Who are the Israelis?


Temple Mount Yeshivah - Ascending of the Rabbinic delegation
'When fifty Rabbis ascend the Temple Mount - this is a Rabbinic stamp for proper ascending according to Jewish law"


More than fifty Rabbis and heads of Yeshivahs participated this morning in a central ascent to the Temple Mount. Led by Rabbi Israel Ariel head of the Temple Yeshivah and the Temple Institute.

Before the ascent, the Rabbis gathered at the visitors' center at the entrance to the Temple Mount. There they watched the model of the Temple, the rubber shoes provided to those ascending, the halakhic signs placed in the place, a library and light refreshments for the ascending. The police secured the aliyah as closely as all the aliyahs of the Jews on the Temple Mount and the Temple Mount administration received them with rich refreshments.


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Today is Yom HaAliyah in Israel

What is Yom HaAliyah? Itโ€™s a modern Israeli holiday celebrating the crossing of the Jordan of by Israel when they were led by Joshua.
It is also a general celebration of Immigration to Israel.

Rethinking The Future - Israel's Emerging Cultural Revolution
20 years since the passing of Manitou - Who was Manitou?
A Philosopher? A Rabbi? A Kabalist?

Rabbi Oury 'Amos Sherki, student of Manitou
and founder of The Noahide World Center,
at the Manitou institute -

You know, once the French newspapers wrote about Manitou as a "Jewish philosopher",
to which he exploded with laughter, said 'look what they've said about me'.

The clear thing is that Manitou wasn't a Philosopher.
Also clear above that, is that he wasn't a Rabbi, and it needs explanation.

He wasn't a Philosopher because he came in the name of G-d's word, the ancient prophecy, the Hebrew prophecy, which he found a way to pass to this generation. He wasn't a Rabbi,
in the meaning of the Rabbis of the diaspora, he was already after...so what was he?

So he was 'on the way', he always said that the human identity is on a journey,
a journey towards what? Towards the renewal of the prophetic identity.

Manitou wasn't a prophet,
but he was appropriate for that.

The Hebrew identity Revolution
Story about the Jewish book shelf | Manitou

Manitou: I want to tell You a story, maybe I already told some years ago. About 30 years ago, I've heard on the radio, it was specifically before the Passover, an interview with someone, how do You say it on the radio?

Student: Interviewer?

Manitou: Not exactly, You'll understand immediately, and tell me which word should be used.

He was going to every apartment, typical Israeli homes, and his question was - why Jewish homes have so many books?

Because it's different from society to society. There are books, but not so much, scholars have libraries, well, book sellers have books, but among Jews, You enter an apartment and immediately, from the beginning You see books. Also in the rooms, within the rooms of the rooms, there're books.

So he made a report about this.

And specifically among the religious, so he went to religious homes and saw these big books, You see the Talmud and all that.

Then he asked, not only out of curiosity, but irony, he asked the homeowner - "do You think You'll read this and become wise?"

The homeowner answered - "Listen habibi, one has to be wise first, to read all this."

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High-tech studies from the kindergarten
New initiative by MK's Shasha Bitton, Farkash HaCohen


In a joint initiative of the Minister of Education and the Minister of Innovation, Science and Technology, a program will begin next year that will include programming studies, website building and application development in kindergartens and schools.

The service has decided that already in the coming school year, the program will be implemented in 150 localities in the periphery that will be selected in eighth grades,
and kindergartens.


As part of the promotion and implementation of the program, technological projects will be selected whose purpose is to learn code and / or computational thinking for children of compulsory kindergarten age, at the maturity level of a finished product and who are able to run a large number of kindergartens (scalability), with originality and innovation.

The ability to integrate fields is also required, which will ensure continued social mobility, while providing equal opportunities for all Israeli students with access to technology, code and programming languages, as a basis for their future integration into the labor market, in any profession they choose, including the high-tech industry.


Read more -
High-tech studies from the kindergarten | Walla! News
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RE: Who Are the Israelis
SUBTOPIC: Reporting Accuracy
โœโ†’ P F Tinmore, et al,

The picture does not match the caption. The caption reads: "Israeli Soldier" whereas the picture is of "Israeli Police."

Israeli Soldier Shoots Dead Palestinian Worker in Asqalan

The picture has no relationship to the event the propagandist is trying to sell.

People, with some level of education, automatically formulate an opinion (
most of the time โ†’ subconsciously) of news articles (and even information videos) as to:

โ—ˆ The Reliability of the Source
โ—ˆ The Reliability of the Information

They often scale it in terms of degrees. And they often scale the evaluation of the information from "Confirmed" (
by independent sources) โ†’ "Improbable." Many of the cut-and-paste presentations from Youtube and social media platforms on newsworthy events or information are not manipulation free.

In this case, the article depicts an event in the "1948-occupied territories" (sic). I know that I do not have sufficient knowledge of the incident to render an opinion on the use of force. I doubt that the unidentified source (
back through "Facebook") had firsthand knowledge. Yet the tone and inference clearly imply that โ†’ Israel was in the wrong.

Common Sense tells us that failure to comply with police imperatives, in a hostile environment, places the non-compliant in a very dangerous (
possibly lethal) situation.


Most Respectfully,
RE: Who Are the Israelis
SUBTOPIC: Intellectual Response
โœโ†’ P F Tinmore, et al,

Same shit, different platter.

Wow, I truly appreciate your enlightened and illuminating response. It is one of those outputs that are of use to everyone who has recognition for just how important that is.


Most Respectfully,
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RE: Who Are the Israelis
SUBTOPIC: Intellectual Response
โœโ†’ P F Tinmore, et al,


Wow, I truly appreciate your enlightened and illuminating response. It is one of those outputs that are of use to everyone who has recognition for just how important that is.


Most Respectfully,
The strategy and the target audience.

Look into the Islamic doctrine of 'Dawa',
and the state of illiteracy in the Arab world...

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