Whites kill: Big Deal - Blacks Kill; No Deal ?

Truth is truth. Telling it does not make you a racist.

No, telling the truth does not make one a racist. However, you have cited nothing, backed nothing up and continue in ignorant hatred based on race. That makes you a racist.

It is obvious to anyone actually reading your posts with asinine statements that killing is genetically encoded in white men. That is amazingly pathetic. I think you even beat tank and speeders with that idiocy. That is tough to do.

No matter though - it is at least useful to understand what a pathetic person you are. It helps the next time you say something completely asinine and stupid. I now know that you are nit even worth responding to.

Lol, you are reading more into the statement than I have stated. I am not trying to analyze morally if this is bad. I think the causes more likely attributed to earlier industrialization and the fact that there are more whites than other races.

But there probably is something genetic as well, though I cant say it is certain. But the facts are facts; white men killed more people year in and year out than anyone else by a long shot.

Lets list the groups of white men that have done lots of killing:"

US Air Force bomber pilots
US ground troops
Jihadi terrorists
Stalins government forces killing enemy troops and civilian victims
Hitlers government forces killing enemy troops and civilian victims
Lenins government forces killing enemy troops and civilian victims
The white government forces in WW1 killing enemy troops and civilian victims
The French Reign of Terror killing Catholics
The Belgian government forces in the Congo killing local black populations
The Turkish government forces. killing enemy troops and Armenian victims

Between white soldiers, white government forces, white combat pilots, and white armed civilians, no other ace can touch us per capita or grand total.

I am not saying this is a good thing or a bad thing.

It just is.
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Whites using a gun....means the liberal media can sell the gun violence bullshit and blame white suburbia.

Blacks and Hispanics using a gun....ho-hum.

It's because of the limitless power of the black and hispanic people's monopoly on media, government, and religion.

We should be outraged.

wow liberals using money and power in an argument....so that's all they have. that's why whitey is bad and blacks and minorities are pure as the driven snow.....Dude you need to get out of Marxism 101.
However, its not simply mass shooting that get all the media attention. There are MANY cases with a single vic that get insane amounts of coverage. Why is this not reciprocal.

This question is actually a rather interesting one even of you disagree with the purpose of the OP. it represents a schism in our culture when a black man kills another black man and gets virtually no coverage but a 'white man' (as originally reported) killed TM and the media goes bananas. This happens all the time in inner city ghettos. Why is it not newsworthy then?

Why the difference? I think that answering that question would bring some major incite into racial issues within the nation and Americans. It is a rather difficult one to answer though.

Is it because we expect such from blacks and not from whites? Possibly. Does that not reveal a key prejudice thought the nation? Sure does but that might not be true at all. I just don't know why there seems to be a difference. then again, it might simply be a perception that is not real. I doubt that answer though as the murder occurrences is almost flat between whites and blacks but I certainly do not recall as much attention given to black perpetrators as white ones.

Perhaps it is socio economic.

Do you have an example of a single victim white guy shooting that got lots of press? I can't think of one. Only one that comes to mind is the Oscar Pistorius shooting, but that is more because he's slightly famous. This guy getting a lot of press too:
'Shield' Actor Michael Jace Charged With Murder In The Shooting Of His Wife

I think the situation of the killing is important. If it's a bad guy killing a bad guy it doesn't seem so bad. When it is a bad guy killing some innocent person it's more news. You get the news when something happens and many people think that could have been them. If people are getting shot because of gang violence most people don't relate to it.

I find the reference to a 'bad guy killing another bad guy' interesting. I think you are wrong though but close. I don't think it has anything to do with 'bad' guys. I think it might very well have something to do with POOR guy.

A poor guy killing another poor guy is not really news worthy. I would venture to guess that a 'thug' killing a middle class American or the other way around is much more likely to get coverage not only because it is unexpected but the audience that is the target (IMHO middle class Americans actually watch the news whereas the poor are far less likely to) connects to it much better and cares more. Going back to TM, that is a neighborhood that we all can relate to. The ghettos are another animal altogether. An animal that much of the middle class would prefer to ignore.

