White supremist should be executed - according to the jury

I've seen some really hot NA women. White women are actually last on my list of preference in terms of beauty.
Are you gay?
No. Are you? Its ok if you are but I like women so dont proposition me.
Sorry, but Odium is right. White women are the most sublime of all races. Anyone who thinks they're unattractive must take it in the ass.
Odumb has never been right even when he turned east after facing north.. Anyone that agrees with him that white women are the most sublime obviously has a teensy tiny dick
Whatever you say, Kevin Aviance.
Is Kevin your current beau? I dont know who that person is.
Kansas jury says Jewish center killer should be executed

I'm not a fan of the death penalty, but if we are going to use it, this is when we should.
More examples of leftie logic. I think the death penalty is authorized in this case but why aren't lefties "a fan of capital punishment"? Can you spell hypocrite?
There are lefties that are in support of capital punishment. Some cases definitely fit the bill. Those are few and far between but people like Manson, Dahmer, etc should be euthanized. The problem with the death penalty is that far too often the police have lied or framed someone.

Baseless drivel. We execute those whose guilt isn't only beyond any shred of doubt but whose crimes were heinous enough to warrant execution. You seem to think that the daily homicidal carnage in America isn't really perpetrated by society's predators (who must be just misunderstood good-guys) and that our communities and victims (and their families) need no protection and deserve no justice. We convict these parasites not so much on police testimony but rather on hard evidence ... evidence some armchair warriors actually believe is fabricated (because evidently none of the dead were actually murdered).
Thanks for warning me at the start of your post that you were going to post baseless drivel. I appreciate that because I was going to read it at first.
Kansas jury says Jewish center killer should be executed

I'm not a fan of the death penalty, but if we are going to use it, this is when we should.
More examples of leftie logic. I think the death penalty is authorized in this case but why aren't lefties "a fan of capital punishment"? Can you spell hypocrite?
There are lefties that are in support of capital punishment. Some cases definitely fit the bill. Those are few and far between but people like Manson, Dahmer, etc should be euthanized. The problem with the death penalty is that far too often the police have lied or framed someone.

Baseless drivel. We execute those whose guilt isn't only beyond any shred of doubt but whose crimes were heinous enough to warrant execution. You seem to think that the daily homicidal carnage in America isn't really perpetrated by society's predators (who must be just misunderstood good-guys) and that our communities and victims (and their families) need no protection and deserve no justice. We convict these parasites not so much on police testimony but rather on hard evidence ... evidence some armchair warriors actually believe is fabricated (because evidently none of the dead were actually murdered).
Thanks for warning me at the start of your post that you were going to post baseless drivel. I appreciate that because I was going to read it at first.

I'm betting you believe you are funny but, in fact, you are still just really stupid. Feel better now?
Kansas jury says Jewish center killer should be executed

I'm not a fan of the death penalty, but if we are going to use it, this is when we should.
More examples of leftie logic. I think the death penalty is authorized in this case but why aren't lefties "a fan of capital punishment"? Can you spell hypocrite?
There are lefties that are in support of capital punishment. Some cases definitely fit the bill. Those are few and far between but people like Manson, Dahmer, etc should be euthanized. The problem with the death penalty is that far too often the police have lied or framed someone.

Baseless drivel. We execute those whose guilt isn't only beyond any shred of doubt but whose crimes were heinous enough to warrant execution. You seem to think that the daily homicidal carnage in America isn't really perpetrated by society's predators (who must be just misunderstood good-guys) and that our communities and victims (and their families) need no protection and deserve no justice. We convict these parasites not so much on police testimony but rather on hard evidence ... evidence some armchair warriors actually believe is fabricated (because evidently none of the dead were actually murdered).
Thanks for warning me at the start of your post that you were going to post baseless drivel. I appreciate that because I was going to read it at first.

I'm betting you believe you are funny but, in fact, you are still just really stupid. Feel better now?
I'm betting you thought you were intelligent but in fact you are just silly and off point.
False and inaccurate but not unexpected from a neo nazi fuck.
ROFLMAO...moron thinks he knows what "white supremacists" like.....LMAO.....go back and play in your sand box numb nuts.

It is no more juvenile than you insisting that only your standards of beauty are correct.
That's MY and those eeeeviillll natzis opinion that the white woman is the most beautiful woman on the face of the earth. Don't like it tough shit.

