White Privilege in American Society

Notice how this liberal, who lies about him being a rightwinger, is trying to give you misinformation, because he being a liberal is the true racist. We legal US citizens don't mind who comes to the US, we just want to have them come legally, while those liberals, want them to come illegally because since they(liberals) execute their born and unborn babies, their(liberal) population is declining so they must get new voters illegally. This is the TRUE RACISM, because without the vote, just like with blacks, Democrats don't give a shit about them. Then the liberals lie, by calling US the racists, just because we want LAWS to be followed. Thank you Rightwinger for making my point by using your MEME.

What in that cartoon is inaccurate?

It's pure utter bullshit. I'm Asian and I've accomplished more than most white people have, so what's your explanation for that, tard?

If you want to sit around feeling guilty about being born then I guess that's YOUR privilege. We have a word for people like that. It's cuck.

asian success is proof that there is no racism and white privilege.

cuck = brainwashed sissy

...One person does not account for an entire race...

You're right, one person does not represent an entire nation.

You should watch this short documentary I viewed today.

Tell me what you observe about the crowd of students at Yale that were so upset about freedom of speech and expression at Yale.

Does it seem to you that "white privilege" is still a thing in this day and age in America? Or maybe, just maybe, you have been conditioned to believe something that just isn't so?
Notice how this liberal, who lies about him being a rightwinger, is trying to give you misinformation, because he being a liberal is the true racist. We legal US citizens don't mind who comes to the US, we just want to have them come legally, while those liberals, want them to come illegally because since they(liberals) execute their born and unborn babies, their(liberal) population is declining so they must get new voters illegally. This is the TRUE RACISM, because without the vote, just like with blacks, Democrats don't give a shit about them. Then the liberals lie, by calling US the racists, just because we want LAWS to be followed. Thank you Rightwinger for making my point by using your MEME.

What in that cartoon is inaccurate?

It's pure utter bullshit. I'm Asian and I've accomplished more than most white people have, so what's your explanation for that, tard?

If you want to sit around feeling guilty about being born then I guess that's YOUR privilege. We have a word for people like that. It's cuck.

asian success is proof that there is no racism and white privilege.

cuck = brainwashed sissy

...One person does not account for an entire race...

You're right, one person does not represent an entire nation.

You should watch this short documentary I viewed today.

Tell me what you observe about the crowd of students at Yale that were so upset about freedom of speech and expression at Yale.

Does it seem to you that "white privilege" is still a thing in this day and age in America? Or maybe, just maybe, you have been conditioned to believe something that just isn't so?

This is not in my opinion an accurate representation of wp but more a bunch of children throwing a tantrum over nothing and casting the blame on them having wp.. which was not demonstrated at all..this happens alot but does not discredit its existence. also it's partially representing bp as there wasn't any repercussions in this event because of "hurt feelings" aka pulling the black card.. all of it is real in our society but black privilege is definitely escalating to unbelievable heights. Please also take note that I am not accusing an entire race of taking advantage of their privilege just that it exist and is in fact exploited on both sides
What in that cartoon is inaccurate?

It's pure utter bullshit. I'm Asian and I've accomplished more than most white people have, so what's your explanation for that, tard?

If you want to sit around feeling guilty about being born then I guess that's YOUR privilege. We have a word for people like that. It's cuck.

asian success is proof that there is no racism and white privilege.

cuck = brainwashed sissy

...One person does not account for an entire race...

You're right, one person does not represent an entire nation.

You should watch this short documentary I viewed today.

Tell me what you observe about the crowd of students at Yale that were so upset about freedom of speech and expression at Yale.

Does it seem to you that "white privilege" is still a thing in this day and age in America? Or maybe, just maybe, you have been conditioned to believe something that just isn't so?

This is not in my opinion an accurate representation of wp but more a bunch of children throwing a tantrum over nothing and casting the blame on them having wp.. which was not demonstrated at all..this happens alot but does not discredit its existence. also it's partially representing bp as there wasn't any repercussions in this event because of "hurt feelings" aka pulling the black card.. all of it is real in our society but black privilege is definitely escalating to unbelievable heights. Please also take note that I am not accusing an entire race of taking advantage of their privilege just that it exist and is in fact exploited on both sides

Nice, a fairly balanced POV. You can see then how mass media and government education, which is, after all, controlled by elites, has conditioned the masses to turn on each other, rather than the real root of the problem.

