Who Are The Palestinains?

Every history book disagrees with your version of reality, and says that the Jews were treated as less that dogs. They were beaten and abused every tine they went to pay their Jizya taxes, forced into demeaning themselves by walking in the gutters and were faced with murder and rape for the smallest of crimes. They were forbidden to wear certain clothes, and had to wear distinguishing items of clothing so that everyone could see they were dhimmi. They could not practise their religion openly, or repair their synagogues and many times these were used as communal toilets by the arab muslims. What you refer to is the ISLAMONAZI LIES and FABRICATIONS meant to fool the gullible and semi literate.
Where's your link to that history book?
Hello idiot, stop shoving your foot in your mouth. The Arabs slaughtered the Ancient Jews of Hebron who had been there since before the Crusades. How about the occupying Arab animals leave Hebron and give Jews what's been theirs for centuries?
How about a little evidence to back up that garbage prose?
Just like the Arabs treated the Jews with respect ?

Care to tell us Billo who started with the attacking and killing?
I'm talking about from 1890's and up.
I'll let a famous Zionist humanist, answer that one...

"Serfs they were in the lands of the Diaspora and suddenly they find themselves in unrestricted freedom and this change has awakened in them an inclination to despotism. They treat the Arabs with hostility and cruelty, deprive them of their rights, offend them without cause and even boast of these deeds; and nobody among us opposes this despicable and dangerous inclination."

- Ahad Ha'am
Do the math!

How the fuck does that answer my question: who started with the attacking and killing??
Lets take a look:

1834 Safed pogrom - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The 1834 Safed pogrom (Hebrew: ביזת צפת בשנת תקצ"ד, "Plunder of Safed, 5594 AM") was prolonged attack against the Jewish community of Safed, Palestine, during the 1834 Peasants' Revolt. It began on Sunday June 15 (7 Sivan), the day after the Jewish holiday of Shavuot, and lasted for the next 33 days.

1920 Nebi Musa riots - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Riots started by Arabs

1929 Hebron massacre - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

67 Jews killed

1936?39 Arab revolt in Palestine - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Another revolt attack STARTED by the Arabs.
Palestinians is what we used to call Jews before WW II.

Arabs in Palestine never referred to themselves as Palestinians.

Arabs in Palestine were the weak that got pushed out of an over populated desert, literally the weak forced out by the strong competing for, "wadis". Wadi, just to establish me as the expert, a Wadi is that thing in the desert where one may find grazing for a Camel. Lots of people, little Wadis, the weak had to find refugee far, far, away.

It was a hard Journey leaving Arabia, to wander through Syria, to find a little home in Palestine.

Arabic speaking people were not from the land of the Philistines.

Palestinians, I guess they speak? Palestinian?
Every history book disagrees with your version of reality, and says that the Jews were treated as less that dogs. They were beaten and abused every tine they went to pay their Jizya taxes, forced into demeaning themselves by walking in the gutters and were faced with murder and rape for the smallest of crimes. They were forbidden to wear certain clothes, and had to wear distinguishing items of clothing so that everyone could see they were dhimmi. They could not practise their religion openly, or repair their synagogues and many times these were used as communal toilets by the arab muslims. What you refer to is the ISLAMONAZI LIES and FABRICATIONS meant to fool the gullible and semi literate.
Where's your link to that history book?

Try this one for starters


Arab terrorism in the Holy Land originated centuries before the recent "tool" of the Palestinian cause was invented. In towns where Jews lived for hundreds of years were periodically robbed, raped, and massacred. The survivors were obliged to abandon their possessions and run. At the beginning of this century Jews were recorded in nearly every town that is today considered to have been "purely Arab". It was Jewish refugees who were forced to flee from their homes within Palestine to other areas in Palestine
Hello idiot, stop shoving your foot in your mouth. The Arabs slaughtered the Ancient Jews of Hebron who had been there since before the Crusades. How about the occupying Arab animals leave Hebron and give Jews what's been theirs for centuries?
How about a little evidence to back up that garbage prose?


