Whites can stop being racists-look at this guy.

The Trumpsters will only mock this. Then they'll claim that it no longer exists. Then they'll deflect. Then they'll attack. That's all they know. That's the programming.
.......blacks are racists also...probably more so..we know blacks commit hate crimes at higher rates..you also have been brainwashed like a typical dumbass
Absolutely perfect example of my prediction.

I didn't pay him to do that, folks, seriously.

I know these people.
I think its cute how you whine about imaginary white racism, but deny the rampant and violent racism we see in the black community. We have MANY videos to prove it. How many white on black racial attacks can you find videos for?

You are a clown.

These attacks are not rampant and you ignore the public policy made by whites that is racist. White hate crimes against blacks far outnumber these so called rampant black attacks on white people. If we spent all day looking for videos we can find them. I am sure you see plenty of black attacks on whites at stormfront.
..when will you accept and realize that you are a racist?

Inadvertently, our racist good friend IM2 has disclosed, on another thread, that his wife is black and he has a mixed race-child. All that can mean is that he is white and a troll.
I didn't inadvertently disclose anything and I said my wife is white. I am black, but you just keep believing your delusional notion that no one black thinks like me.

Find a majority black forum and post what you do here. You'll find out I am kind compared to what you're going to get.
you insult people a lot!! and are racist....I guess that means kind
Thomas Sowell is a fucking idiot. He has no cred here. But the racists quote him happily.

To LIbErals, he's the modern-day version of a runaway slave—a black man who refuses to stay on the left wrong-wing plantation, and think what his masters tell him to think, and say what his masters tell him to say, and do what his masters tell him to do.

It's no wonder that racist pieces of shit such as IM2 hate him so much. He dares to do what most of IM2's kind are too stupid and brainwashed and cowardly to do, which is to think for himself and act for himself and to tell his “masters” to go fuck themselves.
Thomas Sowell is a fucking idiot. He has no cred here. But the racists quote him happily.

To LIbErals, he's the modern-day version of a runaway slave—a black man who refuses to stay on the left wrong-wing plantation, and think what his masters tell him to think, and say what his masters tell him to say, and do what his masters tell him to do.

It's no wonder that racist pieces of shit such as IM2 hate him so much. He dares to do what most of IM2's kind are too stupid and brainwashed and cowardly to do, which is to think for himself and act for himself and to tell his “masters” to go fuck themselves.
It's funny how whites like you only promote blacks who think like Sowell. There are other black conservatives out there that don't suffer from internalized racism.

Internalized racism is defined by Dr. Karen D. Pike as, the "internalization of racial oppression by the racially subordinated." In a study named “The Psychology of Racism”, Robin Nicole Johnson points out that internalized racism entails both "conscious and unconscious acceptance of a racial hierarchy in which whites are consistently ranked above people of color." Blacks who suffer from internalized racism believe and promote negative stereotypes of their own race. They will adopt white standards and thinking.

Sowell is not thinking for himself. He is literally thinking the way his masters tell him and he does what his masters tell him. Your racist meme whereby you believe blacks can't think for themselves unless they think about themselves the way you do is noted.
Some of you white people really need to cut out the attempts to gaslight us.

Explain to me why this thread even exists. Especially since you motherfuckers claim not to see color. And then try telling me about getting past the civil rights and racism being dead and on life support when whites take the time to denigrate black people simply because they are given a name. So fuck all this lying, OK? Bullshit one another but don't bring that shit to me.
This thread exists because you started it and you are deranged. You start endless threads about how whites need to admit their racism and make blacks happy.

This thread exists because you have been doing the exact same thing for over 20 years. It still doesn't work.
I was talking about the black names thread. So this is another silly post from a representative of the demographic helped the most from affirmative action. Trash like you have been trying to shut me up for 20 years and that hasn't worked. You admitted your racism 20 years ago and I have taken the opportunity to beat your ass intellectually at my leisure ever since.
The Trumpsters will only mock this. Then they'll claim that it no longer exists. Then they'll deflect. Then they'll attack. That's all they know. That's the programming.
.......blacks are racists also...probably more so..we know blacks commit hate crimes at higher rates..you also have been brainwashed like a typical dumbass
Absolutely perfect example of my prediction.

I didn't pay him to do that, folks, seriously.

I know these people.
I think its cute how you whine about imaginary white racism, but deny the rampant and violent racism we see in the black community. We have MANY videos to prove it. How many white on black racial attacks can you find videos for?

You are a clown.