I don't give a rats ass whether you an your ilk like white women, oriental women, or barnyard animals. I am just making fun of your assertions that what you think is beautiful is correct and any other view is wrong. I find that hilarious.
Don't care. :) Like I said I am never wrong my boy. Never.
really? I've proved you wrong every time you post.
fact is you are wrong all the time.
ROFLMAO....white is ANYONE of European heritage you twit. Also no I find no asian female beautiful. I find white women beautiful.....We have the most diversity,blonde,red,brown,blue eyes,brown eyes,green eyes,hazel eyes,etc. Nothing more beautiful than a white woman.
False and inaccurate but not unexpected from a neo nazi fuck.
ROFLMAO...moron thinks he knows what "white supremacists" like.....LMAO.....go back and play in your sand box numb nuts.

It is no more juvenile than you insisting that only your standards of beauty are correct.
That's MY and those eeeeviillll natzis opinion that the white woman is the most beautiful woman on the face of the earth. Don't like it tough shit.

you have to give it one thing it's rock solid proof of devolution. it also shows what lifetime diet of roadkill and KFC will do to your mental and physical health.
Kansas jury says Jewish center killer should be executed

I'm not a fan of the death penalty, but if we are going to use it, this is when we should.
More examples of leftie logic. I think the death penalty is authorized in this case but why aren't lefties "a fan of capital punishment"? Can you spell hypocrite?
There are lefties that are in support of capital punishment. Some cases definitely fit the bill. Those are few and far between but people like Manson, Dahmer, etc should be euthanized. The problem with the death penalty is that far too often the police have lied or framed someone.

Baseless drivel. We execute those whose guilt isn't only beyond any shred of doubt but whose crimes were heinous enough to warrant execution. You seem to think that the daily homicidal carnage in America isn't really perpetrated by society's predators (who must be just misunderstood good-guys) and that our communities and victims (and their families) need no protection and deserve no justice. We convict these parasites not so much on police testimony but rather on hard evidence ... evidence some armchair warriors actually believe is fabricated (because evidently none of the dead were actually murdered).
Thanks for warning me at the start of your post that you were going to post baseless drivel. I appreciate that because I was going to read it at first.

I'm betting you believe you are funny but, in fact, you are still just really stupid. Feel better now?
I thought he was spot on.
False and inaccurate but not unexpected from a neo nazi fuck.
ROFLMAO...moron thinks he knows what "white supremacists" like.....LMAO.....go back and play in your sand box numb nuts.

It is no more juvenile than you insisting that only your standards of beauty are correct.
Well maybe not correct but popular. I married a white woman because she's freakin hot! Have you seen NA women? Three bags and a 12 pack.
I've seen some really hot NA women. White women are actually last on my list of preference in terms of beauty.
Are you gay?
why does that matter? most of the gays guys I know have lots of incredibly attractive female friends
I've seen some really hot NA women. White women are actually last on my list of preference in terms of beauty.
Are you gay?
No. Are you? Its ok if you are but I like women so dont proposition me.
Sorry, but Odium is right. White women are the most sublime of all races. Anyone who thinks they're unattractive must take it in the ass.
Odumb has never been right even when he turned east after facing north.. Anyone that agrees with him that white women are the most sublime obviously has a teensy tiny dick
Whatever you say, Kevin Aviance.
major Freudian slip!
Whereas I'm against the death penalty in all cases. No situational ethics.

There are some people in this world that simply offer no socially redeeming value and pose a horrific threat to people, especially the most innocent among us. They are pure evil, Like a rabid dog, those people need to be put down for the safety and security of others.

I once saw an interview with a serial pedophile. this guy had been arrested something like 6 - 7 times for pedophilia, sexual assault, and hurting children in unusually cruel and perverted ways .He was very candid and blunt. The reporter asked him what people could do to prevent serial pedophiles like him from continuing to commit those heinous crimes. He said he had been arrested, jailed, received psychological treatment, and had even been chemically castrated...and it did NOTHING to fight the urges he has. He says almost every serial rapist like himself he talked to felt the same way. He declared that if he ever got out of jail again...HE WOULD DO IT AGAIN, that he could not help himself. He then said what society should do is to put people like him to death - 'kill me', he said. 'That is the only honest way you can ever protect children.'

