I could go on and list a plethora of racist Caucasoid posters just like them that you NEVER say anything to.

I've seen many of your kind over many years. Very little life experience, angered by the fact that the same entitlements by default that their parents and grandparents enjoyed are gone,and convinced that the success of any minority is at their expense.

I am 63, anf I have lived my life in much worse times than you would even try to survive, and I do not expect nor do I want ANYONE to be self hating for any reason.....and frankly, if they end up that way, it is because THEY are WEAK. And that is not my problem.

You have not lived long enough and had enough life experience to portray yourself as a victim. And for you to even make an asinine statement like
"I am a product of an anti white western society" is laughable beyond words.

If you do live in rural Kentucky as you have stated, you live in an area that has a legacy of white supremacist, 1950's mentality, and my guess is that your elders have you feeling victimized because the days when it was law that black citizens had to cower in your presence are over, so you missed out on "the best of times".

I guess that means that you are either a candidate for suicide or you just may go over the edge and become the next Dylan Roof? Is that what you mean by "destroying certain people and their mentors"? or are you just some dumbass little kid trying to be brave in the safety of an anonymous forum?
There are plenty of "caucasoid" posters who are every bit as anti-white as Asclepias and more than make up for trolls like "Shootspeeders"(who I have confronted btw). You are just blind to the fact that the entirety of the Democratic platform today is white masochism/black and brown racial nationalism.

Dylann Roof wishes he was half as intelligent as I am. If he was he would have woken up long before the Trayvon Martin bullshit and started to plan for a future for himself and his people instead of committing suicide by killing civilians. I can't afford to commit suicide even if I wanted to with all the moronic neo-cons in my family and my helpless nieces and nephews being raised by libertarian and liberal fools.

You want to believe I am just some country bumpkin, but I have repeatedly said I live in suburban Louisville. You wish your only opposition to your anti-white agenda is just from some inbred idiots in Eastern or Southern Kentucky, but even a casual stroll through Stormfront shows how stupid such an ignorant stereotype is. You fear my intelligence just as much as maniacs like Tim Wise and Peggy McIntosh do.

Fuck you little boy. I referred to that ONE piece of trailer trash who stereotypes the ENTIRE black population in his EVERY post as a "peckerwood" and I will do so everytime that he refers to all blacks in the manner that he does.....that is exactly what I mean. In your warped little world anyone who is black should be passive towards all of you.......no matter what you say.

And how old were you in 2008? Probably barely old enough to vote? My guess is that as a "white millenial", as long as you don't commit suicide, you may be prosperous.

BTW , How much "inbreeding" goes on in Appalachia? Aren't there 54 counties of that region in Kentucky?

You never say shit to fuckers like Asclepias, even when posters like me point it out to you. I never allow some idiot to say outrageous shit about blacks in a thread I am actively engaged in.

In YOUR warped mind white people have to be self hating sado-masochist freaks like Guno to deserve any kind of respect, and that is what the entirety of the western new left believes today. I am simply a reaction to the blatantly anti-white world I live in.

In 2008 I was 19 and a freshman in college, and I knew that was also where the heart of Obama's support came from. The same assholes mindlessly spouting off about how terrible white people are were now running the political discourse in the country, and I knew that my mission was to destroy these people and their mentors.

Posters like you? Now that funny as hell. And what do you say to 'fuckers" like Shootspeeders and Squeezeberry?

Or even that
Thankyou4VotingTrump moron? You say nothing. and If you did, it would be a memorable occasion.

I could go on and list a plethora of racist Caucasoid posters just like them that you NEVER say anything to.

I've seen many of your kind over many years. Very little life experience, angered by the fact that the same entitlements by default that their parents and grandparents enjoyed are gone,and convinced that the success of any minority is at their expense.

I am 63, anf I have lived my life in much worse times than you would even try to survive, and I do not expect nor do I want ANYONE to be self hating for any reason.....and frankly, if they end up that way, it is because THEY are WEAK. And that is not my problem.

You have not lived long enough and had enough life experience to portray yourself as a victim. And for you to even make an asinine statement like
"I am a product of an anti white western society" is laughable beyond words.

If you do live in rural Kentucky as you have stated, you live in an area that has a legacy of white supremacist, 1950's mentality, and my guess is that your elders have you feeling victimized because the days when it was law that black citizens had to cower in your presence are over, so you missed out on "the best of times".

I guess that means that you are either a candidate for suicide or you just may go over the edge and become the next Dylan Roof? Is that what you mean by "destroying certain people and their mentors"? or are you just some dumbass little kid trying to be brave in the safety of an anonymous forum?
There are plenty of "caucasoid" posters who are every bit as anti-white as Asclepias and more than make up for trolls like "Shootspeeders"(who I have confronted btw). You are just blind to the fact that the entirety of the Democratic platform today is white masochism/black and brown racial nationalism.

Dylann Roof wishes he was half as intelligent as I am. If he was he would have woken up long before the Trayvon Martin bullshit and started to plan for a future for himself and his people instead of committing suicide by killing civilians. I can't afford to commit suicide even if I wanted to with all the moronic neo-cons in my family and my helpless nieces and nephews being raised by libertarian and liberal fools.

You want to believe I am just some country bumpkin, but I have repeatedly said I live in suburban Louisville. You wish your only opposition to your anti-white agenda is just from some inbred idiots in Eastern or Southern Kentucky, but even a casual stroll through Stormfront shows how stupid such an ignorant stereotype is. You fear my intelligence just as much as maniacs like Tim Wise and Peggy McIntosh do.

Fear the likes of you? Get fucking real dude. This is an anonymous message board that is pure entertainment, but every now and then it is possible to encounter a fool who takes this nonsense personally.

Since you are so obsessed with political leanings, I have seen the Democratic Party as well as the Republican party for what they are and what they mean to me and the family that I care about, and frankly, they are both ineffective as it relates to what is needed by people who happen to inhabit predominately black communities.

Now, as far as YOU go, there is no need for you try to convince me of how mature you happen to THINK that you "appear" to be, because I see you for what you truly are, just like I often see through the weak facades of far more intelligent and exceedingly more diabolical individuals than the likes of you. Your M.O. is to work yourself into a foaming at the mouth rabid frenzy over what you think is a universal "anti white" agenda. That's what you feed off of and that's what justifies your "poor little white boy" message bosrd tirades.

The most that you will get me to share is that what I really hope for everyday is that my grandchildren remember that I warned them about those like you.

The ones with a fragile ego, demoralized, with a sense of being the unfortunate victim of any success by any non white individual.

You are no different than Dylan Roof, or any other white supremacist nutjob on Stormfront, Aryan Resistence or any of those other azz clown sites, so don't confuse what you think is intelligence with short term control of an internalized psychosis and compromised self esteem.

You have just not completed your metamorphosis from just BEING angry to ACTING on your internalized rage.

You're not anyone special, you are far more typical than you would like to believe.

You couldn't be more wrong in your attempt to psycho-analyze me if you tried. I am actually one of the most carefree individuals you will ever meet, but the world is simply just too fucked up for me to justify that attitude any longer, and unlike other millennials I actually possess enough intelligence to realize this. Your grandchildren are in for a prelude to the first circle of hell regardless of what I(will)do, and it is absolutely criminal for you to teach them that somehow the only way that will ever actually happen is if the "night riders" become a thing again.

You think I obsess over political leanings and parties because you can afford to decide that both parties don't suit YOUR needs, but as a white millenial who is racially aware, I don't have that choice. Democrats are 100% anti-white, and white people will literally not be able to live as freely as they do now if Democrats and their Canadian/Australian/European counterparts aren't destroyed very soon.

By the way, I can clearly tell from all of your posts that it is actually you who is unstable and afraid of the status quo changing. You think that cuckold metrosexual males are the new norm for white men and white masculinity, but you can sense from my posts that I am indeed an exception that you fear might spread. You know that I am indeed much more intelligent than a moron walking around in white sheets or a horrible bowl cut, but you have no choice but to keep up the charade hoping I disappear somehow.

If you are really hoping I somehow snap, you would have to have figured out by now that I have been very angry for almost a 1/3rd of my life now about a multitude of things. If I was going to go out like Roof, I would have done it before Roof even graduated high school and discovered crack.

If I do decide to become more militant with my white activism, I will make damn sure my enemies are permanently crippled. I would certainly never allow the media and the Democrats to run a campaign to further destroy white culture and history because I decided to do something that even the most radical members of Stormfront can't reconcile with.

Drugs really are the only reason why Roof decided to shoot up a church to further his supposed cause, and I have never even thought about doing any kind of drugs. Sorry, but "white boys" are not predisposed to become mass murders after they get legitimately infuriated.

That was an EPIC FAIL at deflecting and tap dancing. Very wordy but without any substance....more like a defense of something non existent or even worse, personal denial that there is in fact a problem that is likely imagined. I would not waste any time or effort in psychoanalysis of what plaugues you, because it is clearly obvious.

I counted exactly 5 times in 3 posts that you felt the need to emphasize "how intelligent" you "think" you are. That is a sure sign of immaturity and a lack of self confidence.

If you have to reinforce that attribute with a complete stranger, you truly are far more inept than you actually realize.

Speaking for myself, If I was ever going to be "unstable" it would have been many decades ago when the worst of bigotry and backward, prejudice was a hallmark of American culture.

But I decided long ago, that the best revenge was to live well, be unsympathetic towards those wishing the worst on me and my family and above all, not be caught in a compromising situation that would enable racist scum to use me as an example.

So no, you do not invoke anything in me except amusement.

Mainly due to how you have convinced yourself that you and your ilk are somehow under siege.

You've never sat in the back of a bus as mandated by law nor have you been refused service in a public establishment based on your race.

You have never watched your elders cower in fear publicly or refer to someone many years younger than them as "sir or ma'am" because it was expected if not demanded.

So I cannot help but chuckle at your insistence that you are somehow an undervalued and marginalized victim.

Truthfully, I sincerely hope that you
DO NOT snap, because mass shooters always harm people who are far better than they are..but I will say that your ramblings are indeed reminiscent of some of the rhetoric left behind by some of the recent mass shooters who have been apprehended after losing their grip on reality.

That being said, best of luck in whatever cause it is that you think you are a self appointed crusader for.

I count myself and mine as immensely fortunate that you are far away down there in Kentucky.
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You never say shit to fuckers like Asclepias, even when posters like me point it out to you. I never allow some idiot to say outrageous shit about blacks in a thread I am actively engaged in.

In YOUR warped mind white people have to be self hating sado-masochist freaks like Guno to deserve any kind of respect, and that is what the entirety of the western new left believes today. I am simply a reaction to the blatantly anti-white world I live in.

In 2008 I was 19 and a freshman in college, and I knew that was also where the heart of Obama's support came from. The same assholes mindlessly spouting off about how terrible white people are were now running the political discourse in the country, and I knew that my mission was to destroy these people and their mentors.

Posters like you? Now that funny as hell. And what do you say to 'fuckers" like Shootspeeders and Squeezeberry?

Or even that
Thankyou4VotingTrump moron? You say nothing. and If you did, it would be a memorable occasion.

I could go on and list a plethora of racist Caucasoid posters just like them that you NEVER say anything to.

I've seen many of your kind over many years. Very little life experience, angered by the fact that the same entitlements by default that their parents and grandparents enjoyed are gone,and convinced that the success of any minority is at their expense.

I am 63, anf I have lived my life in much worse times than you would even try to survive, and I do not expect nor do I want ANYONE to be self hating for any reason.....and frankly, if they end up that way, it is because THEY are WEAK. And that is not my problem.

You have not lived long enough and had enough life experience to portray yourself as a victim. And for you to even make an asinine statement like
"I am a product of an anti white western society" is laughable beyond words.

If you do live in rural Kentucky as you have stated, you live in an area that has a legacy of white supremacist, 1950's mentality, and my guess is that your elders have you feeling victimized because the days when it was law that black citizens had to cower in your presence are over, so you missed out on "the best of times".

