White Privilege?

You didnt post a link to your "sincere" post. I want to see both sides of the story. I say this because you whites tend to not be aware of what white privilege is.

My post was about Kavanaugh - the respondent called him the "poster boy of white privilege."

I grew up around musicians - many of them wonderful African-American jazz and funk players. I always felt they were superior to me, but I never felt hatred towards them because they grew up in a far better musical environment than I did.
Doesnt matter who it was about but if it was Kavanaugh I agree. I would still like to see both sides of the argument.

You felt they were superior to you? What does that have to do with anything and why did you feel they were superior to you? Not sure why you would feel hatred towards someone you admittedly felt were superior to you. The fact that you believed them to be superior seems to be an acceptance of the lower position you assigned yourself. If you accepted that you wouldnt feel hatred.
You didnt post a link to your "sincere" post. I want to see both sides of the story. I say this because you whites tend to not be aware of what white privilege is.
Most get the gist, and most recognize it for what it really is...attributing certain traits and characteristics to someone based on nothing else besides their immutable characteristics...in other words “the belief that all members of each race possess characteristics or abilities specific to that race, especially so as to distinguish it as inferior or superior to another race or races”, this also happens to be the definition of racism.

If whites are so privileged, then why is it Asians are leaving the whites in this country in the dust? Is there Asian privelage? If not, what sort of factors lead to the overall success of the Asian population in the US? Are those factors attributable to any other races overall success or failures in the US. If so, to what degree?
Nope. White privilege has nothing to do with traits and characteristics. White privilege is the result of whites having set up a racist system that benefits whites while providing obstacles for other races.

Asians arent leaving whites in the dust. Show me where Asians control anything in the US? Whites own the vast majority of the resources and opportunities in this country.

Asians still do better than whites.

Why the hell should they control anything? They are less than a minority. Whites don't control anything in Japan so what the hell is the issue?

Japanese country = Good
African country = Good

White country = OMFG!
It only works until whites are done with using you as a token to deny white privilege and its never all encompassing. You can only get the privilege if you're white and grow up with a certain expectation of success because you're "a white man in america dammit".

That is so 1960s. Do you only watch "All in the Family" and "The Jeffersons," too?
Never watched All in the Family but I did watch the Jeffersons. Its 2018 and you have step and fetch its like Ben Carson, Herman Cain, etc etc that are examples of what I mean.
You didnt post a link to your "sincere" post. I want to see both sides of the story. I say this because you whites tend to not be aware of what white privilege is.
Most get the gist, and most recognize it for what it really is...attributing certain traits and characteristics to someone based on nothing else besides their immutable characteristics...in other words “the belief that all members of each race possess characteristics or abilities specific to that race, especially so as to distinguish it as inferior or superior to another race or races”, this also happens to be the definition of racism.

If whites are so privileged, then why is it Asians are leaving the whites in this country in the dust? Is there Asian privelage? If not, what sort of factors lead to the overall success of the Asian population in the US? Are those factors attributable to any other races overall success or failures in the US. If so, to what degree?
Nope. White privilege has nothing to do with traits and characteristics. White privilege is the result of whites having set up a racist system that benefits whites while providing obstacles for other races.

Asians arent leaving whites in the dust. Show me where Asians control anything in the US? Whites own the vast majority of the resources and opportunities in this country.

Asians still do better than whites.

Why the hell should they control anything? They are less than a minority. Whites don't control anything in Japan so what the hell is the issue?

Japanese country = Good
African country = Good

White country = OMFG!
Do better at what? They dont run any government branch. They dont own most of the wealth either.

I'm not the one that made the claim. I'm just denying that Asian are doing better.
You didnt post a link to your "sincere" post. I want to see both sides of the story. I say this because you whites tend to not be aware of what white privilege is.
Most get the gist, and most recognize it for what it really is...attributing certain traits and characteristics to someone based on nothing else besides their immutable characteristics...in other words “the belief that all members of each race possess characteristics or abilities specific to that race, especially so as to distinguish it as inferior or superior to another race or races”, this also happens to be the definition of racism.

If whites are so privileged, then why is it Asians are leaving the whites in this country in the dust? Is there Asian privelage? If not, what sort of factors lead to the overall success of the Asian population in the US? Are those factors attributable to any other races overall success or failures in the US. If so, to what degree?
Nope. White privilege has nothing to do with traits and characteristics. White privilege is the result of whites having set up a racist system that benefits whites while providing obstacles for other races.

Asians arent leaving whites in the dust. Show me where Asians control anything in the US? Whites own the vast majority of the resources and opportunities in this country.

Asians still do better than whites.

Why the hell should they control anything? They are less than a minority. Whites don't control anything in Japan so what the hell is the issue?

Japanese country = Good
African country = Good

White country = OMFG!
Do better at what? They dont run any government branch. They dont own most of the wealth either.

