Whites can stop being racists-look at this guy.

racist whites
you motherfuckers

They're gonna post me in the forums
They're gonna let my racist side post free
We'll write a thread ‘cuz I’m mad and lonely
And all I have to do is post naturally

Well, I’ll bet you I'm gonna be a big star
Might win an Oscar, you can never tell
The forum's gonna make me a big star,
'Cause I can post the part so well

Well, I hope you come and read me in the forum
Then I'll know that you will plainly see
the biggest fool to ever tool in ascii
And all i gotta do is post naturally

We'll write a race thread that’s my take solely
a cryin' keyboard screed for all to see
I'll play the part but I won't need rehearsing
All I have to do is post naturally

Well, I’ll bet you I'm gonna be a big star
Might win an Oscar, you can never tell
The forum's gonna make me a big star,
'Cause I can race bait here so well

Well, I hope you come and read me in the forum
Then I'll know that you will plainly see
the biggest fool to ever tool in ascii
And all i gotta do is post naturally

~S~ w/apologies to Mr Owens
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Since I've done much more than that, I'll continue looking at your poetry you never post when whites do their shit here. Where are you in the thread about black names? OOps, you can't do that one. You never show up in threads where the real racism is. And that's because you're a racist and want blacks to be quiet so you can continue living with white preferential treatment. After all, you could never make it if you have to go by your own ability.

We've heard your take on blacks son. And we blacks have each told you its inaccurate but you want to continue providing your take like it's the only take that's the truth. If I say the root cause of the problems we face is due to white racism, its because I've had problem that have affected me because of white racism. Your take is that doesn't happen and what is that based on? Any of your experience facing it? But you want to give your opinion.

I've never fought in a war, so if a general start telling me his war experience, what take do I have to give him? Who would I be to tell that general that battles don't work like that? But here with you and other racists, well you guys are experts on being what you have never been and you can tell us what we experience never is based on what you've never seen or experienced.

But you want to give your take on how racism has affected blacks people.

Wow, the racist white male in omnipotent. He sees all and knows all. Why I should genuflect and honor the wisdom of the great white male who can tell me how it is to be black and what the problems are for blacks and why they happen.
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Some of you white people really need to cut out the attempts to gaslight us.

Explain to me why this thread even exists. Especially since you motherfuckers claim not to see color. And then try telling me about getting past the civil rights and racism being dead and on life support when whites take the time to denigrate black people simply because they are given a name. So fuck all this lying, OK? Bullshit one another but don't bring that shit to me.
The problem is you ONLY see color. You denigrate white people on here all the time. SOME whites denigrate blacks because of their name, that is wrong. YOU denigrate pretty much all whites.
The Trumpsters will only mock this. Then they'll claim that it no longer exists. Then they'll deflect. Then they'll attack. That's all they know. That's the programming.
.......blacks are racists also...probably more so..we know blacks commit hate crimes at higher rates..you also have been brainwashed like a typical dumbass
Absolutely perfect example of my prediction.

I didn't pay him to do that, folks, seriously.

I know these people.
I think its cute how you whine about imaginary white racism, but deny the rampant and violent racism we see in the black community. We have MANY videos to prove it. How many white on black racial attacks can you find videos for?

You are a clown.
The Trumpsters will only mock this. Then they'll claim that it no longer exists. Then they'll deflect. Then they'll attack. That's all they know. That's the programming.
.......blacks are racists also...probably more so..we know blacks commit hate crimes at higher rates..you also have been brainwashed like a typical dumbass
Absolutely perfect example of my prediction.

I didn't pay him to do that, folks, seriously.

I know these people.
I think its cute how you whine about imaginary white racism, but deny the rampant and violent racism we see in the black community. We have MANY videos to prove it. How many white on black racial attacks can you find videos for?

You are a clown.
So you haven't seen the literally hundreds or thousands of times I've squabbled with the Regressive Left here, the people who have enabled the worst impulses of minorities via political correctness and identity politics, constantly dividing Americans by immutable characteristics and downplaying, ignoring, dismissing and avoiding the worst behaviors of minorities. And what is coming from the "black community" is not racism, it is bigotry, which is fueled by the actions of the Regressive Lefties referenced above.

Of course, that doesn't forgive or ignore the old fashioned, ignorant, mouth breathing, paranoid, butt scratching white racism exhibited regularly by the Right, and quite often right here on USMB -- and the enabling of it, such as when YOU call it "imaginary". You damaged bigots and the Regressive Lefties feed each other by regularly demonstrating the very behaviors of which you are accused by the other. You need each other, so that you can keep your misery and bigotry and anger fresh and hot and ugly.