I guess that means that you are either a candidate for suicide or you just may go over the edge and become the next Dylan Roof? Is that what you mean by "destroying certain people and their mentors"? or are you just some dumbass little kid trying to be brave in the safety of an anonymous forum?
There are plenty of "caucasoid" posters who are every bit as anti-white as Asclepias and more than make up for trolls like "Shootspeeders"(who I have confronted btw). You are just blind to the fact that the entirety of the Democratic platform today is white masochism/black and brown racial nationalism.

Dylann Roof wishes he was half as intelligent as I am. If he was he would have woken up long before the Trayvon Martin bullshit and started to plan for a future for himself and his people instead of committing suicide by killing civilians. I can't afford to commit suicide even if I wanted to with all the moronic neo-cons in my family and my helpless nieces and nephews being raised by libertarian and liberal fools.

You want to believe I am just some country bumpkin, but I have repeatedly said I live in suburban Louisville. You wish your only opposition to your anti-white agenda is just from some inbred idiots in Eastern or Southern Kentucky, but even a casual stroll through Stormfront shows how stupid such an ignorant stereotype is. You fear my intelligence just as much as maniacs like Tim Wise and Peggy McIntosh do.


You never say shit to fuckers like Asclepias, even when posters like me point it out to you. I never allow some idiot to say outrageous shit about blacks in a thread I am actively engaged in.

In YOUR warped mind white people have to be self hating sado-masochist freaks like Guno to deserve any kind of respect, and that is what the entirety of the western new left believes today. I am simply a reaction to the blatantly anti-white world I live in.

In 2008 I was 19 and a freshman in college, and I knew that was also where the heart of Obama's support came from. The same assholes mindlessly spouting off about how terrible white people are were now running the political discourse in the country, and I knew that my mission was to destroy these people and their mentors.

Posters like you? Now that funny as hell. And what do you say to 'fuckers" like Shootspeeders and Squeezeberry?

Or even that
Thankyou4VotingTrump moron? You say nothing. and If you did, it would be a memorable occasion.

I could go on and list a plethora of racist Caucasoid posters just like them that you NEVER say anything to.

I've seen many of your kind over many years. Very little life experience, angered by the fact that the same entitlements by default that their parents and grandparents enjoyed are gone,and convinced that the success of any minority is at their expense.

I am 63, anf I have lived my life in much worse times than you would even try to survive, and I do not expect nor do I want ANYONE to be self hating for any reason.....and frankly, if they end up that way, it is because THEY are WEAK. And that is not my problem.

You have not lived long enough and had enough life experience to portray yourself as a victim. And for you to even make an asinine statement like
"I am a product of an anti white western society" is laughable beyond words.

If you do live in rural Kentucky as you have stated, you live in an area that has a legacy of white supremacist, 1950's mentality, and my guess is that your elders have you feeling victimized because the days when it was law that black citizens had to cower in your presence are over, so you missed out on "the best of times".

I guess that means that you are either a candidate for suicide or you just may go over the edge and become the next Dylan Roof? Is that what you mean by "destroying certain people and their mentors"? or are you just some dumbass little kid trying to be brave in the safety of an anonymous forum?
There are plenty of "caucasoid" posters who are every bit as anti-white as Asclepias and more than make up for trolls like "Shootspeeders"(who I have confronted btw). You are just blind to the fact that the entirety of the Democratic platform today is white masochism/black and brown racial nationalism.

Dylann Roof wishes he was half as intelligent as I am. If he was he would have woken up long before the Trayvon Martin bullshit and started to plan for a future for himself and his people instead of committing suicide by killing civilians. I can't afford to commit suicide even if I wanted to with all the moronic neo-cons in my family and my helpless nieces and nephews being raised by libertarian and liberal fools.

You want to believe I am just some country bumpkin, but I have repeatedly said I live in suburban Louisville. You wish your only opposition to your anti-white agenda is just from some inbred idiots in Eastern or Southern Kentucky, but even a casual stroll through Stormfront shows how stupid such an ignorant stereotype is. You fear my intelligence just as much as maniacs like Tim Wise and Peggy McIntosh do.

Fear the likes of you? Get fucking real dude. This is an anonymous message board that is pure entertainment, but every now and then it is possible to encounter a fool who takes this nonsense personally.

Since you are so obsessed with political leanings, I have seen the Democratic Party as well as the Republican party for what they are and what they mean to me and the family that I care about, and frankly, they are both ineffective as it relates to what is needed by people who happen to inhabit predominately black communities.

Now, as far as YOU go, there is no need for you try to convince me of how mature you happen to THINK that you "appear" to be, because I see you for what you truly are, just like I often see through the weak facades of far more intelligent and exceedingly more diabolical individuals than the likes of you. Your M.O. is to work yourself into a foaming at the mouth rabid frenzy over what you think is a universal "anti white" agenda. That's what you feed off of and that's what justifies your "poor little white boy" message bosrd tirades.

The most that you will get me to share is that what I really hope for everyday is that my grandchildren remember that I warned them about those like you.

The ones with a fragile ego, demoralized, with a sense of being the unfortunate victim of any success by any non white individual.

You are no different than Dylan Roof, or any other white supremacist nutjob on Stormfront, Aryan Resistence or any of those other azz clown sites, so don't confuse what you think is intelligence with short term control of an internalized psychosis and compromised self esteem.

You have just not completed your metamorphosis from just BEING angry to ACTING on your internalized rage.

You're not anyone special, you are far more typical than you would like to believe.

You couldn't be more wrong in your attempt to psycho-analyze me if you tried. I am actually one of the most carefree individuals you will ever meet, but the world is simply just too fucked up for me to justify that attitude any longer, and unlike other millennials I actually possess enough intelligence to realize this. Your grandchildren are in for a prelude to the first circle of hell regardless of what I(will)do, and it is absolutely criminal for you to teach them that somehow the only way that will ever actually happen is if the "night riders" become a thing again.

You think I obsess over political leanings and parties because you can afford to decide that both parties don't suit YOUR needs, but as a white millenial who is racially aware, I don't have that choice. Democrats are 100% anti-white, and white people will literally not be able to live as freely as they do now if Democrats and their Canadian/Australian/European counterparts aren't destroyed very soon.

By the way, I can clearly tell from all of your posts that it is actually you who is unstable and afraid of the status quo changing. You think that cuckold metrosexual males are the new norm for white men and white masculinity, but you can sense from my posts that I am indeed an exception that you fear might spread. You know that I am indeed much more intelligent than a moron walking around in white sheets or a horrible bowl cut, but you have no choice but to keep up the charade hoping I disappear somehow.

If you are really hoping I somehow snap, you would have to have figured out by now that I have been very angry for almost a 1/3rd of my life now about a multitude of things. If I was going to go out like Roof, I would have done it before Roof even graduated high school and discovered crack.

If I do decide to become more militant with my white activism, I will make damn sure my enemies are permanently crippled. I would certainly never allow the media and the Democrats to run a campaign to further destroy white culture and history because I decided to do something that even the most radical members of Stormfront can't reconcile with.

Drugs really are the only reason why Roof decided to shoot up a church to further his supposed cause, and I have never even thought about doing any kind of drugs. Sorry, but "white boys" are not predisposed to become mass murders after they get legitimately infuriated.

That was an EPIC FAIL at deflecting and tap dancing. Very wordy but without any substance....more like a defense of something non existent or even worse, personal denial that there is in fact a problem that is likely imagined. I would not waste any time or effort in psychoanalysis of what plaugues you, because it is clearly obvious.

Speaking for myself, If I was ever going to be "unstable" it would have been many decades ago when the worst of bigotry and backward, prejudice was a hallmark of American culture.

But I decided long ago, that the best revenge was to live well, be unsympathetic towards those wishing the worst on me and my family and above all, not be caught in a compromising situation that would enable racist scum to use me as an example.

So no, you do not invoke anything in me except amusement.

Mainly due to how you have convinced yourself that you and your ilk are somehow under siege.

You've never sat in the back of a bus as mandated by law nor have you been refused service in a public establishment based on your race.

You have never watched your elders cower in fear publicly or refer to someone many years younger than them as "sir or ma'am" because it was expected if not demanded.

So I cannot help but chuckle at your insistence that you are somehow marginalized.

Truthfully, I don't hope that you snap, because mass shooters always harm people who are better than they are..but I will say that your ramblings are reminiscent of some of the rhetoric left behind by some of the recent mass shooters who have been apprehended after losing their grip on reality.

That being said, good luck in whatever cause it is that you think you are a self appointed crusader for. I count myself and mine as fortunate that you are far away down there in Kentucky.

Do you even understand what "irony" is?

You are literally calling a fully matured man, a "boy" because it is 100% acceptable in a supposedly "politically correct" and "tolerant" society to call full grown white men a "boy" AND expect white men to just take that while you pretend that is THEY who are the potential bigots that need to be trained to accept people different from themselves. YOU just proved how right I am without any effort on my part, and you are likely too stupid to even realize it.

The evil that white people are subjected to is actually on a whole new level from anything your ancestors went through, because now the racists and segregationists are "progressive" and are propagated by the mass media as morally superior to the egalitarian opposition trying to stop them. At this rate white people will be forced to re-name themselves Kunta Kinte under threat of beating in about 20 years, and social justice warriors will film it for pay-per-view.
Posters like you? Now that funny as hell. And what do you say to 'fuckers" like Shootspeeders and Squeezeberry?

Or even that
Thankyou4VotingTrump moron? You say nothing. and If you did, it would be a memorable occasion.

I could go on and list a plethora of racist Caucasoid posters just like them that you NEVER say anything to.

I've seen many of your kind over many years. Very little life experience, angered by the fact that the same entitlements by default that their parents and grandparents enjoyed are gone,and convinced that the success of any minority is at their expense.

I am 63, anf I have lived my life in much worse times than you would even try to survive, and I do not expect nor do I want ANYONE to be self hating for any reason.....and frankly, if they end up that way, it is because THEY are WEAK. And that is not my problem.

You have not lived long enough and had enough life experience to portray yourself as a victim. And for you to even make an asinine statement like
"I am a product of an anti white western society" is laughable beyond words.

If you do live in rural Kentucky as you have stated, you live in an area that has a legacy of white supremacist, 1950's mentality, and my guess is that your elders have you feeling victimized because the days when it was law that black citizens had to cower in your presence are over, so you missed out on "the best of times".

I guess that means that you are either a candidate for suicide or you just may go over the edge and become the next Dylan Roof? Is that what you mean by "destroying certain people and their mentors"? or are you just some dumbass little kid trying to be brave in the safety of an anonymous forum?
There are plenty of "caucasoid" posters who are every bit as anti-white as Asclepias and more than make up for trolls like "Shootspeeders"(who I have confronted btw). You are just blind to the fact that the entirety of the Democratic platform today is white masochism/black and brown racial nationalism.

Dylann Roof wishes he was half as intelligent as I am. If he was he would have woken up long before the Trayvon Martin bullshit and started to plan for a future for himself and his people instead of committing suicide by killing civilians. I can't afford to commit suicide even if I wanted to with all the moronic neo-cons in my family and my helpless nieces and nephews being raised by libertarian and liberal fools.

You want to believe I am just some country bumpkin, but I have repeatedly said I live in suburban Louisville. You wish your only opposition to your anti-white agenda is just from some inbred idiots in Eastern or Southern Kentucky, but even a casual stroll through Stormfront shows how stupid such an ignorant stereotype is. You fear my intelligence just as much as maniacs like Tim Wise and Peggy McIntosh do.

Posters like you? Now that funny as hell. And what do you say to 'fuckers" like Shootspeeders and Squeezeberry?

Or even that
Thankyou4VotingTrump moron? You say nothing. and If you did, it would be a memorable occasion.

I could go on and list a plethora of racist Caucasoid posters just like them that you NEVER say anything to.

I've seen many of your kind over many years. Very little life experience, angered by the fact that the same entitlements by default that their parents and grandparents enjoyed are gone,and convinced that the success of any minority is at their expense.

