Whites kill: Big Deal - Blacks Kill; No Deal ?

I think this guy got as much press as any similar white guy shooting:
Washington Navy Yard shooting - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

This was at the Navy Yard - that is why the publicity. If a black thug kills three other black thugs, it won't make national news. If a white guy kills two blacks it is a hate crime pasted all over the nation. You are not being real if you don't acknowledge the disparity. :eusa_whistle:

Nobody cares if a white thug kills a white thug either.
I think this guy got as much press as any similar white guy shooting:
Washington Navy Yard shooting - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

This was at the Navy Yard - that is why the publicity. If a black thug kills three other black thugs, it won't make national news. If a white guy kills two blacks it is a hate crime pasted all over the nation. You are not being real if you don't acknowledge the disparity. :eusa_whistle:

Dude, you are really stretching it.

The simple fact is that white men do far more of this kind of shit than other gender ethnicities.

I don't know why, but my guess is that white men just have a genetic predisposition for killing people up close and personal.

One theory regarding the origin of the word 'Aryan' was that it meant something along the lines of 'ones like us we should not kill on sight'.

While it is not likely true, recent centuries would suggest it plausible.
I think this guy got as much press as any similar white guy shooting:
Washington Navy Yard shooting - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

This was at the Navy Yard - that is why the publicity. If a black thug kills three other black thugs, it won't make national news. If a white guy kills two blacks it is a hate crime pasted all over the nation. You are not being real if you don't acknowledge the disparity. :eusa_whistle:

Dude, you are really stretching it.

The simple fact is that white men do far more of this kind of shit than other gender ethnicities.

I don't know why, but my guess is that white men just have a genetic predisposition for killing people up close and personal.

One theory regarding the origin of the word 'Aryan' was that it meant something along the lines of 'ones like us we should not kill on sight'.

While it is not likely true, recent centuries would suggest it plausible.

Black men are FIVE times (yes FIVE) more likely to murder than whites. They currently represent approximately HALF of all murders while accounting for LESS THAN 20 percent of the population.

So, no, whites are not more likely to do this kind of shit rather than blacks. It is FAR more the opposite. That is simple fact.
FBI ? Table 43

The number of black men murdering actually outnumbers whites when they are a much smaller demographic.

The idea that whites are 'more likely' to do this 'crap' is not supported by any actual fact.
That would be my guess.

However, its not simply mass shooting that get all the media attention. There are MANY cases with a single vic that get insane amounts of coverage. Why is this not reciprocal.

This question is actually a rather interesting one even of you disagree with the purpose of the OP. it represents a schism in our culture when a black man kills another black man and gets virtually no coverage but a 'white man' (as originally reported) killed TM and the media goes bananas. This happens all the time in inner city ghettos. Why is it not newsworthy then?

Why the difference? I think that answering that question would bring some major incite into racial issues within the nation and Americans. It is a rather difficult one to answer though.

Is it because we expect such from blacks and not from whites? Possibly. Does that not reveal a key prejudice thought the nation? Sure does but that might not be true at all. I just don't know why there seems to be a difference. then again, it might simply be a perception that is not real. I doubt that answer though as the murder occurrences is almost flat between whites and blacks but I certainly do not recall as much attention given to black perpetrators as white ones.

Perhaps it is socio economic.

Do you have an example of a single victim white guy shooting that got lots of press? I can't think of one. Only one that comes to mind is the Oscar Pistorius shooting, but that is more because he's slightly famous. This guy getting a lot of press too:
'Shield' Actor Michael Jace Charged With Murder In The Shooting Of His Wife

I think the situation of the killing is important. If it's a bad guy killing a bad guy it doesn't seem so bad. When it is a bad guy killing some innocent person it's more news. You get the news when something happens and many people think that could have been them. If people are getting shot because of gang violence most people don't relate to it.

I find the reference to a 'bad guy killing another bad guy' interesting. I think you are wrong though but close. I don't think it has anything to do with 'bad' guys. I think it might very well have something to do with POOR guy.

