Whites have embarked on a path of racial suicide

I find it funny how someones blind opinion somehow over rules official FBI data. LOL,

Someone is so brainwashed that they don't even consider that I quite frankly could be right.
Whites have embarked on a path of racial suicide pushed by multinational corporations, agenda-driven “anti-hate” groups (ADL, SPLC, etc) and brainwashed White brethren who cheer at Whites disappearing.

There is no gain and everything to lose by becoming minorities in our nations. No other peoples are so suicidal. Whether it is the U.S, the U.K, France, Germany, Australia, Russia, or Canada it is occurring and rather quickly.

Is any White ignorant to believe that when we are a minority in Europe, U.S, etc that our countries will continue to breed science, and technology? Laughable – the masses we let in nary had a wheel or written language until we gave them one.

Our capitals will resemble Baghdad, Mexico City, and Mogadishu!

All through Europe, the U.S, and predominately White countries areas with large non-White populations you will find crime, violence and social unrest. These are not benefits!

The problems are more noticeable in homogeneous Scandinavia where you see cities such as Malmo suffering under third world gang rape, violence, and murder which was brought under a guise of ‘diversity.'

Whites are brainwashed to believe that to be a ‘racist’ is to be a child molester, rapist, murderer or worse.

In 100 years Whites will be minorities in their own countries due to the influence of ‘certain groups’ who control our media and some of the most powerful lobbies in our countries; however…

Asia will be Asian, Africa will still be Black, and Arabia will still be Arab… but what will Whites have? We built & invented the modern world, and now we are actively working to destroy our work.

We’re shoveled with ‘White Guilt’. Last time I checked, it was Whites who ended slavery (while it has existed, and continues to, in Africa and the Middle East since the beginning of time itself).

Whites need to wake up and speak up. If the media accurately reflected our true crime rates, I believe there would be an uprising

Spot on.

The question, what are whites going to do about it?

Lots of whites fantasize about some violent race war, but that's probably never going to happen. Other whites fantasize about a homeland in the Northwestern U.S., but eh, most whites probably won't go for that, either.

Then you have the "who cares, I'm not racist" whites who don't understand the real deal on race and think that if America is majority-minority, life will go on unchanged for them: Social Security will remain, crime will not affect them, federal taxing and spending will be unnoticeable, their kids will still get into college, etc. They are in for a surprise, but NOT A FAST ONE. This situation is like the kettle boiling the lobster slowly: it seems OK at first, and the death comes on gradually.

I propose a middle path: whites begin to organize for legal and political power more explicitly, but peacefully and without angry accusations against other groups. I'd like to see a White Legal Defense Fund, I'd like to a White Congressional Caucus, etc. I'd like to see a guy run for office on a platform of helping whites.

If America's going to be a multicultural game, whites need to be in there playing it. Just like every other race. The current situation is totally unbalanced. We CANNOT just continue with blacks, Jews, Hispanics, etc. loudly and forcefully advocating for THEIR interests, while whites are totally forbidden from doing the same.
I've heard so many white nationalist(who sound a lot like dvinman) accuse blacks of playing the victim and now they'er trying to act as victims of some imaginary genocide. I've seen discussions on stormfront and all I see are paranoid, drama-queens complaining about non-whites killing them off somehow. Their evidence: random acts of violence that just happen to involve a black attacking a white assuming it is a hate-crime. All they have to do is ignore white on black violence.

The Fbi stats show twice as many racial black on white crimes then the other way around.

-Blacks are 5 times more likely to murder
-far more likely to rape
-far more likely to commit crime as a population.

You'd have to ignore the data to say other wise. I guess nothing matters to some idiots these days.

Guess I can't ignore statistics, but what do you suggest the government does with blacks. I agree AA is not needed. I'm black and I don't need it, but it will do nothing to crime rates. I went through my whole life without committing a single crime, trying alcohol or drugs, being in a fight, so Doing something to all blacks wouldn't be fair because there are plenty like me.
I've heard so many white nationalist(who sound a lot like dvinman) accuse blacks of playing the victim and now they'er trying to act as victims of some imaginary genocide. I've seen discussions on stormfront and all I see are paranoid, drama-queens complaining about non-whites killing them off somehow. Their evidence: random acts of violence that just happen to involve a black attacking a white assuming it is a hate-crime. All they have to do is ignore white on black violence.

The Fbi stats show twice as many racial black on white crimes then the other way around.

-Blacks are 5 times more likely to murder
-far more likely to rape
-far more likely to commit crime as a population.

You'd have to ignore the data to say other wise. I guess nothing matters to some idiots these days.

Guess I can't ignore statistics, but what do you suggest the government does with blacks. I agree AA is not needed. I'm black and I don't need it, but it will do nothing to crime rates. I went through my whole life without committing a single crime, trying alcohol or drugs, being in a fight, so Doing something to all blacks wouldn't be fair because there are plenty like me.

Just enforce the law on all races equally is all I ask. Maybe Blacks that are good role models can have an outreach to the newer generation encouraging the betterment of their people. Black racism is also wrong. Stop accusing all whites of being racist as that just causes more hate directed at whites.
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The Fbi stats show twice as many racial black on white crimes then the other way around.

-Blacks are 5 times more likely to murder
-far more likely to rape
-far more likely to commit crime as a population.

You'd have to ignore the data to say other wise. I guess nothing matters to some idiots these days.

Guess I can't ignore statistics, but what do you suggest the government does with blacks. I agree AA is not needed. I'm black and I don't need it, but it will do nothing to crime rates. I went through my whole life without committing a single crime, trying alcohol or drugs, being in a fight, so Doing something to all blacks wouldn't be fair because there are plenty like me.

Just enforce the law on all races equally is all I ask. Maybe Blacks that are good role models can have an outreach to the newer generation encouraging the betterment of their people. Black racism is also wrong. Stop accusing all whites of being racist as that just causes more hate directed at whites.

I've seen blacks and whites both complaining about the law always being enforced on them more often than the other. Neither have any real proof this is even true and I've seen both sides. Some blacks call it racist and some whites call it anti-white. I hear the same claims from both sides, I think they'er all just being paranoid including you Matthew.
Oh, you're both super, super 'tough,' precious. I'm sure you would have an epic pillow fight followed by hours of cuddling.

Fighting on the internet is like competing in the Special Olympics...

Just because these two (and several others) are idiotic poseurs, does not make it ok to use disabled people as a punchline. That is not cool.

"you didn't call him out for coming at me first but when I get him off me, I'm the "tough guy"

:eusa_pray::eusa_pray:i want to make love with you

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