Who are the Israelis?

RE: Who are the Israelis?
⁜→ P F Tinmore, et al,


None of those maps define Israel's territory.

You've been given the International Treaties.
You've been given the applicable clauses.
You've been given an explanation as to how the Arab League interrupted the processes put in place that end with today's layout.
You've been given the same Maps or equivalents over and over again, in which you always find some ridiculous fault.

(Ω • The END)

We are beating a dead horse. I consider this topic buried. You either deny the documentation or accept it. It makes no difference now.
The matter is closed as far as I am concerned.


Most Respectfully,
I have already given my concernes about international law and all that ridiculous stuff.
"...all that ridiculous stuff".

How terrible that stuff doesn't cater to your wishes and desires. Life's just not fair.
Palestinians suffer effects of Israeli army home raids

If you expect us to believe that the IDF has nothing better to do then raid Palestinian homes for no reason , then you’re more of a propagandist than I thought .
You’d think that after all these years of whining and crying in front of cameras, the Palestinians would get the point that IT DOESN’t WORK !
Over 4000 Arabs have bought and live in predominantly Jewish neighbourhoods of Ramot Eshkol, Armon HaNetziv, French Hill and Pisgat Zeev etc and noone says a word. There is silence from the House of Commons.

Yet suddenly - if a Jew moves into a predominantly Arab neighbourhood - then the extreme left wing radicals of Peace Now or Ir Amim and the House of Commons awaken.

Such arrogance. Such hypocrisy.

Yossi Sassi ft. Ron "Bumblefoot" Thal - Fata Morgana ("Desert Butterflies")

Yossi Sassi[1] (Hebrew: יוסי סאסי), born 5 February 1975) is an Israeli guitarist[2] and producer who merges traditional and contemporary music.

Sassi grew up in Petah Tikva, Israel. His father was a firefighter who enjoyed singing, and his mother was a housewife. Sassi's father, David, comes from a family of 10 brothers and sisters, all of whom play an instrument, sing, or do both. His grandfather and namesake, Yossef Sassi, played the oud and chanted traditional religious songs. At age 7, Sassi learned to play the flute, and later sang in the school choir, and his interest in music grew when he encountered the guitar around the age of 14 during a visit to his uncle. Sassi borrowed the guitar, took some lessons from guitar teachers, but eventually decided to teach himself, practicing for 8 to 10 hours per day for years. He dropped out of high school at age 17 to focus on his band Orphaned Land.

He is the inventor of the "bouzoukitara" musical instrument.[3] Mainly known for being the main composer, arranger of Orphaned Land, an Israeli progressive metal band,
as well as pioneering oriental rock.

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Why your Nation's IQ is SO important? A Conversation with Professor Garett Jones

Dr. Roi Yozevitch, the channel's host, is one of the leading bloggers in a whole intellectual revolution that is taking place in Israel right now, about which B"H I hope to reveal further.

Garett Jones is Associate Professor of Economics and BB&T Professor for the Study of Capitalism at the Mercatus Center, George Mason University. His book, Hive Mind: How Your Nation’s IQ Matters so Much More than Your Own is the subject of this episode. Hive Mind book deals with an empirical puzzle: IQ is a weak predictor for earnings. We all know high-IQ people who live paycheque to paycheque, and lower IQ people who succeed brilliantly. And yet, when we look at the relationship between nations’ average IQ scores and their incomes, the relationship is strong. Nations with the highest average IQ scores are eight times wealthier than nations with the lowest IQ scores. How can we resolve this apparent contradiction?

Plus, why Smarter people are more informed voters and are more likely to support market-oriented policies? And why Smarter groups make more productive team members?

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Lost Letter on Zionism from ‘Father of the Chinese Nation’ Surfaces

Century-old message from Dr. Sun Yat-sen found at the National Library of Israel now online


On April 24, 1920, Dr. Sun Yat-sen, the pre-Communist era leader venerated until today as the father of the Chinese nation, expressed his strong support for Zionism, calling it “one of the greatest movements of the present time.”