These attacks are not rampant and you ignore the public policy made by whites that is racist. White hate crimes against blacks far outnumber these so called rampant black attacks on white people. If we spent all day looking for videos we can find them. I am sure you see plenty of black attacks on whites at stormfront.
Show me a video. I dont believe you that black people are being targeted by racist white mobs.
I don't give a fuck what you believe boy. The Uniform Crime Report shows us that annually blacks are attacked way more by whites than vice versa.
Literally, the opposite is true.
The Trumpsters will only mock this. Then they'll claim that it no longer exists. Then they'll deflect. Then they'll attack. That's all they know. That's the programming.
.......blacks are racists also...probably more so..we know blacks commit hate crimes at higher rates..you also have been brainwashed like a typical dumbass
Absolutely perfect example of my prediction.

I didn't pay him to do that, folks, seriously.

I know these people.
I think its cute how you whine about imaginary white racism, but deny the rampant and violent racism we see in the black community. We have MANY videos to prove it. How many white on black racial attacks can you find videos for?

You are a clown.

These attacks are not rampant and you ignore the public policy made by whites that is racist. White hate crimes against blacks far outnumber these so called rampant black attacks on white people. If we spent all day looking for videos we can find them. I am sure you see plenty of black attacks on whites at stormfront.
Show me a video. I dont believe you that black people are being targeted by racist white mobs.
I don't give a fuck what you believe boy. The Uniform Crime Report shows us that annually blacks are attacked way more by whites than vice versa.
blacks about 13% of the population..whites about 67% YET:
white on black MURDERS 229
black on white murders 500 !!!!!
blacks commit rape at TWICE the rate
commit hate crimes at TWICE the rate:
IM2 ignores me because I state facts
Yeah, he lies about the racism and violence committed by black people. He thinks he can trick people into believing his racist propaganda, but it isnt going to work. No one is going to believe the silly claims he makes.
“There is very little truth in the old refrain that one cannot legislate equality. Laws not only provide concrete benefits, they can even change the hearts of men—some men, anyhow—for good or evil.”

Thurgood Marshall
I think he would have known a little something about that ability. Therefore the excuses from those who want to deny or continue racism really are without merit. And whites can end the racism in their community. Of course there will be the expected white fragility coming from the usual's abut how we can end black racism, but the black racism you guys talk about is a response to the racism whites have used on us. We did not develop false theories of racial superiority to whites. We are not running around making genetic claims of intelligence based on what a person can memorize once a year for 4-5 hours by filling in dots with a number 2 pencil. So the thing is that whites can stop being racists and here is an example of one who did so.

How a Southerner shed his racism

How about you guys stop being criminal scum and learn English first.
The Trumpsters will only mock this. Then they'll claim that it no longer exists. Then they'll deflect. Then they'll attack. That's all they know. That's the programming.
.......blacks are racists also...probably more so..we know blacks commit hate crimes at higher rates..you also have been brainwashed like a typical dumbass
Absolutely perfect example of my prediction.

I didn't pay him to do that, folks, seriously.

I know these people.
I think its cute how you whine about imaginary white racism, but deny the rampant and violent racism we see in the black community. We have MANY videos to prove it. How many white on black racial attacks can you find videos for?

You are a clown.

These attacks are not rampant and you ignore the public policy made by whites that is racist. White hate crimes against blacks far outnumber these so called rampant black attacks on white people. If we spent all day looking for videos we can find them. I am sure you see plenty of black attacks on whites at stormfront.
Show me a video. I dont believe you that black people are being targeted by racist white mobs.
I don't give a fuck what you believe boy. The Uniform Crime Report shows us that annually blacks are attacked way more by whites than vice versa.
That is a lie. Not surprising at all you lie.
The Trumpsters will only mock this. Then they'll claim that it no longer exists. Then they'll deflect. Then they'll attack. That's all they know. That's the programming.
.......blacks are racists also...probably more so..we know blacks commit hate crimes at higher rates..you also have been brainwashed like a typical dumbass
Absolutely perfect example of my prediction.

I didn't pay him to do that, folks, seriously.

I know these people.
I think its cute how you whine about imaginary white racism, but deny the rampant and violent racism we see in the black community. We have MANY videos to prove it. How many white on black racial attacks can you find videos for?

You are a clown.

