White Student Union Trend Continues to Grow


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May 1, 2012
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White Student Union Trend Continues to Grow
The University of Central Florida is one of the latest to have an unofficial organization form in answer to Black Lives Matters protests.

By Sherri Lonon (Patch Staff)
November 25, 2015

As Black Lives Matters protests continue on college campuses across the country, not all students are happy with the turn of events.

At the University of Central Florida, a group has formed in response to protests. The White Student Union at UCF claims on its Facebook page to have been formed to counterbalance the “explicit hostility to white students, faculty, and culture, and to the freedoms of speech and association” organizers say have been present in the protests.

While not a registered UCF student organization, the group’s presence on Facebook is garnering much attention. On Tuesday, the page had just over 200 likes. By Wednesday morning, 410 people had liked the page. The effort appears to have been launched on Nov. 21.

In a statement to the press regarding the group’s formation, founders stated the unofficial organization was launched in response to a Black Lives Matter sit-in on the UCF campus in Orlando.

“We felt it was necessary for white students to organize to protect white interests on campus,” the statement reads. “We were emboldened by the expansion of WSUs across the country and decided to debut our own WSU here at UCF. We hope to be a countervailing voice against intolerance, and we want to provide a safe space for white students on campus.”


The formation of White Student Unions on college campuses is becoming a growing trend in the wake of highly publicized racial unrest at schools across the country. At Missouri State University, for example, the group Concerned Student 1950 recently staged a number of protests. Its members issued a series of demands that included insistence on the resignation of Missouri University System President Tim Wolfe. As protests at Mizzou continued, Wolfe issued his resignation Nov. 9.


White Student Union Trend Continues to Grow | Patch
'UCF White Student Union' page creates controversy
Danielle Hendrix, Central Florida Future 2:29 p.m. EST November 25, 2015


A controversial Facebook page for a “UCF White Student Union” popped up Saturday and has quickly been gaining traction and mixed student and community reactions since.

The page’s pinned post states that it welcomes “students of European descendants (and allies) to follow and contribute to the White Student Union.”

It goes on to say that “European-American students on college campuses face unique and immediate challenges that are ignored or even actively denied in today's cultural climate” and the movement aims to provide a safe space to air concerns.

“We seek to honor our past while promoting a positive, peaceful vision of the future; one in which every ethnic group has the right to organize and represent themselves and their interests,” the page states.

We welcome students of European descent (and allies) to follow and contribute to the UCF White Student Union. We were...

Posted by UCF White Student Union on Saturday, November 21, 2015

Some recent posts from the page include “How did you celebrate whiteness today?” and “It's a shame that we, the WSU, are afraid to walk down the halls of our own school! We want to be safe like everyone else!”

The UCF WSU page comes just days after USA Today reported that an anonymous Facebook page labeled “Illini White Student Union” was created, following a rally held by black students Wednesday at the University of Illinois.

The Illini WSU page reportedly dubbed the Black Lives Matter movement an act of “terrorism” and called for the monitoring of black students at the Urbana-Champaign campus. Although the original page has since been taken down, another soon appeared in its place — this time without the post including the word “terrorism,” according to USA Today.

The College Fix reported that more than 30 "White Student Union" pages have been created since, including universities such as Penn State, UCLA, New York University and Stanford.

UCF WSU page administrators said that they were inspired by the WSU at UCLA, and the post states that they hope this initiative will move others nationwide to do the same.

“We originally heard of the backlash surrounding the Illinois union and how it inspired chapters in Berkeley and UCLA,” they said. “Reading the wave [of] hateful and threatening comments by opponents made us wonder if this reception would be universal. So far the critics have been making the fallacy of composition by saying we're a hate group because some other white organizations were in the past.

“We want to organize and spread our message that being white is nothing to be ashamed of nor is it any reason to feel superior to anyone.”

Reactions to the page and its posts have been mixed. Some comments are from people inquiring about how to sign up and get involved; others accuse the page of being a “hate page.” However, the admins said the page isn’t meant solely to stirring up conversation, but eventually they hope to get involved on campus as well.

"Just admit that this is a hate page. Only good thing about this is that you can see who the bigots are on campus," Facebook user Ashley Gapczynski commented on one of the page's posts.

However, user Austin Green commented with a statement that "white people are oppressed."

"We are unable to say anything about the world we live in because people automatically say we are racist," Green stated. "A place for people to express their feelings or worries without being called racist is needed today for all people."


'UCF White Student Union' page creates controversy

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