Who Are The Palestinains?

You've got to admire so few Jews ridding their neighborhoods of so many murderers in so few decades.
Do you admire Hitler and his ridding of neighborhoods to?

If only other nations could follow suit.
Other nations consider the Final Solution wrong for humanity.

So when did your hero Hitler rid his neighbourhoods of murderers, another comparison that is false.

But not when it is the muslims trying it on the Jews .

Now about the mass murders done by the Jordanians against the Palestinians, why don't you complain about that atrocity. After all the killed more innocents in one month that Israel has managed in 67 years
So what about Pakistan, Bangladesh, Darfur, Somalia, Ethiopia, Yugoslavia to name but a few ISLAMONAZI land thefts from violence and terrorist force.

So once again you are denying the Jews the right of return

Also the Palestinians signed away the settlement areas in Oslo and as Abbas stated only last week Oslo is still in existence.
Abbas is nothing but an Israeli bitch, doing what he's told, like a good little whore.
You mean after the Arabs invaded the region pre 1948, in the early 1900. That's just a map of the areas the Arabs invaded : cuckoo:
Here's the official migration records for that period, numbnuts, so you lose again.

So were are the figures from 1929 to 2014 then, or do they show massive arab muslim migrations and a reduction in the Jewish numbers overall
As far as I can tell, the Jews were the first ones kicked out of the area, making their return totally legitimate. Sort of like if the American Indians took their land back and we were the Palestinians kicked off "our" land, who were then pissed.
You bring up a very valid point. Jordan massacred around 20,000 Palestinians during Black September & has ANYONE seen or heard of a single complaint from any Palestinian or their supporters?

Israel makes peace offerings to the Palestinians, builds a security fence & concedes land to the Palestinians so they can continue to squat in Israel & has ANYONE ever seen or heard of a thank you to Israel from any Palestinian or Palestinian supporter?

It's called Palestinian Mentality.

You've got to admire so few Jews ridding their neighborhoods of so many murderers in so few decades.
Do you admire Hitler and his ridding of neighborhoods to?

If only other nations could follow suit.
Other nations consider the Final Solution wrong for humanity.

So when did your hero Hitler rid his neighbourhoods of murderers, another comparison that is false.

But not when it is the muslims trying it on the Jews .

Now about the mass murders done by the Jordanians against the Palestinians, why don't you complain about that atrocity. After all the killed more innocents in one month that Israel has managed in 67 years
montelatici: Israel and Jerusalem have not always belonged to the Jews. The Phoenician Caanites founded and ruled Jerusalem from about 2,500 BC to 1,000 BC when the Jews invaded and conquered the city. So the Jews ruled the city for less than 1,000 years.

50_RiaL: The Jews' hold on the city is more than double that of the Arabs, who last held it in 1071 CE. (There has been a Jewish majority in Jerusalem since before the middle of the 19th Century.)

montelatici: Canaanite Phoenician Jerusalem, Urushalim, The City Founded by Shalem, Phoenician God of Dusk

The Encyclopedia Britanica pay per view, I certainly am not going to pay money to educate you ignoramuses. But, it won't be any different than Wiki. 99% of Middle East historians will tell you the same thing, that the Palestinians are for the most part converted Christians. No one questions it except Zionutters. Even historians like this Katz guy, who is Jewish, write the same thing:

50_RiaL: 99%, eh, guy? That's quite a stretch. You're readin' the wrong historians. Harvard-trained historian Howard M. Sachar writes that from 1922-1946, 100,000 Arabs entered the country from the surrounding lands. Winston Churchill added that, "[d]espite the fact that they were never persecuted, masses of Arabs poured into the country and multiplied until the Arab population grew more than what all of world Jewry could add to the Jewish population."

montelatici: Native Population almost wholly descended from Jews who had been forcibly converted to Christianity, and later Islam, not Arab in origin

50_RiaL: Only a few Jews converted. The 4th Century-born Saint Jerome who spent time in the Holy Land writes about the sorry state of the Jews there. In the 5th Century CE, Synagogues and Jewish enclaves were burnt in pogroms at the instigation of Syrian Bishop Barsauma. In the 7th Century CE, shortly before the Arab Muslim invasion, a coalition of Jews within and outside the Holy Land revolted against the Byzantines. Muslim writings 'fess up to the fact that in the 7th Century CE, after Mohammad's death, Caliph Umar expelled the Jews of Khaibar in northern Arabia to -- yeah, you guessed it -- the Holy Land.