These attacks are not rampant and you ignore the public policy made by whites that is racist. White hate crimes against blacks far outnumber these so called rampant black attacks on white people. If we spent all day looking for videos we can find them. I am sure you see plenty of black attacks on whites at stormfront.
Show me a video. I dont believe you that black people are being targeted by racist white mobs.
I don't give a fuck what you believe boy. The Uniform Crime Report shows us that annually blacks are attacked way more by whites than vice versa.
Literally, the opposite is true.
No it is not.
The Trumpsters will only mock this. Then they'll claim that it no longer exists. Then they'll deflect. Then they'll attack. That's all they know. That's the programming.
.......blacks are racists also...probably more so..we know blacks commit hate crimes at higher rates..you also have been brainwashed like a typical dumbass
Absolutely perfect example of my prediction.

I didn't pay him to do that, folks, seriously.

I know these people.
I think its cute how you whine about imaginary white racism, but deny the rampant and violent racism we see in the black community. We have MANY videos to prove it. How many white on black racial attacks can you find videos for?

You are a clown.

These attacks are not rampant and you ignore the public policy made by whites that is racist. White hate crimes against blacks far outnumber these so called rampant black attacks on white people. If we spent all day looking for videos we can find them. I am sure you see plenty of black attacks on whites at stormfront.
Show me a video. I dont believe you that black people are being targeted by racist white mobs.
I don't give a fuck what you believe boy. The Uniform Crime Report shows us that annually blacks are attacked way more by whites than vice versa.
blacks about 13% of the population..whites about 67% YET:
white on black MURDERS 229
black on white murders 500 !!!!!
blacks commit rape at TWICE the rate
commit hate crimes at TWICE the rate:
IM2 ignores me because I state facts
Yeah, he lies about the racism and violence committed by black people. He thinks he can trick people into believing his racist propaganda, but it isnt going to work. No one is going to believe the silly claims he makes.
I have not lied about anything. I have consistently posted the facts from the UCR. Whites commit @ 60 percent of all hate crimes. Blacks don't commit double that number.
The Trumpsters will only mock this. Then they'll claim that it no longer exists. Then they'll deflect. Then they'll attack. That's all they know. That's the programming.
.......blacks are racists also...probably more so..we know blacks commit hate crimes at higher rates..you also have been brainwashed like a typical dumbass
Absolutely perfect example of my prediction.

I didn't pay him to do that, folks, seriously.

I know these people.
I think its cute how you whine about imaginary white racism, but deny the rampant and violent racism we see in the black community. We have MANY videos to prove it. How many white on black racial attacks can you find videos for?

You are a clown.

These attacks are not rampant and you ignore the public policy made by whites that is racist. White hate crimes against blacks far outnumber these so called rampant black attacks on white people. If we spent all day looking for videos we can find them. I am sure you see plenty of black attacks on whites at stormfront.
Show me a video. I dont believe you that black people are being targeted by racist white mobs.
I don't give a fuck what you believe boy. The Uniform Crime Report shows us that annually blacks are attacked way more by whites than vice versa.
Literally, the opposite is true.
No it is not.
One thing IM2. Many people who are African American talk, but do not do what is needed. Many Progs here support the authoritarian ways of blue state governors. Would you support the authoritarian running of the school districts in blue cities? That means take no shit. It means expected grades through studying and participating in classes. If a student does not, they will be dealt with. I guarantee you this will improve things as the virus is removed and the healthy survive.
The Trumpsters will only mock this. Then they'll claim that it no longer exists. Then they'll deflect. Then they'll attack. That's all they know. That's the programming.
.......blacks are racists also...probably more so..we know blacks commit hate crimes at higher rates..you also have been brainwashed like a typical dumbass
Absolutely perfect example of my prediction.

I didn't pay him to do that, folks, seriously.

I know these people.
I think its cute how you whine about imaginary white racism, but deny the rampant and violent racism we see in the black community. We have MANY videos to prove it. How many white on black racial attacks can you find videos for?

You are a clown.

These attacks are not rampant and you ignore the public policy made by whites that is racist. White hate crimes against blacks far outnumber these so called rampant black attacks on white people. If we spent all day looking for videos we can find them. I am sure you see plenty of black attacks on whites at stormfront.
Show me a video. I dont believe you that black people are being targeted by racist white mobs.
I don't give a fuck what you believe boy. The Uniform Crime Report shows us that annually blacks are attacked way more by whites than vice versa.
blacks about 13% of the population..whites about 67% YET:
white on black MURDERS 229
black on white murders 500 !!!!!
blacks commit rape at TWICE the rate
commit hate crimes at TWICE the rate:
IM2 ignores me because I state facts
Yeah, he lies about the racism and violence committed by black people. He thinks he can trick people into believing his racist propaganda, but it isnt going to work. No one is going to believe the silly claims he makes.
I have not lied about anything. I have consistently posted the facts from the UCR. Whites commit @ 60 percent of all hate crimes. Blacks don't commit double that number.
please stop making a fool of yourself--the numbers are right there
“There is very little truth in the old refrain that one cannot legislate equality. Laws not only provide concrete benefits, they can even change the hearts of men—some men, anyhow—for good or evil.”