A poor guy killing another poor guy is not really news worthy. I would venture to guess that a 'thug' killing a middle class American or the other way around is much more likely to get coverage not only because it is unexpected but the audience that is the target (IMHO middle class Americans actually watch the news whereas the poor are far less likely to) connects to it much better and cares more. Going back to TM, that is a neighborhood that we all can relate to. The ghettos are another animal altogether. An animal that much of the middle class would prefer to ignore.

That would explain much of the disparity in coverage considering the socio economic realities and that the black community sees much of its crime in poor neighborhoods rather than middle class ones. As you related this to white thugs killing other white thugs - no one really reports when a shooting or murder happens in the trailer homes. no one really cares. I think it is a fallacy to assume that both parties are 'thugs' though. There are a LOT of people that are poor and are NOT criminals. The vast majority are not criminals.

As I stated earlier, I have a suspicion that this is more related to socio economics than race.
That would be my guess.

However, its not simply mass shooting that get all the media attention. There are MANY cases with a single vic that get insane amounts of coverage. Why is this not reciprocal.

This question is actually a rather interesting one even of you disagree with the purpose of the OP. it represents a schism in our culture when a black man kills another black man and gets virtually no coverage but a 'white man' (as originally reported) killed TM and the media goes bananas. This happens all the time in inner city ghettos. Why is it not newsworthy then?

Why the difference? I think that answering that question would bring some major incite into racial issues within the nation and Americans. It is a rather difficult one to answer though.

Is it because we expect such from blacks and not from whites? Possibly. Does that not reveal a key prejudice thought the nation? Sure does but that might not be true at all. I just don't know why there seems to be a difference. then again, it might simply be a perception that is not real. I doubt that answer though as the murder occurrences is almost flat between whites and blacks but I certainly do not recall as much attention given to black perpetrators as white ones.

Perhaps it is socio economic.
The purpose of this op is precisely to answer this - why the disparity? The answer is politics; quest for power to force their agenda! It is politically unfavorable to mention blacks in bad light - no matter how truthful, and the reverse for whites. It is all about making the blacks think that liberals are on their side when in fact the only thing liberals care about regarding blacks are their votes!

I disagree. While the main stream alphabet soup is definitely left leaning in its nature it is incorrect to assume that they are somehow more beholden to an agenda than they are to the almighty dollar (in the form of ratings). The news hits on what people want to hear. The reporting and trumping up shootings IS an agenda driven item, the targets of those are not.

The other nail in that theory has to do with the fact that the right wing media does the EXACT same thing. You see the same reporting from FOX in this matter as you see on MSNBC. The message might be different (arm more citizens/stricter gun control) but the racial statistics are not. If this was a ideology driven reality, you would see a different set of stories on FOX rather than simply different window dressing on the same set of facts. That tells me that this is more related to a social aspect rather than a political one.
However, its not simply mass shooting that get all the media attention. There are MANY cases with a single vic that get insane amounts of coverage. Why is this not reciprocal.

This question is actually a rather interesting one even of you disagree with the purpose of the OP. it represents a schism in our culture when a black man kills another black man and gets virtually no coverage but a 'white man' (as originally reported) killed TM and the media goes bananas. This happens all the time in inner city ghettos. Why is it not newsworthy then?

Why the difference? I think that answering that question would bring some major incite into racial issues within the nation and Americans. It is a rather difficult one to answer though.

Is it because we expect such from blacks and not from whites? Possibly. Does that not reveal a key prejudice thought the nation? Sure does but that might not be true at all. I just don't know why there seems to be a difference. then again, it might simply be a perception that is not real. I doubt that answer though as the murder occurrences is almost flat between whites and blacks but I certainly do not recall as much attention given to black perpetrators as white ones.

Perhaps it is socio economic.