The words were written in a letter sent to N.E.B. Ezra, an influential writer and publisher, and founder of the Shanghai Zionist Association.

Dr. Sun Yat-sen served as the first provisional president of the Republic of China, established in 1912 following the fall of the last imperial dynasty, prior to the Chinese Civil War and Communist Revolution. While his support of Zionism is well-documented and the letter’s text was previously known, the original signed copy has only now been rediscovered, over a century after it was written.

According to Prof. Gao Bei, an expert on Shanghai’s 20th century Jewish community, “It is very exciting that this original letter from Sun Yat-sen to N.E.B. Ezra has been unearthed. It is one of the seminal documents that illuminates the Chinese Nationalist government’s early support for the Zionist cause.”

It appears here online for the first time.


Full text of the letter:

29 Rue Moliere,
24 April.1920.​

Mr. N. E. B. Ezra,

Dear Mr. Ezra:

I have read you [sic] letter and the copy of “Israel’s Messenger” with much interest, and wish to assure you of my sympathy for this movement – which is one of the greatest movements of the present time. All lovers of Democracy cannot help but support whole-heartedly and welcome with enthusiasm the movement to restore your wonderful and historic nation, which has contributed so much to the civilization of the world and which rightfully deserve [sic] an honorable place in the family of nations.

I am,

Yours very truly,

[Sun Yat-sen]​

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In Clandestine Operation Samaria Settlers Rebuild Joshua’s Altar Destroyed by Palestinian Authority


In a clandestine operation, on Thursday afternoon the Samaria Regional Council restored the ancient wall surrounding the ancient Joshua Ben-Nun altar, Kipa reported. The ancient site is located in Area B, which is in the Palestinian Authority’s jurisdiction.

The restoration was carried out by more than 30 employees of the Ayish earthworks contractor and construction professionals and was closely monitored by archaeologists of the Samaria Regional Council, as well as the former security director of the council, Shuki Levin.

In recent months, the Palestinian Authority intentionally destroyed the Biblical-era site, grinding into gravel the stones that made up the altar as part of a plan to pave a new road near the city of Shechem.

Some 100 ft. of the western wall of the altar compound was restored using local stones, however, it was not possible to restore the northern wall, which is about 60 ft. long and was also damaged by the Palestinian Authority. This restoration would require a more thorough archeological work.

The Book of Joshua reports that the Israelite general built an altar on Mount Ebal after the nation had crossed the Jordan river into the Eretz Israel, in accordance with Moses’ instructions (Deut. 27:2-7):

As soon as you have crossed the Jordan into the land that the LORD your God is giving you, you shall set up large stones. Coat them with plaster and inscribe upon them all the words of this Teaching. When you cross over to enter the land that the LORD your God is giving you, a land flowing with milk and honey, as the LORD, the God of your fathers, promised you—upon crossing the Jordan, you shall set up these stones, about which I charge you this day, on Mount Ebal, and coat them with plaster. There, too, you shall build an altar to the LORD your God, an altar of stones. Do not wield an iron tool over them; you must build the altar of the LORD your God of unhewn stones. You shall offer on it burnt offerings to the LORD your God, and you shall sacrifice there offerings of well-being and eat them, rejoicing before the LORD your God. And on those stones you shall inscribe every word of this Teaching most distinctly.

Two months ago, MK Michal Shir (Likud) submitted an urgent petition on the PA’s destruction of a Biblical Jewish site, but Deputy Defense Minister Michael Biton (Blue&White) replied that the works were approved by the Coordinator of Government Activities in the Territories and there was no danger to the archaeological site.

However, the group Shomrim Al Hanetzch (Guardians of Eternity), dedicated to preserving Jewish archaeology, history, and heritage in Judea and Samaria, found a video posted by the Asira ash-Shamaliya municipality on Facebook showing that the PA had been carrying out heavy works at the site in recent weeks, causing significant damage.