In the 16th century in Jerusalem the Jews were so taxed to the point of extortion and most of Jerusalem's Jews ran to Hebron, Gaza, and Tiberius to become refugees. Bedouin raiders, general anarchy, tax corruption, with additional tax burden was aimed only at the Jews, yet they held steadfast in Judah-cum-Palestine. The Jerusalem Jews were bitterly and mercilessly persecuted during the 17th century reign of an Arab ruler Ibn Barouk who bought the rule from Murad IV. In 1660 the entire Jewish community was massacred by Arabs with only one survivor.
How the fuck does that answer my question: who started with the attacking and killing??
Because anyone treated like that, is not going to invite you over for dinner.

When you treat people like shit, do you really think they're going to say, "Thank you!"?

So after 1400 years of rape, theft and murder by the muslims you expect the Jews to be any different to the rest of humanity.

Later Muftism by Haj Al-Ameen El-Husseni started fatwas (religious decrees) against all the Jews as a response to the Zionist movement. His collaboration with Hitler on the Eve of The Final Solution left an everlasting mark on the history of Muftism in The Holy Land. Letters of collaboration with Heinrich Himmler and the Hungarian Prime Minister resulted in the death of 400,000 Jews when he succeeded to stop them from immigrating to the Holy Land. Till now, no apology, hearing, or condemnation was made by any Arab government or religious official.
So after 1400 years of rape, theft and murder by the muslims you expect the Jews to be any different to the rest of humanity.

Later Muftism by Haj Al-Ameen El-Husseni started fatwas (religious decrees) against all the Jews as a response to the Zionist movement. His collaboration with Hitler on the Eve of The Final Solution left an everlasting mark on the history of Muftism in The Holy Land. Letters of collaboration with Heinrich Himmler and the Hungarian Prime Minister resulted in the death of 400,000 Jews when he succeeded to stop them from immigrating to the Holy Land. Till now, no apology, hearing, or condemnation was made by any Arab government or religious official.
Palestinian's had nothing to do with that.

No one should be punished for a crime they didn't commit.
So after 1400 years of rape, theft and murder by the muslims you expect the Jews to be any different to the rest of humanity.

Later Muftism by Haj Al-Ameen El-Husseni started fatwas (religious decrees) against all the Jews as a response to the Zionist movement. His collaboration with Hitler on the Eve of The Final Solution left an everlasting mark on the history of Muftism in The Holy Land. Letters of collaboration with Heinrich Himmler and the Hungarian Prime Minister resulted in the death of 400,000 Jews when he succeeded to stop them from immigrating to the Holy Land. Till now, no apology, hearing, or condemnation was made by any Arab government or religious official.
Palestinian's had nothing to do with that.

No one should be punished for a crime they didn't commit.

Palestinians had everything to do with that as they were the people he commanded to carry out his wholesale mass murders. It was him that started the Palestinians illegal fight for land. On top of this the Palestinians in the most part are primarily muslims and they have treated the Jews with contempt and hatred since the invention of islam.

You constantly demand that Isrealis and world Jewry should be punished severely for a crime they have never committed don't you.
Hebron was a Jewish city before the Hebron massacre. The fact that Arabs committed genocide and then squatted in it, doesn't make it Arab land. This is like everything else with Muslims. The invade, murder and slaughter, then claim the land to be theirs, and a people with ancient ties to it. Ha ha ha.

Hebron was not a Jewish city at all.

Evidence from an unbiased source please, or retract your falsehood

It is you, the Phony psychopath that constantly posts falsehoods.

Christian City

"The city was part of the Byzantine Empire in Palaestina Prima province at the Deocese of the East. The Byzantine emperor Justinian I erected a Christian church over the Cave of Machpelah in the 6th century CE, which was later destroyed by the Sassanid general Shahrbaraz in 614 when Khosrau II's armies besieged and took Jerusalem.[60] The Jews were not permitted to reside in Hebron under Byzantine rule.[14] "

Hebron - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Muslim City

"Hebron was one of the last cities of Palestina Prima to fall to the Islamic invasion in the 7th century, possibly the reason why Hebron is not mentioned in any traditions of the Arab conquest.[62] After the fall of the city, Jerusalem's conqueror, Caliph Omar ibn al-Khattab permitted the Jews to return and allowed them to construct a small synagogue within the Herodian precinct.

