Who are the Israelis?

RE: Who are the Israelis?
※→ P F Tinmore, et al,

Indeed, Zionism was bad for Jews all over the region.

The Jewish people (form the view and the perspective of the possible injury), → in and about the region, should come to a consensus and make → that determination: What is bad for Jews?

In these contemporary times, and arguably in constant state of evolution, Zionism has become harder and harder to keep-up with it; if you are not living with it. What was written today → what was written last year → what was written about Zionism a decade ago, is evolving and changing with the new condition and changes of the day. To the Zionist like Tziporah "Tzipi" Livni, former Foreign Minister of Israel, Zionist Union, think that working from within the system (the opposite view if the Arab Palestinian) has the greatest potential for positive change.

But being labeled a "zionist" is not exactly a bad label. I think it is a misunderstood label. A "Zionist" (operation in the political system) and a "Revolutionary" (those Palestinians operating outside the system in violence) achieve very different results.

Most Respectfully,
Rocco, you are a hoot.

The Zionist goal is all of Palestine without the Palestinians. That has never changed.

Typical Tinmore BS.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but there're more Arabs living today in the area than ever before.
Am I wrong?
And Israel thinks it is winning, :laugh::laugh::laugh:
The Zionist goal is all of Palestine without the Palestinians. That has never changed.

Demonstrably not true. But even if it was true, are you saying this is NOT the goal of the Arabs? To have an Arab Palestine without the Jewish Palestinians? Why would it be an honorable goal for the one and an evil goal for the other? What is the SOLUTION?
RE: Who are the Israelis?
※→ P F Tinmore, et al,

Indeed, Zionism was bad for Jews all over the region.

The Jewish people (form the view and the perspective of the possible injury), → in and about the region, should come to a consensus and make → that determination: What is bad for Jews?

In these contemporary times, and arguably in constant state of evolution, Zionism has become harder and harder to keep-up with it; if you are not living with it. What was written today → what was written last year → what was written about Zionism a decade ago, is evolving and changing with the new condition and changes of the day. To the Zionist like Tziporah "Tzipi" Livni, former Foreign Minister of Israel, Zionist Union, think that working from within the system (the opposite view if the Arab Palestinian) has the greatest potential for positive change.

But being labeled a "zionist" is not exactly a bad label. I think it is a misunderstood label. A "Zionist" (operation in the political system) and a "Revolutionary" (those Palestinians operating outside the system in violence) achieve very different results.

Most Respectfully,
Rocco, you are a hoot.

The Zionist goal is all of Palestine without the Palestinians. That has never changed.

Typical Tinmore BS.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but there're more Arabs living today in the area than ever before.
Am I wrong?
And Israel thinks it is winning, :laugh::laugh::laugh:

Winning? I'm not sure we have the same definitions.
Win - or Victory in Hebrew comes from the root נ-צ-ח which means 'eternity'.

G-d simply fulfills his promises :deal:

"So said the Lord, Who gives the sun to illuminate by day, the laws of the moon and the stars to illuminate at night, Who stirs up the sea and its waves roar, the Lord of Hosts is His name.
35If these laws depart from before Me, says the Lord, so will the seed of Israel cease being a nation before Me for all time.
36 So said the Lord: If the heavens above will be measured and the foundations of the earth below will be fathomed, I too will reject all the seed of Israel because of all they did, says the Lord.
37Behold days are coming, says the Lord, and the city shall be built to the Lord, from the tower of Hananel until the gate of the corner.
38 And the measuring line shall go out further opposite it upon the hill of Gareb, and it shall turn to Goah.
39 And the whole valley of the dead bodies and the ash and all the fields until the Kidron Valley, until the corner of the Horse Gate to the east, shall be holy to the Lord; it shall never again be uprooted or torn down forever.

-Jeremiah 31-
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Just to be clear, he is "abusing" families of terrorists who are living on fat pensions from the PLO because a family member killed or tried to kill a Jews. Poor Palestinians murderers! Why should they have to put up with being yelled just because they make their livings killing Jews?
RE: Who are the Israelis?
※→ P F Tinmore, et al,

Indeed, Zionism was bad for Jews all over the region.

The Jewish people (form the view and the perspective of the possible injury), → in and about the region, should come to a consensus and make → that determination: What is bad for Jews?

In these contemporary times, and arguably in constant state of evolution, Zionism has become harder and harder to keep-up with it; if you are not living with it. What was written today → what was written last year → what was written about Zionism a decade ago, is evolving and changing with the new condition and changes of the day. To the Zionist like Tziporah "Tzipi" Livni, former Foreign Minister of Israel, Zionist Union, think that working from within the system (the opposite view if the Arab Palestinian) has the greatest potential for positive change.

But being labeled a "zionist" is not exactly a bad label. I think it is a misunderstood label. A "Zionist" (operation in the political system) and a "Revolutionary" (those Palestinians operating outside the system in violence) achieve very different results.

Most Respectfully,
Rocco, you are a hoot.

The Zionist goal is all of Palestine without the Palestinians. That has never changed.