I am 63, anf I have lived my life in much worse times than you would even try to survive, and I do not expect nor do I want ANYONE to be self hating for any reason.....and frankly, if they end up that way, it is because THEY are WEAK. And that is not my problem.

You have not lived long enough and had enough life experience to portray yourself as a victim. And for you to even make an asinine statement like
"I am a product of an anti white western society" is laughable beyond words.

If you do live in rural Kentucky as you have stated, you live in an area that has a legacy of white supremacist, 1950's mentality, and my guess is that your elders have you feeling victimized because the days when it was law that black citizens had to cower in your presence are over, so you missed out on "the best of times".

I guess that means that you are either a candidate for suicide or you just may go over the edge and become the next Dylan Roof? Is that what you mean by "destroying certain people and their mentors"? or are you just some dumbass little kid trying to be brave in the safety of an anonymous forum?
There are plenty of "caucasoid" posters who are every bit as anti-white as Asclepias and more than make up for trolls like "Shootspeeders"(who I have confronted btw). You are just blind to the fact that the entirety of the Democratic platform today is white masochism/black and brown racial nationalism.

Dylann Roof wishes he was half as intelligent as I am. If he was he would have woken up long before the Trayvon Martin bullshit and started to plan for a future for himself and his people instead of committing suicide by killing civilians. I can't afford to commit suicide even if I wanted to with all the moronic neo-cons in my family and my helpless nieces and nephews being raised by libertarian and liberal fools.

You want to believe I am just some country bumpkin, but I have repeatedly said I live in suburban Louisville. You wish your only opposition to your anti-white agenda is just from some inbred idiots in Eastern or Southern Kentucky, but even a casual stroll through Stormfront shows how stupid such an ignorant stereotype is. You fear my intelligence just as much as maniacs like Tim Wise and Peggy McIntosh do.

Fear the likes of you? Get fucking real dude. This is an anonymous message board that is pure entertainment, but every now and then it is possible to encounter a fool who takes this nonsense personally.

Since you are so obsessed with political leanings, I have seen the Democratic Party as well as the Republican party for what they are and what they mean to me and the family that I care about, and frankly, they are both ineffective as it relates to what is needed by people who happen to inhabit predominately black communities.

Now, as far as YOU go, there is no need for you try to convince me of how mature you happen to THINK that you "appear" to be, because I see you for what you truly are, just like I often see through the weak facades of far more intelligent and exceedingly more diabolical individuals than the likes of you. Your M.O. is to work yourself into a foaming at the mouth rabid frenzy over what you think is a universal "anti white" agenda. That's what you feed off of and that's what justifies your "poor little white boy" message bosrd tirades.

The most that you will get me to share is that what I really hope for everyday is that my grandchildren remember that I warned them about those like you.

The ones with a fragile ego, demoralized, with a sense of being the unfortunate victim of any success by any non white individual.

You are no different than Dylan Roof, or any other white supremacist nutjob on Stormfront, Aryan Resistence or any of those other azz clown sites, so don't confuse what you think is intelligence with short term control of an internalized psychosis and compromised self esteem.

You have just not completed your metamorphosis from just BEING angry to ACTING on your internalized rage.

You're not anyone special, you are far more typical than you would like to believe.

You couldn't be more wrong in your attempt to psycho-analyze me if you tried. I am actually one of the most carefree individuals you will ever meet, but the world is simply just too fucked up for me to justify that attitude any longer, and unlike other millennials I actually possess enough intelligence to realize this. Your grandchildren are in for a prelude to the first circle of hell regardless of what I(will)do, and it is absolutely criminal for you to teach them that somehow the only way that will ever actually happen is if the "night riders" become a thing again.

You think I obsess over political leanings and parties because you can afford to decide that both parties don't suit YOUR needs, but as a white millenial who is racially aware, I don't have that choice. Democrats are 100% anti-white, and white people will literally not be able to live as freely as they do now if Democrats and their Canadian/Australian/European counterparts aren't destroyed very soon.

By the way, I can clearly tell from all of your posts that it is actually you who is unstable and afraid of the status quo changing. You think that cuckold metrosexual males are the new norm for white men and white masculinity, but you can sense from my posts that I am indeed an exception that you fear might spread. You know that I am indeed much more intelligent than a moron walking around in white sheets or a horrible bowl cut, but you have no choice but to keep up the charade hoping I disappear somehow.

If you are really hoping I somehow snap, you would have to have figured out by now that I have been very angry for almost a 1/3rd of my life now about a multitude of things. If I was going to go out like Roof, I would have done it before Roof even graduated high school and discovered crack.

If I do decide to become more militant with my white activism, I will make damn sure my enemies are permanently crippled. I would certainly never allow the media and the Democrats to run a campaign to further destroy white culture and history because I decided to do something that even the most radical members of Stormfront can't reconcile with.

Drugs really are the only reason why Roof decided to shoot up a church to further his supposed cause, and I have never even thought about doing any kind of drugs. Sorry, but "white boys" are not predisposed to become mass murders after they get legitimately infuriated.

That was an EPIC FAIL at deflecting and tap dancing. Very wordy but without any substance....more like a defense of something non existent or even worse, personal denial that there is in fact a problem that is likely imagined. I would not waste any time or effort in psychoanalysis of what plaugues you, because it is clearly obvious.

Speaking for myself, If I was ever going to be "unstable" it would have been many decades ago when the worst of bigotry and backward, prejudice was a hallmark of American culture.

But I decided long ago, that the best revenge was to live well, be unsympathetic towards those wishing the worst on me and my family and above all, not be caught in a compromising situation that would enable racist scum to use me as an example.

So no, you do not invoke anything in me except amusement.

Mainly due to how you have convinced yourself that you and your ilk are somehow under siege.

You've never sat in the back of a bus as mandated by law nor have you been refused service in a public establishment based on your race.

You have never watched your elders cower in fear publicly or refer to someone many years younger than them as "sir or ma'am" because it was expected if not demanded.

So I cannot help but chuckle at your insistence that you are somehow marginalized.

Truthfully, I don't hope that you snap, because mass shooters always harm people who are better than they are..but I will say that your ramblings are reminiscent of some of the rhetoric left behind by some of the recent mass shooters who have been apprehended after losing their grip on reality.

That being said, good luck in whatever cause it is that you think you are a self appointed crusader for. I count myself and mine as fortunate that you are far away down there in Kentucky.

Do you even understand what "irony" is?

You are literally calling a fully matured man, a "boy" because it is 100% acceptable in a supposedly "politically correct" and "tolerant" society to call full grown white men a "boy" AND expect white men to just take that while you pretend that is THEY who are the potential bigots that need to be trained to accept people different from themselves. YOU just proved how right I am without any effort on my part, and you are likely too stupid to even realize it.

The evil that white people are subjected to is actually on a whole new level from anything your ancestors went through, because now the racists and segregationists are "progressive" and are propagated by the mass media as morally superior to the egalitarian opposition trying to stop them. At this rate white people will be forced to re-name themselves Kunta Kinte under threat of beating in about 20 years, and social justice warriors will film it for pay-per-view.

Dude, you are beyond hilarious. Frankly I do not personally care if you are white, brown, yellow or somewhere in between. I have no desire for personal racial conflict with you people or anyone else, I've been there and done that, long ago at a level that would likely have you hiding under your bed in a fetal position, but you can rest assured that the younger generation of my family is being taught to see the signs of aggression.....and NO, I do not mean "night rider's" or cross burning, toothless, beer guzzling, cretins.

I can recall my own grandfather when he was nearly 70 being referred to as "boy" by some Klucker who was about your age.

The big difference between then and now is that back then, it was considered to be acceptable to refer to older black men as "boy" in order to demean and deny their adulthood.
So now all of the sudden, since the paradigm has shifted and is not as blatantly obvious as in past generations, you are MORE of a victim?!

Too funny.

I am not disputing that you are over 21 or that the law defines you as an adult.

I merely pointed out that there are some obvious indicators in your written words that lack maturity or evidence of much life experience.

If that hurts your feelings, then grow a thicker skin.

Besides that, if some stranger on an anonymous web site can visibly annoy you by not paying homage to your "manhood", you are way too fragile to assume a leadership role in any type of movement for change as you claim to aspire to.
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There are plenty of "caucasoid" posters who are every bit as anti-white as Asclepias and more than make up for trolls like "Shootspeeders"(who I have confronted btw). You are just blind to the fact that the entirety of the Democratic platform today is white masochism/black and brown racial nationalism.

Dylann Roof wishes he was half as intelligent as I am. If he was he would have woken up long before the Trayvon Martin bullshit and started to plan for a future for himself and his people instead of committing suicide by killing civilians. I can't afford to commit suicide even if I wanted to with all the moronic neo-cons in my family and my helpless nieces and nephews being raised by libertarian and liberal fools.

You want to believe I am just some country bumpkin, but I have repeatedly said I live in suburban Louisville. You wish your only opposition to your anti-white agenda is just from some inbred idiots in Eastern or Southern Kentucky, but even a casual stroll through Stormfront shows how stupid such an ignorant stereotype is. You fear my intelligence just as much as maniacs like Tim Wise and Peggy McIntosh do.

There are plenty of "caucasoid" posters who are every bit as anti-white as Asclepias and more than make up for trolls like "Shootspeeders"(who I have confronted btw). You are just blind to the fact that the entirety of the Democratic platform today is white masochism/black and brown racial nationalism.

Dylann Roof wishes he was half as intelligent as I am. If he was he would have woken up long before the Trayvon Martin bullshit and started to plan for a future for himself and his people instead of committing suicide by killing civilians. I can't afford to commit suicide even if I wanted to with all the moronic neo-cons in my family and my helpless nieces and nephews being raised by libertarian and liberal fools.

You want to believe I am just some country bumpkin, but I have repeatedly said I live in suburban Louisville. You wish your only opposition to your anti-white agenda is just from some inbred idiots in Eastern or Southern Kentucky, but even a casual stroll through Stormfront shows how stupid such an ignorant stereotype is. You fear my intelligence just as much as maniacs like Tim Wise and Peggy McIntosh do.

Fear the likes of you? Get fucking real dude. This is an anonymous message board that is pure entertainment, but every now and then it is possible to encounter a fool who takes this nonsense personally.

Since you are so obsessed with political leanings, I have seen the Democratic Party as well as the Republican party for what they are and what they mean to me and the family that I care about, and frankly, they are both ineffective as it relates to what is needed by people who happen to inhabit predominately black communities.

Now, as far as YOU go, there is no need for you try to convince me of how mature you happen to THINK that you "appear" to be, because I see you for what you truly are, just like I often see through the weak facades of far more intelligent and exceedingly more diabolical individuals than the likes of you. Your M.O. is to work yourself into a foaming at the mouth rabid frenzy over what you think is a universal "anti white" agenda. That's what you feed off of and that's what justifies your "poor little white boy" message bosrd tirades.

The most that you will get me to share is that what I really hope for everyday is that my grandchildren remember that I warned them about those like you.

The ones with a fragile ego, demoralized, with a sense of being the unfortunate victim of any success by any non white individual.

You are no different than Dylan Roof, or any other white supremacist nutjob on Stormfront, Aryan Resistence or any of those other azz clown sites, so don't confuse what you think is intelligence with short term control of an internalized psychosis and compromised self esteem.

You have just not completed your metamorphosis from just BEING angry to ACTING on your internalized rage.

You're not anyone special, you are far more typical than you would like to believe.

You couldn't be more wrong in your attempt to psycho-analyze me if you tried. I am actually one of the most carefree individuals you will ever meet, but the world is simply just too fucked up for me to justify that attitude any longer, and unlike other millennials I actually possess enough intelligence to realize this. Your grandchildren are in for a prelude to the first circle of hell regardless of what I(will)do, and it is absolutely criminal for you to teach them that somehow the only way that will ever actually happen is if the "night riders" become a thing again.