I'm honest. I see the whole picture. You're ignorant. You don't have the balls to.
Last edited:
The Trumpsters will only mock this. Then they'll claim that it no longer exists. Then they'll deflect. Then they'll attack. That's all they know. That's the programming.
.......blacks are racists also...probably more so..we know blacks commit hate crimes at higher rates..you also have been brainwashed like a typical dumbass
Absolutely perfect example of my prediction.

I didn't pay him to do that, folks, seriously.

I know these people.
I think its cute how you whine about imaginary white racism, but deny the rampant and violent racism we see in the black community. We have MANY videos to prove it. How many white on black racial attacks can you find videos for?

You are a clown.

These attacks are not rampant and you ignore the public policy made by whites that is racist. White hate crimes against blacks far outnumber these so called rampant black attacks on white people. If we spent all day looking for videos we can find them. I am sure you see plenty of black attacks on whites at stormfront.
“There is very little truth in the old refrain that one cannot legislate equality. Laws not only provide concrete benefits, they can even change the hearts of men—some men, anyhow—for good or evil.”

Thurgood Marshall

I think he would have known a little something about that ability. Therefore the excuses from those who want to deny or continue racism really are without merit. And whites can end the racism in their community. Of course there will be the expected white fragility coming from the usual's abut how we can end black racism, but the black racism you guys talk about is a response to the racism whites have used on us. We did not develop false theories of racial superiority to whites. We are not running around making genetic claims of intelligence based on what a person can memorize once a year for 4-5 hours by filling in dots with a number 2 pencil. So the thing is that whites can stop being racists and here is an example of one who did so.

How a Southerner shed his racism


Thomas Sowell is a fucking idiot. He has no cred here. But the racists quote him happily.

All Uncle Toms who escape the plantation, not just Mr. Sowell.

Suffer on, race pimp!!!


"I'm proud to be Irish," said the white man. "I'm proud to be German," said the white man. "I'm proud to be British," said the white man. "I'm proud to be Japanese," said the Asian. "I'm proud to be Korean", said the Asian. "I'm proud to be Chinese", said the Asian. "I'm proud to be black," said the man whose keeping of heritage was denied him by whites. DO YOU GET IT CRYBABY?

That can never be changed. We all deserve the real truth also about the slave trade. Who was involved from all ways. And who profited from it? Who ran it? Who financed it? Who made an industry of it? Narrow it down. Do homework and research. It may be dangerous. Saying it was a whole race of people is obstinate.
The Trumpsters will only mock this. Then they'll claim that it no longer exists. Then they'll deflect. Then they'll attack. That's all they know. That's the programming.
.......blacks are racists also...probably more so..we know blacks commit hate crimes at higher rates..you also have been brainwashed like a typical dumbass
Absolutely perfect example of my prediction.

I didn't pay him to do that, folks, seriously.

I know these people.
I think its cute how you whine about imaginary white racism, but deny the rampant and violent racism we see in the black community. We have MANY videos to prove it. How many white on black racial attacks can you find videos for?

You are a clown.

These attacks are not rampant and you ignore the public policy made by whites that is racist. White hate crimes against blacks far outnumber these so called rampant black attacks on white people. If we spent all day looking for videos we can find them. I am sure you see plenty of black attacks on whites at stormfront.
..when will you accept and realize that you are a racist?
The Trumpsters will only mock this. Then they'll claim that it no longer exists. Then they'll deflect. Then they'll attack. That's all they know. That's the programming.
.......blacks are racists also...probably more so..we know blacks commit hate crimes at higher rates..you also have been brainwashed like a typical dumbass
Absolutely perfect example of my prediction.

I didn't pay him to do that, folks, seriously.

I know these people.
I think its cute how you whine about imaginary white racism, but deny the rampant and violent racism we see in the black community. We have MANY videos to prove it. How many white on black racial attacks can you find videos for?

You are a clown.

These attacks are not rampant and you ignore the public policy made by whites that is racist. White hate crimes against blacks far outnumber these so called rampant black attacks on white people. If we spent all day looking for videos we can find them. I am sure you see plenty of black attacks on whites at stormfront.
Show me a video. I dont believe you that black people are being targeted by racist white mobs.
“There is very little truth in the old refrain that one cannot legislate equality. Laws not only provide concrete benefits, they can even change the hearts of men—some men, anyhow—for good or evil.”

