White woman who stole $250K gets probation, while Black woman who stole $40K goes to jail. Disparate sentences spark calls for reform.

The white woman stole 250k and was sent home, the black woman stole 40k and was sent to prison. What excuse do racist like you come with? Oh she paid it back, so that dismisses her robbing.
I already gave you one reason

The white woman paid the money back and the black woman didnt
This thread points out an obvious problem in our justice system.
No it doesn't. It only points out how ignorant some folks are about the justice system, judicial discretion, and the concepts of jurisdiction.
But there’s no major company that gives preferential treatment to white men when hiring them. All sorts of major companies in America will have a quota for hiring blacks and women.
Is that why all the majority of CEOs, managers, COOs, etc. are white men. Yep we get so much preferential treatment that are unemployment is double or triple that of whites.
Also, black commit way more crimes compared to whites.
DOJ/FBI statistics prove that's a lie.
And It’s certainly not because of their skin color but due to arise in the divorce rates among the black population. Arise in out of wedlock births among blacks. Was not an issue with black parents or grandfathers back in the day. And it’s similar for white people the numbers are a bit less.
You mean during the Good Ole Days of Jim Crow and slavery.
There’s all sorts of individual examples of what you’re talking about above but in mainstream America it’s a lot easier to get a job for a black person or a woman now. We should just have a meritocracy. Anyone against meritocracy is a “racist.”
More right-wing babble. We have never had meritocracy.
You view everything as an issue of race. That’s why you love a sad life. Some of us don’t fall into that trap and you despise us for being better than you
Tell me something in this country that isn't based on race. You just sellout and try to join them, but it doesn't work.
I already gave you one reason

The white woman paid the money back and the black woman didn't
She STOLE the money, what the hell does it matter that she gave it back after she was caught. The damn crime was still committed.
Tell me something in this country that isn't based on race. You just sellout and try to join them, but it doesn't work.
You’re just making excuses for your failures. You’re not treated bad because you’re black you’re treated bad because you’re an asswipe
She STOLE the money, what the hell does it matter that she gave it back after she was caught. The damn crime was still committed.
The white woman made restitution and got off lighter than the black woman who kept all the stolen money for herself
If you feel that way, you can always go back to one of the many African countries that STILL PRACTICE SLAVERY TO THIS DAY
You could not pry Superbadbrutha away from the US with a crowbar

Slavery was a Godsend for him

Because without slavery he would be herding goats someplace in Africa now
The white woman made restitution and got off lighter than the black woman who kept all the stolen money for herself
So you steal a thousand dollars and get caught, so you give back that thousand dollars and in your racist mind that is considered as restitution. Smfh.

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