White Privilege Is A Leftist Lie


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Jul 21, 2009
White Privilege Is A Leftist Lie

By Mudwhistle

I've never been in a limo....never owned a yacht....never made a million dollars in a year....never been a member of an exclusive club just because of who I am...never owned slaves....never had a maid...never had my own chef....never went to an Ivy League university.

I'm trying to figure out where all of this White Privilege is, because I've never experienced it personally.

I have been kicked out of a private golf club when I was younger because I wasn't dressed the way the members felt was appropriate....meaning....I didn't have pressed slacks with an expensive shirt, mainly because my parents couldn't afford that sort of thing. I wasn't allowed to swim in their pool for similar reasons. I was supposedly "White Trash" who's parents didn't make enough money to afford the membership fees. I've used rang balls to play a round of golf and had other golfers tell me that was a no-no.

I have been refused financial aide from universities because I was a member of the wrong race. I have been called boy because the person calling me that had no respect for my race or the fact that I could kick is ass in about 30 seconds.

75% white Americans grew up the way I did.

So what gives the left the right to accuse all whites of the same evil......being privileged, when obviously we aren't?

Nothing does. This is simply another scam designed to accomplish several goals.

  1. Divide us along racial lines
  2. Attack Republicans, make them appear racist
  3. Bring down Capitalism
  4. Change the racial makeup of the United States

Articles The White Privilege Lie
The White Privilege Myth The Black Sphere TheBlackSphere.net The Black Sphere TheBlackSphere.net
White Privilege Is A Leftist Lie

By Mudwhistle

I've never been in a limo....never owned a yacht....never made a million dollars in a year....never been a member of an exclusive club just because of who I am...never owned slaves....never had a maid...never had my own chef....never went to an Ivy League university.

I'm trying to figure out where all of this White Privilege is, because I've never experienced it personally.

I have been kicked out of a private golf club when I was younger because I wasn't dressed the way the members felt was appropriate....meaning....I didn't have pressed slacks with an expensive shirt, mainly because my parents couldn't afford that sort of thing. I wasn't allowed to swim in their pool for similar reasons. I was supposedly "White Trash" who's parents didn't make enough money to afford the membership fees. I've used rang balls to play a round of golf and had other golfers tell me that was a no-no.

I have been refused financial aide from universities because I was a member of the wrong race. I have been called boy because the person calling me that had no respect for my race or the fact that I could kick is ass in about 30 seconds.

75% white Americans grew up the way I did.

So what gives the left the right to accuse all whites of the same evil......being privileged, when obviously we aren't?

Nothing does. This is simply another scam designed to accomplish several goals.

  1. Divide us along racial lines
  2. Attack Republicans, make them appear racist
  3. Bring down Capitalism
  4. Change the racial makeup of the United States

Articles The White Privilege Lie
Maybe they're referring to Hillary.....

Hillary Rodham Clinton Biography - life family children parents story history school book information born college husband house

Don't forget, the Clintons were so privileged, Bill didn't even have to play golf with the darkies!!!!!

THE 1992 CAMPAIGN - Democrats - Clinton Says Golfing at All-White Club Was Mistake - NYTimes.com

HARTFORD, March 20— After months of presenting himself as a Southern candidate with a good civil rights record, Gov. Bill Clinton has suddenly found himself under criticism for a classic gesture of racial separation: playing golf at an all-white country club.
The privileged Americans all sit in Washington DC and are elected officials, they are like many union workers and collect a salary to do nothing and not held accountable..
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One of the things that always happens when a Republican says something the left finds offensive.....they automatically ask other Republicans their opinions on the subject....and they are thus judged for whatever their answers are.

Do you ever see them doing this to Democrats?

Heck no!!!

Democrats are individuals with their own opinions....but according the the left all Republicans are the same.

This is what they want us to think when Donald Trump says that Mexico isn't sending the best and the brightest in to the US. This may be true.....but Democrats aren't forced to comment on this. If anyone agrees with Trump they're labeled a racist. We can't have Democrats laying out their feelings about the subject, only Republicans.

