Who Are The Palestinains?

Since when did the cave where Jewish prophets were buried become a Muslim Holy site? Wow... the bullshit that Muslims believe in is astounding.

Them thieving muslims steal everything and claim it as their own. They stole Greek medicine and Assyrian arithmetic
I figure going back to Roman rule is far enough back. Historical record before the Romans is a little sketchy.
Muslim city? Ha ha ha. Nice try. Hebron has always been a Jewish city and always will be. Arabs are just invaders, period, end of story.

From Biblical Times to 1967

Numbers 13:22 states that (Canaanite) Hebron was founded seven years before the Egyptian town of Zoan, i.e. around 1720 BCE, and the ancient (Canaanite and Israelite) city of Hebron was situated at Tel Rumeida. The city's history has been inseparably linked with the Cave of Machpelah, which the Patriarch Abraham purchased from Ephron the Hittite for 400 silver shekels (Genesis 23), as a family tomb. As recorded in Genesis, the Patriarchs Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, and the Matriarchs Sarah, Rebekah and Leah, are buried there, and — according to a Jewish tradition — Adam and Eve are also buried there.

Hebron is mentioned 87 times in the Bible, and is the world's oldest Jewish community. Joshua assigned Hebron to Caleb from the tribe of Judah (Joshua 14:13-14), who subsequently led his tribe in conquering the city and its environs (Judges 1:1-20). As Joshua 14:15 notes, "the former name of Hebron was Kiryat Arba..."

Following the death of King Saul, God instructed David to go to Hebron, where he was anointed King of Judah (II Samuel 2:1-4). A little more than 7.5 years later, David was anointed King over all Israel, in Hebron (II Samuel 5:1-3).

The city was part of the united kingdom and — later — the southern Kingdom of Judah, until the latter fell to the Babylonians in 586 BCE. Despite the loss of Jewish independence, Jews continued to live in Hebron (Nehemiah 11:25), and the city was later incorporated into the (Jewish) Hasmonean kingdom by John Hyrcanus. King Herod (reigned 37-4 BCE) built the base of the present structure — the 12 meter high wall — over the Tomb the Patriarchs.

The city was the scene of extensive fighting during the Jewish Revolt against the Romans (65-70, see Josephus 4:529, 554), but Jews continued to live there after the Revolt, through the later Bar Kochba Revolt (132-135 CE), and into the Byzantine period. The remains of a synagogue from the Byzantine period have been excavated in the city, and the Byzantines built a large church over the Tomb of the Patriarchs, incorporating the pre- existing Herodian structure.

Jews continued to live in Hebron after the city's conquest by the Arabs (in 638), whose generally tolerant rule was welcomed, especially after the often harsh Byzantine rule — although the Byzantines never forbade Jews from praying at the Tomb. The Arabs converted the Byzantine church at the Tomb the Patriarchs into a mosque.

Upon capturing the city in 1100, the Crusaders expelled the Jewish community, and converted the mosque at the Tomb back into a church. The Jewish community was re-established following the Mamelukes' conquest of the city in 1260, and the Mamelukes reconverted the church at the Tomb of the Patriarchs back into a mosque. However, the restored Islamic (Mameluke) ascendancy was less tolerant than the pre-Crusader Islamic (Arab) regimes — a 1266 decree barred Jews (and Christians) from entering the Tomb of the Patriarchs, allowing them only to ascend to the fifth, later the seventh, step outside the eastern wall. The Jewish cemetery -- on a hill west of the Tomb — was first mentioned in a letter dated to 1290.

The Ottoman Turks' conquest of the city in 1517 was marked by a violent pogrom which included many deaths, rapes, and the plundering of Jewish homes. The surviving Jews fled to Beirut and did not return until 1533. In 1540, Jewish exiles from Spain acquired the site of the "Court of the Jews" and built the Avraham Avinu ("Abraham Our Father") synagogue. (One year — according to local legend — when the requisite quorum for prayer was lacking, the Patriarch Abraham himself appeared to complete the quorum; hence, the name of the synagogue.)