Thurgood Marshall
I think he would have known a little something about that ability. Therefore the excuses from those who want to deny or continue racism really are without merit. And whites can end the racism in their community. Of course there will be the expected white fragility coming from the usual's abut how we can end black racism, but the black racism you guys talk about is a response to the racism whites have used on us. We did not develop false theories of racial superiority to whites. We are not running around making genetic claims of intelligence based on what a person can memorize once a year for 4-5 hours by filling in dots with a number 2 pencil. So the thing is that whites can stop being racists and here is an example of one who did so.

How a Southerner shed his racism


Thomas Sowell is a fucking idiot. He has no cred here. But the racists quote him happily.

He's got light years more credibility than you.

You are the race hustler he is describing.
“There is very little truth in the old refrain that one cannot legislate equality. Laws not only provide concrete benefits, they can even change the hearts of men—some men, anyhow—for good or evil.”

Thurgood Marshall
I think he would have known a little something about that ability. Therefore the excuses from those who want to deny or continue racism really are without merit. And whites can end the racism in their community. Of course there will be the expected white fragility coming from the usual's abut how we can end black racism, but the black racism you guys talk about is a response to the racism whites have used on us. We did not develop false theories of racial superiority to whites. We are not running around making genetic claims of intelligence based on what a person can memorize once a year for 4-5 hours by filling in dots with a number 2 pencil. So the thing is that whites can stop being racists and here is an example of one who did so.

How a Southerner shed his racism


Thomas Sowell is a fucking idiot. He has no cred here. But the racists quote him happily.

"Son, when I appoint a ****** to the Supreme Court, I want everyone to know he's a ******" - Democrat civil rights hero LBJ discussing his nomination of Thurgood Marshall to SCOTUS
The Trumpsters will only mock this. Then they'll claim that it no longer exists. Then they'll deflect. Then they'll attack. That's all they know. That's the programming.
.......blacks are racists also...probably more so..we know blacks commit hate crimes at higher rates..you also have been brainwashed like a typical dumbass
Absolutely perfect example of my prediction.

I didn't pay him to do that, folks, seriously.

I know these people.
I think its cute how you whine about imaginary white racism, but deny the rampant and violent racism we see in the black community. We have MANY videos to prove it. How many white on black racial attacks can you find videos for?

You are a clown.

These attacks are not rampant and you ignore the public policy made by whites that is racist. White hate crimes against blacks far outnumber these so called rampant black attacks on white people. If we spent all day looking for videos we can find them. I am sure you see plenty of black attacks on whites at stormfront.
..when will you accept and realize that you are a racist?

Inadvertently, our racist good friend IM2 has disclosed, on another thread, that his wife is black and he has a mixed race-child. All that can mean is that he is white and a troll.
The Trumpsters will only mock this. Then they'll claim that it no longer exists. Then they'll deflect. Then they'll attack. That's all they know. That's the programming.
.......blacks are racists also...probably more so..we know blacks commit hate crimes at higher rates..you also have been brainwashed like a typical dumbass
Absolutely perfect example of my prediction.

I didn't pay him to do that, folks, seriously.

I know these people.
I think its cute how you whine about imaginary white racism, but deny the rampant and violent racism we see in the black community. We have MANY videos to prove it. How many white on black racial attacks can you find videos for?

You are a clown.

These attacks are not rampant and you ignore the public policy made by whites that is racist. White hate crimes against blacks far outnumber these so called rampant black attacks on white people. If we spent all day looking for videos we can find them. I am sure you see plenty of black attacks on whites at stormfront.
..when will you accept and realize that you are a racist?

Inadvertently, our racist good friend IM2 has disclosed, on another thread, that his wife is black and he has a mixed race-child. All that can mean is that he is white and a troll.

The Trumpsters will only mock this. Then they'll claim that it no longer exists. Then they'll deflect. Then they'll attack. That's all they know. That's the programming.
.......blacks are racists also...probably more so..we know blacks commit hate crimes at higher rates..you also have been brainwashed like a typical dumbass
Absolutely perfect example of my prediction.

I didn't pay him to do that, folks, seriously.

I know these people.
I think its cute how you whine about imaginary white racism, but deny the rampant and violent racism we see in the black community. We have MANY videos to prove it. How many white on black racial attacks can you find videos for?

You are a clown.