Hebron - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Christian City

Christian Crusader Godfrey de Bouillon took Hebron and renamed it "Castellion Saint Abraham".[72] It was designated capital of the southern district of the Crusader Kingdom[73] and given to the bishop Gerard of Avesnes, as the fief of Saint Abraham,[74] As a Frankish garrison of the Kingdom of Jerusalem, its defence was precarious being 'little more than an island in a Moslem ocean'.[75] The Crusaders converted the mosque and the synagogue into a church. In 1106,

Hebron - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Muslim City

"The Kurdish Muslim Saladin retook Hebron in 1187 – again with Jewish assistance according to one late tradition, in exchange for a letter of security allowing them to return to the city and build a synagogue there.[83] The name of the city was changed back to Al-Khalil.

Hebron - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Muslim City

During the Ottoman rule "Hebron was 'deeply Bedouin and Islamic',[136] and 'bleakly conservative' in its religious outlook,[137] with a strong tradition of hostility to Jews.[138][139] It had a reputation for religious zeal in jealously protecting its sites from Jews and Christians, but both the Jewish and Christian communities were apparently well integrated into the town's economic life.[99] "

Hebron - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Muslim City

The British occupied Hebron on 8 December 1917. Most of Hebron was owned by old Islamic charitable endowments (waqfs), with about 60% of all the land in and around Hebron belonging to the Tamīm al-Dārī waqf.[143] In 1922, its population stood at 17,000.

Hebron - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Eh, Monte, got news for you. Hebron is the second most holy Jewish city in all of Israel. Always was & always will be. Enjoy!

Four Holy Cities - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Hebron was not a Jewish city at all.

Evidence from an unbiased source please, or retract your falsehood

It is you, the Phony psychopath that constantly posts falsehoods.

Christian City

"The city was part of the Byzantine Empire in Palaestina Prima province at the Deocese of the East. The Byzantine emperor Justinian I erected a Christian church over the Cave of Machpelah in the 6th century CE, which was later destroyed by the Sassanid general Shahrbaraz in 614 when Khosrau II's armies besieged and took Jerusalem.[60] The Jews were not permitted to reside in Hebron under Byzantine rule.[14] "

Hebron - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Muslim City

"Hebron was one of the last cities of Palestina Prima to fall to the Islamic invasion in the 7th century, possibly the reason why Hebron is not mentioned in any traditions of the Arab conquest.[62] After the fall of the city, Jerusalem's conqueror, Caliph Omar ibn al-Khattab permitted the Jews to return and allowed them to construct a small synagogue within the Herodian precinct.

Hebron - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Christian City

Christian Crusader Godfrey de Bouillon took Hebron and renamed it "Castellion Saint Abraham".[72] It was designated capital of the southern district of the Crusader Kingdom[73] and given to the bishop Gerard of Avesnes, as the fief of Saint Abraham,[74] As a Frankish garrison of the Kingdom of Jerusalem, its defence was precarious being 'little more than an island in a Moslem ocean'.[75] The Crusaders converted the mosque and the synagogue into a church. In 1106,

Hebron - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Muslim City

"The Kurdish Muslim Saladin retook Hebron in 1187 – again with Jewish assistance according to one late tradition, in exchange for a letter of security allowing them to return to the city and build a synagogue there.[83] The name of the city was changed back to Al-Khalil.

Hebron - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Muslim City

During the Ottoman rule "Hebron was 'deeply Bedouin and Islamic',[136] and 'bleakly conservative' in its religious outlook,[137] with a strong tradition of hostility to Jews.[138][139] It had a reputation for religious zeal in jealously protecting its sites from Jews and Christians, but both the Jewish and Christian communities were apparently well integrated into the town's economic life.[99] "

Hebron - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Muslim City

The British occupied Hebron on 8 December 1917. Most of Hebron was owned by old Islamic charitable endowments (waqfs), with about 60% of all the land in and around Hebron belonging to the Tamīm al-Dārī waqf.[143] In 1922, its population stood at 17,000.