You think I obsess over political leanings and parties because you can afford to decide that both parties don't suit YOUR needs, but as a white millenial who is racially aware, I don't have that choice. Democrats are 100% anti-white, and white people will literally not be able to live as freely as they do now if Democrats and their Canadian/Australian/European counterparts aren't destroyed very soon.

By the way, I can clearly tell from all of your posts that it is actually you who is unstable and afraid of the status quo changing. You think that cuckold metrosexual males are the new norm for white men and white masculinity, but you can sense from my posts that I am indeed an exception that you fear might spread. You know that I am indeed much more intelligent than a moron walking around in white sheets or a horrible bowl cut, but you have no choice but to keep up the charade hoping I disappear somehow.

If you are really hoping I somehow snap, you would have to have figured out by now that I have been very angry for almost a 1/3rd of my life now about a multitude of things. If I was going to go out like Roof, I would have done it before Roof even graduated high school and discovered crack.

If I do decide to become more militant with my white activism, I will make damn sure my enemies are permanently crippled. I would certainly never allow the media and the Democrats to run a campaign to further destroy white culture and history because I decided to do something that even the most radical members of Stormfront can't reconcile with.

Drugs really are the only reason why Roof decided to shoot up a church to further his supposed cause, and I have never even thought about doing any kind of drugs. Sorry, but "white boys" are not predisposed to become mass murders after they get legitimately infuriated.

That was an EPIC FAIL at deflecting and tap dancing. Very wordy but without any substance....more like a defense of something non existent or even worse, personal denial that there is in fact a problem that is likely imagined. I would not waste any time or effort in psychoanalysis of what plaugues you, because it is clearly obvious.

Speaking for myself, If I was ever going to be "unstable" it would have been many decades ago when the worst of bigotry and backward, prejudice was a hallmark of American culture.

But I decided long ago, that the best revenge was to live well, be unsympathetic towards those wishing the worst on me and my family and above all, not be caught in a compromising situation that would enable racist scum to use me as an example.

So no, you do not invoke anything in me except amusement.

Mainly due to how you have convinced yourself that you and your ilk are somehow under siege.

You've never sat in the back of a bus as mandated by law nor have you been refused service in a public establishment based on your race.

You have never watched your elders cower in fear publicly or refer to someone many years younger than them as "sir or ma'am" because it was expected if not demanded.

So I cannot help but chuckle at your insistence that you are somehow marginalized.

Truthfully, I don't hope that you snap, because mass shooters always harm people who are better than they are..but I will say that your ramblings are reminiscent of some of the rhetoric left behind by some of the recent mass shooters who have been apprehended after losing their grip on reality.

That being said, good luck in whatever cause it is that you think you are a self appointed crusader for. I count myself and mine as fortunate that you are far away down there in Kentucky.

Do you even understand what "irony" is?

You are literally calling a fully matured man, a "boy" because it is 100% acceptable in a supposedly "politically correct" and "tolerant" society to call full grown white men a "boy" AND expect white men to just take that while you pretend that is THEY who are the potential bigots that need to be trained to accept people different from themselves. YOU just proved how right I am without any effort on my part, and you are likely too stupid to even realize it.

The evil that white people are subjected to is actually on a whole new level from anything your ancestors went through, because now the racists and segregationists are "progressive" and are propagated by the mass media as morally superior to the egalitarian opposition trying to stop them. At this rate white people will be forced to re-name themselves Kunta Kinte under threat of beating in about 20 years, and social justice warriors will film it for pay-per-view.

Dude, you are beyond hilarious. Frankly I do not personally care if you are white, brown, yellow or somewhere in between. I have no desire for personal racial conflict with you people or anyone else, but you can rest assured that the younger generation of my family is being taught to see the signs of aggression.....and NO, I do not mean "night rider's" or cross burning, toothless, beer guzzling, cretins.

I can recall my own grandfather when he was nearly 70 being referred to as "boy" by some Klucker who was about your age.

The big difference between then and now is that back then, it was considered to be acceptable to refer to older black men as "boy" in order to demean and deny their adulthood.

I am not disputing that you are over 21 or that the law defines you as an adult.

I merely pointed out that there are some obvious indicators in your written words that lack maturity or evidence of much life experience.

If that hurts your feelings, then grow a thicker skin.

Besides that, if some stranger on an anonymous web site can visibly annoy you by not paying homage to your "manhood", you are way too fragile to assume a leadership role in any type of movement for change as you claim to aspire to.
White men of all ages are called "white boys" all the time, it is just what some people literally think is acceptable because society does NOTHING but encourage it( ESPN’s Rose apologizes for calling Gronkowski “white boy wasted” , Production Begins On "White Boy Rick" , )all the while teaching impressionable children that "microaggressions" are the worst thing ever.

If I don't fight shit like this, I sure as hell won't get anywhere on the bigger issues plaguing white people.
Fear the likes of you? Get fucking real dude. This is an anonymous message board that is pure entertainment, but every now and then it is possible to encounter a fool who takes this nonsense personally.

Since you are so obsessed with political leanings, I have seen the Democratic Party as well as the Republican party for what they are and what they mean to me and the family that I care about, and frankly, they are both ineffective as it relates to what is needed by people who happen to inhabit predominately black communities.

Now, as far as YOU go, there is no need for you try to convince me of how mature you happen to THINK that you "appear" to be, because I see you for what you truly are, just like I often see through the weak facades of far more intelligent and exceedingly more diabolical individuals than the likes of you. Your M.O. is to work yourself into a foaming at the mouth rabid frenzy over what you think is a universal "anti white" agenda. That's what you feed off of and that's what justifies your "poor little white boy" message bosrd tirades.

The most that you will get me to share is that what I really hope for everyday is that my grandchildren remember that I warned them about those like you.

The ones with a fragile ego, demoralized, with a sense of being the unfortunate victim of any success by any non white individual.

You are no different than Dylan Roof, or any other white supremacist nutjob on Stormfront, Aryan Resistence or any of those other azz clown sites, so don't confuse what you think is intelligence with short term control of an internalized psychosis and compromised self esteem.

You have just not completed your metamorphosis from just BEING angry to ACTING on your internalized rage.

You're not anyone special, you are far more typical than you would like to believe.

You couldn't be more wrong in your attempt to psycho-analyze me if you tried. I am actually one of the most carefree individuals you will ever meet, but the world is simply just too fucked up for me to justify that attitude any longer, and unlike other millennials I actually possess enough intelligence to realize this. Your grandchildren are in for a prelude to the first circle of hell regardless of what I(will)do, and it is absolutely criminal for you to teach them that somehow the only way that will ever actually happen is if the "night riders" become a thing again.

You think I obsess over political leanings and parties because you can afford to decide that both parties don't suit YOUR needs, but as a white millenial who is racially aware, I don't have that choice. Democrats are 100% anti-white, and white people will literally not be able to live as freely as they do now if Democrats and their Canadian/Australian/European counterparts aren't destroyed very soon.

By the way, I can clearly tell from all of your posts that it is actually you who is unstable and afraid of the status quo changing. You think that cuckold metrosexual males are the new norm for white men and white masculinity, but you can sense from my posts that I am indeed an exception that you fear might spread. You know that I am indeed much more intelligent than a moron walking around in white sheets or a horrible bowl cut, but you have no choice but to keep up the charade hoping I disappear somehow.

If you are really hoping I somehow snap, you would have to have figured out by now that I have been very angry for almost a 1/3rd of my life now about a multitude of things. If I was going to go out like Roof, I would have done it before Roof even graduated high school and discovered crack.

If I do decide to become more militant with my white activism, I will make damn sure my enemies are permanently crippled. I would certainly never allow the media and the Democrats to run a campaign to further destroy white culture and history because I decided to do something that even the most radical members of Stormfront can't reconcile with.

Drugs really are the only reason why Roof decided to shoot up a church to further his supposed cause, and I have never even thought about doing any kind of drugs. Sorry, but "white boys" are not predisposed to become mass murders after they get legitimately infuriated.

That was an EPIC FAIL at deflecting and tap dancing. Very wordy but without any substance....more like a defense of something non existent or even worse, personal denial that there is in fact a problem that is likely imagined. I would not waste any time or effort in psychoanalysis of what plaugues you, because it is clearly obvious.

Speaking for myself, If I was ever going to be "unstable" it would have been many decades ago when the worst of bigotry and backward, prejudice was a hallmark of American culture.

But I decided long ago, that the best revenge was to live well, be unsympathetic towards those wishing the worst on me and my family and above all, not be caught in a compromising situation that would enable racist scum to use me as an example.

So no, you do not invoke anything in me except amusement.

Mainly due to how you have convinced yourself that you and your ilk are somehow under siege.

You've never sat in the back of a bus as mandated by law nor have you been refused service in a public establishment based on your race.

You have never watched your elders cower in fear publicly or refer to someone many years younger than them as "sir or ma'am" because it was expected if not demanded.

So I cannot help but chuckle at your insistence that you are somehow marginalized.

Truthfully, I don't hope that you snap, because mass shooters always harm people who are better than they are..but I will say that your ramblings are reminiscent of some of the rhetoric left behind by some of the recent mass shooters who have been apprehended after losing their grip on reality.

That being said, good luck in whatever cause it is that you think you are a self appointed crusader for. I count myself and mine as fortunate that you are far away down there in Kentucky.

Do you even understand what "irony" is?

You are literally calling a fully matured man, a "boy" because it is 100% acceptable in a supposedly "politically correct" and "tolerant" society to call full grown white men a "boy" AND expect white men to just take that while you pretend that is THEY who are the potential bigots that need to be trained to accept people different from themselves. YOU just proved how right I am without any effort on my part, and you are likely too stupid to even realize it.

The evil that white people are subjected to is actually on a whole new level from anything your ancestors went through, because now the racists and segregationists are "progressive" and are propagated by the mass media as morally superior to the egalitarian opposition trying to stop them. At this rate white people will be forced to re-name themselves Kunta Kinte under threat of beating in about 20 years, and social justice warriors will film it for pay-per-view.

Dude, you are beyond hilarious. Frankly I do not personally care if you are white, brown, yellow or somewhere in between. I have no desire for personal racial conflict with you people or anyone else, but you can rest assured that the younger generation of my family is being taught to see the signs of aggression.....and NO, I do not mean "night rider's" or cross burning, toothless, beer guzzling, cretins.

I can recall my own grandfather when he was nearly 70 being referred to as "boy" by some Klucker who was about your age.

The big difference between then and now is that back then, it was considered to be acceptable to refer to older black men as "boy" in order to demean and deny their adulthood.

I am not disputing that you are over 21 or that the law defines you as an adult.

I merely pointed out that there are some obvious indicators in your written words that lack maturity or evidence of much life experience.

If that hurts your feelings, then grow a thicker skin.

Besides that, if some stranger on an anonymous web site can visibly annoy you by not paying homage to your "manhood", you are way too fragile to assume a leadership role in any type of movement for change as you claim to aspire to.
White men of all ages are called "white boys" all the time, it is just what some people literally think is acceptable because society does NOTHING but encourage it( ESPN’s Rose apologizes for calling Gronkowski “white boy wasted” , Production Begins On "White Boy Rick" , )all the while teaching impressionable children that "microaggressions" are the worst thing ever.

If I don't fight shit like this, I sure as hell won't get anywhere on the bigger issues plaguing white people.

keep in mind the jenkem sniffing -60 IQ sub insects will not comprehend 1 word
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What's up peeps? So I am a 22 year old white guy.. I have been wondering for sometime what exactly white privilege is and what it means to have this thing called white privilege. I must admit that when I first heard this term it seemed almost a sarcstic slur and I was somewhat offended..like really? You are telling me I'm special and it makes me a bad person? I felt as if I was being targeted and blamed for having been born as a white man. Well to answer my own question yes and no...and not in the sense as i first took it.

Ok so first question i faced while trying to understand this is What does white privilege even mean? I have come to define it as- a society built upon white heritage and the sucess of a white person based off being white and the ignorance of this.