You may not believe this is an accurate portrayal of wp, but this is an elite institution, this is the heart of the debate, it all radiates out from there. This is the reason you believe what you do.

Your OP is but a mirror of the dogma which is taught from the cultural studies classes which were initially developed at these universities. I'm not saying there isn't some truth to this, but truth always has multi-facets. It always has several ways to be viewed when we look back at history. For now, in American culture, it is, for the elites, a battle to see how we shall view our past.

The elites have a plan for global socialism, are you joining their plan to help them with that?

I will grant a mylack of knowledge about your achievements. Surprise me. I know many of your generation who work hard and are worthy of admiration. You would be surprised (possibly) how open-minded I can be, given compelling, factual information to counter my opinions and beliefs. And yet, your protests as to my ignorance of your life entitle you to claim that I have accomplished nothing, not worked for and achieved my goals. I would be interested in how you came to that conclusion based on my posts.
I didn't say you haven't accomplished anything or that you are not successful I would never go on assuming something about someone I don't personally know but your responses have been stubborn and single minded. You refuse to accept the possibility thus refusing to change any opinion you already have on the matter

the concept of white privilege that you espouse claims that white people can only accomplish anything because of their skin color and at the expense of POC

yes, you have assumed
Nah fam you assuming...yet again .y words are being twisted..taken out of context if you can't grasp my concepts out of the words I haven given then I'll assume this..there isn't any hope for the understanding of this throughout my generation...maybe my kids generation will see this come to pass but everyone seems to be blind in this society

it is difficult to decipher your blathering.

hopefully new generations of white people will realize they are lambs being lead to the slaughter
I only wish this upon this topic.. whether or not you belive it exists. I do..in MY opinion it is one of the many many issues we must face to put an end to the division of America. (meaning several issues..as in not the only thing out there to be aware of and resolved) I hope any and all forms of racism throughout all races in the United States is resolved and we as Americans can come together as one America (one nation under God right?) I don't however believe i will see this in my lifetime...maybe The climax (Implying it will definitely get worse before it gets better) but not the resolution...my children might not see this either...but if I do my job right and educate them correctly then I will have done my part in reaching this goal.
Maybe I'm just a silly child who is uneducated upon the actual issues of America and I'm rambling off nonsense or maybe I'm into something and it could happen..who knows ?
Unfortunately, so many of the issues dividing Americans are made up of whole cloth. Sort through the chaff and find that kernel of truth, then we can talk.
White privilege is not necessarily committing a crime but more along the lines of how you are treated on a daily basis compared to that of the rest of the racial community. Such as not getting stopped by the police because they have now noticed a "suspicious" black man. Perfectly obeying the law but unlawfully detaining him and searching him anyway. (The officer facing 0 repercussions) You don't know this happened yet you was saved from your seatbelt ticket.. Can you honestly sit there and deny that the black community is not targeted by everyone and looked down upon even the slightest little bit whether you are committing something as heinous as a hate crime to simply avoiding the black guy who was walking down the same road as you...
I was stopped in Tucson Az, because I was driving a vehicle that look like one that had just robbed a bank. Since I was in the military and had eye witnesses who verified where I was during that robbery, I was let go... Just because you are black and a victim of liberalism, you only think you are targeted. Shame you are too stupid to know better.
So sad you can't come up with a definitive answer for your argument so you challenge my intellect and slander me with accusations of not working hard because I'm a product of my generation...you sir are a product of your generation being you are stubborn and single minded. You have no idea of my accomplishments I haven't sat hear and told you a detailed account of my life so who are you to say I haven't worked hard.. but I can say that about you because you have all but admitted this throughout your posts on this thread.
I will grant a mylack of knowledge about your achievements. Surprise me. I know many of your generation who work hard and are worthy of admiration. You would be surprised (possibly) how open-minded I can be, given compelling, factual information to counter my opinions and beliefs. And yet, your protests as to my ignorance of your life entitle you to claim that I have accomplished nothing, not worked for and achieved my goals. I would be interested in how you came to that conclusion based on my posts.
I didn't say you haven't accomplished anything or that you are not successful I would never go on assuming something about someone I don't personally know but your responses have been stubborn and single minded. You refuse to accept the possibility thus refusing to change any opinion you already have on the matter

the concept of white privilege that you espouse claims that white people can only accomplish anything because of their skin color and at the expense of POC

yes, you have assumed
Nah fam you assuming...yet again .y words are being twisted..taken out of context if you can't grasp my concepts out of the words I haven given then I'll assume this..there isn't any hope for the understanding of this throughout my generation...maybe my kids generation will see this come to pass but everyone seems to be blind in this society

