Whiter areas of cities are trying to block ghetto's from being built near them


Gold Member
Jan 29, 2015
Georgia Mountains
Program to Spur Low-Income Housing Is Keeping Cities Segregated

And according to the NYT they should all EMBRACE this wonderful DIEversity! I mean who doesn't love hookers,drug dealers on every street corner,schools where half the kids can't read,property values dropping like a stone in water,crime shooting through the roof eh!? According to the NYT we should move blacks away from blacks because blacks cause crime,low property value and other disgusting and unwanted problems!
Here in my town we have brand new income based apartments going up should be open next month BUT unfortunately for any groids and **** garbage they have to have GOOD credit,GOOD rental history etc etc....so my nice white town will still be nice and white. This will hopefully relieve some of the pressure on finding rentals because its driving the damn prices high. I overpay for this house as it is and lease is up in October so hoping to MOVE to cheaper home.
there are plenty of neighborhoods with an ethnically diverse makeup that are nice places to live. drive thorugh arlington, grand prarie, irving, ore even in whiter places like sacshe or plano, they are still diverse.
Here in my town we have brand new income based apartments going up should be open next month BUT unfortunately for any groids and **** garbage they have to have GOOD credit,GOOD rental history etc etc....so my nice white town will still be nice and white. This will hopefully relieve some of the pressure on finding rentals because its driving the damn prices high. I overpay for this house as it is and lease is up in October so hoping to MOVE to cheaper home.
Every town needs places for low income people to live. We worry we have too many.

I live on the lake. All the homes are $400k. On the other side of the street are affordable apartment housing. They get to send their kids to good schools and there's work. Opportunities.

I notice a lot of blacks move in to the homes because they can afford the mortgage but they don't realize the taxes, association dues, repairing appliances, law mower, upkeep and all the other costs you don't realize will hit every home owner. The high costs is no doubt to keep the riff Raff out.
As a person who suffers from lower income people moving into my neighborhood, I think this resistance is great.

The changes that took place in my area are sad. It used to be one of the nicest and safest Cleveland suburbs. Now half of the stores are closed down, the streets are strewn with litter and garbage, I have to pick all that rubbish off of my tree lawn before I can even mow the damn thing. The schools are danger zones where a teacher gets assaulted every week, we can't even have Forth of July fireworks any longer because it has turned into gang fights and riots.

I'm going to a county hearing to have my property taxes lowered. I had an appraiser from the bank come here and estimate the worth of my property. They appraised it at half of what I bought it for 24 years ago. So who can get upset by these people that don't want that to happen to their neighborhood?

If you take 3/4 cup of fresh wholesome milk, and mix that with 1/4 cup of sour curdled milk, you only have one thing, and that is a cup of bad useless milk. I wish our government officials could understand that.
All those really shitty black neighborhoods, were once really nice white neighborhoods
As a person who suffers from lower income people moving into my neighborhood, I think this resistance is great.

The changes that took place in my area are sad. It used to be one of the nicest and safest Cleveland suburbs. Now half of the stores are closed down, the streets are strewn with litter and garbage, I have to pick all that rubbish off of my tree lawn before I can even mow the damn thing. The schools are danger zones where a teacher gets assaulted every week, we can't even have Forth of July fireworks any longer because it has turned into gang fights and riots.

I'm going to a county hearing to have my property taxes lowered. I had an appraiser from the bank come here and estimate the worth of my property. They appraised it at half of what I bought it for 24 years ago. So who can get upset by these people that don't want that to happen to their neighborhood?

If you take 3/4 cup of fresh wholesome milk, and mix that with 1/4 cup of sour curdled milk, you only have one thing, and that is a cup of bad useless milk. I wish our government officials could understand that.
Any plans to move?
As a person who suffers from lower income people moving into my neighborhood, I think this resistance is great.

The changes that took place in my area are sad. It used to be one of the nicest and safest Cleveland suburbs. Now half of the stores are closed down, the streets are strewn with litter and garbage, I have to pick all that rubbish off of my tree lawn before I can even mow the damn thing. The schools are danger zones where a teacher gets assaulted every week, we can't even have Forth of July fireworks any longer because it has turned into gang fights and riots.

I'm going to a county hearing to have my property taxes lowered. I had an appraiser from the bank come here and estimate the worth of my property. They appraised it at half of what I bought it for 24 years ago. So who can get upset by these people that don't want that to happen to their neighborhood?

If you take 3/4 cup of fresh wholesome milk, and mix that with 1/4 cup of sour curdled milk, you only have one thing, and that is a cup of bad useless milk. I wish our government officials could understand that.
Trump said the lawlessness ends. He's going to give the communities back to the over 9 out of ten who are good. Make America great again. I truly hope he meant this campaign promise.
As a person who suffers from lower income people moving into my neighborhood, I think this resistance is great.

The changes that took place in my area are sad. It used to be one of the nicest and safest Cleveland suburbs. Now half of the stores are closed down, the streets are strewn with litter and garbage, I have to pick all that rubbish off of my tree lawn before I can even mow the damn thing. The schools are danger zones where a teacher gets assaulted every week, we can't even have Forth of July fireworks any longer because it has turned into gang fights and riots.

I'm going to a county hearing to have my property taxes lowered. I had an appraiser from the bank come here and estimate the worth of my property. They appraised it at half of what I bought it for 24 years ago. So who can get upset by these people that don't want that to happen to their neighborhood?

If you take 3/4 cup of fresh wholesome milk, and mix that with 1/4 cup of sour curdled milk, you only have one thing, and that is a cup of bad useless milk. I wish our government officials could understand that.
Any plans to move?
Here should be the test. Magic Johnson owns movie theaters. Does he open them in Flint Saginaw and Detroit?
As a person who suffers from lower income people moving into my neighborhood, I think this resistance is great.