The Guardians of Eternity suggested that the physical damage to the site is a direct extension of the PA’s policy over the years of eradicating remnants of the historic Jewish presence in Judea and Samaria. According to the PA, identifying the site as an ancient Israelite altar is a falsification of the “Palestinian” history of the place and constitutes a false use of archaeology by Israel to take over the area, which they are acting to prevent.

Samaria Regional Council Head Yossi Dagan made an urgent appeal to the IDF command in the area demanding that the issue be dealt with and the destruction be stopped immediately. “This is a direct and unfortunate continuation of the contempt of all those concerned regarding the historical sites of the Jewish people and the State of Israel,” Dagan charged.

On Thursday, the Jewish settlers in Samaria took matters into their own hands.

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'Amir Benayoun -Tabit

Start low
It's good to come small
And then proceed gently raise a bit
As then You were climbing at nights
On buildings very tall

Start low
It's good to come low
And then maybe a bit stretch and see
As then You've been observing at nights from nothing
Very high

Observe, observe, see what has become
How does it look since You've walked away from here
Look here, look here, see what has become (she's) wounded and poor
She's fighting time, she's fighting time since You've walked away from here

Start low
Not that there's an option
And then maybe You'll jump into the boat
As then You've jumped in imagination
Straight into the first place

Observe, observe, see what has become
How does it look since You've walked away from here
Look here, look here, see what has become (she's) wounded and poor
She's fighting time, she fighting time since You've walked away from here

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Rethinking Future - Israel's emerging cultural revolution

I've mentioned this before, something new is going on in the Israeli discourse.
With the recent global developments in the last 10 years, and the emergence of independent and very influential free thinkers taking the internet by storm globally, the Israeli web sphere has of course followed suit, as much as this intellectual phenomena engaging the free world.

But here it's typically different, way less formal and antagonist.
The discourse, though dealing with most complicated and loaded topics,
while with top experts, is rather very casual and inviting to the wide range of opinions,
no one tries to empress or "cancel" anyone, rather actually engage people to think critically,
engaging in a more eye to eye informal conversation.

To this of course adds, the Israeli chutzpah, and the feeling of physical proximity,
Israelis can literally watch a video with someone who gets them curious, inspired,
and the next day sit with them for a coffee, or engage them otherwise at no effort.

The whole conduct of the discourse is different - for example, Dr. Roi Yozevitch,
from my previous post on "Your Nation's IQ, one of these new emerging intellectual figures,
is a computer scientist, who essentially uses his channel to reach for the best experts abroad and in Israel, from English teachers, writers, Rabbis to Knesset ministers - for perspective on today, and just about any big question that interests him in life, and engage them and the audience in the process of attempting to challenge himself, and synthesize the new information and if needed reach new conclusions.

Alex Tseitlin, also coming from the high-tech industry, as many in Israel,
has initiated a forum called "Coming to the Professors" where he engages people from the Israeli academia, media, politics, to answer the most curious and debated questions about Israel's past, present, and most important - future as an emerging regional leader, and global leader, with all the challenges it brings. But again despite such loaded topics, the way these conversations are held is very casual, though not in the video with Dr. Stayetsky, usually at someone's dinner table or sitting on the balcony.

These are just two examples of this new Israeli blogger scene. Other who have emerged very recently ,during just the last year, are already fundamentally shifting the Israeli discourse, yet remain mainly unnoticed in the West, while gaining much influence in the Middle East.

I will try to keep posting under this title as a series, to introduce these folks, but also just to sum up some of their main ideas for myself. And bring up interesting questions that are never seen here in the repetitive way the I/P discourse goes...some of these may deserve their own thread.