Do you have an example of a single victim white guy shooting that got lots of press? I can't think of one. Only one that comes to mind is the Oscar Pistorius shooting, but that is more because he's slightly famous. This guy getting a lot of press too:
'Shield' Actor Michael Jace Charged With Murder In The Shooting Of His Wife

I think the situation of the killing is important. If it's a bad guy killing a bad guy it doesn't seem so bad. When it is a bad guy killing some innocent person it's more news. You get the news when something happens and many people think that could have been them. If people are getting shot because of gang violence most people don't relate to it.

I find the reference to a 'bad guy killing another bad guy' interesting. I think you are wrong though but close. I don't think it has anything to do with 'bad' guys. I think it might very well have something to do with POOR guy.

A poor guy killing another poor guy is not really news worthy. I would venture to guess that a 'thug' killing a middle class American or the other way around is much more likely to get coverage not only because it is unexpected but the audience that is the target (IMHO middle class Americans actually watch the news whereas the poor are far less likely to) connects to it much better and cares more. Going back to TM, that is a neighborhood that we all can relate to. The ghettos are another animal altogether. An animal that much of the middle class would prefer to ignore.

That would explain much of the disparity in coverage considering the socio economic realities and that the black community sees much of its crime in poor neighborhoods rather than middle class ones. As you related this to white thugs killing other white thugs - no one really reports when a shooting or murder happens in the trailer homes. no one really cares. I think it is a fallacy to assume that both parties are 'thugs' though. There are a LOT of people that are poor and are NOT criminals. The vast majority are not criminals.

As I stated earlier, I have a suspicion that this is more related to socio economics than race.

I think you are onto something. A factor is definitely how bad the crime is also. If the crime is bad enough it seems to get lots of press regardless of other factors.
This was at the Navy Yard - that is why the publicity. If a black thug kills three other black thugs, it won't make national news. If a white guy kills two blacks it is a hate crime pasted all over the nation. You are not being real if you don't acknowledge the disparity. :eusa_whistle:

Dude, you are really stretching it.

The simple fact is that white men do far more of this kind of shit than other gender ethnicities.

I don't know why, but my guess is that white men just have a genetic predisposition for killing people up close and personal.

One theory regarding the origin of the word 'Aryan' was that it meant something along the lines of 'ones like us we should not kill on sight'.

While it is not likely true, recent centuries would suggest it plausible.

Black men are FIVE times (yes FIVE) more likely to murder than whites. They currently represent approximately HALF of all murders while accounting for LESS THAN 20 percent of the population.

So, no, whites are not more likely to do this kind of shit rather than blacks. It is FAR more the opposite. That is simple fact.
FBI ? Table 43

The number of black men murdering actually outnumbers whites when they are a much smaller demographic.

The idea that whites are 'more likely' to do this 'crap' is not supported by any actual fact.

Lol, dude, you are only counting the people who get CAUGHT, and you are not counting those who kill legally in the military.

White men have killed far more people on average than any other race-gender in human history and that is simply a FACT.
Dude, you are really stretching it.

The simple fact is that white men do far more of this kind of shit than other gender ethnicities.

I don't know why, but my guess is that white men just have a genetic predisposition for killing people up close and personal.

One theory regarding the origin of the word 'Aryan' was that it meant something along the lines of 'ones like us we should not kill on sight'.

While it is not likely true, recent centuries would suggest it plausible.

Black men are FIVE times (yes FIVE) more likely to murder than whites. They currently represent approximately HALF of all murders while accounting for LESS THAN 20 percent of the population.

So, no, whites are not more likely to do this kind of shit rather than blacks. It is FAR more the opposite. That is simple fact.
FBI ? Table 43

The number of black men murdering actually outnumbers whites when they are a much smaller demographic.

The idea that whites are 'more likely' to do this 'crap' is not supported by any actual fact.

Lol, dude, you are only counting the people who get CAUGHT, and you are not counting those who kill legally in the military.

White men have killed far more people on average than any other race-gender in human history and that is simply a FACT.