That would explain much of the disparity in coverage considering the socio economic realities and that the black community sees much of its crime in poor neighborhoods rather than middle class ones. As you related this to white thugs killing other white thugs - no one really reports when a shooting or murder happens in the trailer homes. no one really cares. I think it is a fallacy to assume that both parties are 'thugs' though. There are a LOT of people that are poor and are NOT criminals. The vast majority are not criminals.

As I stated earlier, I have a suspicion that this is more related to socio economics than race.

I disagree......there are several instances of blacks raping and killing whites and doesn't make the news.....far worse situations that traveyon, yet nadda

lets look at one:

Murders of Channon Christian and Christopher Newsom - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Where was the media coverage?

The national news media was criticized for ignoring the story because the victims were white and all five of the suspects were black

No Jesse Jackson or Al Sharpton and no ABC/CBS/NBC/CNN or any other news organization.....
Another black people suck thread / poor poor white guys in politics? No...that only happens on days that end with a "y"
Do you have an example of a single victim white guy shooting that got lots of press? I can't think of one. Only one that comes to mind is the Oscar Pistorius shooting, but that is more because he's slightly famous. This guy getting a lot of press too:
'Shield' Actor Michael Jace Charged With Murder In The Shooting Of His Wife

I think the situation of the killing is important. If it's a bad guy killing a bad guy it doesn't seem so bad. When it is a bad guy killing some innocent person it's more news. You get the news when something happens and many people think that could have been them. If people are getting shot because of gang violence most people don't relate to it.

I find the reference to a 'bad guy killing another bad guy' interesting. I think you are wrong though but close. I don't think it has anything to do with 'bad' guys. I think it might very well have something to do with POOR guy.

A poor guy killing another poor guy is not really news worthy. I would venture to guess that a 'thug' killing a middle class American or the other way around is much more likely to get coverage not only because it is unexpected but the audience that is the target (IMHO middle class Americans actually watch the news whereas the poor are far less likely to) connects to it much better and cares more. Going back to TM, that is a neighborhood that we all can relate to. The ghettos are another animal altogether. An animal that much of the middle class would prefer to ignore.

That would explain much of the disparity in coverage considering the socio economic realities and that the black community sees much of its crime in poor neighborhoods rather than middle class ones. As you related this to white thugs killing other white thugs - no one really reports when a shooting or murder happens in the trailer homes. no one really cares. I think it is a fallacy to assume that both parties are 'thugs' though. There are a LOT of people that are poor and are NOT criminals. The vast majority are not criminals.

As I stated earlier, I have a suspicion that this is more related to socio economics than race.

I disagree......there are several instances of blacks raping and killing whites and doesn't make the news.....far worse situations that traveyon, yet nadda

lets look at one:

Murders of Channon Christian and Christopher Newsom - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Where was the media coverage?

The national news media was criticized for ignoring the story because the victims were white and all five of the suspects were black

No Jesse Jackson or Al Sharpton and no ABC/CBS/NBC/CNN or any other news organization.....
Jackson and Sharpton are a given - they are race whores and are only going to be interested in things that frame evil whitey as such. Not the other way around.

The alphabet soup, on the other hand, is not. It is interesting though because this is a case of what appears to be a horrific attack against a middle class American by a bunch of thugs. That is outside of the socio economic driver that I think is part of this problem. I am not ready to simply pin this on race though - I think that is a huge leap to conclusion. If it is racial though, it is telling how it is ignored. The really speaks to some deep seated issues that we have with race and crime.

The left agenda theory is bunk though or you would not see the same disparity within FOX as they clearly do not have a left agenda. Since we see the same outcome even with a different method there must be more to this that that.
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Why is it that when a white deranged person kills it is national news, but when there are blacks massacring each other it doesn't get the coverage?

Violent holiday weekend claims at least 10 lives in Chicago - U.S. News

Very simple.

One on one murders rarely make national news unless there is some unusual element involved. Shooting sprees do, including when it is a black person who did it. See Washington Navy Yard shooting.
so, nothing out of the ordinary with 5 guys raping and killing a couple on the way home from a party it is very unusual for someone to get shot on the way home from the quickie mart.