Notice how this liberal, who lies about him being a rightwinger, is trying to give you misinformation, because he being a liberal is the true racist. We legal US citizens don't mind who comes to the US, we just want to have them come legally, while those liberals, want them to come illegally because since they(liberals) execute their born and unborn babies, their(liberal) population is declining so they must get new voters illegally. This is the TRUE RACISM, because without the vote, just like with blacks, Democrats don't give a shit about them. Then the liberals lie, by calling US the racists, just because we want LAWS to be followed. Thank you Rightwinger for making my point by using your MEME.

What in that cartoon is inaccurate?

Although I liked the cartoon, it was disingenuous in some parts...

For instance, we have had affirmative action in professional careers and education since the late sixties.

The Minority Business Development Agency was started during the Nixon administration.

If it hadn't been for pushing home loans on minorities that couldn't afford it, the housing catastrophe of 2008 might not have happened. Fannie was set up so European immigrants could get homes in the 1920's, (we saw how that went down.) Freddie was set up so minorities after the civil rights movement could afford homes. Both regardless of whether these folks actually could afford them, or defaulted, the fat cats on Wall Street would profit. Little people are brainwashed and pitted against each other.

Unfortunately, these toxic assets (MBS) are still sitting on the balance sheet at the FED, waiting to destroy the world economy when the time is right.

I hope you are happy with your affirmative action.
Minorities did not cause the housing collapse in 2008. They lack the equity. It was rampant speculation buying houses unseen.

the housing collapse was caused by affirmative action lending

Are you kidding?

They don't have nearly the money to cause such a crash. The crash was caused by speculative buying at all levels
I will grant a mylack of knowledge about your achievements. Surprise me. I know many of your generation who work hard and are worthy of admiration. You would be surprised (possibly) how open-minded I can be, given compelling, factual information to counter my opinions and beliefs. And yet, your protests as to my ignorance of your life entitle you to claim that I have accomplished nothing, not worked for and achieved my goals. I would be interested in how you came to that conclusion based on my posts.
I didn't say you haven't accomplished anything or that you are not successful I would never go on assuming something about someone I don't personally know but your responses have been stubborn and single minded. You refuse to accept the possibility thus refusing to change any opinion you already have on the matter

the concept of white privilege that you espouse claims that white people can only accomplish anything because of their skin color and at the expense of POC

yes, you have assumed
Nah fam you assuming...yet again .y words are being twisted..taken out of context if you can't grasp my concepts out of the words I haven given then I'll assume this..there isn't any hope for the understanding of this throughout my generation...maybe my kids generation will see this come to pass but everyone seems to be blind in this society

Notice how this liberal, who lies about him being a rightwinger, is trying to give you misinformation, because he being a liberal is the true racist. We legal US citizens don't mind who comes to the US, we just want to have them come legally, while those liberals, want them to come illegally because since they(liberals) execute their born and unborn babies, their(liberal) population is declining so they must get new voters illegally. This is the TRUE RACISM, because without the vote, just like with blacks, Democrats don't give a shit about them. Then the liberals lie, by calling US the racists, just because we want LAWS to be followed. Thank you Rightwinger for making my point by using your MEME.

What in that cartoon is inaccurate?

Although I liked the cartoon, it was disingenuous in some parts...

For instance, we have had affirmative action in professional careers and education since the late sixties.

The Minority Business Development Agency was started during the Nixon administration.

If it hadn't been for pushing home loans on minorities that couldn't afford it, the housing catastrophe of 2008 might not have happened. Fannie was set up so European immigrants could get homes in the 1920's, (we saw how that went down.) Freddie was set up so minorities after the civil rights movement could afford homes. Both regardless of whether these folks actually could afford them, or defaulted, the fat cats on Wall Street would profit. Little people are brainwashed and pitted against each other.

Unfortunately, these toxic assets (MBS) are still sitting on the balance sheet at the FED, waiting to destroy the world economy when the time is right.

I hope you are happy with your affirmative action.
Minorities did not cause the housing collapse in 2008. They lack the equity. It was rampant speculation buying houses unseen.

the housing collapse was caused by affirmative action lending

Are you kidding?

