Who Are The Palestinains?

It was and was stolen by violent means from them by the muslims


Hebron (Al-Khalil in Arabic) is located 32 kilometers south of Jerusalem and is built on several hills and wadis, most of which run north- to-south. The Hebrew word "Hebron" is explained as being derived from the Hebrew word for "friend" ("haver"), a description for the Patriarch Abraham. The Arabic "Al- Khalil," literally "the friend," has a nearly identical derivation and also refers to Abraham (Ibrahim), whom Muslims similarly describe as the friend of God. Hebron is one of the oldest continually occupied cities in the world, and has been a major focus of religious worship for over two millenia.

Hebron has a long and rich Jewish history and is the site of the oldest Jewish community in the world. The Book of Genesis relates that Abraham purchased the field where the Tomb of the Patriarchs is located as a burial place for his wife Sarah. According to Jewish tradition, the Patriarchs Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, as well the Matriarchs Sarah, Rebecca, and Leah are all buried in the Tomb.

The Ottoman Turks' conquest of the city in 1517 was marked by a violent pogrom which included many deaths, rapes, and the plundering of Jewish homes. The surviving Jews fled to Beirut and did not return until 1533

Despite the events of 1517, its general poverty and a devastating plague in 1619, the Hebron Jewish community grew. Throughout the Turkish period (1517-1917), groups of Jews from other parts of the Land of Israel, and the Diaspora, moved to Hebron from time to time, joining the existing community, and the city became a rabbinic center of note

Following the creation of the State of Israel in 1948, and the invasion by Arab armies, Hebron was captured and occupied by the Jordanian Arab Legion. During the Jordanian occupation, which lasted until 1967, Jews were not permitted to live in the city, nor -- despite the Armistice Agreement -- to visit or pray at the Jewish holy sites in the city. Additionally, the Jordanian authorities and local residents undertook a systematic campaign to eliminate any evidence of the Jewish presence in the city. They razed the Jewish Quarter, desecrated the Jewish cemetery and built an animal pen on the ruins of the Avraham Avinu synagogue

Interesting, but it does not refute my post.

But it does if you read it, just as it refutes the LIE that arab muslims owned Palestine. Did you know that from sheer greed the arab muslims refused to file title because it would lead to taxation and conscription.

You seem to imply that because some Jews owned homes there that it was "Jewish owned" land. You neglected to mention that other people owned homes there too.
The first documented massacre to start this Israeli/Palestinian conflict was the Hebron Massace of the Jews by Palestinians even before 1948.

1929 Hebron massacre - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Thank you for proving the violence didn't start, until after the Zionist migration at the turn of the century.
Hello idiot, stop shoving your foot in your mouth. The Arabs slaughtered the Ancient Jews of Hebron who had been there since before the Crusades. How about the occupying Arab animals leave Hebron and give Jews what's been theirs for centuries?
Interesting, but it does not refute my post.

But it does if you read it, just as it refutes the LIE that arab muslims owned Palestine. Did you know that from sheer greed the arab muslims refused to file title because it would lead to taxation and conscription.

You seem to imply that because some Jews owned homes there that it was "Jewish owned" land. You neglected to mention that other people owned homes there too.
Hebron was a Jewish city before the Hebron massacre. The fact that Arabs committed genocide and then squatted in it, doesn't make it Arab land. This is like everything else with Muslims. The invade, murder and slaughter, then claim the land to be theirs, and a people with ancient ties to it. Ha ha ha.
But it does if you read it, just as it refutes the LIE that arab muslims owned Palestine. Did you know that from sheer greed the arab muslims refused to file title because it would lead to taxation and conscription.

You seem to imply that because some Jews owned homes there that it was "Jewish owned" land. You neglected to mention that other people owned homes there too.
Hebron was a Jewish city before the Hebron massacre. The fact that Arabs committed genocide and then squatted in it, doesn't make it Arab land. This is like everything else with Muslims. The invade, murder and slaughter, then claim the land to be theirs, and a people with ancient ties to it. Ha ha ha.

I hear that some of the Muslims in Hebron hid their Jewish friends in their homes saving many.

Apparently you are incorrect in calling Hebron a Jewish city.
But it does if you read it, just as it refutes the LIE that arab muslims owned Palestine. Did you know that from sheer greed the arab muslims refused to file title because it would lead to taxation and conscription.

You seem to imply that because some Jews owned homes there that it was "Jewish owned" land. You neglected to mention that other people owned homes there too.
Hebron was a Jewish city before the Hebron massacre. The fact that Arabs committed genocide and then squatted in it, doesn't make it Arab land. This is like everything else with Muslims. The invade, murder and slaughter, then claim the land to be theirs, and a people with ancient ties to it. Ha ha ha.

Hebron was not a Jewish city at all.
You seem to imply that because some Jews owned homes there that it was "Jewish owned" land. You neglected to mention that other people owned homes there too.
Hebron was a Jewish city before the Hebron massacre. The fact that Arabs committed genocide and then squatted in it, doesn't make it Arab land. This is like everything else with Muslims. The invade, murder and slaughter, then claim the land to be theirs, and a people with ancient ties to it. Ha ha ha.

I hear that some of the Muslims in Hebron hid their Jewish friends in their homes saving many.

Apparently you are incorrect in calling Hebron a Jewish city.
Yes, some Germans also hid Jews too. That didn't wash what the Nazis did.
You seem to imply that because some Jews owned homes there that it was "Jewish owned" land. You neglected to mention that other people owned homes there too.
Hebron was a Jewish city before the Hebron massacre. The fact that Arabs committed genocide and then squatted in it, doesn't make it Arab land. This is like everything else with Muslims. The invade, murder and slaughter, then claim the land to be theirs, and a people with ancient ties to it. Ha ha ha.

