Whitesplaning Racism

1. I am not the one whining about there being mass discrimination. You are. And the fact that you refuse to support or explain what you are being blamed for and lectured about, invalidates what you are saying and makes you appear to be a whiny little bitch, without a point over even any common sense. You're not being blamed, or lectured, and sure as hell don't even have a clue what REAL discrimination actually is.

2. You are but one insignificant white person on a computer with an opinion, that does not make a you spokesperson for so called "white America.

3. "Racists and racism" are subjects that are brought up in a race relations forum, you racist nut. From what you have posted here it appears that your greatest objection is to any recognition of achievement by ANY black person, because, somehow in yourr foolish mind, that is somehow an assault on "white America".

And is the mindset of s racist nut.

4. You have not been called a slur. You were called a racist nut, now with more emphasis on the latter.

When was the last time you heard something from a white you disagreed with, in the "discussion on race" but that you respected as a valid viewpoint?

At one time, I did not believe that there are just as many so called "liberal" white racists as there are so called "conservative" ones.

But that is a fact.

GOt it. YOu have never heard something from a white that you did not like that you accepted as part of a legitimate conversation.

ANd that's what I'm talking about.

A conversation is a two way street.

If you are not listening to what we say, than we are not having a conversation.

Wrong. I was told by a WHITE person that there are just as many liberal white racists as there are conservative white racists.

And when an INDIVIDUAL has something to say that is legitimate and fact based, then I will have a conversation with that INDIVIDUAL.

But when someone says to me, "This is what WE think and this is what WE are tired of that is not a standard conversation, that is attempting to speak for others and has the tone of parents speaking to a child.

So the ubiquitous "lecture" that you continue to reference is frequently practiced by you.

So, your growth has been that you realize there are more white racists than you thought.

And you think that reflects a real conversation on race?

You having zero interest in hearing what white people think, or what white people feel, is another way of saying that we are not having a conversation.

Because you are not listening to anything, that you don't want to hear.

When you refuse to listen, and continue to talk AT people, that is a lecture.

What skill would you use to bring this conversation to a better place?
When was the last time you heard something from a white you disagreed with, in the "discussion on race" but that you respected as a valid viewpoint?

At one time, I did not believe that there are just as many so called "liberal" white racists as there are so called "conservative" ones.

But that is a fact.

GOt it. YOu have never heard something from a white that you did not like that you accepted as part of a legitimate conversation.

ANd that's what I'm talking about.

A conversation is a two way street.

If you are not listening to what we say, than we are not having a conversation.

Wrong. I was told by a WHITE person that there are just as many liberal white racists as there are conservative white racists.

And when an INDIVIDUAL has something to say that is legitimate and fact based, then I will have a conversation with that INDIVIDUAL.

But when someone says to me, "This is what WE think and this is what WE are tired of that is not a standard conversation, that is attempting to speak for others and has the tone of parents speaking to a child.

So the ubiquitous "lecture" that you continue to reference is frequently practiced by you.

So, your growth has been that you realize there are more white racists than you thought.

And you think that reflects a real conversation on race?

You having zero interest in hearing what white people think, or what white people feel, is another way of saying that we are not having a conversation.

Because you are not listening to anything, that you don't want to hear.

When you refuse to listen, and continue to talk AT people, that is a lecture.

What skill would you use to bring this conversation to a better place?

1. I'm not afraid of being called mean names by dishonest and vile race baiters

2. I have a strong idea of what the self interests of whites in America are, and I'm not afraid to say it.

3. I know that black activists do not speak for all black Americans.

4. And I am able to intelligently articulate all the above.

5. And I'm certainly not afraid of listening.
At one time, I did not believe that there are just as many so called "liberal" white racists as there are so called "conservative" ones.

But that is a fact.

GOt it. YOu have never heard something from a white that you did not like that you accepted as part of a legitimate conversation.

ANd that's what I'm talking about.

A conversation is a two way street.

If you are not listening to what we say, than we are not having a conversation.

Wrong. I was told by a WHITE person that there are just as many liberal white racists as there are conservative white racists.

And when an INDIVIDUAL has something to say that is legitimate and fact based, then I will have a conversation with that INDIVIDUAL.

But when someone says to me, "This is what WE think and this is what WE are tired of that is not a standard conversation, that is attempting to speak for others and has the tone of parents speaking to a child.

So the ubiquitous "lecture" that you continue to reference is frequently practiced by you.

So, your growth has been that you realize there are more white racists than you thought.

And you think that reflects a real conversation on race?

You having zero interest in hearing what white people think, or what white people feel, is another way of saying that we are not having a conversation.

Because you are not listening to anything, that you don't want to hear.

When you refuse to listen, and continue to talk AT people, that is a lecture.

What skill would you use to bring this conversation to a better place?