If a man like this can come to that conclusion...if the worst, most violent offenders (murderers, rapists, etc) we put in jail will NOT tolerate anyone who hurts a child and will kill them in jail, then why is it so difficult for 'civilized' people to realize that sometimes (as they might say in Texas) some people need killin'?!

Just a thought...
ohh no! not the gay / pedophile ploy again!
Whereas I'm against the death penalty in all cases. No situational ethics.

There are some people in this world that simply offer no socially redeeming value and pose a horrific threat to people, especially the most innocent among us. They are pure evil, Like a rabid dog, those people need to be put down for the safety and security of others.

I once saw an interview with a serial pedophile. this guy had been arrested something like 6 - 7 times for pedophilia, sexual assault, and hurting children in unusually cruel and perverted ways .He was very candid and blunt. The reporter asked him what people could do to prevent serial pedophiles like him from continuing to commit those heinous crimes. He said he had been arrested, jailed, received psychological treatment, and had even been chemically castrated...and it did NOTHING to fight the urges he has. He says almost every serial rapist like himself he talked to felt the same way. He declared that if he ever got out of jail again...HE WOULD DO IT AGAIN, that he could not help himself. He then said what society should do is to put people like him to death - 'kill me', he said. 'That is the only honest way you can ever protect children.'

If a man like this can come to that conclusion...if the worst, most violent offenders (murderers, rapists, etc) we put in jail will NOT tolerate anyone who hurts a child and will kill them in jail, then why is it so difficult for 'civilized' people to realize that sometimes (as they might say in Texas) some people need killin'?!

Just a thought...
ohh no! not the gay / pedophile ploy again!

'Ploy'? which part of 'INTERVIEW' did you not understand. This was not a false story (like Hillary makes up) - this was a real case. Don't want to let it make a difference? Your choice....but if your kid ever gets raped or murdered...remember, you don't believe in capitol punishment and how the perp will walk after about 3 years, if they go to jail at all.
Whereas I'm against the death penalty in all cases. No situational ethics.

There are some people in this world that simply offer no socially redeeming value and pose a horrific threat to people, especially the most innocent among us. They are pure evil, Like a rabid dog, those people need to be put down for the safety and security of others.

I once saw an interview with a serial pedophile. this guy had been arrested something like 6 - 7 times for pedophilia, sexual assault, and hurting children in unusually cruel and perverted ways .He was very candid and blunt. The reporter asked him what people could do to prevent serial pedophiles like him from continuing to commit those heinous crimes. He said he had been arrested, jailed, received psychological treatment, and had even been chemically castrated...and it did NOTHING to fight the urges he has. He says almost every serial rapist like himself he talked to felt the same way. He declared that if he ever got out of jail again...HE WOULD DO IT AGAIN, that he could not help himself. He then said what society should do is to put people like him to death - 'kill me', he said. 'That is the only honest way you can ever protect children.'

If a man like this can come to that conclusion...if the worst, most violent offenders (murderers, rapists, etc) we put in jail will NOT tolerate anyone who hurts a child and will kill them in jail, then why is it so difficult for 'civilized' people to realize that sometimes (as they might say in Texas) some people need killin'?!

Just a thought...
ohh no! not the gay / pedophile ploy again!

'Ploy'? which part of 'INTERVIEW' did you not understand. This was not a false story (like Hillary makes up) - this was a real case. Don't want to let it make a difference? Your choice....but if your kid ever gets raped or murdered...remember, you don't believe in capitol punishment and how the perp will walk after about 3 years, if they go to jail at all.
Youre an idiot. I'll let you figure out why though.
Whereas I'm against the death penalty in all cases. No situational ethics.

There are some people in this world that simply offer no socially redeeming value and pose a horrific threat to people, especially the most innocent among us. They are pure evil, Like a rabid dog, those people need to be put down for the safety and security of others.

I once saw an interview with a serial pedophile. this guy had been arrested something like 6 - 7 times for pedophilia, sexual assault, and hurting children in unusually cruel and perverted ways .He was very candid and blunt. The reporter asked him what people could do to prevent serial pedophiles like him from continuing to commit those heinous crimes. He said he had been arrested, jailed, received psychological treatment, and had even been chemically castrated...and it did NOTHING to fight the urges he has. He says almost every serial rapist like himself he talked to felt the same way. He declared that if he ever got out of jail again...HE WOULD DO IT AGAIN, that he could not help himself. He then said what society should do is to put people like him to death - 'kill me', he said. 'That is the only honest way you can ever protect children.'