The changes that took place in my area are sad. It used to be one of the nicest and safest Cleveland suburbs. Now half of the stores are closed down, the streets are strewn with litter and garbage, I have to pick all that rubbish off of my tree lawn before I can even mow the damn thing. The schools are danger zones where a teacher gets assaulted every week, we can't even have Forth of July fireworks any longer because it has turned into gang fights and riots.

I'm going to a county hearing to have my property taxes lowered. I had an appraiser from the bank come here and estimate the worth of my property. They appraised it at half of what I bought it for 24 years ago. So who can get upset by these people that don't want that to happen to their neighborhood?

If you take 3/4 cup of fresh wholesome milk, and mix that with 1/4 cup of sour curdled milk, you only have one thing, and that is a cup of bad useless milk. I wish our government officials could understand that.
Any plans to move?
Here should be the test. Magic Johnson owns movie theaters. Does he open them in Flint Saginaw and Detroit?
No idea but I am guessing no lol.
"I think this would be a wonderful opportunity to pause for a moment and give thanks for the great contributions of the Black community to our society. Their peaceful and generous nature make them ideal neighbors, lending testimony to their exceptional family values and parenting skills unrivaled by any other culture. Their commitment to academic excellence enriches our schools and serves as an example to all who hope to achieve prominence as a people. Real estate values are fueled by the mix of African Americans into an area due to their caring and respectful nature of these communities, an example of all they have achieved through their enthusiasm for self improvement by hard work and a self-reliant can-do nature. Without their industrious and creative drive, we would be poorer as a nation."
Nobody intentionally builds a ghetto. In fact the word "ghetto" is offensive to the Jewish people who actually lived in ghettos where they were starved and brutalized. The problem in the U.S. is that LBJ created a federal plantation system he called "the great society" where Black people would be cared for by poverty pimps in exchange for votes for democrats. How did that work out?
As a person who suffers from lower income people moving into my neighborhood, I think this resistance is great.

The changes that took place in my area are sad. It used to be one of the nicest and safest Cleveland suburbs. Now half of the stores are closed down, the streets are strewn with litter and garbage, I have to pick all that rubbish off of my tree lawn before I can even mow the damn thing. The schools are danger zones where a teacher gets assaulted every week, we can't even have Forth of July fireworks any longer because it has turned into gang fights and riots.

I'm going to a county hearing to have my property taxes lowered. I had an appraiser from the bank come here and estimate the worth of my property. They appraised it at half of what I bought it for 24 years ago. So who can get upset by these people that don't want that to happen to their neighborhood?

If you take 3/4 cup of fresh wholesome milk, and mix that with 1/4 cup of sour curdled milk, you only have one thing, and that is a cup of bad useless milk. I wish our government officials could understand that.
Any plans to move?

Nope, I'm pretty much stuck here; not that I want to move anyway. I have a beautiful property, great tenants, and this place is going to supplement my retirement income if I can keep it up when I get to age.
here in Dallas there are a few nice, middle class black neighborhoods, and a TON of nice multi etnic areas
Just because something happens in one place DOES NOT make it the majority of how things are. 99% of black neighborhoods are trash. What you probably have there is middle to upper class blacks NOT ghetto dwellers.
here in Dallas there are a few nice, middle class black neighborhoods, and a TON of nice multi etnic areas

That's never happened here and in most places across the country. I got into a debate a few years ago on the internet with somebody making the same claim, so I looked up the statistics. Violent crime was up 100% after blacks took over as a majority.

A few here and there doesn't change things much. That's because if a black were to get into any trouble, the police can pretty much do simple deduction to find the culprit. But once it goes past 50%, that's when things start going to hell, and they continue downwards as the black population increases.

That's why I'm for getting rid of all fair housing laws and laws that force landlords and home owners to rent or sell to people of color just because they are people of color. A white landlord or homeowner can refuse to rent or sell their property to a white buyer simply because they feel they are not of quality to live in that neighborhood, but you can't do that with blacks. You have to surrender the property even if you know they are going to be trouble.
here in Dallas there are a few nice, middle class black neighborhoods, and a TON of nice multi etnic areas
Just because something happens in one place DOES NOT make it the majority of how things are. 99% of black neighborhoods are trash. What you probably have there is middle to upper class blacks NOT ghetto dwellers.
by and large the residents of the neighborhoods I am talking about are middle class types
As a person who suffers from lower income people moving into my neighborhood, I think this resistance is great.

The changes that took place in my area are sad. It used to be one of the nicest and safest Cleveland suburbs. Now half of the stores are closed down, the streets are strewn with litter and garbage, I have to pick all that rubbish off of my tree lawn before I can even mow the damn thing. The schools are danger zones where a teacher gets assaulted every week, we can't even have Forth of July fireworks any longer because it has turned into gang fights and riots.

I'm going to a county hearing to have my property taxes lowered. I had an appraiser from the bank come here and estimate the worth of my property. They appraised it at half of what I bought it for 24 years ago. So who can get upset by these people that don't want that to happen to their neighborhood?

If you take 3/4 cup of fresh wholesome milk, and mix that with 1/4 cup of sour curdled milk, you only have one thing, and that is a cup of bad useless milk. I wish our government officials could understand that.
Any plans to move?

Nope, I'm pretty much stuck here; not that I want to move anyway. I have a beautiful property, great tenants, and this place is going to supplement my retirement income if I can keep it up when I get to age.
I agree with your position on property rights for sure. a landlord should be able to rent or not rent to whomever he wants for any reason or no reason at all

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