White Privilege?

Paul Motter

Gold Member
Aug 29, 2018
I just had someone answer a sincere post I made with a snarky reference to "oh poor guy - poster boy for 'white privilege'."

I just want to say this to the people who use this phrase "white privilege."

1) It is just a racist as anything you might claim white people have ever thought or said.

2) This is not pre-Civil War 1850 - the vast majority of white people are NOT racist at all. This has been the persistent lie and insult towards white people ever since "racism" was cited as the primary reason why conservatives opposed Obama. We opposed him because he had the most liberal voting record in the entire Senate when he was elected, but not at all because he is black.

So - this whole manufactured, straw-man argument that white people are racist and knowingly enjoy our "white privilege" with our "dog whistles" and secret handshakes is frankly bogus and baseless. It make you look paranoid, self-pitying and reactionary. It will come back to bite you as reverse racism (meaning racism is equal in both directions, you are not exempt from being racist just because you are not white).

So, I am not giving you advice, I am just saying that in my opinion it is a losing position, and if that is where you choose to go - alienating half the US population with hateful rhetoric - best of luck. You're a racist, and to say you decry racism by calling other people racist solely because of their color is juvenile.

"I'm rubber, you're glue"
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You didnt post a link to your "sincere" post. I want to see both sides of the story. I say this because you whites tend to not be aware of what white privilege is.
OP, you are concerned w/people "alienating half the US population with hateful rhetoric."

Is that correct?
Privledges are earned and rarely just granted. Be industrious and try to earn some rather than crying about those who have
On average white people are richer.

And it's because:
1) USA is majority white. There is majority privilege just as in any country. Democrats find this most natural thing racist of course.
2) Whites have higher IQs and lesser testosterone, meaning more success in modern world in general.

This is what is meant by white privilege. They just can't formulate straight up, because then it would become obvious that eradicating it is suicide that would involve making you a minority in your own country and performing a lobotomy.... which viewing CNN accomplishes quite well.
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I'm a white male, 57 years old, blah blah blah, etc.

If I use the term 'white privilege' is that racist?

If I use the term 'white privilege' does that make me a racist?

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Privledges are earned and rarely just granted. Be industrious and try to earn some rather than crying about those who have
White privileged wasnt earned. You just had more guns and carried diseases that wiped out native populations. Thats more like luck.
Privledges are earned and rarely just granted. Be industrious and try to earn some rather than crying about those who have
White privileged wasnt earned. You just had more guns and carried diseases that wiped out native populations. Thats more like luck.
More industrious, more capable, we know that is troublesome for you.
If you were more capable and industrious you wouldnt have died trying to grow the crops Blacks had to show you how to grow. :rolleyes:
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You didnt post a link to your "sincere" post. I want to see both sides of the story. I say this because you whites tend to not be aware of what white privilege is.
Most get the gist, and most recognize it for what it really is...attributing certain traits and characteristics to someone based on nothing else besides their immutable characteristics...in other words “the belief that all members of each race possess characteristics or abilities specific to that race, especially so as to distinguish it as inferior or superior to another race or races”, this also happens to be the definition of racism.

If whites are so privileged, then why is it Asians are leaving the whites in this country in the dust? Is there Asian privelage? If not, what sort of factors lead to the overall success of the Asian population in the US? Are those factors attributable to any other races overall success or failures in the US. If so, to what degree?
While admittedly I am an Old White Man, this is what I think:

As our society moves into the future, it becomes more and more difficult to spot instances of indisputable racism. There are two reasons for this: (1) There is actually less racism, and (2) racists get better at concealing what they are about.

Nevertheless, those who "advocate" for Black causes are frustrated as hell. Because with the apparent decline of racism, the economic and social status of masses of Blacks remains at or near the bottom of the social and economic totem poles. Is there discrimination in hiring? Not so much. Is there discrimination in school admissions? Not at all. Is there discrimination in housing? Maybe, but it's relatively harmless.

So there must be a REASON why Blacks remain at the back of the "bus," and if racism isn't the cause, then it must be something else.

We white folks think the reasons is primarily cultural. Any component of society that suffers from 70% of its children being born to single women will NEVER rise above the bottom. Any component of society that disdains formal education...same thing. Any component of society that rejects hard work and perseverance as the keys to success...same thing.

So the Black advocates had to come up with something to replace racism as the cause for the Blacks' plight. They invented "White Privilege." White Privilege is the un-measurable force in American life that elevates "white" people and Asians to the upper parts of the spectrum and prevents "others" from enjoying the American Dream.