If a man like this can come to that conclusion...if the worst, most violent offenders (murderers, rapists, etc) we put in jail will NOT tolerate anyone who hurts a child and will kill them in jail, then why is it so difficult for 'civilized' people to realize that sometimes (as they might say in Texas) some people need killin'?!

Just a thought...
ohh no! not the gay / pedophile ploy again!

'Ploy'? which part of 'INTERVIEW' did you not understand. This was not a false story (like Hillary makes up) - this was a real case. Don't want to let it make a difference? Your choice....but if your kid ever gets raped or murdered...remember, you don't believe in capitol punishment and how the perp will walk after about 3 years, if they go to jail at all.
is stupid your middle name. ?
I have stated countless times to the shock and surprise of posters that I am AND ALWAYS HAVE BEEN FOR THE DEATH PENALTY .
the interview is irrelevant and commonplace.
what makes it a ploy is your feigned outrage.
the bullshit about Hillary is unnecessary and obsessive..
what makes it a ploy is your feigned outrage.

daws, you don't know me. You have no idea what I have been through or my family has been through. Like many liberals you like to think you know what other people think, but you don't know Shi'ite! I would suggest that you stick to speaking for yourself because you absolutely $u@K at trying to speak for ME!
what makes it a ploy is your feigned outrage.

daws, you don't know me. You have no idea what I have been through or my family has been through. Like many liberals you like to think you know what other people think, but you don't know Shi'ite! I would suggest that you stick to speaking for yourself because you absolutely $u@K at trying to speak for ME!
You should take your own advice especially after assuming Daws was against the death penalty. Your stupidity is reaching epic levels.
what makes it a ploy is your feigned outrage.

daws, you don't know me. You have no idea what I have been through or my family has been through. Like many liberals you like to think you know what other people think, but you don't know Shi'ite! I would suggest that you stick to speaking for yourself because you absolutely $u@K at trying to speak for ME!
I don't need to know you . Your trials and tribulations are no worse or no better than anyone else's.
I never speak for anyone else, you assuming that just strengthens my arguments.
You blather the same shit conservative Christians have since blathering was invented.
Grow a pair.
Personally, as there have been many people incarcerated for crimes they didn't commit and some were on death row (and no doubt some executed), I am only in favor of the death penalty in cases where there is absolutely NO doubt as to who the killer is (i.e., caught in the act), not just "guilty" beyond a so-called "reasonable" doubt. Innocent people that were on death row were convicted via the "beyond a reasonable doubt" premise. If we are absolutely certain who a killer is, then the killer should be stood in a room, hands cuffed behind his/her back and surviving members of the victims family given, if they wish, baseball bats and allowed to bash the killer until confirmed deceased.
Kansas jury says Jewish center killer should be executed

I'm not a fan of the death penalty, but if we are going to use it, this is when we should.
I think we should make the death penalty legal in all 50 states. Just make it for clear cut slam dunk cases like this one:


Detroit mother who killed her kids and placed them in freezer pleads guilty: ‘I would do it again’
in cases like this one the death penalty should be immediate imo in doing what she did and saying what she did ,she gave up any and all of her rights.
More examples of leftie logic. I think the death penalty is authorized in this case but why aren't lefties "a fan of capital punishment"? Can you spell hypocrite?
There are lefties that are in support of capital punishment. Some cases definitely fit the bill. Those are few and far between but people like Manson, Dahmer, etc should be euthanized. The problem with the death penalty is that far too often the police have lied or framed someone.

Baseless drivel. We execute those whose guilt isn't only beyond any shred of doubt but whose crimes were heinous enough to warrant execution. You seem to think that the daily homicidal carnage in America isn't really perpetrated by society's predators (who must be just misunderstood good-guys) and that our communities and victims (and their families) need no protection and deserve no justice. We convict these parasites not so much on police testimony but rather on hard evidence ... evidence some armchair warriors actually believe is fabricated (because evidently none of the dead were actually murdered).
Thanks for warning me at the start of your post that you were going to post baseless drivel. I appreciate that because I was going to read it at first.

I'm betting you believe you are funny but, in fact, you are still just really stupid. Feel better now?
I thought he was spot on.

Really? You believe those we've executed were not just innocent but framed by police? Woo.

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