White Woman Wins $25.6 Million Case Against Starbucks For Race Discrimination!!


America First!!!
Gold Supporting Member
Mar 31, 2023
It's super rare to see justice prevail these days. Especially rare to see a win against the woke mob. But a white woman who was fired due to the color of her skin prevailed in a discrimination case against far left Starbucks. What an awesome victory for an everyday American.

"Racial surprise! White woman wrongly fired by Starbucks wins many millions."


"A manager for Starbucks, a white woman, who was fired because of her race, has been awarded $25.6 million in damages by a jury."
It's super rare to see justice prevail these days. Especially rare to see a win against the woke mob. But a white woman who was fired due to the color of her skin prevailed in a discrimination case against far left Starbucks. What an awesome victory for an everyday American.

"Racial surprise! White woman wrongly fired by Starbucks wins many millions."


"A manager for Starbucks, a white woman, who was fired because of her race, has been awarded $25.6 million in damages by a jury."
Extremely rare? Hell the Justice System works in the favor of whites everyday, WTH are you talking about.
Extremely rare? Hell the Justice System works in the favor of whites everyday, WTH are you talking about.
Extremely rare that a white wins a discrimination case when discrimination against whites has become the norm. Ever hear of Affirmative Action? Total discrimination against whites.
Extremely rare that a white wins a discrimination case when discrimination against whites has become the norm. Ever hear of Affirmative Action? Total discrimination against whites.
Because it is extremely rare that a white is discriminated against, see you are usually the culprit. You mean AA that white women are the biggest beneficiaries of.
And the other side of this story is..
In court filings, lawyers for Starbucks argued that Phillips, as a regional district manager, was fired not because of her race, but because she “failed to lead” her team by remaining mum following the men’s arrests and ensuing outcry. “During this time of crisis, Starbucks’ Philadelphia market needed a leader who could perform. Ms. Phillips failed in every aspect of that role,” the company’s lawyers wrote.

According to Law360, Starbucks’ attorneys told the eight-member jury that Phillips was replaced by another white regional director because of his leadership experience in crises such as the 2013 Boston Marathon bombings. “A peacetime leader is very different from a wartime leader,” lawyer Richard R. Harris reportedly told the panel.
I think it should be revised to help the folks it was actually designed to help.
I agree.

But, help me understand something.

One of the smartest men I know is a black man. He's a neurosurgeon, at Cedars Sinai. He's a leader, both academically and in terms of his role as a department head and etc.

This particular person, didn't need or want any AA. I know his personal history quite well. He made it on his own, without any help. Because he's smart, and dedicated.

My question is, what kind of help, exactly, do you think aspiring black children need, in today's world? Is it money? Is it college admissions? What is it exactly?
I agree.

But, help me understand something.

One of the smartest men I know is a black man. He's a neurosurgeon, at Cedars Sinai. He's a leader, both academically and in terms of his role as a department head and etc.

This particular person, didn't need or want any AA. I know his personal history quite well. He made it on his own, without any help. Because he's smart, and dedicated.

My question is, what kind of help, exactly, do you think aspiring black children need, in today's world? Is it money? Is it college admissions? What is it exactly?
Save it, he had some help somewhere along the way. Do you understand what racism and discrimination is? Do you understand why AA was created? It has nothing to do with not being smart enough or intelligent enough, many smart and intelligent black folks were denied opportunities because they were black. You already know that though.
Save it, he had some help somewhere along the way.

Yeah really?

You know this.... how?

This is a telling conclusion on your part.

Do you understand what racism and discrimination is?

Better than most. I lived with it for 41 years. I am thoroughly familiar with it's landscape.

Do you understand why AA was created? It has nothing to do with not being smart enough or intelligent enough, many smart and intelligent black folks were denied opportunities because they were black.

That was then. This is now. We're talking about now.

You already know that though.

I already know a lot of things.

Look mister, if you're looking for a racist, look elsewhere.

I asked you a simple question, and I'd like a direct answer.
Yeah really?

You know this.... how?

This is a telling conclusion on your part.
Nobody makes it in this world alone.
Better than most. I lived with it for 41 years. I am thoroughly familiar with it's landscape.
That was then. This is now. We're talking about now.
Well if that is the case, your argument and racist attitude makes no sense.
I already know a lot of things.

Look mister, if you're looking for a racist, look elsewhere.

I asked you a simple question, and I'd like a direct answer.
You are damn sure doing a good job making folks think you are one.
Nobody makes it in this world alone.

Yeah really?

"He didn't build that"?

That's your answer? :p

Well if that is the case, your argument and racist attitude makes no sense.

Fuck you buddy. I'll eat you for lunch if you try to make a racist out of me.

You are damn sure doing a good job making folks think you are one.

I am not responsible for your delusions.

Now, will you answer my question or should we chalk up your protestations to internet whining?
I agree.

But, help me understand something.

One of the smartest men I know is a black man. He's a neurosurgeon, at Cedars Sinai. He's a leader, both academically and in terms of his role as a department head and etc.

This particular person, didn't need or want any AA. I know his personal history quite well. He made it on his own, without any help. Because he's smart, and dedicated.

My question is, what kind of help, exactly, do you think aspiring black children need, in today's world? Is it money? Is it college admissions? What is it exactly?
In the Black Community, your acquaintance is considered an "Uncle Tom." You're only a "true Black" if you remain in the ghetto and vote for Biden.
I already know a lot of things.

Yep...lets look at a list!

My parents' groups are already very, very powerful. We WILL control the curriculum. Trust me, we have all kinds of people who can make educators' heads explode.

Tomorrow I have to travel again, but in the last four days i've been able to sign up and organize OVER A THOUSAND parents.

But I'm in the music business, and I'll tell you point blank the rap crowd gets ZERO play with me. I won't work with people like that, at all.

I'm an expert with darts. Big ones, small ones, tiny little feathered ones fired out of a Bic pen and bigass poison ones fired from a drone.

I'm also an electronics expert so I can build and fix the drone,

I have advised both corporations and governments. Done HUNDREDS of installations. Actually BUILT a lot of the hardware protecting our unnameable three letter agencies at THIS VERY MOMENT.

I'm a scientist.

It's security people like me, hired by a company to deliberately penetrate their systems. Test their defenses, as it were.

I happen to be a credentialed security expert with LOTS of field experience,

Yesterday I was in the music studio with Dr Dre's horn section.
Quite a list there...

you're a bunch of lying jackals

Oh the irony.
It's super rare to see justice prevail these days. Especially rare to see a win against the woke mob. But a white woman who was fired due to the color of her skin prevailed in a discrimination case against far left Starbucks. What an awesome victory for an everyday American.

"Racial surprise! White woman wrongly fired by Starbucks wins many millions."

Um, okay. Not sure why you think this matters to "everyday Americans", this woman was a high-level executive. I'm sure in the course of her career, she fired hundreds of everyday Americans at a blink of an eye.

Starbucks fired her because her lack of leadership in a crisis where the company got severely embarrassed. They probably should have documented her lack of leadership better, but instead, they'll spend years appealing this verdict before settling on something sensible.

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