White Teen Thugs Kill Police Officer

This thread must be 50 pages long filled with evil white repubs defending and/or justifying what these assholes did, right? :eusa_whistle:

In a rich suburb of Orlando. Where are the parents?

Suspects in Windermere officer Robert German's shooting death left suicide notes | Local News - WESH Home

I am shocked. They are not black.

If they were, we wouldn't hear about it.

You're kidding, right?

You racists fall over each other to start a new thread on here every time you read on Storm front a niggrah looked crosseyed at a cracker!

If they were, we wouldn't hear about it.

We definitely would have heard about it. There would have been multiple threads about how roving Black mobs were attacking....wait. There already are multiple threads about mobs and knockouts and scary Black people. :lol:
Some of you LOVE to casually throw the N word around like its a big joke. You make me sick.
Let's repeal Obamacare, make parents on minimum wage pay for psychiatric care for their kids, and make sure authority figures tell troubled kids to Just say No!. It's worked so well thus far why change? [yes I know that these two lived in an wealthy area, but that matters not]

And let no one ask how an 18 and 17 year old kids one with mental health issues and a criminal record get a gun, kill and officer and committed suicide: Always REMEMBER this is the most important fact - A well regulated teenager, being necessary for the security of a free state, the right of the people no matter how disturbed they maybe, shall not be infringed, at least until they kill a parent, shoot up a mall or commit suicide.

[Even then the NRA and its fellow travelers will defend the right of the mentally impaired and the violent to own, possess and have in their custody and control a firearm]
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Some of you LOVE to casually throw the N word around like its a big joke. You make me sick.

Wow attack the race haters and the attack the people who call em' out. You need to figure out which direction you're heading in.

Execute 'em. Slowly. Tie em down and skin em alive starting with their toes. Make the parents watch as a warning to other absent or neglectful parents. Love to execute the parents too to bring that line to a close but I'm willing to compromise.

seek help
I agree. Your post is very disturbing. Unless you are being ironic.

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