These attacks are not rampant and you ignore the public policy made by whites that is racist. White hate crimes against blacks far outnumber these so called rampant black attacks on white people. If we spent all day looking for videos we can find them. I am sure you see plenty of black attacks on whites at stormfront.
..when will you accept and realize that you are a racist?

Inadvertently, our racist good friend IM2 has disclosed, on another thread, that his wife is black and he has a mixed race-child. All that can mean is that he is white and a troll.
I didn't inadvertently disclose anything and I said my wife is white. I am black, but you just keep believing your delusional notion that no one black thinks like me.

Find a majority black forum and post what you do here. You'll find out I am kind compared to what you're going to get.
“There is very little truth in the old refrain that one cannot legislate equality. Laws not only provide concrete benefits, they can even change the hearts of men—some men, anyhow—for good or evil.”

Thurgood Marshall
I think he would have known a little something about that ability. Therefore the excuses from those who want to deny or continue racism really are without merit. And whites can end the racism in their community. Of course there will be the expected white fragility coming from the usual's abut how we can end black racism, but the black racism you guys talk about is a response to the racism whites have used on us. We did not develop false theories of racial superiority to whites. We are not running around making genetic claims of intelligence based on what a person can memorize once a year for 4-5 hours by filling in dots with a number 2 pencil. So the thing is that whites can stop being racists and here is an example of one who did so.

How a Southerner shed his racism


Thomas Sowell is a fucking idiot. He has no cred here. But the racists quote him happily.

"Son, when I appoint a ****** to the Supreme Court, I want everyone to know he's a ******" - Democrat civil rights hero LBJ discussing his nomination of Thurgood Marshall to SCOTUS

You act like we don't know what Johnson was. He was just as racist as Lincoln, but he also signed the CIVIL RIGHTS ACT.
The Trumpsters will only mock this. Then they'll claim that it no longer exists. Then they'll deflect. Then they'll attack. That's all they know. That's the programming.
.......blacks are racists also...probably more so..we know blacks commit hate crimes at higher rates..you also have been brainwashed like a typical dumbass
Absolutely perfect example of my prediction.

I didn't pay him to do that, folks, seriously.

I know these people.
I think its cute how you whine about imaginary white racism, but deny the rampant and violent racism we see in the black community. We have MANY videos to prove it. How many white on black racial attacks can you find videos for?

You are a clown.

These attacks are not rampant and you ignore the public policy made by whites that is racist. White hate crimes against blacks far outnumber these so called rampant black attacks on white people. If we spent all day looking for videos we can find them. I am sure you see plenty of black attacks on whites at stormfront.
Show me a video. I dont believe you that black people are being targeted by racist white mobs.
I don't give a fuck what you believe boy. The Uniform Crime Report shows us that annually blacks are attacked way more by whites than vice versa.
Some of you white people really need to cut out the attempts to gaslight us.

Explain to me why this thread even exists. Especially since you motherfuckers claim not to see color. And then try telling me about getting past the civil rights and racism being dead and on life support when whites take the time to denigrate black people simply because they are given a name. So fuck all this lying, OK? Bullshit one another but don't bring that shit to me.
This thread exists because you started it and you are deranged. You start endless threads about how whites need to admit their racism and make blacks happy.

This thread exists because you have been doing the exact same thing for over 20 years. It still doesn't work.
The Trumpsters will only mock this. Then they'll claim that it no longer exists. Then they'll deflect. Then they'll attack. That's all they know. That's the programming.
.......blacks are racists also...probably more so..we know blacks commit hate crimes at higher rates..you also have been brainwashed like a typical dumbass
Absolutely perfect example of my prediction.

I didn't pay him to do that, folks, seriously.

I know these people.
I think its cute how you whine about imaginary white racism, but deny the rampant and violent racism we see in the black community. We have MANY videos to prove it. How many white on black racial attacks can you find videos for?

You are a clown.

These attacks are not rampant and you ignore the public policy made by whites that is racist. White hate crimes against blacks far outnumber these so called rampant black attacks on white people. If we spent all day looking for videos we can find them. I am sure you see plenty of black attacks on whites at stormfront.
Show me a video. I dont believe you that black people are being targeted by racist white mobs.
I don't give a fuck what you believe boy. The Uniform Crime Report shows us that annually blacks are attacked way more by whites than vice versa.
blacks about 13% of the population..whites about 67% YET:
white on black MURDERS 229
black on white murders 500 !!!!!
blacks commit rape at TWICE the rate
commit hate crimes at TWICE the rate:
IM2 ignores me because I state facts

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