Here we go:

Episode from 'Coming to the Professors' -
Alex Tseitlin in conversation with Dr. Daniel Stayetsky:

Israel a small or a big country?
The demographic power of Israel in past and future

Dr. Satyetsky's opening quote:

"Let's begin with my main point, that may look surprising to Israelis, there's today more than 9 million Israelis, and my main point as opposed to what is commonly thought is not a small country.

That's a claim that I'll show data to support, and I'll show Israel in the frame of comparison to European, Mediterranean and Middle Eastern spheres. To show what I perceive the true status of Israel, rather her imaginary one."

Key points of discussion:

  • In comparison to Europe (00:00-20:30)
- In minute 6:13 Dr. Sayetsky presents a table comparing Israel to European countries by population, showing it already now firmly in the middle, having population the size of most/average European countries, with only 9 countries like Netherlands, Ukraine,
Germany, France etc significantly bigger, with the leader of course being Russia.

- Compared to Israel, there're more smaller countries in Europe, than bigger ones.

- When taking out giants like Russia, Germany, France etc, and examining the category to which most European countries belong, in comparison, Israel stands firmly in the middle. (10:20)

- Main causes at hand :

a. Dr. Stayetsky: "Israel's very high natural growth, unprecedented in comparison to Europe.That has nothing to do with Arabs or the Orthodox - the average fertility of a woman in Israel, even taking these two groups out of the equation, remains high. But essentially there's no need to take those two groups out, Israel's fertility is what it is, and it's high."

b. Opposite process - "Europe's demographic decline, not catastrophic, it's slow,
but it's happening. And today a big portion of countries in Europe don't grow anymore.

- Forecasts for the next 35 years (minute 16:40).
Israel's position in the category in 2020 compared to 2055.

  • In comparison to the Middle East (20:30- end)
- While Egypt being the "Russia" of the middle east, the table ( 26:10) demonstrates the same average category of the region, Israel standing firmly in the middle.

- Libya and Lebanon are actually smaller, with Israel's new friends from the Gulf,
the UAE being about the same population size, soon to level and exceed.

- 2020 vs 2055 - at 31:00 table shows the population of Israel to outgrow Syria, eventually leading in the average category, with the middle east still dominated by the region's main demographic giants like Morocco, Iran, Turkey, Saudi Arabia etc.

- Official CBS forecast estimates Israel's population in the 2nd half of the 21st century
at 20-24 million, reaching the category of countries like Algeria and Yemen.

Summary and closing points:

Dr. Stayetsky : "Why was it important to talk about this?
I've noticed that recently You've been inviting people to Your channel, whose common denominator, if that can be said, they're dealing with the question " Israel heading where?" something like that"

Alex Tseitln: "Yes that's a subject under which I bring a lot of experts, and we try together to really understand where we are moving, where Israel should head, what are our directions of development, and also want to see whether there're existential threats, and how to solve them".

Dr. Satyetsky: "Exactly. I think that is one of the most blessed initiatives, and this is my contribution to this initiative, if I must summarize how I see what I've presented.

From my perspective, it's very important that in each period and period, we have relevant data , and that we write our political program on the basis of that data. Now everything I've shown wasn't relevant relatively recently. Let's assume, and I'll exaggerate as much as I can - in the 19th century Theodor Ze'ev Herzl wrote a Zionist political program, he somehow estimated the condition of the Jews, and thought it was the call of the hour, demand of the time.
Wrote a book called "New-Old Land", was politically active to promote his program. Not everyone accepted it, and that's totally normal politics, why should the whole nation agree on anything, there were people who wanted someone else, he had supporters and opposition.

50 or 70 years fast forward, Ben-Gurion's politics and writing, metaphorically he wrote a different book. He didn't deal with what program to write, but how to build the state, how to absorb immigration, how to develop economy - that was the call of the hour.

What I'm saying is that since then a lot of time passed, and Israel's population grew and changed, and that is indication, foundation of what is called the Hebrew civilization, or Israeli civilization, if You choose. And it's relatively big in comparison to the European arena, and it's important to understand. All further political programs should be derived from this understanding of the reality.