Now you want to count military? Should we count the massacres thought Africa as well? You do know that black people serve in the military as well, right? The rates are actually quite close to the racial makeup of the nation as a whole (with the ratio of blacks to whites being slightly HIGHER). I guess you don't count those blacks though? Just white soldiers are 'genetically wired' killers.

No, you have not posted actual numbers (as I have) because you have nothing but asinine and incorrect statements. Nothing to back up your racist claims. Not that it is very surprising - bigots and racists tend to not care about reality or data. It usually does not support their bigotry. Go on believing that white people have a 'genetic predisposition for killing people' (your exact words) but don't be surprised when you are written off for being a raving racist lunatic.
It's because of the limitless power of the black and hispanic people's monopoly on media, government, and religion.

We should be outraged.

Is this your attempt to deflect?

It is a rather pathetic one to say the least.

Well it's a pretty pathetic thread :cool:

Why's that? Because it points out a standard in journalistic hypocrisy?
Major daily newspapers and electronic media outlets that are left wing biased do not want to acknowledge the fact that every day there is carnage on the streets of every major city across the US being perpetrated by people who are members of PC protected classes.
So when inner city minority people kill each other the main stream media decides that these murders are NOT news.
Whites kill less then our share of the population...Blacks on the otherhand kill nearly 5 times that. When blacks and whites kill almost the same raw number...Well, something is seriously fucked up.

Yet, whites are the most dangerous within the fable leftist mind? LOL
Dude, you are really stretching it.

The simple fact is that white men do far more of this kind of shit than other gender ethnicities.

I don't know why, but my guess is that white men just have a genetic predisposition for killing people up close and personal.

One theory regarding the origin of the word 'Aryan' was that it meant something along the lines of 'ones like us we should not kill on sight'.

While it is not likely true, recent centuries would suggest it plausible.

Black men are FIVE times (yes FIVE) more likely to murder than whites. They currently represent approximately HALF of all murders while accounting for LESS THAN 20 percent of the population.

So, no, whites are not more likely to do this kind of shit rather than blacks. It is FAR more the opposite. That is simple fact.
FBI ? Table 43

The number of black men murdering actually outnumbers whites when they are a much smaller demographic.

The idea that whites are 'more likely' to do this 'crap' is not supported by any actual fact.

Lol, dude, you are only counting the people who get CAUGHT, and you are not counting those who kill legally in the military.

White men have killed far more people on average than any other race-gender in human history and that is simply a FACT.

Really, look up a few men named po-pot and mao.
Pointing out the flaws of black people has been a pretty good strategy for the con party over the last few decades :eusa_think:
Never heard of the "con" party.

But I have heard blacks are more violent than whites. We even had a black here on the board telling us that when they hear something that pisses them off, they just simply can't control themselves, they have to get violent because they have no choice. Must be true.

Do you think that that one "Black" represents all of "the Blacks"?

Oh no you don't...
When one idiot Bible Thumping moron makes a statement you don't like, you lefties use it as a broad brush to paint all conservatives in the same light.
Black men are FIVE times (yes FIVE) more likely to murder than whites. They currently represent approximately HALF of all murders while accounting for LESS THAN 20 percent of the population.

So, no, whites are not more likely to do this kind of shit rather than blacks. It is FAR more the opposite. That is simple fact.
FBI ? Table 43

The number of black men murdering actually outnumbers whites when they are a much smaller demographic.

The idea that whites are 'more likely' to do this 'crap' is not supported by any actual fact.

Lol, dude, you are only counting the people who get CAUGHT, and you are not counting those who kill legally in the military.

White men have killed far more people on average than any other race-gender in human history and that is simply a FACT.