What do I mean? America was founded upon white religon..only focusing on the prosperity of this establishment. Even though America is a "free" country where you should experience these "freedoms" despite race, religion, and nationality the fact remains that it was founded and built around white religion and thus deems anything not of the nature as wrong in societies view. (Not going to indulge myself with the religion topic) Whether you realize this or not it happens on a day to day basis in America. For example maybe the black man had a better resume but you hired the white guy because he seemed "more professional" (subconscious: not black) ..it could be anything like this. The number of examples are endless to say the least. Now am I saying that all white people are born to be successful? Or that black people are born doomed to be failures? Umm no not at all in the end you will be as successful as you make yourself you have to put the time and energy into your goals to achieve them.

Knowingly or not, society in America has been built to favor white people. We (the white community) are ignorant to the fact of this white privilege..which in turn enables this to continue throughout the generations. Does this mean you are racist because you are ignorant to this? No, this just means nothing is being done to correct this in society. Becoming aware of this and implementing ways of fixing this is one of the many steps (in my opinion) in eliminating racism in America. Am I a bad person for being born white? No not at all, being a good or bad person is entirely up to ones self...while I may not be proud of the decisions and actions of some of my ancestors...I can't change the past. I can't change the fact that I am white. I can change the way I view things.

In conclusion I feel like this is a valid, existent issue in America. The first step in fixing this is realizing it exists..being self- aware. Next is raising awareness to it and finally change... Change..a law, an opinion, anything that essentially favors any one person or race. (Aiming the "change" thing outside of just white privilege alone)

If you made it this far sorry for the long post and thank you for taking the time to read it. I accept any and all opinions of my personal opinion. Please let me know your thoughts, agrees and disagrees.

Completely disagree. Asians do just fine in society, despite having actual long and heavily documented discrimination. If you really cared about discrimination, whether intended or unintended, you'd be looking into that. It's been going on for years, non of the social justice warriors have made a peep.

What laws are you proposing to change? FWI you've already reached your threshold for awareness.
What's up peeps? So I am a 22 year old white guy.. I have been wondering for sometime what exactly white privilege is and what it means to have this thing called white privilege. I must admit that when I first heard this term it seemed almost a sarcstic slur and I was somewhat offended..like really? You are telling me I'm special and it makes me a bad person? I felt as if I was being targeted and blamed for having been born as a white man. Well to answer my own question yes and no...and not in the sense as i first took it.

Ok so first question i faced while trying to understand this is What does white privilege even mean? I have come to define it as- a society built upon white heritage and the sucess of a white person based off being white and the ignorance of this.

What do I mean? America was founded upon white religon..only focusing on the prosperity of this establishment. Even though America is a "free" country where you should experience these "freedoms" despite race, religion, and nationality the fact remains that it was founded and built around white religion and thus deems anything not of the nature as wrong in societies view. (Not going to indulge myself with the religion topic) Whether you realize this or not it happens on a day to day basis in America. For example maybe the black man had a better resume but you hired the white guy because he seemed "more professional" (subconscious: not black) ..it could be anything like this. The number of examples are endless to say the least. Now am I saying that all white people are born to be successful? Or that black people are born doomed to be failures? Umm no not at all in the end you will be as successful as you make yourself you have to put the time and energy into your goals to achieve them.

Knowingly or not, society in America has been built to favor white people. We (the white community) are ignorant to the fact of this white privilege..which in turn enables this to continue throughout the generations. Does this mean you are racist because you are ignorant to this? No, this just means nothing is being done to correct this in society. Becoming aware of this and implementing ways of fixing this is one of the many steps (in my opinion) in eliminating racism in America. Am I a bad person for being born white? No not at all, being a good or bad person is entirely up to ones self...while I may not be proud of the decisions and actions of some of my ancestors...I can't change the past. I can't change the fact that I am white. I can change the way I view things.

In conclusion I feel like this is a valid, existent issue in America. The first step in fixing this is realizing it exists..being self- aware. Next is raising awareness to it and finally change... Change..a law, an opinion, anything that essentially favors any one person or race. (Aiming the "change" thing outside of just white privilege alone)

If you made it this far sorry for the long post and thank you for taking the time to read it. I accept any and all opinions of my personal opinion. Please let me know your thoughts, agrees and disagrees.

Assuming you're not just a computer generated algorithm, but also knowing for certain you're not a cognizant human being with an independent thought or critical analytical skills I can only recommend that you kill yourself.

You would have been aborted or starved to death if nature was left to do it's dirty work but in spite of the process of natural selection you've defied the odds.


What's up peeps? So I am a 22 year old white guy.. I have been wondering for sometime what exactly white privilege is and what it means to have this thing called white privilege. I must admit that when I first heard this term it seemed almost a sarcstic slur and I was somewhat offended..like really? You are telling me I'm special and it makes me a bad person? I felt as if I was being targeted and blamed for having been born as a white man. Well to answer my own question yes and no...and not in the sense as i first took it.

Ok so first question i faced while trying to understand this is What does white privilege even mean? I have come to define it as- a society built upon white heritage and the sucess of a white person based off being white and the ignorance of this.

What do I mean? America was founded upon white religon..only focusing on the prosperity of this establishment. Even though America is a "free" country where you should experience these "freedoms" despite race, religion, and nationality the fact remains that it was founded and built around white religion and thus deems anything not of the nature as wrong in societies view. (Not going to indulge myself with the religion topic) Whether you realize this or not it happens on a day to day basis in America. For example maybe the black man had a better resume but you hired the white guy because he seemed "more professional" (subconscious: not black) ..it could be anything like this. The number of examples are endless to say the least. Now am I saying that all white people are born to be successful? Or that black people are born doomed to be failures? Umm no not at all in the end you will be as successful as you make yourself you have to put the time and energy into your goals to achieve them.

Knowingly or not, society in America has been built to favor white people. We (the white community) are ignorant to the fact of this white privilege..which in turn enables this to continue throughout the generations. Does this mean you are racist because you are ignorant to this? No, this just means nothing is being done to correct this in society. Becoming aware of this and implementing ways of fixing this is one of the many steps (in my opinion) in eliminating racism in America. Am I a bad person for being born white? No not at all, being a good or bad person is entirely up to ones self...while I may not be proud of the decisions and actions of some of my ancestors...I can't change the past. I can't change the fact that I am white. I can change the way I view things.

In conclusion I feel like this is a valid, existent issue in America. The first step in fixing this is realizing it exists..being self- aware. Next is raising awareness to it and finally change... Change..a law, an opinion, anything that essentially favors any one person or race. (Aiming the "change" thing outside of just white privilege alone)

If you made it this far sorry for the long post and thank you for taking the time to read it. I accept any and all opinions of my personal opinion. Please let me know your thoughts, agrees and disagrees.

Assuming you're not just a computer generated algorithm, but also knowing for certain you're not a cognizant human being with an independent thought or critical analytical skills I can only recommend that you kill yourself.

You would have been aborted or starved to death if nature was left to do it's dirty work but in spite of the process of natural selection you've defied the odds.


View attachment 120108

This is def a bot. It's pretty clearly scripted, and it seems like scripted by 38 year old, not a 22 year old. Who the duck has the time for this?
What's up peeps? So I am a 22 year old white guy.. I have been wondering for sometime what exactly white privilege is and what it means to have this thing called white privilege. I must admit that when I first heard this term it seemed almost a sarcstic slur and I was somewhat offended..like really? You are telling me I'm special and it makes me a bad person? I felt as if I was being targeted and blamed for having been born as a white man. Well to answer my own question yes and no...and not in the sense as i first took it.

Ok so first question i faced while trying to understand this is What does white privilege even mean? I have come to define it as- a society built upon white heritage and the sucess of a white person based off being white and the ignorance of this.

What do I mean? America was founded upon white religon..only focusing on the prosperity of this establishment. Even though America is a "free" country where you should experience these "freedoms" despite race, religion, and nationality the fact remains that it was founded and built around white religion and thus deems anything not of the nature as wrong in societies view. (Not going to indulge myself with the religion topic) Whether you realize this or not it happens on a day to day basis in America. For example maybe the black man had a better resume but you hired the white guy because he seemed "more professional" (subconscious: not black) ..it could be anything like this. The number of examples are endless to say the least. Now am I saying that all white people are born to be successful? Or that black people are born doomed to be failures? Umm no not at all in the end you will be as successful as you make yourself you have to put the time and energy into your goals to achieve them.

Knowingly or not, society in America has been built to favor white people. We (the white community) are ignorant to the fact of this white privilege..which in turn enables this to continue throughout the generations. Does this mean you are racist because you are ignorant to this? No, this just means nothing is being done to correct this in society. Becoming aware of this and implementing ways of fixing this is one of the many steps (in my opinion) in eliminating racism in America. Am I a bad person for being born white? No not at all, being a good or bad person is entirely up to ones self...while I may not be proud of the decisions and actions of some of my ancestors...I can't change the past. I can't change the fact that I am white. I can change the way I view things.

In conclusion I feel like this is a valid, existent issue in America. The first step in fixing this is realizing it exists..being self- aware. Next is raising awareness to it and finally change... Change..a law, an opinion, anything that essentially favors any one person or race. (Aiming the "change" thing outside of just white privilege alone)

If you made it this far sorry for the long post and thank you for taking the time to read it. I accept any and all opinions of my personal opinion. Please let me know your thoughts, agrees and disagrees.

No one likes to think that they are getting some sort of unearned advantage in this life...especially when life seems difficult enough.

But you're correct; white privilege is a fact of our lives, and it's just a thumb on the scales of success. Recognizing it is the first, and I think, hardest step, because of the pure defensiveness like you've seen on this thread.
What's up peeps? So I am a 22 year old white guy.. I have been wondering for sometime what exactly white privilege is and what it means to have this thing called white privilege. I must admit that when I first heard this term it seemed almost a sarcstic slur and I was somewhat offended..like really? You are telling me I'm special and it makes me a bad person? I felt as if I was being targeted and blamed for having been born as a white man. Well to answer my own question yes and no...and not in the sense as i first took it.

Ok so first question i faced while trying to understand this is What does white privilege even mean? I have come to define it as- a society built upon white heritage and the sucess of a white person based off being white and the ignorance of this.

What do I mean? America was founded upon white religon..only focusing on the prosperity of this establishment. Even though America is a "free" country where you should experience these "freedoms" despite race, religion, and nationality the fact remains that it was founded and built around white religion and thus deems anything not of the nature as wrong in societies view. (Not going to indulge myself with the religion topic) Whether you realize this or not it happens on a day to day basis in America. For example maybe the black man had a better resume but you hired the white guy because he seemed "more professional" (subconscious: not black) ..it could be anything like this. The number of examples are endless to say the least. Now am I saying that all white people are born to be successful? Or that black people are born doomed to be failures? Umm no not at all in the end you will be as successful as you make yourself you have to put the time and energy into your goals to achieve them.

Knowingly or not, society in America has been built to favor white people. We (the white community) are ignorant to the fact of this white privilege..which in turn enables this to continue throughout the generations. Does this mean you are racist because you are ignorant to this? No, this just means nothing is being done to correct this in society. Becoming aware of this and implementing ways of fixing this is one of the many steps (in my opinion) in eliminating racism in America. Am I a bad person for being born white? No not at all, being a good or bad person is entirely up to ones self...while I may not be proud of the decisions and actions of some of my ancestors...I can't change the past. I can't change the fact that I am white. I can change the way I view things.

In conclusion I feel like this is a valid, existent issue in America. The first step in fixing this is realizing it exists..being self- aware. Next is raising awareness to it and finally change... Change..a law, an opinion, anything that essentially favors any one person or race. (Aiming the "change" thing outside of just white privilege alone)

If you made it this far sorry for the long post and thank you for taking the time to read it. I accept any and all opinions of my personal opinion. Please let me know your thoughts, agrees and disagrees.

No one likes to think that they are getting some sort of unearned advantage in this life...especially when life seems difficult enough.

But you're correct; white privilege is a fact of our lives, and it's just a thumb on the scales of success. Recognizing it is the first, and I think, hardest step, because of the pure defensiveness like you've seen on this thread.
White privilege is pure nonsense made up by bigots and idiots who don't know how to actually understand society and instead make up insane and asinine theories.