In the table I've presented, at the very beginning, part of European countries were painted red,
Those are names of countries that once, at some point in history developed empires. And one can see there's no correlation between the imperialist thinking and the size. And they were smaller in the past, acting in the smaller world.

Sweden is one of those countries, not commonly known, that developed a European empire.
Portugal developed an exo-European empire and left her language and culture in the country called Brazil. Meaning there were several models of what's called 'cultural influence', continental as Russia, Poland and Sweden, and there were those who sailed across oceans.

But that's irrelevant today, this is not how empires are built today, rather they're built through the transfer of cultural contents - and this is exactly what I mean."

A. Tseitlin: "I totally agree with You, I think that at first stage the goal of Zionism was to establish a state, and the state was established. And today we're 70 years after, or a 100 depending if You look at the beginning of the Zionist movement, and it's time we ask ourselves what we do next.

And I think that today we're, also from the demographic perspective, which was important to understand today, also economically, also from the cultural perspective - we're today the only body capable of leading the Middle East, because we have this basis, also historic, cultural and idealistic. As much as our ideas influence Europe through the Book of Books, so they have to influence the Middle East, and we have to be not another player, rather really lead, maybe as a coalition of countries, lead them.

As in our past, they say the king of Israel was among the heads of the Levant royal coalition, while cooperation with Aram-Damask, which wasn't easy at the time, the countries weren't at much good relations, nevertheless these two countries lead the kings of Levant to war with Assyria and represented this Levanatism, however we call it. But essentially our idea, it's our idea that we're continuing. Also today we have to lead together with countries like Saudia maybe, which are rich in resources and money, yes lead the Middle East.

And what You're saying, what supports it demographically, it's also very important data, because the power today is really of course demographic, but it's also economic, historic, spiritual and also demographic, because I think the amount of people of course has influence.

Dr. Stayetsky: "Ill only say and finish with this - somewhere along the discussion I've mentioned Theodor Ze'ev Herz and his book, and I'll finish with his words. In the motto of his book he has written - "If You will, it ain't a legend"...correct? A well known phrase. No one read the book, but everyone knows this. What no one knows is the second part of that phrase - "If You will not, everything I've written here for You, remains but a legend, just a legend I've told".
And the one who understands will understand.

A. Tseitlin: "I think it's a very important message. People are telling me I'm crazy, that I don't understand our problems, and where we at, and that makes me laugh. Because if we look at the challenges the Zionist movement has passed a century ago, and during these 100 years, what am I even talking about? Right now beside us are parked 4,000 tanks, we have nuclear bombs, we have the strongest air force in the Middle East. Today we have problems? We have no problems, the only problem is lack of thought.

I'll even say it in a vulgar way - we have created a new nation, the Israeli nation.
The Israeli nation is different from the Jewish nation. The Jewish nation had this analytical brain and immense thinking power. We have received a lot from the local characters of the Levant nations, but we missed a bit from the Jewish power of thinking. I think that our Israeliness, our Israeli 'chutzpah', and the Israeli initiative, which are positive characters, we should still add what we have attained during the 2000 years of exile, the Jewish wisdom.

And that's what I'm trying to do with my channel".

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Rethinking future - Israel's emerging cultural revolution

'Coming to the Professors' - Alex Tseitlin in conversation with Dr. Edy Cohen:
'The media in Israel compared to the media in Arab countries'

Opening quote:

Alex Tseitlin: "Well friends, we're today with Dr. Edy Cohen, our expert on the Arab world, himself of course from Lebanon, welcome.

Dr. Edy Cohen: "Shalom, Shalom"
A. Tseitlin: "Marhabah. I want to ask You as someone working with the media in the Arab world, and a self made star, we can say in the Middle East You're a well known figure, especially Arab countries - about the similarities and differences between our media and the media in the Arab world".

