White supremist should be executed - according to the jury

There are lefties that are in support of capital punishment. Some cases definitely fit the bill. Those are few and far between but people like Manson, Dahmer, etc should be euthanized. The problem with the death penalty is that far too often the police have lied or framed someone.

Baseless drivel. We execute those whose guilt isn't only beyond any shred of doubt but whose crimes were heinous enough to warrant execution. You seem to think that the daily homicidal carnage in America isn't really perpetrated by society's predators (who must be just misunderstood good-guys) and that our communities and victims (and their families) need no protection and deserve no justice. We convict these parasites not so much on police testimony but rather on hard evidence ... evidence some armchair warriors actually believe is fabricated (because evidently none of the dead were actually murdered).
Thanks for warning me at the start of your post that you were going to post baseless drivel. I appreciate that because I was going to read it at first.

I'm betting you believe you are funny but, in fact, you are still just really stupid. Feel better now?
I thought he was spot on.

Really? You believe those we've executed were not just innocent but framed by police? Woo.
You must be an idiot. Why do you think so many people have been released due to DNA evidence proving they had nothing to do with it?
Kansas jury says Jewish center killer should be executed

I'm not a fan of the death penalty, but if we are going to use it, this is when we should.
I think we should make the death penalty legal in all 50 states. Just make it for clear cut slam dunk cases like this one:


Detroit mother who killed her kids and placed them in freezer pleads guilty: ‘I would do it again’
in cases like this one the death penalty should be immediate imo in doing what she did and saying what she did ,she gave up any and all of her rights.

They'll say she's crazy or sick in the head or mentally ill. Who cares? Is she ever going to get out? Then kill her. The bottom line is we don't execute because we feel sorry for these people. I don't. I mean I do. I'm sure she had a really shitty life but that's no excuse.
There are lefties that are in support of capital punishment. Some cases definitely fit the bill. Those are few and far between but people like Manson, Dahmer, etc should be euthanized. The problem with the death penalty is that far too often the police have lied or framed someone.

Baseless drivel. We execute those whose guilt isn't only beyond any shred of doubt but whose crimes were heinous enough to warrant execution. You seem to think that the daily homicidal carnage in America isn't really perpetrated by society's predators (who must be just misunderstood good-guys) and that our communities and victims (and their families) need no protection and deserve no justice. We convict these parasites not so much on police testimony but rather on hard evidence ... evidence some armchair warriors actually believe is fabricated (because evidently none of the dead were actually murdered).
Thanks for warning me at the start of your post that you were going to post baseless drivel. I appreciate that because I was going to read it at first.

I'm betting you believe you are funny but, in fact, you are still just really stupid. Feel better now?
I thought he was spot on.

Really? You believe those we've executed were not just innocent but framed by police? Woo.
Some/a lot were/are. Our justice system is screwed up. The death penalty should be ONLY for slam dunk no doubt he did it type cases but all too often we find cases where the person on trial is framed because there is a lot of pressure from the public to find the murderer so the cops find a suspect and make them the scapegoat. Might not even be on purpose.

There should be no way a person is put to death unless there is 100% sure he did it. The guy who shot the people in the movie theater? He should be put to death. No question he did it.

But the cop who shot Michael Brown in Ferguson should not be put to death. He may be found guilty and sentenced to jail but I don't think that is a murder in the 1st type case.
Baseless drivel. We execute those whose guilt isn't only beyond any shred of doubt but whose crimes were heinous enough to warrant execution. You seem to think that the daily homicidal carnage in America isn't really perpetrated by society's predators (who must be just misunderstood good-guys) and that our communities and victims (and their families) need no protection and deserve no justice. We convict these parasites not so much on police testimony but rather on hard evidence ... evidence some armchair warriors actually believe is fabricated (because evidently none of the dead were actually murdered).
Thanks for warning me at the start of your post that you were going to post baseless drivel. I appreciate that because I was going to read it at first.

I'm betting you believe you are funny but, in fact, you are still just really stupid. Feel better now?
I thought he was spot on.

Really? You believe those we've executed were not just innocent but framed by police? Woo.
You must be an idiot. Why do you think so many people have been released due to DNA evidence proving they had nothing to do with it?

You are an idiot. We've executed 1414 twisted perps since 1976 (35/yr). The few released from death row for any reason were not there because police lied or framed them ... you just make that stupid shit up because you are stupid shit, Asslips.
Thanks for warning me at the start of your post that you were going to post baseless drivel. I appreciate that because I was going to read it at first.

I'm betting you believe you are funny but, in fact, you are still just really stupid. Feel better now?
I thought he was spot on.

Really? You believe those we've executed were not just innocent but framed by police? Woo.
You must be an idiot. Why do you think so many people have been released due to DNA evidence proving they had nothing to do with it?

You are an idiot. We've executed 1414 twisted perps since 1976 (35/yr). The few released from death row for any reason were not there because police lied or framed them ... you just make that stupid shit up because you are stupid shit, Asslips.
What about the police who interrogate suspects who are innocent but stupid and they pressure them so much that they confess? It happens. Police aren't looking for the truth. They are looking to get a confession.
Thanks for warning me at the start of your post that you were going to post baseless drivel. I appreciate that because I was going to read it at first.

I'm betting you believe you are funny but, in fact, you are still just really stupid. Feel better now?
I thought he was spot on.

Really? You believe those we've executed were not just innocent but framed by police? Woo.
You must be an idiot. Why do you think so many people have been released due to DNA evidence proving they had nothing to do with it?

You are an idiot. We've executed 1414 twisted perps since 1976 (35/yr). The few released from death row for any reason were not there because police lied or framed them ... you just make that stupid shit up because you are stupid shit, Asslips.
My wife and I like to watch crime dramas on MSNBC dateline detailing real cases and interviews of all or most of the people involved. It actually allows you to see cases built by the prosecution and put before a jury. It's stunning how often the case is purely circumstantial and the jury convicts anyway; cases where I knew I couldn't possibly vote guilty with a clean conscience if I were on that jury. I believe there are a lot of people serving time and on death row who are innocent. Our founders built a criminal justice system that favors the accused. Today we turned it into the exact opposite.
There are lefties that are in support of capital punishment. Some cases definitely fit the bill. Those are few and far between but people like Manson, Dahmer, etc should be euthanized. The problem with the death penalty is that far too often the police have lied or framed someone.

Baseless drivel. We execute those whose guilt isn't only beyond any shred of doubt but whose crimes were heinous enough to warrant execution. You seem to think that the daily homicidal carnage in America isn't really perpetrated by society's predators (who must be just misunderstood good-guys) and that our communities and victims (and their families) need no protection and deserve no justice. We convict these parasites not so much on police testimony but rather on hard evidence ... evidence some armchair warriors actually believe is fabricated (because evidently none of the dead were actually murdered).
Thanks for warning me at the start of your post that you were going to post baseless drivel. I appreciate that because I was going to read it at first.

I'm betting you believe you are funny but, in fact, you are still just really stupid. Feel better now?
I thought he was spot on.

Really? You believe those we've executed were not just innocent but framed by police? Woo.
Some yes .

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