I'm not the one that made the claim. I'm just denying that Asian are doing better.

They earn higher incomes.

God forbid are government branches are controlled by white people in a white country. HOW CAN IT BE!??? RACIST!!!!
You didnt post a link to your "sincere" post. I want to see both sides of the story. I say this because you whites tend to not be aware of what white privilege is.
Most get the gist, and most recognize it for what it really is...attributing certain traits and characteristics to someone based on nothing else besides their immutable characteristics...in other words “the belief that all members of each race possess characteristics or abilities specific to that race, especially so as to distinguish it as inferior or superior to another race or races”, this also happens to be the definition of racism.

If whites are so privileged, then why is it Asians are leaving the whites in this country in the dust? Is there Asian privelage? If not, what sort of factors lead to the overall success of the Asian population in the US? Are those factors attributable to any other races overall success or failures in the US. If so, to what degree?
Nope. White privilege has nothing to do with traits and characteristics. White privilege is the result of whites having set up a racist system that benefits whites while providing obstacles for other races.

Asians arent leaving whites in the dust. Show me where Asians control anything in the US? Whites own the vast majority of the resources and opportunities in this country.

Asians still do better than whites.

Why the hell should they control anything? They are less than a minority. Whites don't control anything in Japan so what the hell is the issue?

Japanese country = Good
African country = Good

White country = OMFG!
Do better at what? They dont run any government branch. They dont own most of the wealth either.

I'm not the one that made the claim. I'm just denying that Asian are doing better.

They earn higher incomes.

God forbid are government branches are controlled by white people in a white country. HOW CAN IT BE!??? RACIST!!!!
Thats like saying Black guys make all the money in the NBA.

Thats only because Asians have used you white boys to their advantage. Once they were promoted to model minority status you fools started hiring them to prove a point to Blacks. However since I know alot of Asians they tell me they still have to put up with your white racist ways.

Well since you admit whites control everything why are you saying Asians are doing better than whites?
If White Privilege substantively exists any longer...

Then I am an unabashed and unashamed and unapologetic beneficiary thereof, and will continue to enjoy it.

My ancestors worked and fought to give that to me, and I have no intention of surrendering it.

I do not mind, in the slightest, if other groups who do not benefit, try to bring themselves up to that same level.

But I'll be damned if I'll give up what I've got, just to satisfy others outside my own demographic domain.

Sucks to be you.


Most get the gist, and most recognize it for what it really is...attributing certain traits and characteristics to someone based on nothing else besides their immutable characteristics...in other words “the belief that all members of each race possess characteristics or abilities specific to that race, especially so as to distinguish it as inferior or superior to another race or races”, this also happens to be the definition of racism.

If whites are so privileged, then why is it Asians are leaving the whites in this country in the dust? Is there Asian privelage? If not, what sort of factors lead to the overall success of the Asian population in the US? Are those factors attributable to any other races overall success or failures in the US. If so, to what degree?
Nope. White privilege has nothing to do with traits and characteristics. White privilege is the result of whites having set up a racist system that benefits whites while providing obstacles for other races.

Asians arent leaving whites in the dust. Show me where Asians control anything in the US? Whites own the vast majority of the resources and opportunities in this country.

Asians still do better than whites.

Why the hell should they control anything? They are less than a minority. Whites don't control anything in Japan so what the hell is the issue?

Japanese country = Good
African country = Good

White country = OMFG!
Do better at what? They dont run any government branch. They dont own most of the wealth either.

I'm not the one that made the claim. I'm just denying that Asian are doing better.

They earn higher incomes.

God forbid are government branches are controlled by white people in a white country. HOW CAN IT BE!??? RACIST!!!!
Thats like saying Black guys make all the money in the NBA.

Thats only because Asians have used you white boys to their advantage. Once they were promoted to model minority status you fools started hiring them to prove a point to Blacks. However since I know alot of Asians they tell me they still have to put up with your white racist ways.

Well since you admit whites control everything why are you saying Asians are doing better than whites?

Our racist ways would be happy to provide you a free plane ticket to get a one way delivery to any "not racist" country of your choice. I recommend a country with an average IQ less than 70, you would fit right in.

We won't miss.
If White Privilege substantively exists any longer...

Then I am an unabashed and unashamed and unapologetic beneficiary thereof, and will continue to enjoy it.

My ancestors worked and fought to give that to me, and I have no intention of surrendering it.

I do not mind, in the slightest, if other groups who do not benefit, try to bring themselves up to that same level.

But I'll be damned if I'll give up what I've got, just to satisfy others outside my own demographic domain.

Sucks to be you.
I can respect a white person that tells the truth instead of lying about it.
Nope. White privilege has nothing to do with traits and characteristics. White privilege is the result of whites having set up a racist system that benefits whites while providing obstacles for other races.