Dr. Edy Cohen: "Look, the mere comparison is a bit controversial, but to my surprise there're some lines of similarity, and let's start with censorship.

Many maybe don't know, but there's censorship in Israel, You cannot publish whatever You want. Not in all aspects, for example there's no censorship on Prime Minister's health, as there's in Arab countries, censorship on the health of the leader. No, the censorship is military censorship, that requests a permit beforehand on every defense news item, sometimes arms sales, but there's censorship this is how it is. We're a country surrounded by enemies.

And also in Arab countries there's censorship. In every Arab country there's an office, which is sort of censorship. For example in Egypt there's one person who deals with this. In other Arab countries the leader directly, for example in Syria , Bashar al-Assad he says what to publish and not, one person. And so is in other Arab countries, and in the Gulf states."

Main Points of discussion:

Self censorship - Dr. Cohen: "And these are Your words, the self censorship".

A. Tseitlin: "Because I know this from the USSR and also today Russia. The biggest censorship is not from outside, rather people beforehand censor themselves, and try to fit the ruling narrative, what is correct to say. I see this in the country by the way, I think that in Arab countries this exists as well".

Dr. Cohen: "Yes, it's a bit different but exists, of course. For example the health of the leader, as I've mentioned. 40 years a leader , it's forbidden, he's never sick, he never has flu, nothing happens to him, doesn't get infected with any corona, they are living... And even when the leader dies, for example, last year passed away the Emir of Kuwait - the news ere reported almost a month, 3 weeks they've been waiting until they reported about the death of the Emir of Qatar. Why? Because they're afraid of a putsch, revolution, these are not stable, some general may attempt an overthrow, that mainly. But of course the censorship is in all spheres in the Arab world, and also the connections with Israel".

Similarities - Dr. Cohen: "If in Arab countries the media is recruited in favor of the leader, and his surrounding, here's it's really the opposite. The media is fully recruited against the leader and his surrounding. And we see the propaganda, the lies being spread, and we see the admiration for Obama, Biden, we see how the media belittled the Peace agreements that the PM did with 4 Arab countries".

A. Tseitlin: "That's what mostly store us up I think. That it was really surreal - You see a historic event, that changes world orders at least in the Middle East. Of course for us among the most important events in the 70 years we exist as a state, and we've seen comparatively a very laconic report. It was only aired during ceremonies in Washington. And we didn't see a sort of big festival, or any encouragement from the media, while the process is really tremendous and very important. Why do You think this is happening?"

Dr. Cohen : "I have to talk about this? I'm a Middle East expert, this is politics, I don't deal with politics, but that's what it is. Simply they want to overthrow the Prime Minister"

A. Tseitlin: "But I must say, this hatred was already along, I don't know, say 4-5 Prime Ministers. Maybe from Sharon or before him Barak. Everyone tried to investigate, overthrow, everyone was under investigations, Sharon passed away and didn't get to actual investigations. But Olmert was overthrown, Netanyahu we know what's happening to him, all these investigations without end. Again I'm not saying the leader should be immune from investigations, neither a follower of any Prime Minister. I'm a relatively neutral person, I think yes it's important to know our leader is not corrupt. But with that, we feel something exaggerated in these investigations in the small details. But I want to ask You a different question"

Dr Cohen: "Moment, let me answer You. The comparison is not imaginary. You can't compare what Ehud Olmert did, received envelopes with money, Olmert was corrupt for real. To suspicions regarding a Prime Minister that started in '96, with 'Amedi, with furniture...I'm not protecting the Prime Minister, not his spokesperson, but from '96, they tell us Netanyahu is corrupt, his wife is this and that, already from 1996, how many years? More than 20 years and looking. There's no one who's white. Any person You want to look for, You can find on me, on You, are You an angel Alex?

Here there's a collaboration between the media, the ministry of justice, the prosecutor - and this is how it is in Arab countries.

