Whitmer Kidnapping Trial.......Jury Finds All Not Guilty....Apparently The Jury Believes It Was Fake

The others were not guilty either but I guess they being in prison makes a profound difference in your life.
They either confessed or where found guilty beyond the shadow of a doubt in criminal proceedings in front of a judge in good standing. This is our standard and I support it.
Yes. They belong in jail. Appeal is up to them. Unless overturned on new evidence to prove it was not them that did what they have been proven to have done.

It does not make a big difference in my life, but it what is needed to keep order, safeguard the citizens from convicted criminal and serve ass a warning to others that prison is what happens if you are caught.
Are you disappointed?
No. These three were found innocent by a Michigan jury of their peers, just like the the five were found guilty by a jury of their peers, and the ones that confessed, guilty by their own confession. I like to see the justice system work.
Excellent.....the democrat party STASI, the FBI, lost this one.....
You missed it, not reading down the thread before responding. It is fake propaganda BS. All the ring leaders have been serving time and will be for many years as found guilty in Michigan by their peers or confess guilty of the conspiracy.
Sure....it's clear they plead guilty to a reduced sentence.

The word on this crap from day-one was the CIA set this stupid shit up in the first place.

Same can be said for 911, JFK, the Oklahoma City bombing, and the RFK assassination.
You forgot about the Abe Lincoln shooting. Was that also the CIA or the FBI?
Not Guilty across the board:

Seriously, why would you retards be so happy these guys were set free or so upset that rest were found guilty?

Just because it was a Dem politician who was being kidnapped? Doesn’t the rule of law mean anything anymore in the new Trump party?

How far has the once proud GOP fallen. Sad.
You have to love that transparent stupidity from the Right. If a court case ends with a result they like then justice was served. If it ends with a ruling they dislike then it's the deep state and the FBI or CIA subverting the American justice system. What a bunch of Snowflakes. 😄
You missed it, not reading down the thread before responding. It is fake propaganda BS. All the ring leaders have been serving time and will be for many years as found guilty in Michigan by their peers or confess guilty of the conspiracy.
Why is it still here then if it's not "breaking news"?
Why is it still here then if it's not "breaking news"?
Relates to a breaking news event. From a poster standpoint, I am at liberty to oppose and call out his bullsh#t for what it is, identifying and defeating the propaganda untruths, but as a mod, it is not my place refuse his viewpoint to be heard. It is as simple as that.
I like a good Conspiracy Forum thread. Got anything on Big Foot, UFOs or Jewish space lasers?
Or just misleading threads about 3 people winning their day in court, while the rest of the conspiracy ring gets hard time in high security?
Pretty weak sir.

The jury did the right thing, acting as the conscience of the community. It's been a long time.
Pretty weak sir.

The jury did the right thing, acting as the conscience of the community. It's been a long time.
I am in total agreement with your second sentence. Don't even understand your first comment.

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