They don't have nearly the money to cause such a crash. The crash was caused by speculative buying at all levels

Yeah, if you want to believe that fairy tale, go ahead.

Those products would have been made available to buy, if the government hadn't made them available.

Don't you see? Squeeze Berry is right, government rules made cheap credit available to those who shouldn't get any, then too big to fail banks packaged them in MBS, where speculators could buy them. It was all caused by corrupt bankers and politicians. IOW, big governments and big business paying off corrupt politicians to allow these vultures to use the poor and the destitute to get rich.

And who bailed the whole mad house out? The middle class.

Nobody went to jail.


Stop trying to justify everything neither is right black oppression and white oppression exists but it is not in any the topic. White privilege exists...the black privilege you refer to is just the guilty white man trying to atone...dosent mean white privilege is non- existent

If blacks get a 200 point bonus in Ivy League College admissions, they have "privilege" and whites are oppressed.
Dynasty's Dirt Nap

Also eliminate the advantage of legacy students. They are the ones who hate and fear the middle and have used their unearned inherited political power to sic the feral minorities on us.
Fuck statistics and fuck what you think you know. That's why we can't move past this..dont you want America to truly thrive as a country ? Why wouldn't you? If we have been divided for a long time and of course there is hostility towards whites by blacks and black by whites the only way to solve this is to move past it. How? How do we do this? Do you have any ideas so far no one has posed a solution to anything..everyone just wants to defend themselves claim there isn't an issue and move on..at this rate my kids and there kids will be in a civil war amongst the races.. do you have kids? Do you want your kids fighting a war amongst their own people? What would that solve? If everyone truly believed it didn't exists then they would have no reason to defend themselves
There Was Never a Reason for Us to Surrender Supremacy

Here's how your scare story civil war will play out:

BATTLE OF BLOOD RIVER (South Africa, 1838)

15,000 Blacks, using the only weapons they were capable of inventing. 464 Whites, with the advantage of the superior intelligence that produced superior weapons. Result 3,000 dead Blacks and zero dead Whites.
As has been said, it is an invention designed to justify discrimination in favor of blacks and against whites.
Ok define what black privilege is?

Favorable discrimination/treatment based on skin color.
Woah woah woah now your choking on your own words here...you just said white privilege dissent exist yet lumped it under black privilege

Don't play stupid word games.

YOu have my answer. Address it, or run away.

Favorable discrimination/treatment based on skin color

You honestly believe a country built on mass genocide and slavery was not set up as such? You honestly can sit there and say you as a white man have never experienced this anywhere throughout your life? How hard is it to understand simple, and I mean simple, things such as these.
Some Genos Deserve to Get Cided, Like the Arabs Today

You're puritanically preaching moral failures about natural drives for self-preservation and deserved advancement of the best of the human species. Slavery saved Blacks from savagery in Africa. As for the Indians, they were an obsolete race whose evolutionary expiration date had long expired. They had escaped their Dawinian fate by getting away to the American continents as criminal fugitives. Like all other unfit primates, they built nothing here and had thereby forfeited their right to the land.
It's pure utter bullshit. I'm Asian and I've accomplished more than most white people have, so what's your explanation for that, tard?

If you want to sit around feeling guilty about being born then I guess that's YOUR privilege. We have a word for people like that. It's cuck.

asian success is proof that there is no racism and white privilege.

cuck = brainwashed sissy

...One person does not account for an entire race...

You're right, one person does not represent an entire nation.

You should watch this short documentary I viewed today.

Tell me what you observe about the crowd of students at Yale that were so upset about freedom of speech and expression at Yale.

Does it seem to you that "white privilege" is still a thing in this day and age in America? Or maybe, just maybe, you have been conditioned to believe something that just isn't so?

This is not in my opinion an accurate representation of wp but more a bunch of children throwing a tantrum over nothing and casting the blame on them having wp.. which was not demonstrated at all..this happens alot but does not discredit its existence. also it's partially representing bp as there wasn't any repercussions in this event because of "hurt feelings" aka pulling the black card.. all of it is real in our society but black privilege is definitely escalating to unbelievable heights. Please also take note that I am not accusing an entire race of taking advantage of their privilege just that it exist and is in fact exploited on both sides

Nice, a fairly balanced POV. You can see then how mass media and government education, which is, after all, controlled by elites, has conditioned the masses to turn on each other, rather than the real root of the problem.