But while there is an element of privilege in having white skin, there is an equally powerful element of potential privilege in having black or brown skin. It used to be called, "affirmative action," but regardless of the label you put on it, most large companies and other organizations, most schools, most foundations WANT to have Black people in their organization, if only for their "optics." And this desire more than compensates for the residual racism that may still be around.

So there is no excuse. "White Privilege" is a Hail Mary Pass, intended to convince White People that even if they do not consider themselves "racist," they are still oppressing Black Folks and Black Folks are still being oppressed. It's a lie.
You didnt post a link to your "sincere" post. I want to see both sides of the story. I say this because you whites tend to not be aware of what white privilege is.
Most get the gist, and most recognize it for what it really is...attributing certain traits and characteristics to someone based on nothing else besides their immutable characteristics...in other words “the belief that all members of each race possess characteristics or abilities specific to that race, especially so as to distinguish it as inferior or superior to another race or races”, this also happens to be the definition of racism.

If whites are so privileged, then why is it Asians are leaving the whites in this country in the dust? Is there Asian privelage? If not, what sort of factors lead to the overall success of the Asian population in the US? Are those factors attributable to any other races overall success or failures in the US. If so, to what degree?
Nope. White privilege has nothing to do with traits and characteristics. White privilege is the result of whites having set up a racist system that benefits whites while providing obstacles for other races.

Asians arent leaving whites in the dust. Show me where Asians control anything in the US? Whites own the vast majority of the resources and opportunities in this country.
I just had someone answer a sincere post I made with a snarky reference to "oh poor guy - poster boy for 'white privilege'."

I just want to say this to the people who use this phrase "white privilege."

1) It is just a racist as anything you might claim white people have ever thought or said.

2) This is not pre-Civil War 1850 - the vast majority of white people are NOT racist at all. This has been the persistent lie and insult towards white people ever since "racism" was cited as the primary reason why conservatives opposed Obama. We opposed him because he had the most liberal voting record in the entire Senate when he was elected, but not at all because he is black.

So - this whole manufactured, straw-man argument that white people are racist and knowingly enjoy our "white privilege" with our "dog whistles" and secret handshakes is frankly bogus and baseless. It make you look paranoid, self-pitying and reactionary. It will come back to bite you as reverse racism (meaning racism is equal in both directions, you are not exempt from being racist just because you are not white).

So, I am not giving you advice, I am just saying that in my opinion it is a losing position, and if that is where you choose to go - alienating half the US population with hateful rhetoric - best of luck. You're a racist, and to say you decry racism by calling other people racist solely because of their color is juvenile.

"I'm rubber, you're glue"
How white do I have to be to get the privileged thing, and how do I know if it will work for a person who is of the OTHER race.
While admittedly I am an Old White Man, this is what I think:

As our society moves into the future, it becomes more and more difficult to spot instances of indisputable racism. There are two reasons for this: (1) There is actually less racism, and (2) racists get better at concealing what they are about.

Nevertheless, those who "advocate" for Black causes are frustrated as hell. Because with the apparent decline of racism, the economic and social status of masses of Blacks remains at or near the bottom of the social and economic totem poles. Is there discrimination in hiring? Not so much. Is there discrimination in school admissions? Not at all. Is there discrimination in housing? Maybe, but it's relatively harmless.

So there must be a REASON why Blacks remain at the back of the "bus," and if racism isn't the cause, then it must be something else.

We white folks think the reasons is primarily cultural. Any component of society that suffers from 70% of its children being born to single women will NEVER rise above the bottom. Any component of society that disdains formal education...same thing. Any component of society that rejects hard work and perseverance as the keys to success...same thing.

So the Black advocates had to come up with something to replace racism as the cause for the Blacks' plight. They invented "White Privilege." White Privilege is the un-measurable force in American life that elevates "white" people and Asians to the upper parts of the spectrum and prevents "others" from enjoying the American Dream.

But while there is an element of privilege in having white skin, there is an equally powerful element of potential privilege in having black or brown skin. It used to be called, "affirmative action," but regardless of the label you put on it, most large companies and other organizations, most schools, most foundations WANT to have Black people in their organization, if only for their "optics." And this desire more than compensates for the residual racism that may still be around.

So there is no excuse. "White Privilege" is a Hail Mary Pass, intended to convince White People that even if they do not consider themselves "racist," they are still oppressing Black Folks and Black Folks are still being oppressed. It's a lie.
I was in a group of mixed people and one of my Bros got shot, by a group of gang members who did a drive by. He got shot in the butt. At the hospital he said this is what we get for hanging out with White people. That was racist and was planted by what the media puts out all the time. It makes not sense what all people think that is put in their heads.
I'm a white male, 57 years old, blah blah blah, etc.

If I use the term 'white privilege' is that racist?

If I use the term 'white privilege' does that make me a racist?