What you call "defensiveness" is literally a rebuttal to the entire notion of "white privilege", and you are too pathetic to even be defensive in response.
What's up peeps? So I am a 22 year old white guy.. I have been wondering for sometime what exactly white privilege is and what it means to have this thing called white privilege. I must admit that when I first heard this term it seemed almost a sarcstic slur and I was somewhat offended..like really? You are telling me I'm special and it makes me a bad person? I felt as if I was being targeted and blamed for having been born as a white man. Well to answer my own question yes and no...and not in the sense as i first took it.

Ok so first question i faced while trying to understand this is What does white privilege even mean? I have come to define it as- a society built upon white heritage and the sucess of a white person based off being white and the ignorance of this.

What do I mean? America was founded upon white religon..only focusing on the prosperity of this establishment. Even though America is a "free" country where you should experience these "freedoms" despite race, religion, and nationality the fact remains that it was founded and built around white religion and thus deems anything not of the nature as wrong in societies view. (Not going to indulge myself with the religion topic) Whether you realize this or not it happens on a day to day basis in America. For example maybe the black man had a better resume but you hired the white guy because he seemed "more professional" (subconscious: not black) ..it could be anything like this. The number of examples are endless to say the least. Now am I saying that all white people are born to be successful? Or that black people are born doomed to be failures? Umm no not at all in the end you will be as successful as you make yourself you have to put the time and energy into your goals to achieve them.

Knowingly or not, society in America has been built to favor white people. We (the white community) are ignorant to the fact of this white privilege..which in turn enables this to continue throughout the generations. Does this mean you are racist because you are ignorant to this? No, this just means nothing is being done to correct this in society. Becoming aware of this and implementing ways of fixing this is one of the many steps (in my opinion) in eliminating racism in America. Am I a bad person for being born white? No not at all, being a good or bad person is entirely up to ones self...while I may not be proud of the decisions and actions of some of my ancestors...I can't change the past. I can't change the fact that I am white. I can change the way I view things.

In conclusion I feel like this is a valid, existent issue in America. The first step in fixing this is realizing it exists..being self- aware. Next is raising awareness to it and finally change... Change..a law, an opinion, anything that essentially favors any one person or race. (Aiming the "change" thing outside of just white privilege alone)

If you made it this far sorry for the long post and thank you for taking the time to read it. I accept any and all opinions of my personal opinion. Please let me know your thoughts, agrees and disagrees.

No one likes to think that they are getting some sort of unearned advantage in this life...especially when life seems difficult enough.

But you're correct; white privilege is a fact of our lives, and it's just a thumb on the scales of success. Recognizing it is the first, and I think, hardest step, because of the pure defensiveness like you've seen on this thread.
White privilege is pure nonsense made up by bigots and idiots who don't know how to actually understand society and instead make up insane and asinine theories.

What you call "defensiveness" is literally a rebuttal to the entire notion of "white privilege", and you are too pathetic to even be defensive in response.

Why should I be defensive? I am presenting a reality, as is the OP, and you are throwing a tantrum.
What's up peeps? So I am a 22 year old white guy.. I have been wondering for sometime what exactly white privilege is and what it means to have this thing called white privilege. I must admit that when I first heard this term it seemed almost a sarcstic slur and I was somewhat offended..like really? You are telling me I'm special and it makes me a bad person? I felt as if I was being targeted and blamed for having been born as a white man. Well to answer my own question yes and no...and not in the sense as i first took it.

Ok so first question i faced while trying to understand this is What does white privilege even mean? I have come to define it as- a society built upon white heritage and the sucess of a white person based off being white and the ignorance of this.

What do I mean? America was founded upon white religon..only focusing on the prosperity of this establishment. Even though America is a "free" country where you should experience these "freedoms" despite race, religion, and nationality the fact remains that it was founded and built around white religion and thus deems anything not of the nature as wrong in societies view. (Not going to indulge myself with the religion topic) Whether you realize this or not it happens on a day to day basis in America. For example maybe the black man had a better resume but you hired the white guy because he seemed "more professional" (subconscious: not black) ..it could be anything like this. The number of examples are endless to say the least. Now am I saying that all white people are born to be successful? Or that black people are born doomed to be failures? Umm no not at all in the end you will be as successful as you make yourself you have to put the time and energy into your goals to achieve them.

Knowingly or not, society in America has been built to favor white people. We (the white community) are ignorant to the fact of this white privilege..which in turn enables this to continue throughout the generations. Does this mean you are racist because you are ignorant to this? No, this just means nothing is being done to correct this in society. Becoming aware of this and implementing ways of fixing this is one of the many steps (in my opinion) in eliminating racism in America. Am I a bad person for being born white? No not at all, being a good or bad person is entirely up to ones self...while I may not be proud of the decisions and actions of some of my ancestors...I can't change the past. I can't change the fact that I am white. I can change the way I view things.

In conclusion I feel like this is a valid, existent issue in America. The first step in fixing this is realizing it exists..being self- aware. Next is raising awareness to it and finally change... Change..a law, an opinion, anything that essentially favors any one person or race. (Aiming the "change" thing outside of just white privilege alone)

If you made it this far sorry for the long post and thank you for taking the time to read it. I accept any and all opinions of my personal opinion. Please let me know your thoughts, agrees and disagrees.

No one likes to think that they are getting some sort of unearned advantage in this life...especially when life seems difficult enough.

But you're correct; white privilege is a fact of our lives, and it's just a thumb on the scales of success. Recognizing it is the first, and I think, hardest step, because of the pure defensiveness like you've seen on this thread.
White privilege is pure nonsense made up by bigots and idiots who don't know how to actually understand society and instead make up insane and asinine theories.

What you call "defensiveness" is literally a rebuttal to the entire notion of "white privilege", and you are too pathetic to even be defensive in response.

Why should I be defensive? I am presenting a reality, as is the OP, and you are throwing a tantrum.
You are presenting Peggy McIntosh's tantrum as a reality.
What's up peeps? So I am a 22 year old white guy.. I have been wondering for sometime what exactly white privilege is and what it means to have this thing called white privilege. I must admit that when I first heard this term it seemed almost a sarcstic slur and I was somewhat offended..like really? You are telling me I'm special and it makes me a bad person? I felt as if I was being targeted and blamed for having been born as a white man. Well to answer my own question yes and no...and not in the sense as i first took it.

Ok so first question i faced while trying to understand this is What does white privilege even mean? I have come to define it as- a society built upon white heritage and the sucess of a white person based off being white and the ignorance of this.

What do I mean? America was founded upon white religon..only focusing on the prosperity of this establishment. Even though America is a "free" country where you should experience these "freedoms" despite race, religion, and nationality the fact remains that it was founded and built around white religion and thus deems anything not of the nature as wrong in societies view. (Not going to indulge myself with the religion topic) Whether you realize this or not it happens on a day to day basis in America. For example maybe the black man had a better resume but you hired the white guy because he seemed "more professional" (subconscious: not black) ..it could be anything like this. The number of examples are endless to say the least. Now am I saying that all white people are born to be successful? Or that black people are born doomed to be failures? Umm no not at all in the end you will be as successful as you make yourself you have to put the time and energy into your goals to achieve them.

Knowingly or not, society in America has been built to favor white people. We (the white community) are ignorant to the fact of this white privilege..which in turn enables this to continue throughout the generations. Does this mean you are racist because you are ignorant to this? No, this just means nothing is being done to correct this in society. Becoming aware of this and implementing ways of fixing this is one of the many steps (in my opinion) in eliminating racism in America. Am I a bad person for being born white? No not at all, being a good or bad person is entirely up to ones self...while I may not be proud of the decisions and actions of some of my ancestors...I can't change the past. I can't change the fact that I am white. I can change the way I view things.

In conclusion I feel like this is a valid, existent issue in America. The first step in fixing this is realizing it exists..being self- aware. Next is raising awareness to it and finally change... Change..a law, an opinion, anything that essentially favors any one person or race. (Aiming the "change" thing outside of just white privilege alone)

If you made it this far sorry for the long post and thank you for taking the time to read it. I accept any and all opinions of my personal opinion. Please let me know your thoughts, agrees and disagrees.

No one likes to think that they are getting some sort of unearned advantage in this life...especially when life seems difficult enough.

But you're correct; white privilege is a fact of our lives, and it's just a thumb on the scales of success. Recognizing it is the first, and I think, hardest step, because of the pure defensiveness like you've seen on this thread.
White privilege is pure nonsense made up by bigots and idiots who don't know how to actually understand society and instead make up insane and asinine theories.

What you call "defensiveness" is literally a rebuttal to the entire notion of "white privilege", and you are too pathetic to even be defensive in response.

Most people who ARE defensive become angry and agitated when people disagree with their point of view.

If you truly are going to fulfill your "calling" to "destroy those and their mentors" who you claim are marginalizing you poor, maligned white people, you will be a lot more effective in your mission if you learn how to not give in to immature tirades.
What's up peeps? So I am a 22 year old white guy.. I have been wondering for sometime what exactly white privilege is and what it means to have this thing called white privilege. I must admit that when I first heard this term it seemed almost a sarcstic slur and I was somewhat offended..like really? You are telling me I'm special and it makes me a bad person? I felt as if I was being targeted and blamed for having been born as a white man. Well to answer my own question yes and no...and not in the sense as i first took it.

Ok so first question i faced while trying to understand this is What does white privilege even mean? I have come to define it as- a society built upon white heritage and the sucess of a white person based off being white and the ignorance of this.

What do I mean? America was founded upon white religon..only focusing on the prosperity of this establishment. Even though America is a "free" country where you should experience these "freedoms" despite race, religion, and nationality the fact remains that it was founded and built around white religion and thus deems anything not of the nature as wrong in societies view. (Not going to indulge myself with the religion topic) Whether you realize this or not it happens on a day to day basis in America. For example maybe the black man had a better resume but you hired the white guy because he seemed "more professional" (subconscious: not black) ..it could be anything like this. The number of examples are endless to say the least. Now am I saying that all white people are born to be successful? Or that black people are born doomed to be failures? Umm no not at all in the end you will be as successful as you make yourself you have to put the time and energy into your goals to achieve them.

Knowingly or not, society in America has been built to favor white people. We (the white community) are ignorant to the fact of this white privilege..which in turn enables this to continue throughout the generations. Does this mean you are racist because you are ignorant to this? No, this just means nothing is being done to correct this in society. Becoming aware of this and implementing ways of fixing this is one of the many steps (in my opinion) in eliminating racism in America. Am I a bad person for being born white? No not at all, being a good or bad person is entirely up to ones self...while I may not be proud of the decisions and actions of some of my ancestors...I can't change the past. I can't change the fact that I am white. I can change the way I view things.

In conclusion I feel like this is a valid, existent issue in America. The first step in fixing this is realizing it exists..being self- aware. Next is raising awareness to it and finally change... Change..a law, an opinion, anything that essentially favors any one person or race. (Aiming the "change" thing outside of just white privilege alone)

If you made it this far sorry for the long post and thank you for taking the time to read it. I accept any and all opinions of my personal opinion. Please let me know your thoughts, agrees and disagrees.

No one likes to think that they are getting some sort of unearned advantage in this life...especially when life seems difficult enough.

But you're correct; white privilege is a fact of our lives, and it's just a thumb on the scales of success. Recognizing it is the first, and I think, hardest step, because of the pure defensiveness like you've seen on this thread.
White privilege is pure nonsense made up by bigots and idiots who don't know how to actually understand society and instead make up insane and asinine theories.

What you call "defensiveness" is literally a rebuttal to the entire notion of "white privilege", and you are too pathetic to even be defensive in response.

Most people who ARE defensive become angry and agitated when people disagree with their point of view.