Anyone who's been to Mexico knows that there are two types of people there....the haves and the have-nots. 30% of Mexico's gross domestic product is people who live here sending cash back to their relatives in Mexico. The people that are well off don't want to leave Mexico because they can live like kings on only a few thousand dollars a year. Most of it's citizens are lucky to earn $500/ year. This tends to create a society that is prone to thievery and just doing whatever it takes to survive. Most of them have poor or no health care, hardly any education, and no prospects for the future. Obama offers them an education, a job, free travel, and free health care and they're coming in droves.

So Trump is a rich white guy. However, he's worked his butt off all of his life to get that way. This is the myth about white privilege. It may be more true in Mexico that some are born into wealth, but not so in America. For the most part there is a tiny percentage of folks that were born with a trust fund. I've only met one of these. He was willed $250 million dollars in stock by his grandfather, yet he was an E3 in the Navy. His parents were upset that he joined the service, but he didn't care. He wanted to get away from them and make it on his own.

You have the same chance of winning the lottery as being born rich. Incidentally, most who win the lottery aren't rich. Usually they're dirt poor and discover that hanging on to their winnings is harder than winning it.

Fact is, Democrats are telling minorities that whites are being treated special in this country.......at the same exact time they are treating minorities better than whites. It makes no sense....not anymore.
White privilege isn't about what you have, but how you're treated, especially by cops.

Can you believe that a black person who tried to sell their anti-depressants to a cop wouldn't be arrested? This girl just gets a warning!!!
What it really means when some Prog accuses one of White Privilege:

Just shut up and pay more taxes so we can sponge off of you.
Oh let them have their fun guys. They've taken a lot of major blows these last 2 weeks! :rofl:
White Privilege Is A Leftist Lie

By Mudwhistle

I've never been in a limo....never owned a yacht....never made a million dollars in a year....never been a member of an exclusive club just because of who I am...never owned slaves....never had a maid...never had my own chef....never went to an Ivy League university.

I'm trying to figure out where all of this White Privilege is, because I've never experienced it personally.

I have been kicked out of a private golf club when I was younger because I wasn't dressed the way the members felt was appropriate....meaning....I didn't have pressed slacks with an expensive shirt, mainly because my parents couldn't afford that sort of thing. I wasn't allowed to swim in their pool for similar reasons. I was supposedly "White Trash" who's parents didn't make enough money to afford the membership fees. I've used rang balls to play a round of golf and had other golfers tell me that was a no-no.

I have been refused financial aide from universities because I was a member of the wrong race. I have been called boy because the person calling me that had no respect for my race or the fact that I could kick is ass in about 30 seconds.

75% white Americans grew up the way I did.

So what gives the left the right to accuse all whites of the same evil......being privileged, when obviously we aren't?

Nothing does. This is simply another scam designed to accomplish several goals.

  1. Divide us along racial lines
  2. Attack Republicans, make them appear racist
  3. Bring down Capitalism
  4. Change the racial makeup of the United States

Articles The White Privilege Lie
The White Privilege Myth The Black Sphere TheBlackSphere.net The Black Sphere TheBlackSphere.net
WP is alive and well, Whitey...
How are blacks treated in your country?
Pretty good in the US....

Where else do you have a choice of getting a job or getting paid to sit around doing nothing?????:badgrin:

I love all the racist posts in a thread that starts by claiming there is no racism.
I wouldn't say I'm racist.... I play basketball with blacks all the time, and I don't belong to an all-white country club, or live in a community that pretty much excludes blacks, like Hillary does!!!!

Matter of fact, some of my best friends are black (conservative ones, of course)!!!!!!!:badgrin:
I wouldn't say I'm racist.... I play basketball with blacks all the time, and I don't belong to an all-white country club, or live in a community that pretty much excludes blacks, like Hillary does!!!!
How do you "pretty much" exclude blacks?!?! Either you do ore you don't. From your post it appears that Hillary's community doesn't or you would have said so flat out.

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