1. I'm not afraid of being called mean names by dishonest and vile race baiters

2. I have a strong idea of what the self interests of whites in America are, and I'm not afraid to say it.

3. I know that black activists do not speak for all black Americans.

4. And I am able to intelligently articulate all the above.

5. And I'm certainly not afraid of listening.

Well now these should be enough to help you bring some things to a more sensible exchange ; if they help you with their commitments to show respect.
1. I am not the one whining about there being mass discrimination. You are. And the fact that you refuse to support or explain what you are being blamed for and lectured about, invalidates what you are saying and makes you appear to be a whiny little bitch, without a point over even any common sense. You're not being blamed, or lectured, and sure as hell don't even have a clue what REAL discrimination actually is.

2. You are but one insignificant white person on a computer with an opinion, that does not make a you spokesperson for so called "white America.

3. "Racists and racism" are subjects that are brought up in a race relations forum, you racist nut. From what you have posted here it appears that your greatest objection is to any recognition of achievement by ANY black person, because, somehow in yourr foolish mind, that is somehow an assault on "white America".

And is the mindset of s racist nut.

4. You have not been called a slur. You were called a racist nut, now with more emphasis on the latter.

When was the last time you heard something from a white you disagreed with, in the "discussion on race" but that you respected as a valid viewpoint?

At one time, I did not believe that there are just as many so called "liberal" white racists as there are so called "conservative" ones.

But that is a fact.

GOt it. YOu have never heard something from a white that you did not like that you accepted as part of a legitimate conversation.

ANd that's what I'm talking about.

A conversation is a two way street.

If you are not listening to what we say, than we are not having a conversation.

Wrong. I was told by a WHITE person that there are just as many liberal white racists as there are conservative white racists.

And when an INDIVIDUAL has something to say that is legitimate and fact based, then I will have a conversation with that INDIVIDUAL.

But when someone says to me, "This is what WE think and this is what WE are tired of that is not a standard conversation, that is attempting to speak for others and has the tone of parents speaking to a child.

So the ubiquitous "lecture" that you continue to reference is frequently practiced by you.

So, your growth has been that you realize there are more white racists than you thought.

And you think that reflects a real conversation on race?

You having zero interest in hearing what white people think, or what white people feel, is another way of saying that we are not having a conversation.

Because you are not listening to anything, that you don't want to hear.

When you refuse to listen, and continue to talk AT people, that is a lecture.

It is more likely that I have experienced far more growth than you have in your lifetime, just based on what I have witnessed during mine.

Truth is, I have listened for a substantial part of my adult lifetime to "what I did not want to hear". Being retired now, and not being required to be as careful about what I say and I think, I am much more selective about what I will tolerate or accept.

I judge INDIVIDUALS, not GROUPS. There have been quite a few white people that I have encountered and listened to in this forum, and more importantly in real life.

And then are a small number that I have encountered that I really do not have any interest in listening to. And here are some examples of those types:

1. Those who tend to repetitiously preach about anti white discrimination. I am old enough to have seen members of my own family marginalized by law, because of their race. Including being denied service in a public establishment, being assumed to be of inferior intelligence, and being attacked by law enforcement for peaceful protesting against LAWFUL discrimination. And all during the time that this was happening, being led by individuals who insisted on "being patient:". That is REAL discrimination.

2. Those who believe that legal reform to ensure equality is "reverse discrimination". And that the very moment that legal reform wss enacted, that it marked the beginning of black peoples equality (on paper) meant that white people by the millions were immediately impacted negatively. There is no such thing as "reverse discrimination" The very term implies that someone or a specific group has in fact been discriminated against, to begin with, and correcting that discrimination is somehow a morally wrong assault on the white population.

3. Those who subscribe to the belief that public recognition of a black person who is the first to be appointed to a position of responsibility IN HISTORY, is somehow an assault on the white population. In the context of history, this country is 241 yesrs old. If that 241 years, black people as a whole have been citizens with all of the rights associated that status for approximately 50 years if that history. So it goes without saying that there are still many black citizens who are the "first" to overcome certain obstacles that existed not too long ago.

Lastly. I do not personally blame any white person who was not around to see what I saw, but, I will not listen to anyone who tries to tell me, that what I witnessed, just magically disappeared with the stroke of a pen, one night in 1965.

Begrudging compliance is what ensued, and nothing changed immediately. Like any other process change that affects society across cultures and generations, some of the old attitudes from past decades still lurk beneath a thinly veiled facade.

Are there more "racist white people" than I thought there were before?

If this forum represented a microcosm of society possibly. Outside of this forum I have spoken to some who are reasonable, and openminded. And some are the exact opposite.

But all that I have spoken to have varying opinioins as individuals.....not the single thinking collective as you have implied thst you "speak for".