If you truly are going to fulfill your "calling" to "destroy those and their mentors" who you claim are marginalizing you poor, maligned white people, you will be a lot more effective in your mission if you learn how to not give in to immature tirades.
"White privilege" theory is an immature tirade.
Fear the likes of you? Get fucking real dude. This is an anonymous message board that is pure entertainment, but every now and then it is possible to encounter a fool who takes this nonsense personally.

Since you are so obsessed with political leanings, I have seen the Democratic Party as well as the Republican party for what they are and what they mean to me and the family that I care about, and frankly, they are both ineffective as it relates to what is needed by people who happen to inhabit predominately black communities.

Now, as far as YOU go, there is no need for you try to convince me of how mature you happen to THINK that you "appear" to be, because I see you for what you truly are, just like I often see through the weak facades of far more intelligent and exceedingly more diabolical individuals than the likes of you. Your M.O. is to work yourself into a foaming at the mouth rabid frenzy over what you think is a universal "anti white" agenda. That's what you feed off of and that's what justifies your "poor little white boy" message bosrd tirades.

The most that you will get me to share is that what I really hope for everyday is that my grandchildren remember that I warned them about those like you.

The ones with a fragile ego, demoralized, with a sense of being the unfortunate victim of any success by any non white individual.

You are no different than Dylan Roof, or any other white supremacist nutjob on Stormfront, Aryan Resistence or any of those other azz clown sites, so don't confuse what you think is intelligence with short term control of an internalized psychosis and compromised self esteem.

You have just not completed your metamorphosis from just BEING angry to ACTING on your internalized rage.

You're not anyone special, you are far more typical than you would like to believe.

You couldn't be more wrong in your attempt to psycho-analyze me if you tried. I am actually one of the most carefree individuals you will ever meet, but the world is simply just too fucked up for me to justify that attitude any longer, and unlike other millennials I actually possess enough intelligence to realize this. Your grandchildren are in for a prelude to the first circle of hell regardless of what I(will)do, and it is absolutely criminal for you to teach them that somehow the only way that will ever actually happen is if the "night riders" become a thing again.

You think I obsess over political leanings and parties because you can afford to decide that both parties don't suit YOUR needs, but as a white millenial who is racially aware, I don't have that choice. Democrats are 100% anti-white, and white people will literally not be able to live as freely as they do now if Democrats and their Canadian/Australian/European counterparts aren't destroyed very soon.

By the way, I can clearly tell from all of your posts that it is actually you who is unstable and afraid of the status quo changing. You think that cuckold metrosexual males are the new norm for white men and white masculinity, but you can sense from my posts that I am indeed an exception that you fear might spread. You know that I am indeed much more intelligent than a moron walking around in white sheets or a horrible bowl cut, but you have no choice but to keep up the charade hoping I disappear somehow.

If you are really hoping I somehow snap, you would have to have figured out by now that I have been very angry for almost a 1/3rd of my life now about a multitude of things. If I was going to go out like Roof, I would have done it before Roof even graduated high school and discovered crack.

If I do decide to become more militant with my white activism, I will make damn sure my enemies are permanently crippled. I would certainly never allow the media and the Democrats to run a campaign to further destroy white culture and history because I decided to do something that even the most radical members of Stormfront can't reconcile with.

Drugs really are the only reason why Roof decided to shoot up a church to further his supposed cause, and I have never even thought about doing any kind of drugs. Sorry, but "white boys" are not predisposed to become mass murders after they get legitimately infuriated.

That was an EPIC FAIL at deflecting and tap dancing. Very wordy but without any substance....more like a defense of something non existent or even worse, personal denial that there is in fact a problem that is likely imagined. I would not waste any time or effort in psychoanalysis of what plaugues you, because it is clearly obvious.

Speaking for myself, If I was ever going to be "unstable" it would have been many decades ago when the worst of bigotry and backward, prejudice was a hallmark of American culture.

But I decided long ago, that the best revenge was to live well, be unsympathetic towards those wishing the worst on me and my family and above all, not be caught in a compromising situation that would enable racist scum to use me as an example.

So no, you do not invoke anything in me except amusement.

Mainly due to how you have convinced yourself that you and your ilk are somehow under siege.

You've never sat in the back of a bus as mandated by law nor have you been refused service in a public establishment based on your race.

You have never watched your elders cower in fear publicly or refer to someone many years younger than them as "sir or ma'am" because it was expected if not demanded.

So I cannot help but chuckle at your insistence that you are somehow marginalized.

Truthfully, I don't hope that you snap, because mass shooters always harm people who are better than they are..but I will say that your ramblings are reminiscent of some of the rhetoric left behind by some of the recent mass shooters who have been apprehended after losing their grip on reality.

That being said, good luck in whatever cause it is that you think you are a self appointed crusader for. I count myself and mine as fortunate that you are far away down there in Kentucky.

Do you even understand what "irony" is?

You are literally calling a fully matured man, a "boy" because it is 100% acceptable in a supposedly "politically correct" and "tolerant" society to call full grown white men a "boy" AND expect white men to just take that while you pretend that is THEY who are the potential bigots that need to be trained to accept people different from themselves. YOU just proved how right I am without any effort on my part, and you are likely too stupid to even realize it.

The evil that white people are subjected to is actually on a whole new level from anything your ancestors went through, because now the racists and segregationists are "progressive" and are propagated by the mass media as morally superior to the egalitarian opposition trying to stop them. At this rate white people will be forced to re-name themselves Kunta Kinte under threat of beating in about 20 years, and social justice warriors will film it for pay-per-view.

Dude, you are beyond hilarious. Frankly I do not personally care if you are white, brown, yellow or somewhere in between. I have no desire for personal racial conflict with you people or anyone else, but you can rest assured that the younger generation of my family is being taught to see the signs of aggression.....and NO, I do not mean "night rider's" or cross burning, toothless, beer guzzling, cretins.

I can recall my own grandfather when he was nearly 70 being referred to as "boy" by some Klucker who was about your age.

The big difference between then and now is that back then, it was considered to be acceptable to refer to older black men as "boy" in order to demean and deny their adulthood.

I am not disputing that you are over 21 or that the law defines you as an adult.

I merely pointed out that there are some obvious indicators in your written words that lack maturity or evidence of much life experience.

If that hurts your feelings, then grow a thicker skin.

Besides that, if some stranger on an anonymous web site can visibly annoy you by not paying homage to your "manhood", you are way too fragile to assume a leadership role in any type of movement for change as you claim to aspire to.

White men of all ages are called "white boys" all the time, it is just what some people literally think is acceptable because society does NOTHING but encourage it( ESPN’s Rose apologizes for calling Gronkowski “white boy wasted” , Production Begins On "White Boy Rick" , )all the while teaching impressionable children that "microaggressions" are the worst thing ever.

If I don't fight shit like this, I sure as hell won't get anywhere on the bigger issues plaguing white people.

Lol. Issues like what? The opioid epidemic? Suicide? Or the large scale worldwide plot by non whites to undermine the manhood of white males by occasionally referring to some of them as "boys"?

Fear the likes of you? Get fucking real dude. This is an anonymous message board that is pure entertainment, but every now and then it is possible to encounter a fool who takes this nonsense personally.

Since you are so obsessed with political leanings, I have seen the Democratic Party as well as the Republican party for what they are and what they mean to me and the family that I care about, and frankly, they are both ineffective as it relates to what is needed by people who happen to inhabit predominately black communities.

Now, as far as YOU go, there is no need for you try to convince me of how mature you happen to THINK that you "appear" to be, because I see you for what you truly are, just like I often see through the weak facades of far more intelligent and exceedingly more diabolical individuals than the likes of you. Your M.O. is to work yourself into a foaming at the mouth rabid frenzy over what you think is a universal "anti white" agenda. That's what you feed off of and that's what justifies your "poor little white boy" message bosrd tirades.

The most that you will get me to share is that what I really hope for everyday is that my grandchildren remember that I warned them about those like you.

The ones with a fragile ego, demoralized, with a sense of being the unfortunate victim of any success by any non white individual.

You are no different than Dylan Roof, or any other white supremacist nutjob on Stormfront, Aryan Resistence or any of those other azz clown sites, so don't confuse what you think is intelligence with short term control of an internalized psychosis and compromised self esteem.

You have just not completed your metamorphosis from just BEING angry to ACTING on your internalized rage.

You're not anyone special, you are far more typical than you would like to believe.

You couldn't be more wrong in your attempt to psycho-analyze me if you tried. I am actually one of the most carefree individuals you will ever meet, but the world is simply just too fucked up for me to justify that attitude any longer, and unlike other millennials I actually possess enough intelligence to realize this. Your grandchildren are in for a prelude to the first circle of hell regardless of what I(will)do, and it is absolutely criminal for you to teach them that somehow the only way that will ever actually happen is if the "night riders" become a thing again.

You think I obsess over political leanings and parties because you can afford to decide that both parties don't suit YOUR needs, but as a white millenial who is racially aware, I don't have that choice. Democrats are 100% anti-white, and white people will literally not be able to live as freely as they do now if Democrats and their Canadian/Australian/European counterparts aren't destroyed very soon.

By the way, I can clearly tell from all of your posts that it is actually you who is unstable and afraid of the status quo changing. You think that cuckold metrosexual males are the new norm for white men and white masculinity, but you can sense from my posts that I am indeed an exception that you fear might spread. You know that I am indeed much more intelligent than a moron walking around in white sheets or a horrible bowl cut, but you have no choice but to keep up the charade hoping I disappear somehow.

If you are really hoping I somehow snap, you would have to have figured out by now that I have been very angry for almost a 1/3rd of my life now about a multitude of things. If I was going to go out like Roof, I would have done it before Roof even graduated high school and discovered crack.

If I do decide to become more militant with my white activism, I will make damn sure my enemies are permanently crippled. I would certainly never allow the media and the Democrats to run a campaign to further destroy white culture and history because I decided to do something that even the most radical members of Stormfront can't reconcile with.

Drugs really are the only reason why Roof decided to shoot up a church to further his supposed cause, and I have never even thought about doing any kind of drugs. Sorry, but "white boys" are not predisposed to become mass murders after they get legitimately infuriated.

That was an EPIC FAIL at deflecting and tap dancing. Very wordy but without any substance....more like a defense of something non existent or even worse, personal denial that there is in fact a problem that is likely imagined. I would not waste any time or effort in psychoanalysis of what plaugues you, because it is clearly obvious.

Speaking for myself, If I was ever going to be "unstable" it would have been many decades ago when the worst of bigotry and backward, prejudice was a hallmark of American culture.

But I decided long ago, that the best revenge was to live well, be unsympathetic towards those wishing the worst on me and my family and above all, not be caught in a compromising situation that would enable racist scum to use me as an example.

So no, you do not invoke anything in me except amusement.

Mainly due to how you have convinced yourself that you and your ilk are somehow under siege.

You've never sat in the back of a bus as mandated by law nor have you been refused service in a public establishment based on your race.

You have never watched your elders cower in fear publicly or refer to someone many years younger than them as "sir or ma'am" because it was expected if not demanded.

So I cannot help but chuckle at your insistence that you are somehow marginalized.

Truthfully, I don't hope that you snap, because mass shooters always harm people who are better than they are..but I will say that your ramblings are reminiscent of some of the rhetoric left behind by some of the recent mass shooters who have been apprehended after losing their grip on reality.

That being said, good luck in whatever cause it is that you think you are a self appointed crusader for. I count myself and mine as fortunate that you are far away down there in Kentucky.

Do you even understand what "irony" is?

You are literally calling a fully matured man, a "boy" because it is 100% acceptable in a supposedly "politically correct" and "tolerant" society to call full grown white men a "boy" AND expect white men to just take that while you pretend that is THEY who are the potential bigots that need to be trained to accept people different from themselves. YOU just proved how right I am without any effort on my part, and you are likely too stupid to even realize it.

The evil that white people are subjected to is actually on a whole new level from anything your ancestors went through, because now the racists and segregationists are "progressive" and are propagated by the mass media as morally superior to the egalitarian opposition trying to stop them. At this rate white people will be forced to re-name themselves Kunta Kinte under threat of beating in about 20 years, and social justice warriors will film it for pay-per-view.