Despite the events of 1517, its general poverty and a devastating plague in 1619, the Hebron Jewish community grew. Throughout the Turkish period (1517-1917), groups of Jews from other parts of the Land of Israel, and the Diaspora, moved to Hebron from time to time, joining the existing community, and the city became a rabbinic center of note.

In 1775, the Hebron Jewish community was rocked by a blood libel, in which Jews were falsely accused of murdering the son of a local sheikh. The community -- which was largely sustained by donations from abroad -- was made to pay a crushing fine, which further worsened its already shaky economic situation. Despite its poverty, the community managed, in 1807, to purchase a 5-dunam plot -- upon which the city's wholesale market stands today -- and after several years the sale was recognized by the Hebron Waqf. In 1811, 800 dunams of land were acquired to expand the cemetery. In 1817, the Jewish community numbered approximately 500, and by 1838, it had grown to 700, despite a pogrom which took place in 1834, during Mohammed Ali's rebellion against the Ottomans (1831-1840).

In 1870, a wealthy Turkish Jew, Haim Yisrael Romano, moved to Hebron and purchased a plot of land upon which his family built a large residence and guest house, which came to be called Beit Romano. The building later housed a synagogue and served as a yeshiva, before it was seized by the Turks. During the Mandatory period, the building served the British administration as a police station, remand center, and court house.

In 1893, the building later known as Beit Hadassah was built by the Hebron Jewish community as a clinic, and a second floor was added in 1909. The American Zionist Hadassah organization contributed the salaries of the clinic's medical staff, who served both the city's Jewish and Arab populations.

During World War I, before the British occupation, the Jewish community suffered greatly under the wartime Turkish administration. Young men were forcibly conscripted into the Turkish army, overseas financial assistance was cut off, and the community was threatened by hunger and disease. However, with the establishment of the British administration in 1918, the community, reduced to 430 people, began to recover. In 1925, Rabbi Mordechai Epstein established a new yeshiva, and by 1929, the population had risen to 700 again.

On August 23, 1929, local Arabs devastated the Jewish community by perpetrating a vicious, large-scale, organized, pogrom. According to the Encyclopedia Judaica:

"The assault was well planned and its aim was well defined: the elimination of the Jewish settlement of Hebron. The rioters did not spare women, children, or the aged; the British gave passive assent. Sixty-seven were killed, 60 wounded, the community was destroyed, synagogues razed, and Torah scrolls burned."

You provide no link because you are posting bullshit from a Jewish propaganda site. Encyclopedia Judaica, come on, the only person you are fooling is yourself.

I post facts with links. Hebron hasn't been Jewish for over 2,000 years and was probably Caanite for a longer time than Jewish if you want to go back that far.

You need a link to a bible?
You want a link to the information about Hebron?

I told you before, don't dismiss information just because of a web site. The same information can be found elsewhere. The facts can be correct, it is your prejudice that is in error.
As for jewish ties to the town, Abraham purchased land for burial. It is the second more holy place beside the temple site for jews. It is the source of their heritage, the beginning of their history and religion. How much more jewish can it get?
Jews were attacked about ever 50 years over the course of more than 6 centuries. It was hardly one attack in the 19th century, nor was it triggered by zionist movement.
Then why is it, Toasty was only able to pony up one incident of major violence, prior to the aforementioned migration?
Who Are The Palestinains?

They are the low end of the arab totem pole, even their own arab brethren won't help them. Why is that? :dunno:
Who Are The Palestinains?