THAT is not a "lecture". These are facts based on personal experience.
Last edited:
When was the last time you heard something from a white you disagreed with, in the "discussion on race" but that you respected as a valid viewpoint?

At one time, I did not believe that there are just as many so called "liberal" white racists as there are so called "conservative" ones.

But that is a fact.

GOt it. YOu have never heard something from a white that you did not like that you accepted as part of a legitimate conversation.

ANd that's what I'm talking about.

A conversation is a two way street.

If you are not listening to what we say, than we are not having a conversation.

Wrong. I was told by a WHITE person that there are just as many liberal white racists as there are conservative white racists.

And when an INDIVIDUAL has something to say that is legitimate and fact based, then I will have a conversation with that INDIVIDUAL.

But when someone says to me, "This is what WE think and this is what WE are tired of that is not a standard conversation, that is attempting to speak for others and has the tone of parents speaking to a child.

So the ubiquitous "lecture" that you continue to reference is frequently practiced by you.

So, your growth has been that you realize there are more white racists than you thought.

And you think that reflects a real conversation on race?

You having zero interest in hearing what white people think, or what white people feel, is another way of saying that we are not having a conversation.

Because you are not listening to anything, that you don't want to hear.

When you refuse to listen, and continue to talk AT people, that is a lecture.

It is more likely that I have experienced far more growth than you have in your lifetime, just based on what I have witnessed during mine.

Truth is, I have listened for a substantial part of my adult lifetime to "what I did not want to hear". Being retired now, and not being required to be as careful about what I say and I think, I am much more selective about what I will tolerate or accept.

I judge INDIVIDUALS, not GROUPS. There have been quite a few white people that I have encountered and listened to in this forum, and more importantly in real life.

And then are a small number that I have encountered that I really do not have any interest in listening to. And here are some examples of those types:

1. Those who tend to repetitiously preach about anti white discrimination. I am old enough to have seen members of my own family marginalized by law, because of their race. Including being denied service in a public establishment, being assumed to be of inferior intelligence, and being attacked by law enforcement for peaceful protesting against LAWFUL discrimination. And all during the time that this was happening, being led by individuals who insisted on "being patient:". That is REAL discrimination.

2. Those who believe that legal reform to ensure equality is "reverse discrimination". And that the very moment that legal reform wss enacted, that it marked the beginning of black peoples equality (on paper) meant that white people by the millions were immediately impacted negatively. There is no such thing as "reverse discrimination" The very term implies that someone or a specific group has in fact been discriminated against, to begin with, and correcting that discrimination is somehow a morally wrong assault on the white population.

3. Those who subscribe to the belief that public recognition of a black person who is the first to be appointed to a position of responsibility IN HISTORY, is somehow an assault on the white population. In the context of history, this country is 241 yesrs old. If that 241 years, black people as a whole have been citizens with all of the rights associated that status for approximately 50 years if that history. So it goes without saying that there are still many black citizens who are the "first" to overcome certain obstacles that existed not too long ago.

Lastly. I do not personally blame any white person who was not around to see what I saw, but, I will not listen to anyone who tries to tell me, that what I witnessed, just magically disappeared with the stroke of a pen, one night in 1965.

Begrudging compliance is what ensued, and nothing changed immediately. Like any other process change that affects society across cultures and generations, some of the old attitudes from past decades still lurk beneath a thinly veiled facade.

Are there more "racist white people" than I thought there were before?

If this forum represented a microcosm of society possibly. Outside of this forum I have spoken to some who are reasonable, and openminded. And some are the exact opposite.

But all that I have spoken to have varying opinioins as individuals.....not the single thinking collective as you have implied thst you "speak for".

THAT is not a "lecture". These are facts based on personal experience.

There is a lot in that post, that is worthy of discussion. And I appreciate you making a real answer. AND refraining from personal slurs for at least one post.

BUt the context was in response to a question on are you prepared to LISTEN.

And nothing in it, indicated any willingness to listen to anything you don't already agree with, especially from a white person.

And that is my point.

A conversation, where you want me to listen to you, but you are not listening to ME, is a lecture.
At one time, I did not believe that there are just as many so called "liberal" white racists as there are so called "conservative" ones.

But that is a fact.

GOt it. YOu have never heard something from a white that you did not like that you accepted as part of a legitimate conversation.

ANd that's what I'm talking about.

A conversation is a two way street.

If you are not listening to what we say, than we are not having a conversation.

Wrong. I was told by a WHITE person that there are just as many liberal white racists as there are conservative white racists.

And when an INDIVIDUAL has something to say that is legitimate and fact based, then I will have a conversation with that INDIVIDUAL.

But when someone says to me, "This is what WE think and this is what WE are tired of that is not a standard conversation, that is attempting to speak for others and has the tone of parents speaking to a child.

