Who are the Israelis?

Israelis are too stupid to figure out that they are not wanted in Palestine.
Palestine was a fake Roman name for ancient Israel, you old fool.

Israelis are too stupid to figure out that they are not wanted in Palestine.

Arab supremacists think Israelis are stupid for opposing their degeneracy?

Harel Tal - NE'IMA LI (Pleasant To Me)

How pleasant, how pleasant to me
How pleasant Your city Y-ah pleasant to me
How pleasant the land of doe very fair to me

How awesome pleasant and beautiful
To her longs my soul and yearns
For the Wall her children desire
For a long time in her haven't dwelt
For her building, my spirit aspires
See the splendor and brilliance of My Hall

For the Wall her children desire
For a long time in her haven't dwelt
And now when will return to her
And inherit her in My lot

They will ask for her Shalom
And raise her memory in their joy
Please appraise them raise and come ascend
To the Mount of My holiness and the House of My abode


Giant bronze Menorah emplaced in Western Wall plaza

As part of preparations for Hanukkah, the Western Wall plaza is once again preparing a giant Menorah for a public candle-lighting ceremony.


Today (Tuesday) the traditional Menorah was placed in the plaza of the Western Wall in preparation for the holiday of Hanukkah.

The menorah is made entirely of cast bronze. It is approximately two meters high and wide, and weighs approximately a ton. Its production process lasted approximately seven months.

Gadi Taub with Rabbi Cherki - Why Religious Zionists are closer to Satmar than to Haredi?

(From the introduction)

Gadi Taub: This evening it's a special pleasure because we've been talking with my interviewee about having to make this conversation for quite some time.

And before it happened I have a synagogue in the building, and I meet the people all the time, Shabbat, it's a synagogue in Tel-Aviv, there's some bohemian element, and people tell me I must talk to Rabbi Cherki.

Therefore, Shalom to Rabbi Oury Cherki...

R. Cherki: Shalom and blessing, good evening, it's good to meet You.

Gadi: Yes, You're very popular in our building, I don't know if You know how many students You have here. And since I heard Your name for the first time, we've met, actually at Your invitation, in forums You organize, we had several conversations, agreements and interesting arguments.

So Rabbi Oury,
would it be incorrect if I define You
as one of the students of Rabbi Zvi Yehudah?

R. Cherki: It's ok, it is really what I am.

Gadi T.: For those who don't know, Rabbi Zvi Yehudah Kook, the son of Rabbi Avraham Yizhak HaCohen Kook, he was the spiritual father of the settlement movement.
Where do You live Rabbi?

R. Cherki: I live in Jerusalem in Giv'at Shaul ('Hill of Shaul),
so I'm a hilltop teenager, I'm from Giv'at Shaul.

Gadi T: You're a hilltop youth, but You're not a settler, see?
R. Cherki: Yes, however, I had periods of living in the heart of the Shomron,
and among my best friends are the settlers.

I'm also identified as one when I come to Tel-Aviv, won't forget the time I was invited by Yonatan Berg to the release of one of his poetry books, so he introduced me as 'the settler' acquainted with him, despite him coming from a settlement, not me.

Thus I suspect that being a settler or not, is not a geographical issue,
it's a social issue. And I certainly, with great respect receive this title.

Gadi T.: Social, or spiritual/political?
R. Cherki: Yes of course, indeed I'm always asked, why do rabbis deal with politics?
And I always answer - then what will they be dealing with?

Since according to my understanding, Judaism is a nation before it's a religion, and since according to my understanding - Torah is a political agenda, the plan of the Hebrew state,
it's clear that the political theme is essential to my spiritual worldview.

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Are controversial new laws a ‘poison’ or an ‘antidote?’


As Food Supply Concerns Grow, Israel Explores Desert Agriculture, Aquaculture

JERUSALEM, Israel – Water and fish are powerful symbols throughout the Bible, often centering around life and sustenance. These days, both are important as ever, especially when it comes to the world’s food supply.

Israel is stepping up to do its part, exploring aquaculture and desert agriculture as a potential solution to the growing need for food security.

One of the world’s most popular supplements is Spirulina, algae that grows in both fresh and saltwater and is full of nutrients and antioxidants.

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Gravitas: Pakistani delegation makes 'secret' trip to Israel

Secret delegations from Pakistan and Indonesia are reportedly visiting Israel. Are the two Muslim nations planning to recognize Israel? What would a normalisation mean for both sides?

Got invited to Abu Dhabi Space Debate - INDIA, UAE & ISRAEL Are Teaming Up For SPACE DOMINANCE


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