That theory is not quite complete either.

Shooting sprees really are not in contention, they are almost always sensationalized within the media. It is the murder and violent stories that seem to have a very real disparity in coverage.
Why is it that when a white deranged person kills it is national news, but when there are blacks massacring each other it doesn't get the coverage?

Violent holiday weekend claims at least 10 lives in Chicago - U.S. News
Let me start off by saying that I respect every single decent black human being on earth. that said, after seeing what Oprah said about old white generation "having to die" and Louis Farrakhan, and Obama's actions in places like Syria, I now acknowledge that we, the white people, need to do more to stand up against this criminal industry that controls our media and no they are NOT necessarily the Jews, but it has become CLEAR to me, that OP here is RIGHT, there IS in fact discrimination in that sense as stated here, and I AM becoming more concerned about it, and so should be every white man, and in the long run every Hispanic, every Asian, and every black man as well, because these discriminations lead to conflicts that affect EVERYONE, while those on the media PROFIT from non other than conflicts and controversy. that's why two cents.
Why is it that when a white deranged person kills it is national news, but when there are blacks massacring each other it doesn't get the coverage?

Violent holiday weekend claims at least 10 lives in Chicago - U.S. News

Very simple.

One on one murders rarely make national news unless there is some unusual element involved. Shooting sprees do, including when it is a black person who did it. See Washington Navy Yard shooting.
Bullshit! There have been many drive by shootings with multiple victims including infants that you don't hear about, because the perpetrators are black! The TM, GZ case would have never been a national event if the shooter was black - so stick that shit back in your ass.

The navy yard shooting - refuted in a previous post - was at the fucking navy yard :eusa_pray: It is not debatable whether or not white violence ( especially towards blacks ) elicits promulgation wherein the color reverse does not - it is an empirical fact!

We need to entertain the why, because it is racism - what you liberal fucks pretend to champion against :eusa_liar: Racism knows no color!
Another black people suck thread / poor poor white guys in politics? No...that only happens on days that end with a "y"
Another poor, poor retarded hack that can't grasp reality, because you belong to a fucking cult that has no respect for his own race! :evil:
Another black people suck thread / poor poor white guys in politics? No...that only happens on days that end with a "y"

You forgot to say 'Check your privilege', libtard dumbass.

No I didnt Vicki the Victim

You are basically saying that no white people can categorically have any complaints about reverse racism or affirmative action because they are white.

Mighty racist of you, libtard.
You forgot to say 'Check your privilege', libtard dumbass.

No I didnt Vicki the Victim

You are basically saying that no white people can categorically have any complaints about reverse racism or affirmative action because they are white.

Mighty racist of you, libtard.

You know what? No matter what I say you're going to flip it where you are the Victim Vicky. So whatever you think I mean thats exactly how you should take it. K?
Another black people suck thread / poor poor white guys in politics? No...that only happens on days that end with a "y"
Another poor, poor retarded hack that can't grasp reality, because you belong to a fucking cult that has no respect for his own race! :evil:

You're right reality says this is a I love black people thread ...my bad :cuckoo:
This thread says I am pissed at the white racism you liberals promote - why do you?
No I didnt Vicki the Victim

You are basically saying that no white people can categorically have any complaints about reverse racism or affirmative action because they are white.

Mighty racist of you, libtard.

You know what? No matter what I say you're going to flip it where you are the Victim Vicky.

That is because you are being a racist bastard and a Nazi; dont blame the messenger.
Why is it that when a white deranged person kills it is national news, but when there are blacks massacring each other it doesn't get the coverage?

Violent holiday weekend claims at least 10 lives in Chicago - U.S. News

Let me throw you a life preserver to save you since you have fallen over board into the ocean of stupidity.

From YOUR link:

"Very clearly, we have a gang problem in the city of Chicago," Police Superintendent Garry McCarthy said at a press conference Tuesday, according to Chicago.....

So, even though it's unfortunate, gang violence is nothing new in many major cities, crazed
deranged killers is another story.

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