Thurgood Marshall
I think he would have known a little something about that ability. Therefore the excuses from those who want to deny or continue racism really are without merit. And whites can end the racism in their community. Of course there will be the expected white fragility coming from the usual's abut how we can end black racism, but the black racism you guys talk about is a response to the racism whites have used on us. We did not develop false theories of racial superiority to whites. We are not running around making genetic claims of intelligence based on what a person can memorize once a year for 4-5 hours by filling in dots with a number 2 pencil. So the thing is that whites can stop being racists and here is an example of one who did so.

How a Southerner shed his racism

Same holds true for black racists too I’m sure. So get with the program.
I always laugh at this shit.

You all like to use the race card by my pair always beats your 1

I got this shit from both Blacks and Whites.

Too White to be Black and too Black to be White.

You're all fucking racists as far as I'm concerned
The Trumpsters will only mock this. Then they'll claim that it no longer exists. Then they'll deflect. Then they'll attack. That's all they know. That's the programming.
.......blacks are racists also...probably more so..we know blacks commit hate crimes at higher rates..you also have been brainwashed like a typical dumbass
Absolutely perfect example of my prediction.

I didn't pay him to do that, folks, seriously.

I know these people.
I think its cute how you whine about imaginary white racism, but deny the rampant and violent racism we see in the black community. We have MANY videos to prove it. How many white on black racial attacks can you find videos for?

You are a clown.

These attacks are not rampant and you ignore the public policy made by whites that is racist. White hate crimes against blacks far outnumber these so called rampant black attacks on white people. If we spent all day looking for videos we can find them. I am sure you see plenty of black attacks on whites at stormfront.
Show me a video. I dont believe you that black people are being targeted by racist white mobs.
I don't give a fuck what you believe boy. The Uniform Crime Report shows us that annually blacks are attacked way more by whites than vice versa.
Literally, the opposite is true.
No it is not.
One thing IM2. Many people who are African American talk, but do not do what is needed. Many Progs here support the authoritarian ways of blue state governors. Would you support the authoritarian running of the school districts in blue cities? That means take no shit. It means expected grades through studying and participating in classes. If a student does not, they will be dealt with. I guarantee you this will improve things as the virus is removed and the healthy survive.

Wrong. Again, understand this, republicans ran for governor in those states and they lost. This means what they had to offer, the people did not like. Your said is all about draconian measures, not the left. And when you talk about enacting things like lockdowns to make it so that people don't die as authoritarian, you are just plain stupid. I know what African Americans do white boy, because I am African American. Our biggest hindrance are whites like you who think they are motherfucking experts on black people so when we present ideas that will improve our communities for funding you shut them down because according to your "expertise", blacks aren't capable of doing those things.
I always laugh at this shit.

You all like to use the race card by my pair always beats your 1

I got this shit from both Blacks and Whites.

Too White to be Black and too Black to be White.

You're all fucking racists as far as I'm concerned
And I laugh at people like you who try to create sameness from two different groups of people with totally opposite experiences in America.
“There is very little truth in the old refrain that one cannot legislate equality. Laws not only provide concrete benefits, they can even change the hearts of men—some men, anyhow—for good or evil.”

Thurgood Marshall
I think he would have known a little something about that ability. Therefore the excuses from those who want to deny or continue racism really are without merit. And whites can end the racism in their community. Of course there will be the expected white fragility coming from the usual's abut how we can end black racism, but the black racism you guys talk about is a response to the racism whites have used on us. We did not develop false theories of racial superiority to whites. We are not running around making genetic claims of intelligence based on what a person can memorize once a year for 4-5 hours by filling in dots with a number 2 pencil. So the thing is that whites can stop being racists and here is an example of one who did so.

How a Southerner shed his racism

Same holds true for black racists too I’m sure. So get with the program.

Another tactic in the white racial gaslighting program. There is no same holds true, so there is no program for blacks to get with.
Nice racist title, you ignorant dumbfuck.
Nothing racist about the title. Whites began the racism here, whites continue the racism here. Whites like you can stop WHINING about being called racists and end their racism..

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