White Teen Girl in critical condition after being beaten by black mob, head repeatedly bashed into concrete

They won't do her much good against a guy twice her size and psychotic. Or on crank. Hope you taught her to shoot.

Mine was to win that fight, and every subsequent fight. Knock a guy on his ass, you win that fight. Knock him on his ass, then stomp him to a bloody pulp and stop pounding only when physically pulled off, you have won every fight.

Huh, so then you too are justifying what this girl did.

Well, I suppose you can do that, I guess this is where the world is now, people are just out looking for blood, looking to kill someone.

The world gets crazier every day.
Huh, so then you too are justifying what this girl did.

Well, I suppose you can do that, I guess this is where the world is now, people are just out looking for blood, looking to kill someone.

The world gets crazier every day.
Summer of Love 2.0 on Deck
Huh, so then you too are justifying what this girl did.

Well, I suppose you can do that, I guess this is where the world is now, people are just out looking for blood, looking to kill someone.

The world gets crazier every day.

I learned the hard way that winning a fight sometimes isn't enough. I also still wear a beard to hide the scar. An inch and a half lower, I'd be dead.
Summer of Love 2.0 on Deck
Hopefully not. However, the mindset of some of these people certainly ups the ante, to the point where if you are ever in a confrontation, you have to ask yourself…does this person have the same mindset as the people you read in these forums? Do you need to potentially change your mindset from “just get away” to “you have to put this person in the hospital” because apparently, if people get into a fight, they believe that is a license to kill, or seriously injur someone at the very least.
I learned the hard way that winning a fight sometimes isn't enough. I also still wear a beard to hide the scar. An inch and a half lower, I'd be dead.

What do you mean winning isn’t enough? If you win, the person is walking away kicking his wounds, if you feel they are a further threat, then you call the police, but your mindset of “I’ll just beat them to a bloody pulp” is the exact reason why people get beaten to a bloody pulp. It’s also why people walk around looking for a reason to get into an altercation, so they can justify their thirst for violence.
Hopefully not. However, the mindset of some of these people certainly ups the ante, to the point where if you are ever in a confrontation, you have to ask yourself…does this person have the same mindset as the people you read in these forums? Do you need to potentially change your mindset from “just get away” to “you have to put this person in the hospital” because apparently, if people get into a fight, they believe that is a license to kill, or seriously injur someone at the very least.
If someone closes the distance and looks to Curbstomp me I WILL Mag dump them , then seek cover or conceal ( Or Both ) and top off then egress
If someone closes the distance and looks to Curbstomp me I WILL Mag dump them , then seek cover or conceal ( Or Both ) and top off then egress
Or, you could just run the other direction and avoid the situation altogether.

I mean, if you are trapped and can’t escape, I agree, use whatever force NECESSARY, to stop your attacker. This doesn’t mean needlessly “stomping them into a bloody mess”, there are ways to eliminate a threat without resorting to attempted murder.

The best option, however, is the option that allows you to avoid the fight, which is simply leaving the scene, if you can.

You sound like one of those people who walk around hoping someone messes with you so you have an excuse to injure them.
Or, you could just run the other direction and avoid the situation altogether.

I mean, if you are trapped and can’t escape, I agree, use whatever force NECESSARY, to stop your attacker. This doesn’t mean needlessly “stomping them into a bloody mess”, there are ways to eliminate a threat without resorting to attempted murder.

The best option, however, is the option that allows you to avoid the fight, which is simply leaving the scene, if you can.

You sound like one of those people who walk around hoping someone messes with you so you have an excuse to injure them.
I’m 64 yo so no outrunning , it’s not even considered
Feral little thugs who were raised wrong, no father figure or real family life. Nothing good about those children, mama
You racist POS. Having a father has nothing to do with this. Your boy Trump had a father and look at him. So did Ted Bundy. I really think that you whites doing this have beeter things to do with your lives than to look for blacks beating or killing whites on the internet when the reality is this:


Apparently all lives don't matter.
In a County that is 89% Non Minority ( Shasta) I am most likely to be done in by a tweaked tattooed neck beard outa work Pot Trimmer and not a Dazzling Urbanite Knucklehead From Camden .
And yet you racists do not show videos of this on a daily basis. You guys are trying to construct a narrative thats not true. This fight for example, blacks were fighting each other also, but all that gets shown is the white girl. Blacks got stomped too, but all we see is this white girl and then the standard bullshit racist commentary So again:


Do something about that instead of wasting your miserable lives looking for videos of blacks beating up whites.
I’m 64 yo so no outrunning , it’s not even considered
I’m a tad older than you, and a woman, so my options are limited also. I suggest a taser, which will temporarily disable your attacker, leaving you time to escape and call the cops, and the attacker not permanently injured.
What do you mean winning isn’t enough? If you win, the person is walking away kicking his wounds, if you feel they are a further threat, then you call the police, but your mindset of “I’ll just beat them to a bloody pulp” is the exact reason why people get beaten to a bloody pulp. It’s also why people walk around looking for a reason to get into an altercation, so they can justify their thirst for violence.
I mean that after winning a fight, the guy attempted to cut open my carotid artery, and damn near did. Had he hit my neck instead of my jaw, I'd probably have bled out.
And yet you racists do not show videos of this on a daily basis. You guys are trying to construct a narrative thats not true. This fight for example, blacks were fighting each other also, but all that gets shown is the white girl. Blacks got stomped too, but all we see is this white girl and then the standard bullshit racist commentary So again:

View attachment 919829

Do something about that instead of wasting your miserable lives looking for videos of blacks beating up whites.

Can't remember the last time I saw a rightwing nut post an article on this forum about a white person committing and violent crime.
I’m a tad older than you, and a woman, so my options are limited also. I suggest a taser, which will temporarily disable your attacker, leaving you time to escape and call the cops, and the attacker not permanently injured.
I suggest Hollow Point Ultra Shock ammo fuck a Non lethal if some Neckbeard 20someting is closing the distance with a Skateboard or a Bike lock
I mean that after winning a fight, the guy attempted to cut open my carotid artery, and damn near did. Had he hit my neck instead of my jaw, I'd probably have bled out.

Here the issue was the winner didn't stop after downing the other girl and hitting her. The point where it went from a fight to attempted murder was the bashing of the head onto the concrete. Any point before that, it's just a fight.
Here the issue was the winner didn't stop after downing the other girl and hitting her. The point where it went from a fight to attempted murder was the bashing of the e head onto the concrete. Any point before that, it's just a fight.
Fights will be passé , when it all goes down everyone will be Armed

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