montelatici: In Palestine the "small" number of Arab invaders who had been imported by the Arabian conquerors were wiped out by disease. Thus the "myth" of the "Palestinian Arab" descending "from the Arab conquerors" appears to be factually incorrect for all but perhaps a few. Supporting Hogarth, Hitti, and Lewis, the Reverend Parkes found that
"During the first century after the Arab conquest the caliph and governors of Syria and The Land [Palestine] ruled almost entirely over Christian and Jewish subjects. Apart from the bedouin [nomads], in the earliest days the only Arabs west of the Jordan (not all of whom were themselves Muslims) were the garnisons... "

50_RiaL: Unbeknownst to you, you're makin' an argument for the Israeli side. Israel has been sayin' that the bulk of the Arabs who are now callin' themselves "Palestinians" are recent arrivals and, is also in line with what Hamas Interior Minister, Fathi Hamad said in 2012: that half of Palestinians are Egyptians and the other half Saudis.

montelatici: The "vast majority" remaining in Palestine was "native Christians," of "mixed origin ... carelessly known as Christian Arabs."

Native Population almost wholly descended from Jews who had been forcibly converted

50_RiaL: Are you sayin' the cairene Arafat was Jewish?

A book in arabic "Yasser Arafat and the Zionist solution to the conflict in Palestine", written by Razi Hussein, the PLO's legal and political secretary, more than a decade ago suggested Arafat was part jewish.
montelatici: Israel and Jerusalem have not always belonged to the Jews. The Phoenician Caanites founded and ruled Jerusalem from about 2,500 BC to 1,000 BC when the Jews invaded and conquered the city. So the Jews ruled the city for less than 1,000 years.

50_RiaL: The Jews' hold on the city is more than double that of the Arabs, who last held it in 1071 CE. (There has been a Jewish majority in Jerusalem since before the middle of the 19th Century.)

montelatici: Canaanite Phoenician Jerusalem, Urushalim, The City Founded by Shalem, Phoenician God of Dusk

The Encyclopedia Britanica pay per view, I certainly am not going to pay money to educate you ignoramuses. But, it won't be any different than Wiki. 99% of Middle East historians will tell you the same thing, that the Palestinians are for the most part converted Christians. No one questions it except Zionutters. Even historians like this Katz guy, who is Jewish, write the same thing:

50_RiaL: 99%, eh, guy? That's quite a stretch. You're readin' the wrong historians. Harvard-trained historian Howard M. Sachar writes that from 1922-1946, 100,000 Arabs entered the country from the surrounding lands. Winston Churchill added that, "[d]espite the fact that they were never persecuted, masses of Arabs poured into the country and multiplied until the Arab population grew more than what all of world Jewry could add to the Jewish population."

montelatici: Native Population almost wholly descended from Jews who had been forcibly converted to Christianity, and later Islam, not Arab in origin

50_RiaL: Only a few Jews converted. The 4th Century-born Saint Jerome who spent time in the Holy Land writes about the sorry state of the Jews there. In the 5th Century CE, Synagogues and Jewish enclaves were burnt in pogroms at the instigation of Syrian Bishop Barsauma. In the 7th Century CE, shortly before the Arab Muslim invasion, a coalition of Jews within and outside the Holy Land revolted against the Byzantines. Muslim writings 'fess up to the fact that in the 7th Century CE, after Mohammad's death, Caliph Umar expelled the Jews of Khaibar in northern Arabia to -- yeah, you guessed it -- the Holy Land.

montelatici: In Palestine the "small" number of Arab invaders who had been imported by the Arabian conquerors were wiped out by disease. Thus the "myth" of the "Palestinian Arab" descending "from the Arab conquerors" appears to be factually incorrect for all but perhaps a few. Supporting Hogarth, Hitti, and Lewis, the Reverend Parkes found that
"During the first century after the Arab conquest the caliph and governors of Syria and The Land [Palestine] ruled almost entirely over Christian and Jewish subjects. Apart from the bedouin [nomads], in the earliest days the only Arabs west of the Jordan (not all of whom were themselves Muslims) were the garnisons... "