When You want to send someone to jail, You don't need much, fictitious cases, simple. They do it every day in Arab countries. And unfortunately I see this also in Israel. And the media is recruited. Ok, not in favor of the leader, against him, but it's recruited. What I want to say in one word - it's not objective.

I see this on the TV news channels, "there won't be vaccines in January! Natanyau's propaganda!", how did he say it, I don't want to mention his name so he doesn't suit us. "There won't be vaccines by January!", and almost 3 million have vaccinated before the end of January.

The media in Israel propagates, does psychological warfare, engineering our consciousness, sending us hidden and open messages. What is media? It's people, editors, journalists, people who have agenda, identified politically with one camp.

We've seen what they did to President Trump, and it's impossible to describe what he did. And look - "homophone, sexist, racist, corrupt, women hater" what didn't they say about Donald Trump?

What didn't they say about him - made peace for us, moved the embassy, there's no American President who will do what he has done, and look how they treat him. Also during the elections when there were fabrications in the US, no word. Really reminded me of the reporting in Arab countries, when something happens and no one says, no word.

There're lines of similarity, and I'm saying unfortunately, I'm not aggrandizing this -there're lines of similarity between the media in Arab countries and the media in Israel. And we've seen how they compartmentalize people, there're people You won't see on conventional channels, therefore people are looking for a stage like Yours, as well as for example, Ronen's "Prespecive" for his reports on the US.

People want an alternative, they don't want to hear the old boring panels, always against Netanyahu, his wife and his children."

The coverage of the "Abrahamic Accords" in Arab countries -

Dr Cohen: " Depending which camp, there're the enemies, who're Qatar and Iran and Syria, all these countries." A. Tseitlin: "That's actually clear, the question is how Your friends in the Gulf countries covered this?"

Dr Cohen: "Look, they didn't want to make a big festival, for 70 years they haven't done this. Let's say, they covered it better than the media in Israel. There were live broadcasts, the Prime Minister's pictures were broadcast, also the White House, but they didn't want to do it... For example look, why didn't the Crown Prince of the Emirates meet Netanyahu at the White House? White the King of Bahrain didn't go to the White House, why did they send their foreign ministers?"

A. Tseitlin: "They wanted to make it a bit modest"

Dr Cohen: "Now more than that, let me tell You if we're are discussing this. The first, the Emirates said "Yallah let's do peace agreements with the Israelis", but didn't want to be the first, so they said to Sheikh Naud Baharein "come with us, yallah come", and then there were 2 countries in the Gulf, Emirates and Baharain.

And then the Palestinian attack "here these 2 Gulf states, traitors of al- Aqsa, traitors of Jerusalem, traitors of Islam!" So they set to look for someone else to agree to make peace. Went to the Sudanese, convinced them, and then Morocco"

A. Tseitlin: "Tell me, the official Saudi TV channel Al-Arabiya, which is essential the exclusive channel of the royalty in Saudia, identified with the government in Saudia. The manner of reports about Israel changed there?"

D. Cohen: "Yes, changed during the last several years. You less enmity, for example You don't see "the occupation army", they used to say "the occupation army of Israel", today they say "the army of Israel". They're much more focused on Iran, believe me. Overall the coverage was good compared to other countries. They did the peace, but a bit lowered the profile, there're many enemies.

But my parameter is not Arab countries. I'm studying them, but I'm interested in what's happening here in Israel. The jounalists are not fair.

How many times I've heard this sentence "no one will normaize relations with Israel, before solving the problems with Palestinians". For years they've been saying this, and what figures, that it's incorrect, and I knew and said this.