So the ubiquitous "lecture" that you continue to reference is frequently practiced by you.

So, your growth has been that you realize there are more white racists than you thought.

And you think that reflects a real conversation on race?

You having zero interest in hearing what white people think, or what white people feel, is another way of saying that we are not having a conversation.

Because you are not listening to anything, that you don't want to hear.

When you refuse to listen, and continue to talk AT people, that is a lecture.

It is more likely that I have experienced far more growth than you have in your lifetime, just based on what I have witnessed during mine.

Truth is, I have listened for a substantial part of my adult lifetime to "what I did not want to hear". Being retired now, and not being required to be as careful about what I say and I think, I am much more selective about what I will tolerate or accept.

I judge INDIVIDUALS, not GROUPS. There have been quite a few white people that I have encountered and listened to in this forum, and more importantly in real life.

And then are a small number that I have encountered that I really do not have any interest in listening to. And here are some examples of those types:

1. Those who tend to repetitiously preach about anti white discrimination. I am old enough to have seen members of my own family marginalized by law, because of their race. Including being denied service in a public establishment, being assumed to be of inferior intelligence, and being attacked by law enforcement for peaceful protesting against LAWFUL discrimination. And all during the time that this was happening, being led by individuals who insisted on "being patient:". That is REAL discrimination.

2. Those who believe that legal reform to ensure equality is "reverse discrimination". And that the very moment that legal reform wss enacted, that it marked the beginning of black peoples equality (on paper) meant that white people by the millions were immediately impacted negatively. There is no such thing as "reverse discrimination" The very term implies that someone or a specific group has in fact been discriminated against, to begin with, and correcting that discrimination is somehow a morally wrong assault on the white population.

3. Those who subscribe to the belief that public recognition of a black person who is the first to be appointed to a position of responsibility IN HISTORY, is somehow an assault on the white population. In the context of history, this country is 241 yesrs old. If that 241 years, black people as a whole have been citizens with all of the rights associated that status for approximately 50 years if that history. So it goes without saying that there are still many black citizens who are the "first" to overcome certain obstacles that existed not too long ago.

Lastly. I do not personally blame any white person who was not around to see what I saw, but, I will not listen to anyone who tries to tell me, that what I witnessed, just magically disappeared with the stroke of a pen, one night in 1965.

Begrudging compliance is what ensued, and nothing changed immediately. Like any other process change that affects society across cultures and generations, some of the old attitudes from past decades still lurk beneath a thinly veiled facade.

Are there more "racist white people" than I thought there were before?

If this forum represented a microcosm of society possibly. Outside of this forum I have spoken to some who are reasonable, and openminded. And some are the exact opposite.

But all that I have spoken to have varying opinioins as individuals.....not the single thinking collective as you have implied thst you "speak for".

THAT is not a "lecture". These are facts based on personal experience.

There is a lot in that post, that is worthy of discussion. And I appreciate you making a real answer. AND refraining from personal slurs for at least one post.

BUt the context was in response to a question on are you prepared to LISTEN.

And nothing in it, indicated any willingness to listen to anything you don't already agree with, especially from a white person.

And that is my point.

A conversation, where you want me to listen to you, but you are not listening to ME, is a lecture.

Listening may well be a lost art. At times, I don't even listen to myself!
At one time, I did not believe that there are just as many so called "liberal" white racists as there are so called "conservative" ones.

But that is a fact.

GOt it. YOu have never heard something from a white that you did not like that you accepted as part of a legitimate conversation.

ANd that's what I'm talking about.

A conversation is a two way street.

If you are not listening to what we say, than we are not having a conversation.

Wrong. I was told by a WHITE person that there are just as many liberal white racists as there are conservative white racists.

And when an INDIVIDUAL has something to say that is legitimate and fact based, then I will have a conversation with that INDIVIDUAL.

But when someone says to me, "This is what WE think and this is what WE are tired of that is not a standard conversation, that is attempting to speak for others and has the tone of parents speaking to a child.

So the ubiquitous "lecture" that you continue to reference is frequently practiced by you.

So, your growth has been that you realize there are more white racists than you thought.

And you think that reflects a real conversation on race?

You having zero interest in hearing what white people think, or what white people feel, is another way of saying that we are not having a conversation.

Because you are not listening to anything, that you don't want to hear.

When you refuse to listen, and continue to talk AT people, that is a lecture.

It is more likely that I have experienced far more growth than you have in your lifetime, just based on what I have witnessed during mine.

Truth is, I have listened for a substantial part of my adult lifetime to "what I did not want to hear". Being retired now, and not being required to be as careful about what I say and I think, I am much more selective about what I will tolerate or accept.

I judge INDIVIDUALS, not GROUPS. There have been quite a few white people that I have encountered and listened to in this forum, and more importantly in real life.