Typical Tinmore BS.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but there're more Arabs living today in the area than ever before.
Am I wrong?
And Israel thinks it is winning, :laugh::laugh::laugh:

Winning? I'm not sure we have the same definitions.
Win - or Victory in Hebrew comes from the root נ-צ-ח which means 'eternity'.

G-d simply fulfills his promises :deal:

"So said the Lord, Who gives the sun to illuminate by day, the laws of the moon and the stars to illuminate at night, Who stirs up the sea and its waves roar, the Lord of Hosts is His name.
35If these laws depart from before Me, says the Lord, so will the seed of Israel cease being a nation before Me for all time.
36 So said the Lord: If the heavens above will be measured and the foundations of the earth below will be fathomed, I too will reject all the seed of Israel because of all they did, says the Lord.
37Behold days are coming, says the Lord, and the city shall be built to the Lord, from the tower of Hananel until the gate of the corner.
38 And the measuring line shall go out further opposite it upon the hill of Gareb, and it shall turn to Goah.
39 And the whole valley of the dead bodies and the ash and all the fields until the Kidron Valley, until the corner of the Horse Gate to the east, shall be holy to the Lord; it shall never again be uprooted or torn down forever.

-Jeremiah 31-
I think the Bible was written by Jews hundreds if years after the event,here say at best...lies much more likely methinks
RE: Who are the Israelis?
※→ P F Tinmore, et al,


The Jewish people (form the view and the perspective of the possible injury), → in and about the region, should come to a consensus and make → that determination: What is bad for Jews?

In these contemporary times, and arguably in constant state of evolution, Zionism has become harder and harder to keep-up with it; if you are not living with it. What was written today → what was written last year → what was written about Zionism a decade ago, is evolving and changing with the new condition and changes of the day. To the Zionist like Tziporah "Tzipi" Livni, former Foreign Minister of Israel, Zionist Union, think that working from within the system (the opposite view if the Arab Palestinian) has the greatest potential for positive change.

But being labeled a "zionist" is not exactly a bad label. I think it is a misunderstood label. A "Zionist" (operation in the political system) and a "Revolutionary" (those Palestinians operating outside the system in violence) achieve very different results.

Most Respectfully,
Rocco, you are a hoot.

The Zionist goal is all of Palestine without the Palestinians. That has never changed.

Typical Tinmore BS.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but there're more Arabs living today in the area than ever before.
Am I wrong?
And Israel thinks it is winning, :laugh::laugh::laugh:


Winning? I'm not sure we have the same definitions.
Win - or Victory in Hebrew comes from the root נ-צ-ח which means 'eternity'.

G-d simply fulfills his promises :deal:

"So said the Lord, Who gives the sun to illuminate by day, the laws of the moon and the stars to illuminate at night, Who stirs up the sea and its waves roar, the Lord of Hosts is His name.
35If these laws depart from before Me, says the Lord, so will the seed of Israel cease being a nation before Me for all time.
36 So said the Lord: If the heavens above will be measured and the foundations of the earth below will be fathomed, I too will reject all the seed of Israel because of all they did, says the Lord.
37Behold days are coming, says the Lord, and the city shall be built to the Lord, from the tower of Hananel until the gate of the corner.
38 And the measuring line shall go out further opposite it upon the hill of Gareb, and it shall turn to Goah.
39 And the whole valley of the dead bodies and the ash and all the fields until the Kidron Valley, until the corner of the Horse Gate to the east, shall be holy to the Lord; it shall never again be uprooted or torn down forever.

-Jeremiah 31-
I think the Bible was written by Jews hundreds if years after the event,here say at best...lies much more likely methinks

The Torah was written by Hashem before the creation of this world.
The nation of Israel received it wholly, including the details of how to conduct the commandments.

This is the Torah, it is what it is.
Sounds like Otto the Nazirene, from Life of Brian:

BRIAN: Oh. Who are you?

OTTO: My name. Is. Otto.


OTTO: Yes. Otto. It’s time, you know. . .

BRIAN: What?

OTTO: . . . Time that we Jews racially purified ourselves.


OTTO: He’s right you know. The new leader. We need more living room. We must move into the traditionally Jewish areas of Samaria.

BRIAN: What about the Samaritans?

Doesn't meter which religion you believe in, you can't change the simple truth that the land of Israel was gives us by god! its written in the Jew's Bible, its written in the quran and its written in the Christians Bible. It was given by God!!! we didn't claim it for ourselves and we did not conquer anything! if you believe in God you can't accept anything else...
The Abunimation strikes again

Ali Abunimah’s Antisemitism Shines Through (Again)
The Electronic Intifada founder lets down his guard

The giveaway is the (entirely false) notion that Jews as a collective are "European".

See, the anti-Israel (read: antisemitic) crowd has to somehow find a way to divorce the Jewish people from their ancestral and historical land. They do that by claiming that Jews are white colonizers from Europe. Entirely erasing the majority of the Jewish people as though they didn't exist. In his post, he complains that Israel is erasing Arab Palestinians -- but he is inversing reality. He is the one erasing Jews and Jewish history.

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