Whites can stop being racists-look at this guy.

The problem with the "Inequality" gambit is that it ignores the obvious cause of inequality. Indeed, the reason for inequality stares us in the face, and no government policy, no new law, no change of heart on the part of so-called "white" people will have any measurable effect on "Inequality."

We are told that so-called, "Blacks" graduate from HS and college at much lower rates, make less money, have fewer and less valuable assets, hold menial jobs, are incarcerated more, are more involved with deleterious drug and other substance abuse, and on and on and on. Oh, the horror of it all!

This is all puzzling if you assume that the multitudes of "Blacks" in this country have the same native intelligence, the same level of ambition, the same life habits, and the same talents as the Rest of Us. BUT THIS IS MANIFESTLY NOT THE CASE. Many individual Blacks do, and they thrive in our society. But the MASSES of Blacks are simply not as intelligent, not as ambitious, DO NOT have productive life habits, and lack the valuable talents as the Rest of Us.

It is virtually IMPOSSIBLE to find a study that compares IQ's of American Blacks with the non-Black, non-Hispanic general population. The data is so manifestly grim (Blacks are a full standard deviation below the mean) that the very act of publishing the sad truths would be deemed "racist," as absurd as such an accusation would be. (FACTS cannot be "racist"). Furthermore, the level of bastardy - an enormously harmful life choice - is statistically noted, but deemed just "incidental" to the social and economic condition of Black masses in the U.S. Same for the level of anti-social activity, the disdain for formal education, and the rejection of middle-class norms. None of these factors has anything to do with RACISM on the part of the non-Black, non-Hispanic population. It is all intrinsic or self-imposed.

A little-published fact (except in right wing circles) is that merely by graduating from HS, getting a job, and refraining from having children until one is married, decreases the likelihood of living in poverty by EIGHTY PERCENT. Where are the "Inequality Pimps" on this bit of data?

I'll tell you where: Blaming White Racists!

Inequality is here to stay. The only policy that will end economic inequality for American Blacks is the imaginary socialism of Bernie Sanders, where The Rich are plundered to provide wealth to The Poor. Unfortunately for those hoping for this idiocy, all attempts to implement this foolishness in world history have rapidly devolved into despicable Kleptocracies like Venezuela, NKorea, and Cuba.

But you could shift around every single asset in the country, and inequality would not go away. It is intrinsic and immutable. Let's put it this way, Inequality will go away when American caucasians are represented on NBA rosters according to their proportion of the general population.

Not soon.
The problem with the "Inequality" gambit is that it ignores the obvious cause of inequality. Indeed, the reason for inequality stares us in the face, and no government policy, no new law, no change of heart on the part of so-called "white" people will have any measurable effect on "Inequality."

We are told that so-called, "Blacks" graduate from HS and college at much lower rates, make less money, have fewer and less valuable assets, hold menial jobs, are incarcerated more, are more involved with deleterious drug and other substance abuse, and on and on and on. Oh, the horror of it all!

This is all puzzling if you assume that the multitudes of "Blacks" in this country have the same native intelligence, the same level of ambition, the same life habits, and the same talents as the Rest of Us. BUT THIS IS MANIFESTLY NOT THE CASE. Many individual Blacks do, and they thrive in our society. But the MASSES of Blacks are simply not as intelligent, not as ambitious, DO NOT have productive life habits, and lack the valuable talents as the Rest of Us.

It is virtually IMPOSSIBLE to find a study that compares IQ's of American Blacks with the non-Black, non-Hispanic general population. The data is so manifestly grim (Blacks are a full standard deviation below the mean) that the very act of publishing the sad truths would be deemed "racist," as absurd as such an accusation would be. (FACTS cannot be "racist"). Furthermore, the level of bastardy - an enormously harmful life choice - is statistically noted, but deemed just "incidental" to the social and economic condition of Black masses in the U.S. Same for the level of anti-social activity, the disdain for formal education, and the rejection of middle-class norms. None of these factors has anything to do with RACISM on the part of the non-Black, non-Hispanic population. It is all intrinsic or self-imposed.

A little-published fact (except in right wing circles) is that merely by graduating from HS, getting a job, and refraining from having children until one is married, decreases the likelihood of living in poverty by EIGHTY PERCENT. Where are the "Inequality Pimps" on this bit of data?