They are the low end of the arab totem pole, even their own arab brethren won't help them. Why is that? :dunno:

It makes Israel look bad. Their arab brethren use them as a scapegoat. And the Palestinians know it too so they play on it with their disgusting victim and gimmee gimmee gimmee mentality.
"The historical record was The Jewish Scriptures"

Yeah right. Fairy tales you mean.
You mean like the fairy tale in your Koran where MOHOMOD dies, and his rotting soul flies on a magic carpet to "the far away mosque over there" aka the definition of what the Al Aqsa mosque means, and suddenly...this "over there" means Jerusalem, yet your MOHOMOD never set his foot in Jerusalem? Yup. How stupid the Muslim claim is.

Just what religious and spiritual rights do Muslims have, other than they invaded the land? NOTHING.

Of course the Koran is a fairy tale too. What's your point?
Jews were attacked about ever 50 years over the course of more than 6 centuries. It was hardly one attack in the 19th century, nor was it triggered by zionist movement.
Then why is it, Toasty was only able to pony up one incident of major violence, prior to the aforementioned migration?
Because that one incident (act of genocide) triggered a civil war between the Jews and Arabs, which the Jews won. Muslims cannot coexist with anybody.
"The historical record was The Jewish Scriptures"

Yeah right. Fairy tales you mean.
You mean like the fairy tale in your Koran where MOHOMOD dies, and his rotting soul flies on a magic carpet to "the far away mosque over there" aka the definition of what the Al Aqsa mosque means, and suddenly...this "over there" means Jerusalem, yet your MOHOMOD never set his foot in Jerusalem? Yup. How stupid the Muslim claim is.

Just what religious and spiritual rights do Muslims have, other than they invaded the land? NOTHING.

Of course the Koran is a fairy tale too. What's your point?
But unlike the two books it tried to copy from, it's a much more violent, intolerant one written by an illiterate terrorist.
Yes their Arab brothers used & abused the Palestinians. In fact, Arafat got them massacred over & over again by their Arab brothers. But if anyone thinks that's so bad just consider what Israel does to them with peace offerings, a security fence & land concessions so they can remain in Israel instead of trying to free them somewhere from this brutal Zionist agenda.

Who Are The Palestinains?

They are the low end of the arab totem pole, even their own arab brethren won't help them. Why is that? :dunno:

It makes Israel look bad. Their arab brethren use them as a scapegoat. And the Palestinians know it too so they play on it with their disgusting victim and gimmee gimmee gimmee mentality.
You mean like the fairy tale in your Koran where MOHOMOD dies, and his rotting soul flies on a magic carpet to "the far away mosque over there" aka the definition of what the Al Aqsa mosque means, and suddenly...this "over there" means Jerusalem, yet your MOHOMOD never set his foot in Jerusalem? Yup. How stupid the Muslim claim is.

Just what religious and spiritual rights do Muslims have, other than they invaded the land? NOTHING.

Of course the Koran is a fairy tale too. What's your point?
But unlike the two books it tried to copy from, it's a much more violent, intolerant one written by an illiterate terrorist.

The Old Testament is far more violent than the Koran. It is full of instructions to commit Genocide on non-Jews, parents killing children etc.

Again, fairy tales, so it really is unimportant.
Of course the Koran is a fairy tale too. What's your point?
But unlike the two books it tried to copy from, it's a much more violent, intolerant one written by an illiterate terrorist.

The Old Testament is far more violent than the Koran. It is full of instructions to commit Genocide on non-Jews, parents killing children etc.

Again, fairy tales, so it really is unimportant.
And yet, Jews have been the one of the most peaceful people in history. Laying the foundation for morality and justice for human civilization. Ten Commandments, thou shalt not kill, thou shalt not lie, thou shalt not bear false witness, thou shalt not covet thy neighbors possessions....

Muslims? Not so much. Their holy book is actually a blue print for Arab imperialism.

True story. :cool:
Of course the Koran is a fairy tale too. What's your point?
But unlike the two books it tried to copy from, it's a much more violent, intolerant one written by an illiterate terrorist.

The Old Testament is far more violent than the Koran. It is full of instructions to commit Genocide on non-Jews, parents killing children etc.

Again, fairy tales, so it really is unimportant.

