whites commit twice the rate of crimes as mexicans...if we should kick out anyone, it should be us

yes, my friends, we should kick out all whites and let Mexicans take over America

So close the fucking borders and then the US justice system(that failed under Obama) can do their work with their liberal, problematic, criminals, instead of having to round up and deal with border criminals(everyone that crosses is a criminal).

Or send the US criminals to Turkey pay them $100,000 a year, and by the time their sentence is up, those criminals will become ideal citizens...

Nice foul mouth.
Also no idea on the def of liberal
Dead giveaway for zero college.
Keep the gov out of my Medicare as the trumpie said
----any 4th grader will tell you it's not even close to being a comparison/analogy/scientific/etc = the sample populations are so far apart
..if Mexico is so great why do we not see hundreds of thousands of Americans moving to Mexico?? we have them coming here!
I thought there were tons of old white farts in Mexico.
Great weather and health care
yes, my friends, we should kick out all whites and let Mexicans take over America

whites commit twice the rate of crimes as mexicans..

Ummmm….have you seen the crime rate in Mexico?

I think he was talking here

Yeah, it's a lie when talking about the US as well.

Got the us numbers?
Who said "patriotism is the last refuge of the scoundrel?"
I'm sure our brave patriots here have never been in hand to hand combat or had the crap bombed out of them
So brave spewing from thier double wides though
yes, my friends, we should kick out all whites and let Mexicans take over America

whites commit twice the rate of crimes as mexicans..

Ummmm….have you seen the crime rate in Mexico?

I think he was talking here

Yeah, it's a lie when talking about the US as well.

Got the us numbers?
Who said "patriotism is the last refuge of the scoundrel?"
I'm sure our brave patriots here have never been in hand to hand combat or had the crap bombed out of them
So brave spewing from thier double wides though

Got the us numbers?

Do you?
Here's the claim we need to see proven.

whites commit twice the rate of crimes as mexicans..

Who said "patriotism is the last refuge of the scoundrel?"

Patriotism? How about keep out criminals, secure our borders?
No, when you include civilian murders & yes when you include war murders.

Appalachian Whites have similar murder rates to Mexicans.

Mexican El Paso has a lower murder rate than Scots-Irish West Virginia.
yes, my friends, we should kick out all whites and let Mexicans take over America

So close the fucking borders and then the US justice system(that failed under Obama) can do their work with their liberal, problematic, criminals, instead of having to round up and deal with border criminals(everyone that crosses is a criminal).

Or send the US criminals to Turkey pay them $100,000 a year, and by the time their sentence is up, those criminals will become ideal citizens...

So does that mean it worked under every president before Obama and what exactly has Trump done
Cant these assholes march any faster through Mexico? We need to have these people arrive so the level of division is amped up another few notches.

Geez though.... think about these poor fuckers when they get here and realize they gotta march all the way back!! They all should get a cliff notes brochure on the American Revolution.....doy
yes, my friends, we should kick out all whites and let Mexicans take over America


This issue is not about good and bad people. This issue is about US citizen vs. non-citizen. Should we allow the US to be overrun with as many people across the border as can make it? In addition, how many US citizens murdered by MS 13 is too many? Is the life of one US citizen worth the wall?
yes, my friends, we should kick out all whites and let Mexicans take over America


This issue is not about good and bad people. This issue is about US citizen vs. non-citizen. Should we allow the US to be overrun with as many people across the border as can make it? In addition, how many US citizens murdered by MS 13 is too many? Is the life of one US citizen worth the wall?

People for putting the red carpet out for the caravan....all bubble dwellers who hail from places like Sratchmyassville USA.

Here on Long Island just a stones throw from Manhattan MS13 commits 40% of all homicides.

The caravan folks are wearing out their shoes for no reason..... it is going to be a long-ass walk back.:113::113:

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