I'll tell you where: Blaming White Racists!

Inequality is here to stay. The only policy that will end economic inequality for American Blacks is the imaginary socialism of Bernie Sanders, where The Rich are plundered to provide wealth to The Poor. Unfortunately for those hoping for this idiocy, all attempts to implement this foolishness in world history have rapidly devolved into despicable Kleptocracies like Venezuela, NKorea, and Cuba.

But you could shift around every single asset in the country, and inequality would not go away. It is intrinsic and immutable. Let's put it this way, Inequality will go away when American caucasians are represented on NBA rosters according to their proportion of the general population.

Not soon.

We’ve heard all the fake news calling itself political incorrectness, telling us that the problems plaguing black communities are self-inflicted and include: unmarried births, fatherless homes, refusal to take education seriously, rap music, worship of thug culture, genetic inferiority, low IQ, making up racism to get paid, the victim mentality, waiting for a handout, government dependence, special rights and more. All this is crap. So, let’s step out of the box. Let’s really leave the plantation. Let us truly be politically incorrect. The root cause of the problems blacks face today are due to white racism.

Yes, that’s what I said. I am not waiting for whites to give me anything free. I don’t have some so-called victim mentality whereby I blame whites for my failings. If I have failed at things, I failed on my own. It’s time whites stopped the juvenile name calling and tightened up. The reality of racism is not about failing, it is about denial. The denial of opportunity. If anyone has failed it is the whites who have chosen to fall for what the race pimps have told them. White racism IS the root cause, it is the fundamental reason for the occurrences of problems in the black community.

So why do I say such a thing? Am I a black racist for saying this? No. To start with, America was founded upon principles that are racist. We can recite the bill of rights, declaration of independence, constitution, federalist papers, or any other writings from the so-called founders all we desire, yet they saw blacks as less than human, inferior to whites with no more value than a beast in the field.

Because of racism, we were not allowed equal rights by law. The same people who fought a war over taxation without representation refused to let us be in on the deliberations that created the founding documents of this nation. This was because of racism. The fact we were slaves was due to racism. The fact slaves could not be taught to read or write were due to laws that made it a crime for blacks to do so. If blacks were illiterate at that time it was not because they were stupid, it was because of racism. While whites today fanatically argue for the right to bear arms, blacks were denied that right for most of American history.

Personal or Individual responsibility according to every definition, is the idea that human beings create their own life experiences by their choices. I say this because it is apparent in these times, there are whites who do not seem to understand what it really means. Our problems are primarily due to choices whites have made. Whites chose to deny blacks equal rights by law for 188 years and whites still have chosen to deny complete equality today. This should be considered by the whites who like to preach to people about taking personal responsibility.

I say the root cause of the problems blacks face today, right now, are due to white racism. Again you will ask, “Why?” Because there is proven or observable evidence that shows this to be true. Because that evidence exists, it is impossible for us to be making it up. Some whites refuse to accept this and argue citing various issues that are the result of racism trying to dispute any black or non white person who dares to say that racism has had a continuing negative effect on our communities. The arguments they make are made against indisputable evidence to the contrary.

We know that the suburbs were built with guaranteed government backed loans given primarily to whites.
We know that black communities were redlined making loans for blacks trying to buy homes in those neighborhoods a risk banks refused to take. We know federal housing policy created the slums and ghettos. We know that city zoning policies made it so black communities were divided by freeways. We know that because property values in black communities are less, it affects the funding of schools located in black communities. We know that government policy at every level consistently underfunded schools in the black community which weakened the quality of education offered in black communities thereby reducing opportunity for upward mobility based on educational attainment. We know that donors from outside the black community have undue influence relative to city policies and that influence has negatively impacted black communities. We know that right now in the 21st century, a process called retail redlining exists whereby retail businesses do not place businesses in black communities. We know blacks were denied constitutional rights such as habeas corpus, unreasonable search and seizure as well as freedom itself, which denied blacks of every opportunity we were supposed to be granted by law. All of these statements are supported by loads of evidence. However, every “conservative” has an opinion.