And then are a small number that I have encountered that I really do not have any interest in listening to. And here are some examples of those types:

1. Those who tend to repetitiously preach about anti white discrimination. I am old enough to have seen members of my own family marginalized by law, because of their race. Including being denied service in a public establishment, being assumed to be of inferior intelligence, and being attacked by law enforcement for peaceful protesting against LAWFUL discrimination. And all during the time that this was happening, being led by individuals who insisted on "being patient:". That is REAL discrimination.

2. Those who believe that legal reform to ensure equality is "reverse discrimination". And that the very moment that legal reform wss enacted, that it marked the beginning of black peoples equality (on paper) meant that white people by the millions were immediately impacted negatively. There is no such thing as "reverse discrimination" The very term implies that someone or a specific group has in fact been discriminated against, to begin with, and correcting that discrimination is somehow a morally wrong assault on the white population.

3. Those who subscribe to the belief that public recognition of a black person who is the first to be appointed to a position of responsibility IN HISTORY, is somehow an assault on the white population. In the context of history, this country is 241 yesrs old. If that 241 years, black people as a whole have been citizens with all of the rights associated that status for approximately 50 years if that history. So it goes without saying that there are still many black citizens who are the "first" to overcome certain obstacles that existed not too long ago.

Lastly. I do not personally blame any white person who was not around to see what I saw, but, I will not listen to anyone who tries to tell me, that what I witnessed, just magically disappeared with the stroke of a pen, one night in 1965.

Begrudging compliance is what ensued, and nothing changed immediately. Like any other process change that affects society across cultures and generations, some of the old attitudes from past decades still lurk beneath a thinly veiled facade.

Are there more "racist white people" than I thought there were before?

If this forum represented a microcosm of society possibly. Outside of this forum I have spoken to some who are reasonable, and openminded. And some are the exact opposite.

But all that I have spoken to have varying opinioins as individuals.....not the single thinking collective as you have implied thst you "speak for".

THAT is not a "lecture". These are facts based on personal experience.

There is a lot in that post, that is worthy of discussion. And I appreciate you making a real answer. AND refraining from personal slurs for at least one post.

BUt the context was in response to a question on are you prepared to LISTEN.

And nothing in it, indicated any willingness to listen to anything you don't already agree with, especially from a white person.

And that is my point.

A conversation, where you want me to listen to you, but you are not listening to ME, is a lecture.

Then you did not really read into the context of what was stated. And maybe you should try reading it again. Because everything that you are stating was addressed.

It was very clearly stated that I have listened before, and I will still do so.

To individuals who speak for themselves.
  • Thanks
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GOt it. YOu have never heard something from a white that you did not like that you accepted as part of a legitimate conversation.

ANd that's what I'm talking about.

A conversation is a two way street.

If you are not listening to what we say, than we are not having a conversation.

Wrong. I was told by a WHITE person that there are just as many liberal white racists as there are conservative white racists.

And when an INDIVIDUAL has something to say that is legitimate and fact based, then I will have a conversation with that INDIVIDUAL.

But when someone says to me, "This is what WE think and this is what WE are tired of that is not a standard conversation, that is attempting to speak for others and has the tone of parents speaking to a child.

So the ubiquitous "lecture" that you continue to reference is frequently practiced by you.

So, your growth has been that you realize there are more white racists than you thought.

And you think that reflects a real conversation on race?

You having zero interest in hearing what white people think, or what white people feel, is another way of saying that we are not having a conversation.

Because you are not listening to anything, that you don't want to hear.

When you refuse to listen, and continue to talk AT people, that is a lecture.

It is more likely that I have experienced far more growth than you have in your lifetime, just based on what I have witnessed during mine.

Truth is, I have listened for a substantial part of my adult lifetime to "what I did not want to hear". Being retired now, and not being required to be as careful about what I say and I think, I am much more selective about what I will tolerate or accept.

I judge INDIVIDUALS, not GROUPS. There have been quite a few white people that I have encountered and listened to in this forum, and more importantly in real life.

And then are a small number that I have encountered that I really do not have any interest in listening to. And here are some examples of those types:

1. Those who tend to repetitiously preach about anti white discrimination. I am old enough to have seen members of my own family marginalized by law, because of their race. Including being denied service in a public establishment, being assumed to be of inferior intelligence, and being attacked by law enforcement for peaceful protesting against LAWFUL discrimination. And all during the time that this was happening, being led by individuals who insisted on "being patient:". That is REAL discrimination.

2. Those who believe that legal reform to ensure equality is "reverse discrimination". And that the very moment that legal reform wss enacted, that it marked the beginning of black peoples equality (on paper) meant that white people by the millions were immediately impacted negatively. There is no such thing as "reverse discrimination" The very term implies that someone or a specific group has in fact been discriminated against, to begin with, and correcting that discrimination is somehow a morally wrong assault on the white population.