Hebron - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Oh my, there was a period during Jordanian occupation when there were no jews in Hebron. Otherwise jews have always lived there.
Hebron was not a Jewish city at all.

Evidence from an unbiased source please, or retract your falsehood

It is you, the Phony psychopath that constantly posts falsehoods.

Christian City

"The city was part of the Byzantine Empire in Palaestina Prima province at the Deocese of the East. The Byzantine emperor Justinian I erected a Christian church over the Cave of Machpelah in the 6th century CE, which was later destroyed by the Sassanid general Shahrbaraz in 614 when Khosrau II's armies besieged and took Jerusalem.[60] The Jews were not permitted to reside in Hebron under Byzantine rule.[14] "

Hebron - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Muslim City

"Hebron was one of the last cities of Palestina Prima to fall to the Islamic invasion in the 7th century, possibly the reason why Hebron is not mentioned in any traditions of the Arab conquest.[62] After the fall of the city, Jerusalem's conqueror, Caliph Omar ibn al-Khattab permitted the Jews to return and allowed them to construct a small synagogue within the Herodian precinct.

Hebron - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Christian City

Christian Crusader Godfrey de Bouillon took Hebron and renamed it "Castellion Saint Abraham".[72] It was designated capital of the southern district of the Crusader Kingdom[73] and given to the bishop Gerard of Avesnes, as the fief of Saint Abraham,[74] As a Frankish garrison of the Kingdom of Jerusalem, its defence was precarious being 'little more than an island in a Moslem ocean'.[75] The Crusaders converted the mosque and the synagogue into a church. In 1106,

Hebron - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Muslim City

"The Kurdish Muslim Saladin retook Hebron in 1187 – again with Jewish assistance according to one late tradition, in exchange for a letter of security allowing them to return to the city and build a synagogue there.[83] The name of the city was changed back to Al-Khalil.

Hebron - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Muslim City

During the Ottoman rule "Hebron was 'deeply Bedouin and Islamic',[136] and 'bleakly conservative' in its religious outlook,[137] with a strong tradition of hostility to Jews.[138][139] It had a reputation for religious zeal in jealously protecting its sites from Jews and Christians, but both the Jewish and Christian communities were apparently well integrated into the town's economic life.[99] "

Hebron - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Muslim City

The British occupied Hebron on 8 December 1917. Most of Hebron was owned by old Islamic charitable endowments (waqfs), with about 60% of all the land in and around Hebron belonging to the Tamīm al-Dārī waqf.[143] In 1922, its population stood at 17,000.

Hebron - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Next you will be saying that Jerusalem was a muslim city during the reign of King David
Evidence from an unbiased source please, or retract your falsehood

It is you, the Phony psychopath that constantly posts falsehoods.

Christian City

"The city was part of the Byzantine Empire in Palaestina Prima province at the Deocese of the East. The Byzantine emperor Justinian I erected a Christian church over the Cave of Machpelah in the 6th century CE, which was later destroyed by the Sassanid general Shahrbaraz in 614 when Khosrau II's armies besieged and took Jerusalem.[60] The Jews were not permitted to reside in Hebron under Byzantine rule.[14] "

Hebron - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Muslim City

"Hebron was one of the last cities of Palestina Prima to fall to the Islamic invasion in the 7th century, possibly the reason why Hebron is not mentioned in any traditions of the Arab conquest.[62] After the fall of the city, Jerusalem's conqueror, Caliph Omar ibn al-Khattab permitted the Jews to return and allowed them to construct a small synagogue within the Herodian precinct.

Hebron - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Christian City

Christian Crusader Godfrey de Bouillon took Hebron and renamed it "Castellion Saint Abraham".[72] It was designated capital of the southern district of the Crusader Kingdom[73] and given to the bishop Gerard of Avesnes, as the fief of Saint Abraham,[74] As a Frankish garrison of the Kingdom of Jerusalem, its defence was precarious being 'little more than an island in a Moslem ocean'.[75] The Crusaders converted the mosque and the synagogue into a church. In 1106,

Hebron - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Muslim City

"The Kurdish Muslim Saladin retook Hebron in 1187 – again with Jewish assistance according to one late tradition, in exchange for a letter of security allowing them to return to the city and build a synagogue there.[83] The name of the city was changed back to Al-Khalil.