New Israeli channel in Arabic

A. Tseitlin: "I want to challenge You with a question. It's correct that right wingers say along the years that the media doesn't cover them fairly, it's known and understandable. But for example, there was established in the Arab world Al-Jazeerah. They did a very high quality content, also in investment of a lot of money, but not only money also content, I myself watch a lot of Al-Jazeerah in English, on docu, history, Israeli-Arab conflict, very invested and interesting to watch. Should You raise the glove, maybe not You personally I don't know, there're supporters, but it's possible to found such a channel. If it's interesting people might watch it, however they founded channel 20, but its rating is very low.

Dr Cohen: "There's such an initiative, I've mentioned Ronen's 'Perspective', a very smart and diligent person, he's been talking about this. I think we all want such a channel. You can see me on Al-Jazeerah, I've been there a month ago, Al-Jazeerah gives me stage".

A. Tseitlin: "The star of Al-Jazeerah"

Dr Cohen: "The channels here, except for channel 20, don't give me stage. There's certain people, people of the right, it's known and clear, don't receive stage, don't receive grants, positions and standards - here's a different censorship, censorship of opinions. The people politically right are the weaker link, unfortunately to us here in Israel.

I did a research on the Mufti, a big research on which I've been working for 6 years, and we've made a video about it. Almost zero stipends, almost zero. If I was to write about the "crimes of Israel against the Palestinians" do You know how much money I'd make? You know how many factors would help me also in Israel and in the so called "human rights organizations", a lot.

A. Tseitlin: "So the need is to object to the people politically on the right.
There're people like George Soros on the left, who decides to support from his money a range of what are called various "open societies" of sort. And he also interferes with what's going on in Russia, in east-Europe and also the US. That's his money he does what he wants, why not someone from the right side invest as well? There was Sheldon Adelson who founded '"Israel Hayom" which is today the most popular newspaper in the country, and so can be founded a TV channel. I've discussed this with Dr Mordechai Kedar, maybe You can be much more influential in the Arab world".

Dr Cohen: "Let's start here within us first. Look Arab countries give us stage. I'm at least once-twice a week interviewed in Arab countries. I have a Twitter account with half a million followers, if I want to pass a message, believe me I pass them the message. My problem is here in Israel, Alex leave what's going in the Arab countries, here's my problem in Israel. And I'm not talking about donations, rather grants, something public, like Yad VaShem for example, like Kan channel, these are channels funded by public funds, have to bring opinions of the right, and we've seen all the programs of the right were erased. And the people politically on the right are marked. Leave me, I'm not talking about myself. People identified with the right don't have stage"

A. Tseitlin: "But the right is in the government, who is the minister of communications, who's is the ruling party? How do You explain that?"

Dr Cohen: "That's the clerks who have the power. Now, is the ministry of foreign relations politically on the right?

A. Tseitlin: "Yes, a bit even laughing from it."

Dr Cohen: "Yest that's the clerks ruling, and lack of governability of leaders. Our leaders didn't estimate the danger, or fell asleep on duty. And we have to criticize the leaders who fell asleep on duty, and look at the Prime Ministers who has problems on the legal plain, because of his lack of governability, and he is paying for it.

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Sarit Hadad - Yismach Hatani

Traditional wedding song,
soundtrack to the "Yismach Hatani" movie.

Sarit Hadad (Hebrew: שרית חדד‎, Hebrew pronunciation: [saˈʁit χaˈdad]) (born on September 20, 1978) is an Israeli singer. In October 2009, the Israeli Music TV Channel (Channel 24) crowned Hadad "best female singer of the 2000s".[1] She represented her country at the Eurovision Song Contest 2002, in Tallinn, with the song "Light a Candle".[2]

Hadad was born as Sarah Hudadatov (Hebrew: שרה חודדטוב‎) in the town of Afula, Israel to Mountain Jewish parents who had made aliyah from Dagestan in 1976. Hadad is the youngest of eight children: she has three brothers and three sisters.[3] In 1980, her family moved to Hadera. When she was ten years old, she participated in a contest for young talent, where she performed on the piano. She also played the organ, guitar, accordion, and darbuka.

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