3. Those who subscribe to the belief that public recognition of a black person who is the first to be appointed to a position of responsibility IN HISTORY, is somehow an assault on the white population. In the context of history, this country is 241 yesrs old. If that 241 years, black people as a whole have been citizens with all of the rights associated that status for approximately 50 years if that history. So it goes without saying that there are still many black citizens who are the "first" to overcome certain obstacles that existed not too long ago.

Lastly. I do not personally blame any white person who was not around to see what I saw, but, I will not listen to anyone who tries to tell me, that what I witnessed, just magically disappeared with the stroke of a pen, one night in 1965.

Begrudging compliance is what ensued, and nothing changed immediately. Like any other process change that affects society across cultures and generations, some of the old attitudes from past decades still lurk beneath a thinly veiled facade.

Are there more "racist white people" than I thought there were before?

If this forum represented a microcosm of society possibly. Outside of this forum I have spoken to some who are reasonable, and openminded. And some are the exact opposite.

But all that I have spoken to have varying opinioins as individuals.....not the single thinking collective as you have implied thst you "speak for".

THAT is not a "lecture". These are facts based on personal experience.

There is a lot in that post, that is worthy of discussion. And I appreciate you making a real answer. AND refraining from personal slurs for at least one post.

BUt the context was in response to a question on are you prepared to LISTEN.

And nothing in it, indicated any willingness to listen to anything you don't already agree with, especially from a white person.

And that is my point.

A conversation, where you want me to listen to you, but you are not listening to ME, is a lecture.

Listening may well be a lost art. At times, I don't even listen to myself!

It is not always easy, no doubt about that.
GOing at it AGAIN, point by point in response to post .428

It is more likely that I have experienced far more growth than you have in your lifetime, just based on what I have witnessed during mine.

Truth is, I have listened for a substantial part of my adult lifetime to "what I did not want to hear". Being retired now, and not being required to be as careful about what I say and I think, I am much more selective about what I will tolerate or accept.

That was then, this is now. With the dominance of the Left in Pop CUlture and the Media not to mention Human Rescource departments, it is the other side that has to listen to "what they do not want to hear" all the time and are rarely given a chance to respond.

I judge INDIVIDUALS, not GROUPS. There have been quite a few white people that I have encountered and listened to in this forum, and more importantly in real life.

And then are a small number that I have encountered that I really do not have any interest in listening to. And here are some examples of those types:

1. Those who tend to repetitiously preach about anti white discrimination. I am old enough to have seen members of my own family marginalized by law, because of their race. Including being denied service in a public establishment, being assumed to be of inferior intelligence, and being attacked by law enforcement for peaceful protesting against LAWFUL discrimination. And all during the time that this was happening, being led by individuals who insisted on "being patient:". That is REAL discrimination.

Today, whites are denied jobs or promotions or admissions to colleges, or contracts.

I have friends who have been denied jobs because of race. I've been in management when white people were denied promotions they should have received because of a decision to have more "diversity" in management.

That is REAL discrimination.

And you don't listen to anyone that talks about it.

2. Those who believe that legal reform to ensure equality is "reverse discrimination". And that the very moment that legal reform wss enacted, that it marked the beginning of black peoples equality (on paper) meant that white people by the millions were immediately impacted negatively. There is no such thing as "reverse discrimination" The very term implies that someone or a specific group has in fact been discriminated against, to begin with, and correcting that discrimination is somehow a morally wrong assault on the white population.

We can't give more of a limited resources to blacks, such as jobs or promotions or college admissions, without denying them to someone else.

That is just a fact, and a real issue for whites, that you refuse to listen to.

3. Those who subscribe to the belief that public recognition of a black person who is the first to be appointed to a position of responsibility IN HISTORY, is somehow an assault on the white population. In the context of history, this country is 241 yesrs old. If that 241 years, black people as a whole have been citizens with all of the rights associated that status for approximately 50 years if that history. So it goes without saying that there are still many black citizens who are the "first" to overcome certain obstacles that existed not too long ago.

Before Obama was elected, there was discussion about how the nation might not be ready for a black President.

I voted against him, like I ALWAYS do, because he was a democrat.

If he had lost, those voices would have been saying it was because America was not ready for a black President.

That would have been grossly unfair, and incredibly insulting to all the white Americans, who voted against him for every other reason than skin color.

But you don't listen to any white people that have a problem with being thus insulted.

Lastly. I do not personally blame any white person who was not around to see what I saw, but, I will not listen to anyone who tries to tell me, that what I witnessed, just magically disappeared with the stroke of a pen, one night in 1965.

No one says that. Well, maybe someone actually in the KLAN might say that. All 5k of them.