Hebron - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Muslim City

During the Ottoman rule "Hebron was 'deeply Bedouin and Islamic',[136] and 'bleakly conservative' in its religious outlook,[137] with a strong tradition of hostility to Jews.[138][139] It had a reputation for religious zeal in jealously protecting its sites from Jews and Christians, but both the Jewish and Christian communities were apparently well integrated into the town's economic life.[99] "

Hebron - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Muslim City

The British occupied Hebron on 8 December 1917. Most of Hebron was owned by old Islamic charitable endowments (waqfs), with about 60% of all the land in and around Hebron belonging to the Tamīm al-Dārī waqf.[143] In 1922, its population stood at 17,000.

Hebron - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Next you will be saying that Jerusalem was a muslim city during the reign of King David

I figure going back to Roman rule is far enough back. Historical record before the Romans is a little sketchy.
Evidence from an unbiased source please, or retract your falsehood

It is you, the Phony psychopath that constantly posts falsehoods.

Christian City

"The city was part of the Byzantine Empire in Palaestina Prima province at the Deocese of the East. The Byzantine emperor Justinian I erected a Christian church over the Cave of Machpelah in the 6th century CE, which was later destroyed by the Sassanid general Shahrbaraz in 614 when Khosrau II's armies besieged and took Jerusalem.[60] The Jews were not permitted to reside in Hebron under Byzantine rule.[14] "

Hebron - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Muslim City

"Hebron was one of the last cities of Palestina Prima to fall to the Islamic invasion in the 7th century, possibly the reason why Hebron is not mentioned in any traditions of the Arab conquest.[62] After the fall of the city, Jerusalem's conqueror, Caliph Omar ibn al-Khattab permitted the Jews to return and allowed them to construct a small synagogue within the Herodian precinct.

Hebron - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Christian City

Christian Crusader Godfrey de Bouillon took Hebron and renamed it "Castellion Saint Abraham".[72] It was designated capital of the southern district of the Crusader Kingdom[73] and given to the bishop Gerard of Avesnes, as the fief of Saint Abraham,[74] As a Frankish garrison of the Kingdom of Jerusalem, its defence was precarious being 'little more than an island in a Moslem ocean'.[75] The Crusaders converted the mosque and the synagogue into a church. In 1106,

Hebron - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Muslim City

"The Kurdish Muslim Saladin retook Hebron in 1187 – again with Jewish assistance according to one late tradition, in exchange for a letter of security allowing them to return to the city and build a synagogue there.[83] The name of the city was changed back to Al-Khalil.

Hebron - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Muslim City

During the Ottoman rule "Hebron was 'deeply Bedouin and Islamic',[136] and 'bleakly conservative' in its religious outlook,[137] with a strong tradition of hostility to Jews.[138][139] It had a reputation for religious zeal in jealously protecting its sites from Jews and Christians, but both the Jewish and Christian communities were apparently well integrated into the town's economic life.[99] "

Hebron - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Muslim City

The British occupied Hebron on 8 December 1917. Most of Hebron was owned by old Islamic charitable endowments (waqfs), with about 60% of all the land in and around Hebron belonging to the Tamīm al-Dārī waqf.[143] In 1922, its population stood at 17,000.

Hebron - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Next you will be saying that Jerusalem was a muslim city during the reign of King David

All jews who submit to the laws of god (ten commandments, etc.) are muslims in theory.
Jews as the carriers of the laws and followers of the one god are people of the book and hold a higher status than pagans and idol worshipers.
Submission to god is one thing, by jews just don't believe Mohammed is a prophet of god. He was not jewish and the time of the prophets had ended.
Jews have not surrendered to the will of god, and the words of Mohammed, Islam.
In the quran 2:256, there is not compulsion of religion. People should not be forced to accept Islam, Mohammed or the quran.

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