Asians arent leaving whites in the dust. Show me where Asians control anything in the US? Whites own the vast majority of the resources and opportunities in this country.

Asians still do better than whites.

Why the hell should they control anything? They are less than a minority. Whites don't control anything in Japan so what the hell is the issue?

Japanese country = Good
African country = Good

White country = OMFG!
Do better at what? They dont run any government branch. They dont own most of the wealth either.

I'm not the one that made the claim. I'm just denying that Asian are doing better.

They earn higher incomes.

God forbid are government branches are controlled by white people in a white country. HOW CAN IT BE!??? RACIST!!!!
Thats like saying Black guys make all the money in the NBA.

Thats only because Asians have used you white boys to their advantage. Once they were promoted to model minority status you fools started hiring them to prove a point to Blacks. However since I know alot of Asians they tell me they still have to put up with your white racist ways.

Well since you admit whites control everything why are you saying Asians are doing better than whites?

Our racist ways would be happy to provide you a free plane ticket to get a one way delivery to any "not racist" country of your choice.

We won't miss.
I know you would be happy. Too bad I am going to stay here and give you white boys indigestion while you try to figure out a way to stay in control. :rolleyes:
You didnt post a link to your "sincere" post. I want to see both sides of the story. I say this because you whites tend to not be aware of what white privilege is.
Most get the gist, and most recognize it for what it really is...attributing certain traits and characteristics to someone based on nothing else besides their immutable characteristics...in other words “the belief that all members of each race possess characteristics or abilities specific to that race, especially so as to distinguish it as inferior or superior to another race or races”, this also happens to be the definition of racism.

If whites are so privileged, then why is it Asians are leaving the whites in this country in the dust? Is there Asian privelage? If not, what sort of factors lead to the overall success of the Asian population in the US? Are those factors attributable to any other races overall success or failures in the US. If so, to what degree?
Nope. White privilege has nothing to do with traits and characteristics. White privilege is the result of whites having set up a racist system that benefits whites while providing obstacles for other races.

Asians arent leaving whites in the dust. Show me where Asians control anything in the US? Whites own the vast majority of the resources and opportunities in this country.
A jealous bad mouther. Get off your deadbeat ass and go earn some privileges; it’s worthy and self affirming and will relieve your victim myopia
You didnt post a link to your "sincere" post. I want to see both sides of the story. I say this because you whites tend to not be aware of what white privilege is.
Most get the gist, and most recognize it for what it really is...attributing certain traits and characteristics to someone based on nothing else besides their immutable characteristics...in other words “the belief that all members of each race possess characteristics or abilities specific to that race, especially so as to distinguish it as inferior or superior to another race or races”, this also happens to be the definition of racism.

If whites are so privileged, then why is it Asians are leaving the whites in this country in the dust? Is there Asian privelage? If not, what sort of factors lead to the overall success of the Asian population in the US? Are those factors attributable to any other races overall success or failures in the US. If so, to what degree?
Nope. White privilege has nothing to do with traits and characteristics. White privilege is the result of whites having set up a racist system that benefits whites while providing obstacles for other races.

Asians arent leaving whites in the dust. Show me where Asians control anything in the US? Whites own the vast majority of the resources and opportunities in this country.
A jealous bad mouther. Get off your deadbeat ass and go earn some privileges; it’s worthy and self affirming and will relieve your victim myopia
I dont need any privilege. Only weak white people need it. I simply out work you and as a result make you jealous. It must really really suck to see a Black guy like me surpass you in every measure even when the system is built for your success. How does that may you feel? :)
You didnt post a link to your "sincere" post. I want to see both sides of the story. I say this because you whites tend to not be aware of what white privilege is.

LOL.....we don't care about being aware of what white privilege is s0n. Trump got elected exactly because white people are sick and tired of the bs........and thank God for that!:hello77:
I wonder if it upsets minorities that we never even think about race anymore. When I hear someone whining about "whitelash" or "slavery" or calling someone "racist" it simply doesn't register. Like WTF are they whining about?? White privilege? Is that like "tokenism" or "diversity" or "affirmative action" where races have different scores to pass?

The US is 77% white, 12% black and 11% brown/other. Whining about race seems so irrelevant anymore, there are so many more important things to work on.
Its like the "white privilege" crowd yearns for days when Eddie Murphy played Buckwheat ....so intellectually stimulating!!
You didnt post a link to your "sincere" post. I want to see both sides of the story. I say this because you whites tend to not be aware of what white privilege is.
Most get the gist, and most recognize it for what it really is...attributing certain traits and characteristics to someone based on nothing else besides their immutable characteristics...in other words “the belief that all members of each race possess characteristics or abilities specific to that race, especially so as to distinguish it as inferior or superior to another race or races”, this also happens to be the definition of racism.