But if you think that comes up a lot, that is you listening badly, before you choose to stop listening at all.

Begrudging compliance is what ensued, and nothing changed immediately. Like any other process change that affects society across cultures and generations, some of the old attitudes from past decades still lurk beneath a thinly veiled facade.

Somethings changed immediately. Some jobs were set aside. Schools were forcibly integrated.

But you admit that you refuse to listen to white people that point that out.

Are there more "racist white people" than I thought there were before?

If this forum represented a microcosm of society possibly. Outside of this forum I have spoken to some who are reasonable, and openminded. And some are the exact opposite.

But all that I have spoken to have varying opinioins as individuals.....not the single thinking collective as you have implied thst you "speak for".

There is nothing about speaking for a group, on a certain specific issue, that implies that the group is a "single thinking collective".

The obvious challenge to my statement was to challenge me to support my claim that was speaking for the group, ie that the group largely agreed with me.

It is very odd that none of the several posters who attacked me for speaking for Whites, actually challenged my claim.

Regardless, once again, you admit that someone who says that, ie something you disagree with, you will not listen to.

THAT is not a "lecture". These are facts based on personal experience.

When you come to a discussion forum, and have a list, a list that ends up discounting the vast majority of people that disagree with you,

that you will not listen to,

but you do feel comfortable TALKING TO those people, (or at),

That is you talking to/at them, while not listening TO them.

And especially when you do things like telling me that something is a "Fact", even if based on your personal experience.

That is not a two way conversation.

That is a Lecture.
We can't give more of a limited resources to blacks, such as jobs or promotions or college admissions, without denying them to someone else.

That is just a fact, and a real issue for whites, that you refuse to listen to.

I am just going to address this silly claim. Nothing is being denied whites. They are the majority, they get the majority of these resources. Your argument amounts to a belief that whites are entitled to all the resources. Your argument is not worth listening to. But we have and you seem unable to understand how your argument has no merit.
We can't give more of a limited resources to blacks, such as jobs or promotions or college admissions, without denying them to someone else.

That is just a fact, and a real issue for whites, that you refuse to listen to.

I am just going to address this silly claim. Nothing is being denied whites. They are the majority, they get the majority of these resources. Your argument amounts to a belief that whites are entitled to all the resources. Your argument is not worth listening to. But we have and you seem unable to understand how your argument has no merit.

Yes, jobs, promotions, college admissions, ect, are being denied to whites, so that they can be given to less qualified blacks.

To make up for past disadvantages.

You can't give preference to ONE group, with out disadvantaging another.

That is simple logic.

Well, simple for me. For you, I know it is an Epic Quest of Understanding, that is beyond your ability.
We can't give more of a limited resources to blacks, such as jobs or promotions or college admissions, without denying them to someone else.

That is just a fact, and a real issue for whites, that you refuse to listen to.

I am just going to address this silly claim. Nothing is being denied whites. They are the majority, they get the majority of these resources. Your argument amounts to a belief that whites are entitled to all the resources. Your argument is not worth listening to. But we have and you seem unable to understand how your argument has no merit.

There is a plethora of information that supports the fact that whites in the workforce are not being denied anything for the most part because of blacks.
National employment statistics do NOT reflect any such trend that exists.

That narrative is nothing but propaganda lifted from white nationalist and white supremacist ideology.

In every sector blacks still are underrepresented compared to relative population size. See the following article. More to follow.

White men who cant get jobs say theyre being discriminated against - MarketWatch
We can't give more of a limited resources to blacks, such as jobs or promotions or college admissions, without denying them to someone else.

That is just a fact, and a real issue for whites, that you refuse to listen to.

I am just going to address this silly claim. Nothing is being denied whites. They are the majority, they get the majority of these resources. Your argument amounts to a belief that whites are entitled to all the resources. Your argument is not worth listening to. But we have and you seem unable to understand how your argument has no merit.

There is a plethora of information that supports the fact that whites in the workforce are not being denied anything for the most part because of blacks.
National employment statistics do NOT reflect any such trend that exists.

That narrative is nothing but propaganda lifted from white nationalist and white supremacist ideology.

In every sector blacks still are underrepresented compared to relative population size. See the following article. More to follow.

White men who cant get jobs say theyre being discriminated against - MarketWatch

We can't give more of a limited resources to blacks, such as jobs or promotions or college admissions, without denying them to someone else.

That is just a fact, and a real issue for whites, that you refuse to listen to.

I am just going to address this silly claim. Nothing is being denied whites. They are the majority, they get the majority of these resources. Your argument amounts to a belief that whites are entitled to all the resources. Your argument is not worth listening to. But we have and you seem unable to understand how your argument has no merit.

There is a plethora of information that supports the fact that whites in the workforce are not being denied anything for the most part because of blacks.
National employment statistics do NOT reflect any such trend that exists.