50_RiaL: Unbeknownst to you, you're makin' an argument for the Israeli side. Israel has been sayin' that the bulk of the Arabs who are now callin' themselves "Palestinians" are recent arrivals and, is also in line with what Hamas Interior Minister, Fathi Hamad said in 2012: that half of Palestinians are Egyptians and the other half Saudis.

montelatici: The "vast majority" remaining in Palestine was "native Christians," of "mixed origin ... carelessly known as Christian Arabs."

Native Population almost wholly descended from Jews who had been forcibly converted

50_RiaL: Are you sayin' the cairene Arafat was Jewish?

A book in arabic "Yasser Arafat and the Zionist solution to the conflict in Palestine", written by Razi Hussein, the PLO's legal and political secretary, more than a decade ago suggested Arafat was part jewish.

It stands to reason that many (if not most) of the current Palestinians had Jewish ancestors who then converted to Christianity and then converted to Islam.
It wasn't Arab land either dipshit. Not for at least 700 years. Now you know.

Here's the official land records from 1948, you disgusting dumbass!

Part of that green land was actually owned by the Mehmed VI, not by private citizens. Land owned by, or given by the sultan, was sold. Egyptians, Lebanon, Syrians, even arabs in the mandate sold land to the jews. Land owners who did not live in or no longer wanted to stay sold the land at higher than market price.

Your map does not tell the whole story.
Now THAT'S funny. See that you Zionists, the Palestinians are Jews of Jewish ancestry. Amazing what we can learn here. Go tell your neighbors. Heh Heh!

montelatici: Israel and Jerusalem have not always belonged to the Jews. The Phoenician Caanites founded and ruled Jerusalem from about 2,500 BC to 1,000 BC when the Jews invaded and conquered the city. So the Jews ruled the city for less than 1,000 years.

50_RiaL: The Jews' hold on the city is more than double that of the Arabs, who last held it in 1071 CE. (There has been a Jewish majority in Jerusalem since before the middle of the 19th Century.)

montelatici: Canaanite Phoenician Jerusalem, Urushalim, The City Founded by Shalem, Phoenician God of Dusk

The Encyclopedia Britanica pay per view, I certainly am not going to pay money to educate you ignoramuses. But, it won't be any different than Wiki. 99% of Middle East historians will tell you the same thing, that the Palestinians are for the most part converted Christians. No one questions it except Zionutters. Even historians like this Katz guy, who is Jewish, write the same thing:

50_RiaL: 99%, eh, guy? That's quite a stretch. You're readin' the wrong historians. Harvard-trained historian Howard M. Sachar writes that from 1922-1946, 100,000 Arabs entered the country from the surrounding lands. Winston Churchill added that, "[d]espite the fact that they were never persecuted, masses of Arabs poured into the country and multiplied until the Arab population grew more than what all of world Jewry could add to the Jewish population."

montelatici: Native Population almost wholly descended from Jews who had been forcibly converted to Christianity, and later Islam, not Arab in origin

50_RiaL: Only a few Jews converted. The 4th Century-born Saint Jerome who spent time in the Holy Land writes about the sorry state of the Jews there. In the 5th Century CE, Synagogues and Jewish enclaves were burnt in pogroms at the instigation of Syrian Bishop Barsauma. In the 7th Century CE, shortly before the Arab Muslim invasion, a coalition of Jews within and outside the Holy Land revolted against the Byzantines. Muslim writings 'fess up to the fact that in the 7th Century CE, after Mohammad's death, Caliph Umar expelled the Jews of Khaibar in northern Arabia to -- yeah, you guessed it -- the Holy Land.

montelatici: In Palestine the "small" number of Arab invaders who had been imported by the Arabian conquerors were wiped out by disease. Thus the "myth" of the "Palestinian Arab" descending "from the Arab conquerors" appears to be factually incorrect for all but perhaps a few. Supporting Hogarth, Hitti, and Lewis, the Reverend Parkes found that
"During the first century after the Arab conquest the caliph and governors of Syria and The Land [Palestine] ruled almost entirely over Christian and Jewish subjects. Apart from the bedouin [nomads], in the earliest days the only Arabs west of the Jordan (not all of whom were themselves Muslims) were the garnisons... "

