Who are the Israelis?

Hey psycho, no tears for 29,000+ children killed by Arabs and Muslims?


Arab Muslim human rights activist, former Miss Iraq Sarah Idan: “There is no apartheid in Israel. I am an Arab myself who has been to Israel and it was nothing like apartheid which was imposed by one set of people on another in the same country. The Palestinians are self-governing, they’re not ruled by the Israelis.”

“Zionism is believing that Israel has the right to exist, and it’s unfair that so many Muslims don’t see this when Islam is the second largest religion in the world practiced in so many Muslim-majority countries in the Middle East, Asia, and Europe. So, it’s really unfair that this small piece of land isn’t allowed to be the Jewish state.”

“Arabs hold high government positions including as members of the Knesset and ambassadors to foreign countries. What amazes me is that people use this term [apartheid], but what happened in South Africa was done by the government to its own people. What we have in Israel is a war between two nations.”

“They’re two different nations. They’re two different governments. How can you apply the term apartheid to the country? All Arabs who live in Israel have exactly the same rights as Israelis.”

There’s no apartheid in Israel, says Arab beauty queen

Human rights activist and former Miss Iraq Sarah Idan who visited Israel: “There is no apartheid in Israel. I’ve met many Arabs holding high government positions, including a Muslim party in the Knesset. The head of the biggest bank in Israel is an Arab. Diversity is definitely there.”


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