That narrative is nothing but propaganda lifted from white nationalist and white supremacist ideology.

In every sector blacks still are underrepresented compared to relative population size. See the following article. More to follow.

White men who cant get jobs say theyre being discriminated against - MarketWatch

Everything White People Think About Affirmative Action Is Wrong

After uniting with Steve Bannon, Stephen Miller and Betsy DeVos to form the Trump administration’s version of the Caucasian Avengers, Jeff Sessions has directed his efforts toward uplifting a class of people who have long been ignored by the American educational system: white people.

According to documents obtained by the New York Times, the attorney general and Squidward doppelgänger has directed the Justice Department’s Civil Rights Division to look into the “intentional race-based discrimination” posed by affirmative action programs at colleges and universities across the country. Justice Department insiders say the project will target admissions programs that give priority to students in minority and traditionally disadvantaged groups.

Think about that for a minute.

The country’s chief law-enforcement official presumably looked at every inequity in America—including income inequality, the gender pay gap, police brutality and the plight of the millions of poor puppies who spend every day in fear knowing that they’ll be forced by their Caucasian owners to kiss them in the mouth—and instead of fixing any of those problems, Jefferson Beauregard Sessions came to this conclusion:

“You know what would make America great again? Fewer darkies in college.”

We all know why he did this. I bet you think I’m going to say something like “white supremacy” or “the ‘alt-right’ agenda.” No, whether it’s building that mythical wall or attacking affirmative action, the Trump administration’s anti-minority moves are all politically motivated. Trump and Sessions are simply animal trainers throwing red meat to the most enthusiastic and easily manipulated contingent of their base: dumb white people.

Race baiting. Race pimping. This is what's being done.
Ya got a bunch of uppity white professors whitesplaining ancient history and they weren't even there and never experienced it.
Maybe those so-called professors only look white but in reality they are entirely different entities.
You can't give preference to ONE group, with out disadvantaging another.
That's very true, including all of the many, many years white folks were given preference while seriously disadvantaging others.

Of course.

If it was true then, it is true now.

Whites were given preference in the past, at the expense of blacks.

Now it is the other way around.

It was wrong then. It is wrong now. In my opinion.

Do you not agree?
Stuff You Probably Shouldn’t Say to White People
Tuesday December 22nd 2015 by abagond

Some stuff you probably should not say to White Americans:

“racist” – never ever tell White people that they are racist or anything close to it. It can lead to something far worse than racism: hurt White feelings, like White women’s tears. It will only prove to them that you are the racist one.

“whitey”, “honky”, etc – racist, even if you have a suburban pass.

“cracker”, “vanilla”, “mayonnaise”, etc – comparing people to food is dehumanizing.

Do you prefer to be called White or Caucasian?” – pointing out their race makes them uncomfortable. In fact, pointing out any difference makes them uncomfortable. Instead, make it about stuff you have in common, like sports or the weather. Certainly not history:

“slavery”, “genocide”, etc – do not bring up the bad parts of their history. Deep down they know they are among the most savage, terroristic and thuggish people in history, so do not rub their noses in it. Their fragile pride depends on maintaining a false sense of innocence.

“Black lives matter” – in some circles this could get you beat up. Many Whites believe “All lives matter”, where “all” means “only White”, as in the White saying, “all men are created equal.”

“Can I touch your hair?” White people are not a roving petting zoo provided for your curiosity.

“What are you?” – not a zoo animal.

“Is it true what they say about White guys?”, “Is your hair real?”, etc – rude because it is too personal.

“As a White person, what do you think about … “ This is insulting. Whites think of themselves as individuals, not part of a hive mind.

“Why do White people…” – this makes it seem like you stereotype them.

“Why do you people…” – this is even worse because the “you” is othering.

“I like White people”, “I like White culture”, etc – see “Do you prefer to be called White or Caucasian?”.

“I watch Hollywood films”, “I’m into Christian religion”, “I’m into White girls”, “I admire your leader Donald Trump”, etc – this is a better way to show you like White culture, but to bring it up out of the blue will seem odd. And that “into” is kind of creepy too. Also, do not assume that any given White person likes all of White culture. They are individuals with individual tastes, just like everyone else.

“You are pretty for a White girl” – even if true, this is a backhanded compliment. It assumes that most White women are not all that good looking.

“You speak such good English!” – another backhanded compliment. It assumes they are either foreign or lack intelligence.

“You look so exotic! – this says more about you than them.

“Where are you really from?” If they say they are from the US, why assume otherwise?

“Totally rad”, etc – overuse of outdated White slang will not put them at ease or make it seem like you are up on White culture. In fact, it will have the opposite effect.

– Abagond, 2015.

Stuff You Probably Shouldn’t Say to White People

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