Hebron was not a Jewish city at all.
No not after the Muslim invasions, and subsequently after Muslims committed genocide and ethnic cleansing on Jews in 1929. The animals did that because Hebron was KNOWN to be a Jewish city with ancient Judaic roots. The Tomb of Patriarchs is not a Muslim holy site, idiot.
Hebron was a Jewish city before the Hebron massacre. The fact that Arabs committed genocide and then squatted in it, doesn't make it Arab land. This is like everything else with Muslims. The invade, murder and slaughter, then claim the land to be theirs, and a people with ancient ties to it. Ha ha ha.

Hebron was not a Jewish city at all.
No not after the Muslim invasions, and subsequently after Muslims committed genocide and ethnic cleansing on Jews in 1929. The animals did that because Hebron was KNOWN to be a Jewish city with ancient Judaic roots. The Tomb of Patriarchs is not a Muslim holy site, idiot.

Prior to the Muslim invasions it was a Christian city.
That is so true. The Arab country treatment of massacring their Palestinians & driving them out as refugees is hard to forgive. And yet NO COMPLAINTS ABOUT IT from the Palestinians or their supporters. When will Israel ever learn from the Arab countries how to deal with Palestinians?

Palestinians are a low level form of arabs, that even other Arabs won't help.
Interesting, but it does not refute my post.

But it does if you read it, just as it refutes the LIE that arab muslims owned Palestine. Did you know that from sheer greed the arab muslims refused to file title because it would lead to taxation and conscription.

You seem to imply that because some Jews owned homes there that it was "Jewish owned" land. You neglected to mention that other people owned homes there too.

Yes Ottoman landlords that rented out the homes to anyone, the Jews owned their own homes.
You seem to imply that because some Jews owned homes there that it was "Jewish owned" land. You neglected to mention that other people owned homes there too.
Hebron was a Jewish city before the Hebron massacre. The fact that Arabs committed genocide and then squatted in it, doesn't make it Arab land. This is like everything else with Muslims. The invade, murder and slaughter, then claim the land to be theirs, and a people with ancient ties to it. Ha ha ha.

I hear that some of the Muslims in Hebron hid their Jewish friends in their homes saving many.

Apparently you are incorrect in calling Hebron a Jewish city.

Isolated incidents
You seem to imply that because some Jews owned homes there that it was "Jewish owned" land. You neglected to mention that other people owned homes there too.
Hebron was a Jewish city before the Hebron massacre. The fact that Arabs committed genocide and then squatted in it, doesn't make it Arab land. This is like everything else with Muslims. The invade, murder and slaughter, then claim the land to be theirs, and a people with ancient ties to it. Ha ha ha.

Hebron was not a Jewish city at all.

Evidence from an unbiased source please, or retract your falsehood
How do ya like that? And here I actually believed Hebron is the second holiest city in all of Israel, home of the cave of Machpelah where even the Jewish patriarchs are buried. Amazing what we can learn here. Please excuse me while I go tell my neighbors what we just learned.

You seem to imply that because some Jews owned homes there that it was "Jewish owned" land. You neglected to mention that other people owned homes there too.
Hebron was a Jewish city before the Hebron massacre. The fact that Arabs committed genocide and then squatted in it, doesn't make it Arab land. This is like everything else with Muslims. The invade, murder and slaughter, then claim the land to be theirs, and a people with ancient ties to it. Ha ha ha.

Hebron was not a Jewish city at all.
Palestinians are a low level form of arabs, that even other Arabs won't help.
Arabs / Muslims don't help anybody period, not even themselves. Too busy killing.

But you're right, no Arab country wants them because they are nothing but trouble. Look what they did in Kuwait, Jordan, Lebanon, etc.

In Lebanon alone they killed 150,000 Christian Lebanese, all the Palestinians that had been let in graciously by the Kuwaiti govt. for work or temporary residency ended up helping and siding with Sadam in his invasion of Kuwait. They were all booted out by the Kuwaitis, once the Americans got Kuwait back. Even in the Cold War they sided with Russia. Palestinians have a habit of making bad choices.
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How do ya like that? And here I actually believed Hebron is the second holiest city in all of Israel, home of the cave of Machpelah where even the Jewish patriarchs are buried. Amazing what we can learn here. Please excuse me while I go tell my neighbors what we just learned.

Hebron was a Jewish city before the Hebron massacre. The fact that Arabs committed genocide and then squatted in it, doesn't make it Arab land. This is like everything else with Muslims. The invade, murder and slaughter, then claim the land to be theirs, and a people with ancient ties to it. Ha ha ha.

Hebron was not a Jewish city at all.
Oh didn't you know? Abraham, Issac, Jacob were all Muslims and didn't even know it!

Even Jesus was a Muslim and didn't know it.
Hmmm! A Muslim king of Israel. Don't that beat all? Heh Heh.

How do ya like that? And here I actually believed Hebron is the second holiest city in all of Israel, home of the cave of Machpelah where even the Jewish patriarchs are buried. Amazing what we can learn here. Please excuse me while I go tell my neighbors what we just learned.

Hebron was not a Jewish city at all.
Oh didn't you know? Abraham, Issac, Jacob were all Muslims and didn't even know it!

Even Jesus was a Muslim and didn't know it.
Just like the Arabs treated the Jews with respect ?

Care to tell us Billo who started with the attacking and killing?
I'm talking about from 1890's and up.
I'll let a famous Zionist humanist, answer that one...

"Serfs they were in the lands of the Diaspora and suddenly they find themselves in unrestricted freedom and this change has awakened in them an inclination to despotism. They treat the Arabs with hostility and cruelty, deprive them of their rights, offend them without cause and even boast of these deeds; and nobody among us opposes this despicable and dangerous inclination."

- Ahad Ha'am
Do the math!

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