Whites kill: Big Deal - Blacks Kill; No Deal ?

Whether the story is passed among the media the outcome for those that perpetrate these acts end up the same. With them convicted and sentenced.
Whether the story is passed among the media the outcome for those that perpetrate these acts end up the same. With them convicted and sentenced.

That's not the issue. It's the media that shapes perception. On this issue the media seems to go out of its way to not report reality.
Wow. Some people commit crimes. This means that all black people are dangerous and white people are God's most innocent Children.

All of you racist crackers should shove your guns up your asses and keep pulling the trigger until you can't anymore.

Whatever with your straw man crap. Maybe you have an explanation as to why the trayvon Martin story was so big and the baby killing story got no national attention? Are you ok what that?
Wow. Some people commit crimes. This means that all black people are dangerous and white people are God's most innocent Children.

All of you racist crackers should shove your guns up your asses and keep pulling the trigger until you can't anymore.
White on black crime gets huge publicity - black on white crime does not. Everyone who fails to see this has a mental block - they rant like you ( Dangerous / Innocent ) Couldn't you draw a further distinction? :lol: Racism is racism if it is against any race including whites. If you accept it, then you accept it - I do not. Should racist blacks shove their guns?
Whether the story is passed among the media the outcome for those that perpetrate these acts end up the same. With them convicted and sentenced.

That's not the issue. It's the media that shapes perception. On this issue the media seems to go out of its way to not report reality.
Do you really want reality to be reported? Or just the reality that you want people to see?

Iraq and Weapons of Mass Destruction

We're not talking about that right now. Why is black violence unreported by the media? Do you think that's right? Are blacks being helped by this? You seem to not care there's a glaring double standard. Why is that?
Wow. Some people commit crimes. This means that all black people are dangerous and white people are God's most innocent Children.

All of you racist crackers should shove your guns up your asses and keep pulling the trigger until you can't anymore.

As usual, you are trying to twist it and make anyone who discusses the problem look like a racist. Nice try, but it won't work.

It's about how the media reports on it. In cities like Chicago, where there are strict gun control, yet a lot of crime, the media makes sure the local murders aren't heard nationally. They don't want gun control viewed in a bad light for those they've already fooled.

And many in the media have opted to leave the race of the suspect out of it if the person is a minority. Again, they want people kept in the dark about the problems in inner cities, where liberals have helped people for the last 50 years.

The question is why do they do this? Why was Zimmerman a bigger deal than the typical gang member who murders people in cold blood?

I never hear liberals express concern over victims if the perpetrator happens to be black. What is wrong with reporting facts?
Whether the story is passed among the media the outcome for those that perpetrate these acts end up the same. With them convicted and sentenced.

No, it really is not. Media storms generally ruin justice.

Look at the TM case - he is done for even though he was acquitted. How about the Antony case? Do you really think that the OJ trial ended with justice?

Many time a case is highly publicized you end up with a screwed up resolution. It sucks but there is nothing that can be done about it - freedom of the press is to integral to our freedom to be messed with on this scale any more than it is.
Wow. Some people commit crimes. This means that all black people are dangerous and white people are God's most innocent Children.

All of you racist crackers should shove your guns up your asses and keep pulling the trigger until you can't anymore.

As usual, you are trying to twist it and make anyone who discusses the problem look like a racist. Nice try, but it won't work.

It's about how the media reports on it. In cities like Chicago, where there are strict gun control, yet a lot of crime, the media makes sure the local murders aren't heard nationally. They don't want gun control viewed in a bad light for those they've already fooled.

And many in the media have opted to leave the race of the suspect out of it if the person is a minority. Again, they want people kept in the dark about the problems in inner cities, where liberals have helped people for the last 50 years.

The question is why do they do this? Why was Zimmerman a bigger deal than the typical gang member who murders people in cold blood?

I never hear liberals express concern over victims if the perpetrator happens to be black. What is wrong with reporting facts?
No, really. All black people are evil because blacks commit more crimes than whites. Nevermind the systemic poverty that has been forced on the majority of the black population since this country's founding, nevermind the fact that POVERTY breeds more crime in the inner-cities, not black people. POVERTY. SYSTEMIC POVERTY. If you want less crime, create more wealth for the lower class.
Wow. Some people commit crimes. This means that all black people are dangerous and white people are God's most innocent Children.

All of you racist crackers should shove your guns up your asses and keep pulling the trigger until you can't anymore.

As usual, you are trying to twist it and make anyone who discusses the problem look like a racist. Nice try, but it won't work.

It's about how the media reports on it. In cities like Chicago, where there are strict gun control, yet a lot of crime, the media makes sure the local murders aren't heard nationally. They don't want gun control viewed in a bad light for those they've already fooled.

And many in the media have opted to leave the race of the suspect out of it if the person is a minority. Again, they want people kept in the dark about the problems in inner cities, where liberals have helped people for the last 50 years.

The question is why do they do this? Why was Zimmerman a bigger deal than the typical gang member who murders people in cold blood?

I never hear liberals express concern over victims if the perpetrator happens to be black. What is wrong with reporting facts?
No, really. All black people are evil because blacks commit more crimes than whites. Nevermind the systemic poverty that has been forced on the majority of the black population since this country's founding, nevermind the fact that POVERTY breeds more crime in the inner-cities, not black people. POVERTY. SYSTEMIC POVERTY. If you want less crime, create more wealth for the lower class.

That blacks get caught for killing whites far more often than whites get caught for killing blacks does not prove or demonstrate that blacks are evil.

Not sure why you are getting your panties so bunched up over this.

Blacks are the first ethnic group to be heavily recruited into the federal welfare system and it has had some very bad side effects.

What else would it be?
Yeah, it's all the Federal government's fault. Because the private sector was doing such a great job taking care of all of those former slaves, right? Good ol' white Southern Christians to the rescue, right?

If you combine all of the crimes committed by black people across the country for the last 200 years, it still doesn't compare to the crimes committed by the white oligarchy.
Anything to deflect away from the media's obvious double standard

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