50_RiaL: Unbeknownst to you, you're makin' an argument for the Israeli side. Israel has been sayin' that the bulk of the Arabs who are now callin' themselves "Palestinians" are recent arrivals and, is also in line with what Hamas Interior Minister, Fathi Hamad said in 2012: that half of Palestinians are Egyptians and the other half Saudis.

montelatici: The "vast majority" remaining in Palestine was "native Christians," of "mixed origin ... carelessly known as Christian Arabs."

Native Population almost wholly descended from Jews who had been forcibly converted

50_RiaL: Are you sayin' the cairene Arafat was Jewish?

A book in arabic "Yasser Arafat and the Zionist solution to the conflict in Palestine", written by Razi Hussein, the PLO's legal and political secretary, more than a decade ago suggested Arafat was part jewish.

It stands to reason that many (if not most) of the current Palestinians had Jewish ancestors who then converted to Christianity and then converted to Islam.
no.... learn history...

bedouins who started a war against the jewish population of israel.

there has never been a palestine... it was a designation given to judea by it's occupiers.
Why don't you learn a little history?

Palestinian's are the indigenous Arabs that have been living in that area for the last 2000 years.
Um. Try again.
Now THAT'S funny. See that you Zionists, the Palestinians are Jews of Jewish ancestry. Amazing what we can learn here. Go tell your neighbors. Heh Heh!

A book in arabic "Yasser Arafat and the Zionist solution to the conflict in Palestine", written by Razi Hussein, the PLO's legal and political secretary, more than a decade ago suggested Arafat was part jewish.

It stands to reason that many (if not most) of the current Palestinians had Jewish ancestors who then converted to Christianity and then converted to Islam.

and at the same time they want to deny the history of the jews in Israel and especially Jerusalem.
It is so funny. First they were direct descendents of Summerians. Then it was Akkadians. Then it was Philistines. Then it was Caananites. And now they are direct descendents of the Jews. Good grief, what next for who are the Palestinisns? Stay tuned. Heh Heh.

Now THAT'S funny. See that you Zionists, the Palestinians are Jews of Jewish ancestry. Amazing what we can learn here. Go tell your neighbors. Heh Heh!

It stands to reason that many (if not most) of the current Palestinians had Jewish ancestors who then converted to Christianity and then converted to Islam.

and at the same time they want to deny the history of the jews in Israel and especially Jerusalem.
Part of that green land was actually owned by the Mehmed VI, not by private citizens. Land owned by, or given by the sultan, was sold. Egyptians, Lebanon, Syrians, even arabs in the mandate sold land to the jews. Land owners who did not live in or no longer wanted to stay sold the land at higher than market price.

Your map does not tell the whole story.
I'm not talking about land that was sold, I'm talking about land that was taken through the use of Jewish terrorism.
Part of that green land was actually owned by the Mehmed VI, not by private citizens. Land owned by, or given by the sultan, was sold. Egyptians, Lebanon, Syrians, even arabs in the mandate sold land to the jews. Land owners who did not live in or no longer wanted to stay sold the land at higher than market price.

Your map does not tell the whole story.
I'm not talking about land that was sold, I'm talking about land that was taken through the use of Jewish terrorism.

So what about the land that was taken through the use of Islamic terrorism, start with Hebron that was owned by the Jews in 1929.
Part of that green land was actually owned by the Mehmed VI, not by private citizens. Land owned by, or given by the sultan, was sold. Egyptians, Lebanon, Syrians, even arabs in the mandate sold land to the jews. Land owners who did not live in or no longer wanted to stay sold the land at higher than market price.

Your map does not tell the whole story.
I'm not talking about land that was sold, I'm talking about land that was taken through the use of Jewish terrorism.

So what about the land that was taken through the use of Islamic terrorism, start with Hebron that was owned by the Jews in 1929.

Hebron was not "owned by the Jews."

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