Dude, you are beyond hilarious. Frankly I do not personally care if you are white, brown, yellow or somewhere in between. I have no desire for personal racial conflict with you people or anyone else, but you can rest assured that the younger generation of my family is being taught to see the signs of aggression.....and NO, I do not mean "night rider's" or cross burning, toothless, beer guzzling, cretins.

I can recall my own grandfather when he was nearly 70 being referred to as "boy" by some Klucker who was about your age.

The big difference between then and now is that back then, it was considered to be acceptable to refer to older black men as "boy" in order to demean and deny their adulthood.

I am not disputing that you are over 21 or that the law defines you as an adult.

I merely pointed out that there are some obvious indicators in your written words that lack maturity or evidence of much life experience.

If that hurts your feelings, then grow a thicker skin.

Besides that, if some stranger on an anonymous web site can visibly annoy you by not paying homage to your "manhood", you are way too fragile to assume a leadership role in any type of movement for change as you claim to aspire to.
White men of all ages are called "white boys" all the time, it is just what some people literally think is acceptable because society does NOTHING but encourage it( ESPN’s Rose apologizes for calling Gronkowski “white boy wasted” , Production Begins On "White Boy Rick" , )all the while teaching impressionable children that "microaggressions" are the worst thing ever.

If I don't fight shit like this, I sure as hell won't get anywhere on the bigger issues plaguing white people.

Well, you've got your work out for you.

And just how do you propose to stamp out this "pervasive, insidious" marginalizing of you poor maligned "white boys"?

Especially considering that there are NO LAWS in effect in America that make it legal for you to be assigned to second class citizenship?

You know...the kind of laws that were ACTUALLY in effect during the pre 1965 era?

Or do you believe that was all a hoax and never happened?
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nobody gets to choose their skin color, except maybe Michael Jackson or that nutter Dolezal.

I'm tired of affirmative action, safe spaces, genderless humans, microaggressions and a variety of other nuttery that has been loosed upon us by the hyper-oversensitive segment of the left. I'm also tired of the race baiters who have as their stock in trade continuing to define and perpetuate divisions between races for their own gain. Combine the two and what do you get?

Well, you get "White Privelege" the hybrid bastard child of both of those groups.

Each one of those things (well, most...."genderless humans" seems like an anomaly) is a response to white privilege, not a cause of it. They are imperfect, and sometimes, counterproductive, responses, but their very existence is evidence that white privilege is a real thing, or no one would respond to the need for affirmative action, safe spaces, etc.
What's up peeps? So I am a 22 year old white guy.. I have been wondering for sometime what exactly white privilege is and what it means to have this thing called white privilege. I must admit that when I first heard this term it seemed almost a sarcstic slur and I was somewhat offended..like really? You are telling me I'm special and it makes me a bad person? I felt as if I was being targeted and blamed for having been born as a white man. Well to answer my own question yes and no...and not in the sense as i first took it.

Ok so first question i faced while trying to understand this is What does white privilege even mean? I have come to define it as- a society built upon white heritage and the sucess of a white person based off being white and the ignorance of this.

What do I mean? America was founded upon white religon..only focusing on the prosperity of this establishment. Even though America is a "free" country where you should experience these "freedoms" despite race, religion, and nationality the fact remains that it was founded and built around white religion and thus deems anything not of the nature as wrong in societies view. (Not going to indulge myself with the religion topic) Whether you realize this or not it happens on a day to day basis in America. For example maybe the black man had a better resume but you hired the white guy because he seemed "more professional" (subconscious: not black) ..it could be anything like this. The number of examples are endless to say the least. Now am I saying that all white people are born to be successful? Or that black people are born doomed to be failures? Umm no not at all in the end you will be as successful as you make yourself you have to put the time and energy into your goals to achieve them.

Knowingly or not, society in America has been built to favor white people. We (the white community) are ignorant to the fact of this white privilege..which in turn enables this to continue throughout the generations. Does this mean you are racist because you are ignorant to this? No, this just means nothing is being done to correct this in society. Becoming aware of this and implementing ways of fixing this is one of the many steps (in my opinion) in eliminating racism in America. Am I a bad person for being born white? No not at all, being a good or bad person is entirely up to ones self...while I may not be proud of the decisions and actions of some of my ancestors...I can't change the past. I can't change the fact that I am white. I can change the way I view things.

In conclusion I feel like this is a valid, existent issue in America. The first step in fixing this is realizing it exists..being self- aware. Next is raising awareness to it and finally change... Change..a law, an opinion, anything that essentially favors any one person or race. (Aiming the "change" thing outside of just white privilege alone)

If you made it this far sorry for the long post and thank you for taking the time to read it. I accept any and all opinions of my personal opinion. Please let me know your thoughts, agrees and disagrees.

No one likes to think that they are getting some sort of unearned advantage in this life...especially when life seems difficult enough.

But you're correct; white privilege is a fact of our lives, and it's just a thumb on the scales of success. Recognizing it is the first, and I think, hardest step, because of the pure defensiveness like you've seen on this thread.
White privilege is pure nonsense made up by bigots and idiots who don't know how to actually understand society and instead make up insane and asinine theories.

What you call "defensiveness" is literally a rebuttal to the entire notion of "white privilege", and you are too pathetic to even be defensive in response.

Most people who ARE defensive become angry and agitated when people disagree with their point of view.

If you truly are going to fulfill your "calling" to "destroy those and their mentors" who you claim are marginalizing you poor, maligned white people, you will be a lot more effective in your mission if you learn how to not give in to immature tirades.
"White privilege" theory is an immature tirade.

And the reaction it gets from impressionable little guys like you is hilarious.
What's up peeps? So I am a 22 year old white guy.. I have been wondering for sometime what exactly white privilege is and what it means to have this thing called white privilege. I must admit that when I first heard this term it seemed almost a sarcstic slur and I was somewhat offended..like really? You are telling me I'm special and it makes me a bad person? I felt as if I was being targeted and blamed for having been born as a white man. Well to answer my own question yes and no...and not in the sense as i first took it.

Ok so first question i faced while trying to understand this is What does white privilege even mean? I have come to define it as- a society built upon white heritage and the sucess of a white person based off being white and the ignorance of this.

What do I mean? America was founded upon white religon..only focusing on the prosperity of this establishment. Even though America is a "free" country where you should experience these "freedoms" despite race, religion, and nationality the fact remains that it was founded and built around white religion and thus deems anything not of the nature as wrong in societies view. (Not going to indulge myself with the religion topic) Whether you realize this or not it happens on a day to day basis in America. For example maybe the black man had a better resume but you hired the white guy because he seemed "more professional" (subconscious: not black) ..it could be anything like this. The number of examples are endless to say the least. Now am I saying that all white people are born to be successful? Or that black people are born doomed to be failures? Umm no not at all in the end you will be as successful as you make yourself you have to put the time and energy into your goals to achieve them.

Knowingly or not, society in America has been built to favor white people. We (the white community) are ignorant to the fact of this white privilege..which in turn enables this to continue throughout the generations. Does this mean you are racist because you are ignorant to this? No, this just means nothing is being done to correct this in society. Becoming aware of this and implementing ways of fixing this is one of the many steps (in my opinion) in eliminating racism in America. Am I a bad person for being born white? No not at all, being a good or bad person is entirely up to ones self...while I may not be proud of the decisions and actions of some of my ancestors...I can't change the past. I can't change the fact that I am white. I can change the way I view things.

In conclusion I feel like this is a valid, existent issue in America. The first step in fixing this is realizing it exists..being self- aware. Next is raising awareness to it and finally change... Change..a law, an opinion, anything that essentially favors any one person or race. (Aiming the "change" thing outside of just white privilege alone)

If you made it this far sorry for the long post and thank you for taking the time to read it. I accept any and all opinions of my personal opinion. Please let me know your thoughts, agrees and disagrees.

No one likes to think that they are getting some sort of unearned advantage in this life...especially when life seems difficult enough.

But you're correct; white privilege is a fact of our lives, and it's just a thumb on the scales of success. Recognizing it is the first, and I think, hardest step, because of the pure defensiveness like you've seen on this thread.
White privilege is pure nonsense made up by bigots and idiots who don't know how to actually understand society and instead make up insane and asinine theories.

What you call "defensiveness" is literally a rebuttal to the entire notion of "white privilege", and you are too pathetic to even be defensive in response.

Most people who ARE defensive become angry and agitated when people disagree with their point of view.

If you truly are going to fulfill your "calling" to "destroy those and their mentors" who you claim are marginalizing you poor, maligned white people, you will be a lot more effective in your mission if you learn how to not give in to immature tirades.
"White privilege" theory is an immature tirade.

Your own vehement objection to its existence, gives the "theory" credibility and could cause some to believe that you have been the beneficiary of it.
What's up peeps? So I am a 22 year old white guy.. I have been wondering for sometime what exactly white privilege is and what it means to have this thing called white privilege. I must admit that when I first heard this term it seemed almost a sarcstic slur and I was somewhat offended..like really? You are telling me I'm special and it makes me a bad person? I felt as if I was being targeted and blamed for having been born as a white man. Well to answer my own question yes and no...and not in the sense as i first took it.

Ok so first question i faced while trying to understand this is What does white privilege even mean? I have come to define it as- a society built upon white heritage and the sucess of a white person based off being white and the ignorance of this.

What do I mean? America was founded upon white religon..only focusing on the prosperity of this establishment. Even though America is a "free" country where you should experience these "freedoms" despite race, religion, and nationality the fact remains that it was founded and built around white religion and thus deems anything not of the nature as wrong in societies view. (Not going to indulge myself with the religion topic) Whether you realize this or not it happens on a day to day basis in America. For example maybe the black man had a better resume but you hired the white guy because he seemed "more professional" (subconscious: not black) ..it could be anything like this. The number of examples are endless to say the least. Now am I saying that all white people are born to be successful? Or that black people are born doomed to be failures? Umm no not at all in the end you will be as successful as you make yourself you have to put the time and energy into your goals to achieve them.

Knowingly or not, society in America has been built to favor white people. We (the white community) are ignorant to the fact of this white privilege..which in turn enables this to continue throughout the generations. Does this mean you are racist because you are ignorant to this? No, this just means nothing is being done to correct this in society. Becoming aware of this and implementing ways of fixing this is one of the many steps (in my opinion) in eliminating racism in America. Am I a bad person for being born white? No not at all, being a good or bad person is entirely up to ones self...while I may not be proud of the decisions and actions of some of my ancestors...I can't change the past. I can't change the fact that I am white. I can change the way I view things.

In conclusion I feel like this is a valid, existent issue in America. The first step in fixing this is realizing it exists..being self- aware. Next is raising awareness to it and finally change... Change..a law, an opinion, anything that essentially favors any one person or race. (Aiming the "change" thing outside of just white privilege alone)

If you made it this far sorry for the long post and thank you for taking the time to read it. I accept any and all opinions of my personal opinion. Please let me know your thoughts, agrees and disagrees.

No one likes to think that they are getting some sort of unearned advantage in this life...especially when life seems difficult enough.

But you're correct; white privilege is a fact of our lives, and it's just a thumb on the scales of success. Recognizing it is the first, and I think, hardest step, because of the pure defensiveness like you've seen on this thread.
White privilege is pure nonsense made up by bigots and idiots who don't know how to actually understand society and instead make up insane and asinine theories.

What you call "defensiveness" is literally a rebuttal to the entire notion of "white privilege", and you are too pathetic to even be defensive in response.

Most people who ARE defensive become angry and agitated when people disagree with their point of view.

If you truly are going to fulfill your "calling" to "destroy those and their mentors" who you claim are marginalizing you poor, maligned white people, you will be a lot more effective in your mission if you learn how to not give in to immature tirades.
"White privilege" theory is an immature tirade.

Your own vehement objection to its existence, gives the "theory" credibility and could cause some to believe that you have been the beneficiary of it.
Your logic is pretty terrible.

Dogma only dies once it is challenged.

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