If whites are so privileged, then why is it Asians are leaving the whites in this country in the dust? Is there Asian privelage? If not, what sort of factors lead to the overall success of the Asian population in the US? Are those factors attributable to any other races overall success or failures in the US. If so, to what degree?
Nope. White privilege has nothing to do with traits and characteristics. White privilege is the result of whites having set up a racist system that benefits whites while providing obstacles for other races.

Asians arent leaving whites in the dust. Show me where Asians control anything in the US? Whites own the vast majority of the resources and opportunities in this country.
A jealous bad mouther. Get off your deadbeat ass and go earn some privileges; it’s worthy and self affirming and will relieve your victim myopia
I dont need any privilege. Only weak white people need it. I simply out work you and as a result make you jealous. It must really really suck to see a Black guy like me surpass you in every measure even when the system is built for your success. How does that may you feel? :)

s0n.........you have 90,000 posts. WTF?! Only mental cases have near 100K posts in 5 years. Do you even pay your car bill? C'mon now.......as Ive said before......this inferiority complex stuff is ghey. What are you going to make 500,000 posts and will that make you feel white? Get some real life responsibilities in life and you wont be so miserable and feeling angry and jealous all the time. When you are making 300 posts per day, offuckingcourse that KuntaKinte self-esteem shit is going to perpetuate itself. When you are busy, you don't have time to think about st00pid shit!:fingerscrossed::fingerscrossed:
You didnt post a link to your "sincere" post. I want to see both sides of the story. I say this because you whites tend to not be aware of what white privilege is.

My post was about Kavanaugh - the respondent called him the "poster boy of white privilege."

I grew up around musicians - many of them wonderful African-American jazz and funk players. I always felt they were superior to me, but I never felt hatred towards them because they grew up in a far better musical environment than I did.
Doesnt matter who it was about but if it was Kavanaugh I agree. I would still like to see both sides of the argument.

You felt they were superior to you? What does that have to do with anything and why did you feel they were superior to you? Not sure why you would feel hatred towards someone you admittedly felt were superior to you. The fact that you believed them to be superior seems to be an acceptance of the lower position you assigned yourself. If you accepted that you wouldnt feel hatred.

Hmmm... my post is about race and privilege. I felt they were superior musicians to me because they had grown up in a more "privileged" musical environment - meaning they had more people ready to support and nurture them musically, who "happened to be" black. But I never saw that privilege as coming from their color - it came from their culture.

So - the next logical step is to see that privilege in general is about culture - not color. And that is why "white privilege" is essentially a straw man argument. Race does not imbue privilege, but culture can.

Feel free to denigrate my "white culture music" of Catholic hymns instead of rockin' gospel songs, or Peter Paul & Mary instead of Miles Davis, But understand that I was brought up on that music because it was my culture, not because I was white, so I have no reason to conflate race with "musical privilege."
You didnt post a link to your "sincere" post. I want to see both sides of the story. I say this because you whites tend to not be aware of what white privilege is.
Most get the gist, and most recognize it for what it really is...attributing certain traits and characteristics to someone based on nothing else besides their immutable characteristics...in other words “the belief that all members of each race possess characteristics or abilities specific to that race, especially so as to distinguish it as inferior or superior to another race or races”, this also happens to be the definition of racism.

If whites are so privileged, then why is it Asians are leaving the whites in this country in the dust? Is there Asian privelage? If not, what sort of factors lead to the overall success of the Asian population in the US? Are those factors attributable to any other races overall success or failures in the US. If so, to what degree?
Nope. White privilege has nothing to do with traits and characteristics. White privilege is the result of whites having set up a racist system that benefits whites while providing obstacles for other races.

Asians arent leaving whites in the dust. Show me where Asians control anything in the US? Whites own the vast majority of the resources and opportunities in this country.
A jealous bad mouther. Get off your deadbeat ass and go earn some privileges; it’s worthy and self affirming and will relieve your victim myopia
I dont need any privilege. Only weak white people need it. I simply out work you and as a result make you jealous. It must really really suck to see a Black guy like me surpass you in every measure even when the system is built for your success. How does that may you feel? :)

You're not successful.
Otherwise, if you were, you would not denigrate men like Herman Cain and Ben Carson.
I used my white privilege today. I went to work to earn a few bucks then went to Joe's BBQ for lunch and then left work early to vote!

I feel sorry for all the other colored people who can't do any of that.
It only works until whites are done with using you as a token to deny white privilege and its never all encompassing. You can only get the privilege if you're white and grow up with a certain expectation of success because you're "a white man in america dammit".

That is so 1960s. Do you only watch "All in the Family" and "The Jeffersons," too?
Never watched All in the Family but I did watch the Jeffersons. Its 2018 and you have step and fetch its like Ben Carson, Herman Cain, etc etc that are examples of what I mean.

You claim to be successful. So who did you step and fetch it, for?

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