You may not believe this is an accurate portrayal of wp, but this is an elite institution, this is the heart of the debate, it all radiates out from there. This is the reason you believe what you do.

Your OP is but a mirror of the dogma which is taught from the cultural studies classes which were initially developed at these universities. I'm not saying there isn't some truth to this, but truth always has multi-facets. It always has several ways to be viewed when we look back at history. For now, in American culture, it is, for the elites, a battle to see how we shall view our past.

The elites have a plan for global socialism, are you joining their plan to help them with that?


I agree with you
What's up peeps? So I am a 22 year old white guy.. I have been wondering for sometime what exactly white privilege is and what it means to have this thing called white privilege. I must admit that when I first heard this term it seemed almost a sarcstic slur and I was somewhat offended..like really? You are telling me I'm special and it makes me a bad person? I felt as if I was being targeted and blamed for having been born as a white man. Well to answer my own question yes and no...and not in the sense as i first took it.

Ok so first question i faced while trying to understand this is What does white privilege even mean? I have come to define it as- a society built upon white heritage and the sucess of a white person based off being white and the ignorance of this.

What do I mean? America was founded upon white religon..only focusing on the prosperity of this establishment. Even though America is a "free" country where you should experience these "freedoms" despite race, religion, and nationality the fact remains that it was founded and built around white religion and thus deems anything not of the nature as wrong in societies view. (Not going to indulge myself with the religion topic) Whether you realize this or not it happens on a day to day basis in America. For example maybe the black man had a better resume but you hired the white guy because he seemed "more professional" (subconscious: not black) ..it could be anything like this. The number of examples are endless to say the least. Now am I saying that all white people are born to be successful? Or that black people are born doomed to be failures? Umm no not at all in the end you will be as successful as you make yourself you have to put the time and energy into your goals to achieve them.

Knowingly or not, society in America has been built to favor white people. We (the white community) are ignorant to the fact of this white privilege..which in turn enables this to continue throughout the generations. Does this mean you are racist because you are ignorant to this? No, this just means nothing is being done to correct this in society. Becoming aware of this and implementing ways of fixing this is one of the many steps (in my opinion) in eliminating racism in America. Am I a bad person for being born white? No not at all, being a good or bad person is entirely up to ones self...while I may not be proud of the decisions and actions of some of my ancestors...I can't change the past. I can't change the fact that I am white. I can change the way I view things.

In conclusion I feel like this is a valid, existent issue in America. The first step in fixing this is realizing it exists..being self- aware. Next is raising awareness to it and finally change... Change..a law, an opinion, anything that essentially favors any one person or race. (Aiming the "change" thing outside of just white privilege alone)

If you made it this far sorry for the long post and thank you for taking the time to read it. I accept any and all opinions of my personal opinion. Please let me know your thoughts, agrees and disagrees.

Two Nations

Take a look at this book. It is one of those that most wingnuts hope you do not.
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What's up peeps? So I am a 22 year old white guy.. I have been wondering for sometime what exactly white privilege is and what it means to have this thing called white privilege. I must admit that when I first heard this term it seemed almost a sarcstic slur and I was somewhat offended..like really? You are telling me I'm special and it makes me a bad person? I felt as if I was being targeted and blamed for having been born as a white man. Well to answer my own question yes and no...and not in the sense as i first took it.

Ok so first question i faced while trying to understand this is What does white privilege even mean? I have come to define it as- a society built upon white heritage and the sucess of a white person based off being white and the ignorance of this.

What do I mean? America was founded upon white religon..only focusing on the prosperity of this establishment. Even though America is a "free" country where you should experience these "freedoms" despite race, religion, and nationality the fact remains that it was founded and built around white religion and thus deems anything not of the nature as wrong in societies view. (Not going to indulge myself with the religion topic) Whether you realize this or not it happens on a day to day basis in America. For example maybe the black man had a better resume but you hired the white guy because he seemed "more professional" (subconscious: not black) ..it could be anything like this. The number of examples are endless to say the least. Now am I saying that all white people are born to be successful? Or that black people are born doomed to be failures? Umm no not at all in the end you will be as successful as you make yourself you have to put the time and energy into your goals to achieve them.

