Who agrees with this position on illegal aliens entering America?

Robert W

Platinum Member
Gold Supporting Member
Sep 9, 2022
I am asking about the following statements

What We Really Need at the Border

The changes proposed to border and asylum policy in this bill can be over-simplified into two principles:

  • Making it harder for people to be allowed to start the asylum process upon entering the U.S.; and
  • Making that process itself faster.
Notably, this bill would not stop anyone from being allowed to set foot on U.S. soil. It would not, therefore, do anything to bring down “the numbers” on its own. The bill’s proponents hope instead that it will reduce the number of people who are allowed to stay in the U.S. outside of immigration custody, and therefore, through word of mouth, reduce the number of people trying to come to begin with.
What we have seen, time and time again, is that adding additional penalties or complications to the process for asylum seekers once they arrive in the U.S. immiserates those asylum seekers without having a lasting impact on overall border arrivals. This is especially true when the process is made longer and less certain, contributing to bottlenecks throughout the system including dangerous border overcrowding.
What is instead needed is a way to resolve these cases quickly and certainly—taking months, not years—without railroading claimants. This bill takes steps in that direction, but overwhelms them with the imposition of an opaque emergency authority, which would undermine any deterrent effect by providing inconsistent outcomes to people attempting to enter the U.S. without warning or rationale.
Efficiency also can’t go so far as to fully sacrifice any meaningful, independent review of decisions. Making a process quicker does not require cutting corners on due process.
The U.S. can’t solve a global displacement crisis just by deporting people to other parts of the world. Cooperation with other countries on migration management to support people in their home countries and in countries they settle in is not a nice-to-have or a long-term goal, it is an essential part of any plan—especially one that expects Mexico and other countries to shoulder the responsibility for taking deportees from other countries.

An more efficiant process based in their country where the criminal element can be removd their.
An more efficiant process based in their country where the criminal element can be removd their.
Where would other countries want their criminals dumped?

A major problem is languages. So many languages that this country does not have the capacity to deal with hundreds of languages.
Where would other countries want their criminals dumped?
Yep, there's the ugly racism.

A major problem is languages. So many languages that this country does not have the capacity to deal with hundreds of languages.
Yes, it's true. In the past, no immigrants to the USA ever spoke a different language. History according to the Trump cult.
I like this policy best...


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