White Teen Girl in critical condition after being beaten by black mob, head repeatedly bashed into concrete

Poor thing. This innocent girl was lynched by a black mob in broad daylight. Reverse the races and this would be a major story covered on all the national networks. Joe Biden would be weighing in about our systemic racism and the rise of white supremacy under Donald Trump.


Scott Adams is right.

Scott Adams RISKS IT ALL, Tells White People to "STAY AWAY FROM BLACKS"


But meanwhile that ape that did it thinks they are the real victim and started a fund raiser for themselves.

I’d say that a judge should declare as part of her sentence a fine equal to the amount collected, and then turn that money over to Kaylee’s family.
I’d say that a judge should declare as part of her sentence a fine equal to the amount collected, and then turn that money over to Kaylee’s family.
The family should file a civil suit against the attacker and get a court order to hold those funds

Missouri Teen Kaylee Gain Awakens from Coma After Brutal Beatdown from Classmate, Only to Face Another Big Problem​

Good girls don't bash other girl's heads into concrete. Animals do,

Missouri Teen Kaylee Gain Awakens from Coma After Brutal Beatdown from Classmate, Only to Face Another Big Problem​

That is really great news. She’s able to speak a little, as well.
Why Is the attacker claiming she’s the victim? Is she trying to say white racism made her do it? LOL.
Uh didn't they actually get into a fight? I guess that fact just really doesn't matter, they walked up to each other and started swinging.
Same old shit, he's a good boy or girl from parents that failed at parenting
Hmmm, I don't understand that. Neither kid has a criminal record, they started throwing punches at each other at the same time, but the black girls parents failed at parenting, but the white kids parents do it the right way. You racist cocksuckas are a joke.
Hmmm, I don't understand that. Neither kid has a criminal record, they started throwing punches at each other at the same time, but the black girls parents failed at parenting, but the white kids parents do it the right way. You racist cocksuckas are a joke.

Virtually everything other than black goes over your head. I'm not in the mood for your racism

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