Whites Projected to be Minority

Picker of nits thou art! You got the idea though didn't you!

And you are absolutely correct. There is no logic involved in liberalism.

Hah! Twister of words sirrah! :rofl:

As for logic..........it's overrated :D
WOOHOO! I can hardly wait! Then we white folks can file discrimination suits at the drop of a hat, call anything we don't like "racist", get affirmative action plans in place so we get better jobs and education whether or not we are qualified and even get "hate crime" laws passed and make criminals out of anyone that looks at us the wrong way.

You think you're being sarcastic, but you aren't. Seriously, if you could take advantage of the system, then you would. We ALL would. No one wants to make their lives harder. No one wants to make less money and be less successful.
Heh....Unlike the US who NEVER pokes its nose into anybody's business. Wanna take a poll? I'm from NZ. I'll write down all the countries we've either pressured or tried to influence through use of force or using our version of the CIA over the past 50 years. Here's my list of countries I know we have done this to:


Your turn.....

Has NZ done anything in the past 50 years.....
Zimbabwe and South Africa are not the USA. I think that very little will change when/if blacks outnumber whites. There might be a reparations bill to make up for the slavery. (I’d be opposed to such a bill.) The EEOC might be strengthened. (I think that it should be ended.) Yet, beyond those possibilities, I doubt that much will happen. There are conservative black leaders and even black conservative and black Republicans.

OK, then, how about Harlem, Compton, SE D.C., etc.? These places are clearly majority black, but you wouldn't want to live there.
meh... peter jackson comes to town and reminds the world of an island by that name and then the gumps come out like cockroaches at night.

The Canada of Australia sure must thrive on genius water.
How about we agree to get rid of affirmative action in higher education when we get rid of the legacy system in higher education?
OK, then, how about Harlem, Compton, SE D.C., etc.? These places are clearly majority black, but you wouldn't want to live there.

Likewise, cities and states are different from place to place. To answer your question, I would not want to live in Harlem. From what I hear, the people in general in that area are violently racist. Yet, I’ve lived in places where there were more Blacks than there were Whites and I never had a problem. I think that there are some small segments of America where Blacks would not want to live due to violently racist white segments.

I am not going to make any sweeping generalization about the entire Black “race” or White race. I’ve been around white trash. I’ve been around white trash neighborhoods. I’ve been around fine Black people. I’ve been in neighborhoods of fine Black people. I’ve been in neighborhoods of nice White people and I’ve been around nice white neighborhoods. Yes. I have also been around dangerous Black neighborhoods.
I lived in New Orleans for a while, and whites are definitely in the minority there. I never had a problem with it or felt uncomfortable. It just depends on where you are.
Zimbabwe and South Africa are not the USA. I think that very little will change when/if blacks outnumber whites. There might be a reparations bill to make up for the slavery. (I’d be opposed to such a bill.) The EEOC might be strengthened. (I think that it should be ended.) Yet, beyond those possibilities, I doubt that much will happen. There are conservative black leaders and even black conservative and black Republicans.

How about forgetting reparations.....................there were about three thousand black slave holders you know..................:rolleyes: :eusa_whistle:
How about forgetting reparations.....................there were about three thousand black slave holders you know..................:rolleyes: :eusa_whistle:

Please read my post again more carefully.
I did say that I am opposed to giving reparations.
I like the idea of reparations since we did promise slaves 40 acres and a mule and they didn't get that. The problem comes in with figuring out who is actually descended from slaves. It is hard enough for black people to do genealogy in this country, how would you prove that?
And what about people who are half descended from slaves? What about people who are a fourth? Where do you draw the line? What about people who are descended from slaves and rich? Should they get a check too?
Reparations are you kidding me?

No one is currently alive that was a slave.. No one alive is responsible for slavery.. Its just another handout idea for the group of people who blames everyone else for their own problems..
How did that work? I don't remember learning about that part in African American History, but that was a long time ago. How did black people get the right to own slaves? Was this is in the south or was it right at the beginning of slavery when people had indentured servants?
By that standard, what's anyone's concern about anything?

Hell of a response.:rolleyes: We aren't discussing "anything." The topic is "whites will be a minority by 2050."

Again, who cares? I have no problem with you having a problem with it. When LCpl Schmuckatelli comes to the Gunny with a problem, LCpl Schmuckatelli has been taught he best have his possible solution in tow.

What's YOURS?

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