Knowingly or not, society in America has been built to favor white people. We (the white community) are ignorant to the fact of this white privilege..which in turn enables this to continue throughout the generations. Does this mean you are racist because you are ignorant to this? No, this just means nothing is being done to correct this in society. Becoming aware of this and implementing ways of fixing this is one of the many steps (in my opinion) in eliminating racism in America. Am I a bad person for being born white? No not at all, being a good or bad person is entirely up to ones self...while I may not be proud of the decisions and actions of some of my ancestors...I can't change the past. I can't change the fact that I am white. I can change the way I view things.

In conclusion I feel like this is a valid, existent issue in America. The first step in fixing this is realizing it exists..being self- aware. Next is raising awareness to it and finally change... Change..a law, an opinion, anything that essentially favors any one person or race. (Aiming the "change" thing outside of just white privilege alone)

If you made it this far sorry for the long post and thank you for taking the time to read it. I accept any and all opinions of my personal opinion. Please let me know your thoughts, agrees and disagrees.

Two Nations

Take a look at this book. It is the one of those that most wingnuts hope you do not.


Check out this article and the comments on this article.

This guy is sort of out of touch, don't you think?

Is Algebra Necessary?
What's up peeps? So I am a 22 year old white guy.. I have been wondering for sometime what exactly white privilege is and what it means to have this thing called white privilege. I must admit that when I first heard this term it seemed almost a sarcstic slur and I was somewhat offended..like really? You are telling me I'm special and it makes me a bad person? I felt as if I was being targeted and blamed for having been born as a white man. Well to answer my own question yes and no...and not in the sense as i first took it.

Ok so first question i faced while trying to understand this is What does white privilege even mean? I have come to define it as- a society built upon white heritage and the sucess of a white person based off being white and the ignorance of this.

What do I mean? America was founded upon white religon..only focusing on the prosperity of this establishment. Even though America is a "free" country where you should experience these "freedoms" despite race, religion, and nationality the fact remains that it was founded and built around white religion and thus deems anything not of the nature as wrong in societies view. (Not going to indulge myself with the religion topic) Whether you realize this or not it happens on a day to day basis in America. For example maybe the black man had a better resume but you hired the white guy because he seemed "more professional" (subconscious: not black) ..it could be anything like this. The number of examples are endless to say the least. Now am I saying that all white people are born to be successful? Or that black people are born doomed to be failures? Umm no not at all in the end you will be as successful as you make yourself you have to put the time and energy into your goals to achieve them.

Knowingly or not, society in America has been built to favor white people. We (the white community) are ignorant to the fact of this white privilege..which in turn enables this to continue throughout the generations. Does this mean you are racist because you are ignorant to this? No, this just means nothing is being done to correct this in society. Becoming aware of this and implementing ways of fixing this is one of the many steps (in my opinion) in eliminating racism in America. Am I a bad person for being born white? No not at all, being a good or bad person is entirely up to ones self...while I may not be proud of the decisions and actions of some of my ancestors...I can't change the past. I can't change the fact that I am white. I can change the way I view things.

In conclusion I feel like this is a valid, existent issue in America. The first step in fixing this is realizing it exists..being self- aware. Next is raising awareness to it and finally change... Change..a law, an opinion, anything that essentially favors any one person or race. (Aiming the "change" thing outside of just white privilege alone)

If you made it this far sorry for the long post and thank you for taking the time to read it. I accept any and all opinions of my personal opinion. Please let me know your thoughts, agrees and disagrees.
Nobody chooses their race, or their heritage. But it seems some people now can milk it for it's worth. Poor poor you being born YOU. Me, that's all my fault?
What's up peeps? So I am a 22 year old white guy.. I have been wondering for sometime what exactly white privilege is and what it means to have this thing called white privilege. I must admit that when I first heard this term it seemed almost a sarcstic slur and I was somewhat offended..like really? You are telling me I'm special and it makes me a bad person? I felt as if I was being targeted and blamed for having been born as a white man. Well to answer my own question yes and no...and not in the sense as i first took it.

Ok so first question i faced while trying to understand this is What does white privilege even mean? I have come to define it as- a society built upon white heritage and the sucess of a white person based off being white and the ignorance of this.

What do I mean? America was founded upon white religon..only focusing on the prosperity of this establishment. Even though America is a "free" country where you should experience these "freedoms" despite race, religion, and nationality the fact remains that it was founded and built around white religion and thus deems anything not of the nature as wrong in societies view. (Not going to indulge myself with the religion topic) Whether you realize this or not it happens on a day to day basis in America. For example maybe the black man had a better resume but you hired the white guy because he seemed "more professional" (subconscious: not black) ..it could be anything like this. The number of examples are endless to say the least. Now am I saying that all white people are born to be successful? Or that black people are born doomed to be failures? Umm no not at all in the end you will be as successful as you make yourself you have to put the time and energy into your goals to achieve them.