Yes - if you say it in the context that you believe White People own a "white privilege" as some sort of secret society with "dog whistles," etc - or that we oppose terrorists or illegal aliens merely because they are "brown" instead of the fact that they are criminals.

The last time I heard someone use the term "white privilege" outside of these boards it was in reaction to the 120 Decibel movement in Europe where Muslims are known to be raping German and Swedish women, and the PC media is not reporting about it because it is about brown people. THe called the 120 Decibel movement a symbol of "white racism". Should I call the fact that the media here is not reporting it "brown privilege?"
While admittedly I am an Old White Man, this is what I think:

As our society moves into the future, it becomes more and more difficult to spot instances of indisputable racism. There are two reasons for this: (1) There is actually less racism, and (2) racists get better at concealing what they are about.

Nevertheless, those who "advocate" for Black causes are frustrated as hell. Because with the apparent decline of racism, the economic and social status of masses of Blacks remains at or near the bottom of the social and economic totem poles. Is there discrimination in hiring? Not so much. Is there discrimination in school admissions? Not at all. Is there discrimination in housing? Maybe, but it's relatively harmless.

So there must be a REASON why Blacks remain at the back of the "bus," and if racism isn't the cause, then it must be something else.

We white folks think the reasons is primarily cultural. Any component of society that suffers from 70% of its children being born to single women will NEVER rise above the bottom. Any component of society that disdains formal education...same thing. Any component of society that rejects hard work and perseverance as the keys to success...same thing.

So the Black advocates had to come up with something to replace racism as the cause for the Blacks' plight. They invented "White Privilege." White Privilege is the un-measurable force in American life that elevates "white" people and Asians to the upper parts of the spectrum and prevents "others" from enjoying the American Dream.

But while there is an element of privilege in having white skin, there is an equally powerful element of potential privilege in having black or brown skin. It used to be called, "affirmative action," but regardless of the label you put on it, most large companies and other organizations, most schools, most foundations WANT to have Black people in their organization, if only for their "optics." And this desire more than compensates for the residual racism that may still be around.

So there is no excuse. "White Privilege" is a Hail Mary Pass, intended to convince White People that even if they do not consider themselves "racist," they are still oppressing Black Folks and Black Folks are still being oppressed. It's a lie.
I was in a group of mixed people and one of my Bros got shot, by a group of gang members who did a drive by. He got shot in the butt. At the hospital he said this is what we get for hanging out with White people. That was racist and was planted by what the media puts out all the time. It makes not sense what all people think that is put in their heads.
You guys were lucky. Russian gang members typically kill everyone. Your friend was right. No way he gets shot by Russians if he wasnt hanging out with white people.
I just had someone answer a sincere post I made with a snarky reference to "oh poor guy - poster boy for 'white privilege'."

I just want to say this to the people who use this phrase "white privilege."

1) It is just a racist as anything you might claim white people have ever thought or said.

2) This is not pre-Civil War 1850 - the vast majority of white people are NOT racist at all. This has been the persistent lie and insult towards white people ever since "racism" was cited as the primary reason why conservatives opposed Obama. We opposed him because he had the most liberal voting record in the entire Senate when he was elected, but not at all because he is black.

So - this whole manufactured, straw-man argument that white people are racist and knowingly enjoy our "white privilege" with our "dog whistles" and secret handshakes is frankly bogus and baseless. It make you look paranoid, self-pitying and reactionary. It will come back to bite you as reverse racism (meaning racism is equal in both directions, you are not exempt from being racist just because you are not white).

So, I am not giving you advice, I am just saying that in my opinion it is a losing position, and if that is where you choose to go - alienating half the US population with hateful rhetoric - best of luck. You're a racist, and to say you decry racism by calling other people racist solely because of their color is juvenile.

"I'm rubber, you're glue"
How white do I have to be to get the privileged thing, and how do I know if it will work for a person who is of the OTHER race.
It only works until whites are done with using you as a token to deny white privilege and its never all encompassing. You can only get the privilege if youre white and grow up with a certain expectation of success because youre "a white man in america dammit".
You didnt post a link to your "sincere" post. I want to see both sides of the story. I say this because you whites tend to not be aware of what white privilege is.

My post was about Kavanaugh - the respondent called him the "poster boy of white privilege."

I grew up around musicians - many of them wonderful African-American jazz and funk players. I always felt they were superior to me, but I never felt hatred towards them because they grew up in a far better musical environment than I did.
It only works until whites are done with using you as a token to deny white privilege and its never all encompassing. You can only get the privilege if you're white and grow up with a certain expectation of success because you're "a white man in america dammit".

That is so 1960s. Do you only watch "All in the Family" and "The Jeffersons," too?

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