Zone1 White Supremacist Women


Wow! Amazing!

I love seeing successful children who are getting where they are in life via DISCIPLINE!

I have always had a hard time understanding why discipline is such a filthy word in the left-driven world.

Thanks for sharing these videos. Off to watch the rest of them.

Yes, they are really uplifting to watch.

And ... it's actually not inherent to proper Leftism to eschew discipline, and traditional education.

After the Russian Revolution of 1917, the new Soviet State had a lot of people in education who were 'experimental' and this was reflected in the new curriculum (for example, separate subjects were abolished in favor of 'themes'.) But after Stalin consolidated power, they returned to traditional education methods: the Old School, but now open to everyone. And they had a lot of catching up to do, since 2/3 of the population, on the eve of the Revolution, were illiterate.
[ Education in the Soviet Union - Wikipedia ]

Of course, history and social sciences were full of Stalnist propaganda-garbage. But they did very well in mathematics and science -- remember, they had the first earth satellite, and the first man into space. The Old Left believed in Objective Truth, at least in theory. They didn't believe that witch-doctors were the equal of brain surgeons.

Too bad our current crop of Leftists couldn't be a bit more 'Stalinist', at least for education.
Yeah those Karen incidents were awful. BBQ Betty and the lady calling the police on a little girl selling water.

But also

Disagreeing with your political opinion does not make me racist.

For example:

Allowing Black families to choose a school for their children--WHICH THEY WANT--is not "racist". Is it? Yes or no.

Let's see how you use racism.
Making racist comments while disagreeing does make you a racist. I don't use racism and whites telling me what black people want is paternalism. You cite a few blacks to make your claim, but I am black and what the majority of blacks want is equal funding for schools in black communities.

I don't make threads about black people.

So? I was talking about the numerous threads made by whites here about blacks. You see them and I doubt if you go in them trying to tell them to stop.
Yes. The Original Post could be characterized as drivel, and it provoked congruent responses.

On the other hand, the poor fellow who posted it may have been sincere.
I posted reality. And all of you know what was posted is true.
And Sue, Just exactly when you disagree about everything I say about the experience blacks continue having in this country, what are your disagreements based on? Something you read from Candace Owens, Thomas Sowell or heard said on some black "conservative" youtube video? What practical life experience being black do you have in order to disagree with everything said? Have you been in intimate relationships with black men and found that no racism exists? Because I doubt if you really have had the type of discussions you've had with me here with a black woman. Because you would have been told about yourself quick. So what's your basis for disagreement? "I'm white and I say so?" That ain't going to cut it.
And Sue, Just exactly when you disagree about everything I say about the experience blacks continue having in this country, what are your disagreements based on? Something you read from Candace Owens, Thomas Sowell or heard said on some black "conservative" youtube video? What practical life experience being black do you have in order to disagree with everything said? Have you been in intimate relationships with black men and found that no racism exists? Because I doubt if you really have had the type of discussions you've had with me here with a black woman. Because you would have been told about yourself quick. So what's your basis for disagreement? "I'm white and I say so?" That ain't going to cut it.

So, the "conservative" black experience is not part of the black experience.

That's a completely bigoted POV.

Making racist comments while disagreeing does make you a racist. I don't use racism and whites telling me what black people want is paternalism. You cite a few blacks to make your claim, but I am black and what the majority of blacks want is equal funding for schools in black communities.

They want school choice and you know it. You use race to forward your Marxist politics. Rejected.
No white person today was alive then

And whites have long since ended those practices

You are the one creating racial hate today
Whites have not stopped the practice of racism. This forum is evidence of that.
No, in white racist land they want all blacks to think like those brain dead idiot sellouts you worship.
At this time blacks are one brain marching in lockstep behind democrats, obama and Black LIES Matter

How sad for America
Whites have not stopped the practice of racism. This forum is evidence of that.
If you mean that individuals, both white and non white, have a low opinion of blacks I agree with you

Just as guilt-ridden white libs have a low opinion of themselves

But those are self inflicted wounds that only you can correct
So? I was talking about the numerous threads made by whites here about blacks. You see them and I doubt if you go in them trying to tell them to stop.
Actually I do just that on the rare occasion I click on a thread like that.
Well, I will agree that many women love to deliberately stir shit up then sit back and watch the chaos while hiding behind the “I’m just a girl” defense.

But I don’t think it’s a “white” woman thing.
They want school choice and you know it. You use race to forward your Marxist politics. Rejected.

I'm sure they want school choice for the same reason they dump millions of dollars into lottery tickets.

As a product of the Catholic School system, I can tell you exactly why that won't work.

The reason why I was reasonably successful in Catholic school (despite it giving me a visceral hate of all things religious) is that school choice worked both ways. The schools will cherry pick the kids they want and reject the ones with behavioral issues, learning disabilities, etc.

More to the point, because my parents were laying down their own money, they had a vested interest in my success. You give someone (regardless of race) who looks at school as free day care, they aren't going to suddenly care more because you gave them a voucher.

WE want equal school funding. That's what I know since I am actually black and not some racially challenged right wing female projecting her wishes on black people. White supremacy is a fascist belief. You are a fascist so don't try that Marxist crap here. Your white opinion is rejected.

Equal school funding is nice. But here's the thing, we spend a lot of money on the Public schools, and it gets wasted by the bureaucracy.

The average spending per student in Chicago is $29,307.00
Evanston, IL, one of the richest suburbs, spending is $17,681 to $23,838 per school.
Schaumburg, IL, $16,835 per student each year
Tuition at a Parochial School in Chicago is $11,481
In short, FUNDING IS NOT THE PROBLEM. How it is used is.
WE want equal school funding. That's what I know since I am actually black and not some racially challenged right wing female projecting her wishes on black people. White supremacy is a fascist belief. You are a fascist so don't try that Marxist crap here. Your white opinion is rejected.

What is "racially challenged"?

WE want equal school funding. That's what I know since I am actually black and not some racially challenged right wing female projecting her wishes on black people. White supremacy is a fascist belief. You are a fascist so don't try that Marxist crap here. Your white opinion is rejected.
Oh puh-leeze. Here in DC, the average cost per student is TWICE what is spent in the neighboring suburbs in Maryland and Virginia, and yet the DC students STILL perform much worse on their proficiencies exams.

Throwing even more money into the DC public schools won’t help when the problem starts in the families - the vast majority of DC public school children are products of a young single mother who couldn’t afford to have them.

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