Now you want to count military? Should we count the massacres thought Africa as well? You do know that black people serve in the military as well, right? The rates are actually quite close to the racial makeup of the nation as a whole (with the ratio of blacks to whites being slightly HIGHER). I guess you don't count those blacks though? Just white soldiers are 'genetically wired' killers.

lol, no, I am not talking about just US military, though most of the guys that would actually stick their heads out from cover and shoot were whites. I am talking about the simple fact that the advanced civilizations that had the means to build large armies and engage in large scale wars have been white, from the Ganges to the Thames.

I did not include all the white men that enforced the massive leftist state slaughters of the twentieth century either, but hell, toss those numbers in too if you need it to realize a simple truth. The most dangerous man isn't the testosterone addled individualist that talks loud and proud and charges into battle. No, it is the government thug with a gun who will shoot you in the back and stage the crime scene photos, or steal your few slices of potato in a death camp, or walk down a line and shoot you in the back of the head. Its the pro who has been killing people since a kid and whose family has been doing contract murder for centuries.

The best murderers never get caught and so you never hear about them. Imagine all the serial killers who are clever enough to not use the same MO every time and so LEOs never get a clue that this murder in this county in this state has anything to do with murders in other counties in other states.

Deny it all you want, but white men have killed far more people on this planet than everyone else added together.

No, you have not posted actual numbers (as I have) because you have nothing but asinine and incorrect statements. Nothing to back up your racist claims. Not that it is very surprising - bigots and racists tend to not care about reality or data. It usually does not support their bigotry. Go on believing that white people have a 'genetic predisposition for killing people' (your exact words) but don't be surprised when you are written off for being a raving racist lunatic.

I didn't say white people, I said white men.

Who killed the most people in World War one and two?

White men.

Who slaughtered the most people under the command of their own government in various nations through the last 150 years?

White men in white governments.

Truth is truth. Telling it does not make you a racist.
Black men are FIVE times (yes FIVE) more likely to murder than whites. They currently represent approximately HALF of all murders while accounting for LESS THAN 20 percent of the population.

So, no, whites are not more likely to do this kind of shit rather than blacks. It is FAR more the opposite. That is simple fact.
FBI ? Table 43

The number of black men murdering actually outnumbers whites when they are a much smaller demographic.

The idea that whites are 'more likely' to do this 'crap' is not supported by any actual fact.

Lol, dude, you are only counting the people who get CAUGHT, and you are not counting those who kill legally in the military.

White men have killed far more people on average than any other race-gender in human history and that is simply a FACT.

Really, look up a few men named po-pot and mao.

And they learned from the Turks, Hitler and Stalin. Stalin has the record for the most people slaughtered by most estimates. Most of Mao's killings were from starvation as the communists fucked up the food distribution and caused 'famine'. Stalin had such famines as well and totaled with his deliberate killings no one touches him.

Coupled with the deaths from WW1 and 2, and the slaughters under Lenin, the Russian people have suffered more than any other nationality on the planet in history.
Is this your attempt to deflect?

It is a rather pathetic one to say the least.

Well it's a pretty pathetic thread :cool:

Why's that? Because it points out a standard in journalistic hypocrisy?
Major daily newspapers and electronic media outlets that are left wing biased do not want to acknowledge the fact that every day there is carnage on the streets of every major city across the US being perpetrated by people who are members of PC protected classes.
So when inner city minority people kill each other the main stream media decides that these murders are NOT news.

I cant say how many times I have heard some journalist or another say that dog bites man is not news but man bites dog is.

But this leaves the impression, over time, that only men bite dogs.

And what does it say about journalists views on the black community?
Truth is truth. Telling it does not make you a racist.

No, telling the truth does not make one a racist. However, you have cited nothing, backed nothing up and continue in ignorant hatred based on race. That makes you a racist.

It is obvious to anyone actually reading your posts with asinine statements that killing is genetically encoded in white men. That is amazingly pathetic. I think you even beat tank and speeders with that idiocy. That is tough to do.

No matter though - it is at least useful to understand what a pathetic person you are. It helps the next time you say something completely asinine and stupid. I now know that you are nit even worth responding to.

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