As we are now into the third decade of the 21st century, perhaps it has become time for some whites to understand they are not experts on the problems in the black community, the causes of those problems, or the solutions.
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I always laugh at this shit.

You all like to use the race card by my pair always beats your 1

I got this shit from both Blacks and Whites.

Too White to be Black and too Black to be White.

You're all fucking racists as far as I'm concerned
And I laugh at people like you who try to create sameness from two different groups of people with totally opposite experiences in America.

I did no such thing since I belong to a third group of people who had a different experience than you
“There is very little truth in the old refrain that one cannot legislate equality. Laws not only provide concrete benefits, they can even change the hearts of men—some men, anyhow—for good or evil.”

Thurgood Marshall
I think he would have known a little something about that ability. Therefore the excuses from those who want to deny or continue racism really are without merit. And whites can end the racism in their community. Of course there will be the expected white fragility coming from the usual's abut how we can end black racism, but the black racism you guys talk about is a response to the racism whites have used on us. We did not develop false theories of racial superiority to whites. We are not running around making genetic claims of intelligence based on what a person can memorize once a year for 4-5 hours by filling in dots with a number 2 pencil. So the thing is that whites can stop being racists and here is an example of one who did so.

How a Southerner shed his racism

Same holds true for black racists too I’m sure. So get with the program.

Another tactic in the white racial gaslighting program. There is no same holds true, so there is no program for blacks to get with.

So there’s no such thing as a black racists? Boy, that’s a good one.
" Anti-Racist Racist Advocates For The Sack Whitey Pogrom "

* Self Ignorant White Women Poaching *

The root cause of the problems blacks face today are due to white racism.
Do you have any idea how to define race ?

The root of the term racemization is race and from there is extrapolated dominant , recessive and co-dominant gene expression .

Consider the pseudo-scientific analogy for race from the three sons of noah , where japheth is homogeneous recessive eumelanin , where shem is homogeneous brown eumelanin , where ham is homogeneous black eumelanin .

Along comes miscegenation , so what is the probability for the incidence of japheth phenotype given random selection within a heterogeneous gene pool that includes japheth , shem and ham ?

If racism is equivalent with getting rid of a demographic based upon race , then are whites not issuing self defense for their own self preservation by maintaining distinctions between themselves and those inclined to cause a dissolution of their identity and political representation ?

A valid definition of racism would require that illegitimate aggression based upon race occur , where illegitimate aggression would be valid threats for or acts of aggression the violate the elements of individualism those being self ownership ( free roam , free association , progeny ) or of self determination ( private property , willful intents by contracts ) .

* What Does Equal Wrights Even Mean *
Because of racism, we were not allowed equal rights by law.
A negative wright is written as proscription against government action - non action - and such a law provides a negative liberty with respect to government - that is an ability to perform an act without interference from government .

A positive wright is written as a prescription for an assertive act by government and such a law may provide a negative liberty with respect to other individuals that provides an ability of an individual to perform an act without interference from other individuals and is assured by authoritarian actions of government .

A positive wright written as a prescription for authoritarian actions of government may also provide a positive liberty with respect to other individuals that provides an ability of an individual to perform and act with support from other individuals and is assured by authoritarian actions of government .

Where negative wrights or positive wrights provide negative liberties of individuals to act free from government interference , those are protections .

Where positive wrights provide positive liberties of individuals with support from other individuals assured by authoritarian actions of government , those are endowments .

Thus , there are negative wrights , positive wrights , negative liberties and positive liberties that are correlated as either protections or as endowments .

A perspective of the statement " Because of racism, we were not allowed equal rights by law. " would be that where blacks disproportionately receiv more positive liberties than do whites satisfies the claim .

* Reparations For Many But None For You *
Our problems are primarily due to choices whites have made. Whites chose to deny blacks equal rights by law for 188 years and whites still have chosen to deny complete equality today.
Given the level of compensation within the negro football league and the negro basketball association , the notion of reparations boils down to there are plenty of blacks living well enough to ignore and dispatch the hostile militants of its members as fluff .

A median IQ of 90 is supposed necessary to establish stable government and militants raving about being mistreated is largely a bent of disposition by those more inclined to resort to violence out of frustration from being less capable of making rational choices .

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