Knowingly or not, society in America has been built to favor white people. We (the white community) are ignorant to the fact of this white privilege..which in turn enables this to continue throughout the generations. Does this mean you are racist because you are ignorant to this? No, this just means nothing is being done to correct this in society. Becoming aware of this and implementing ways of fixing this is one of the many steps (in my opinion) in eliminating racism in America. Am I a bad person for being born white? No not at all, being a good or bad person is entirely up to ones self...while I may not be proud of the decisions and actions of some of my ancestors...I can't change the past. I can't change the fact that I am white. I can change the way I view things.

In conclusion I feel like this is a valid, existent issue in America. The first step in fixing this is realizing it exists..being self- aware. Next is raising awareness to it and finally change... Change..a law, an opinion, anything that essentially favors any one person or race. (Aiming the "change" thing outside of just white privilege alone)

If you made it this far sorry for the long post and thank you for taking the time to read it. I accept any and all opinions of my personal opinion. Please let me know your thoughts, agrees and disagrees.

Two Nations

Take a look at this book. It is the one of those that most wingnuts hope you do not.


Check out this article and the comments on this article.

This guy is sort of out of touch, don't you think?

Is Algebra Necessary?

The article is not related to the thread title the existence of white privilege...real or imagined. But to answer your question, he clearly stated that he believes in the need for a different type of mathematics that is more applicable to everyday life. Considering the failure rates in algebra across all demographics he could be onto something so I don't think he is out of touch with that observation.
Stop trying to justify everything neither is right black oppression and white oppression exists but it is not in any the topic. White privilege exists...the black privilege you refer to is just the guilty white man trying to atone...dosent mean white privilege is non- existent

You are criminally uneducated.
What's up peeps? So I am a 22 year old white guy.. I have been wondering for sometime what exactly white privilege is and what it means to have this thing called white privilege. I must admit that when I first heard this term it seemed almost a sarcstic slur and I was somewhat offended..like really? You are telling me I'm special and it makes me a bad person? I felt as if I was being targeted and blamed for having been born as a white man. Well to answer my own question yes and no...and not in the sense as i first took it.

Ok so first question i faced while trying to understand this is What does white privilege even mean? I have come to define it as- a society built upon white heritage and the sucess of a white person based off being white and the ignorance of this.

What do I mean? America was founded upon white religon..only focusing on the prosperity of this establishment. Even though America is a "free" country where you should experience these "freedoms" despite race, religion, and nationality the fact remains that it was founded and built around white religion and thus deems anything not of the nature as wrong in societies view. (Not going to indulge myself with the religion topic) Whether you realize this or not it happens on a day to day basis in America. For example maybe the black man had a better resume but you hired the white guy because he seemed "more professional" (subconscious: not black) ..it could be anything like this. The number of examples are endless to say the least. Now am I saying that all white people are born to be successful? Or that black people are born doomed to be failures? Umm no not at all in the end you will be as successful as you make yourself you have to put the time and energy into your goals to achieve them.

Knowingly or not, society in America has been built to favor white people. We (the white community) are ignorant to the fact of this white privilege..which in turn enables this to continue throughout the generations. Does this mean you are racist because you are ignorant to this? No, this just means nothing is being done to correct this in society. Becoming aware of this and implementing ways of fixing this is one of the many steps (in my opinion) in eliminating racism in America. Am I a bad person for being born white? No not at all, being a good or bad person is entirely up to ones self...while I may not be proud of the decisions and actions of some of my ancestors...I can't change the past. I can't change the fact that I am white. I can change the way I view things.

In conclusion I feel like this is a valid, existent issue in America. The first step in fixing this is realizing it exists..being self- aware. Next is raising awareness to it and finally change... Change..a law, an opinion, anything that essentially favors any one person or race. (Aiming the "change" thing outside of just white privilege alone)

If you made it this far sorry for the long post and thank you for taking the time to read it. I accept any and all opinions of my personal opinion. Please let me know your thoughts, agrees and disagrees.

Two Nations

Take a look at this book. It is one of those that most wingnuts hope you do not.
No less outdated than McIntosh's drivel.

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