Yet by the 7C most religions had already went past such commands and ignored them completely. Now 1400 later the muslims are still practising mass murder in the name of their moon god, and you try to defend their actions.
But unlike the two books it tried to copy from, it's a much more violent, intolerant one written by an illiterate terrorist.

The Old Testament is far more violent than the Koran. It is full of instructions to commit Genocide on non-Jews, parents killing children etc.

Again, fairy tales, so it really is unimportant.
And yet, Jews have been the one of the most peaceful people in history. Laying the foundation for morality and justice for human civilization. Ten Commandments, thou shalt not kill, thou shalt not lie, thou shalt not bear false witness, thou shalt not covet thy neighbors possessions....

Muslims? Not so much. Their holy book is actually a blue print for Arab imperialism.

True story. :cool:

Israel is a serial violator of all of those.
The Old Testament is far more violent than the Koran. It is full of instructions to commit Genocide on non-Jews, parents killing children etc.

Again, fairy tales, so it really is unimportant.
And yet, Jews have been the one of the most peaceful people in history. Laying the foundation for morality and justice for human civilization. Ten Commandments, thou shalt not kill, thou shalt not lie, thou shalt not bear false witness, thou shalt not covet thy neighbors possessions....

Muslims? Not so much. Their holy book is actually a blue print for Arab imperialism.

True story. :cool:

Israel is a serial violator of all of those.
And Palestinian Muslims are walking around with halos over their heads. :cuckoo: Especially their leaders, Arafat and Hamas. Such fine examples or morality and great leadership.

Seriously, do you believe in the crap you post here?
And yet, Jews have been the one of the most peaceful people in history. Laying the foundation for morality and justice for human civilization. Ten Commandments, thou shalt not kill, thou shalt not lie, thou shalt not bear false witness, thou shalt not covet thy neighbors possessions....

Muslims? Not so much. Their holy book is actually a blue print for Arab imperialism.

True story. :cool:

Israel is a serial violator of all of those.
And Palestinian Muslims are walking around with halos over their heads. :cuckoo: Especially their leaders, Arafat and Hamas. Such fine examples or morality and great leadership.

Seriously, do you believe in the crap you post here?

Then why are you deflecting?
And yet, Jews have been the one of the most peaceful people in history. Laying the foundation for morality and justice for human civilization. Ten Commandments, thou shalt not kill, thou shalt not lie, thou shalt not bear false witness, thou shalt not covet thy neighbors possessions....

Muslims? Not so much. Their holy book is actually a blue print for Arab imperialism.

True story. :cool:

Israel is a serial violator of all of those.
And Palestinian Muslims are walking around with halos over their heads. :cuckoo: Especially their leaders, Arafat and Hamas. Such fine examples or morality and great leadership.

Seriously, do you believe in the crap you post here?

I agree with you, the Muslim and Christian Palestinians are just as immoral as the Jewish Israelis
Who are the Palestinians?

Drawing up the framework of nationality, Article 30 of the Treaty of Lausanne stated:

“Turkish subjects habitually resident in territory which in accordance with the provisions of the present Treaty is detached from Turkey will become ipso facto, in the conditions laid down by the local law, nationals of the State to which such territory is transferred.”​

The automatic, ipso facto, change from Ottoman to Palestinian nationality was dealt with in Article 1, paragraph 1, of the Citizenship Order, which declared:

“Turkish subjects habitually resident in the territory of Palestine upon the 1st day of August, 1925, shall become Palestinian citizens.”​

Genesis of Citizenship in Palestine and Israel

Why is everyone arguing about irrelevance?
Israel is a serial violator of all of those.
And Palestinian Muslims are walking around with halos over their heads. :cuckoo: Especially their leaders, Arafat and Hamas. Such fine examples or morality and great leadership.

Seriously, do you believe in the crap you post here?

I agree with you, the Muslim and Christian Palestinians are just as immoral as the Jewish Israelis
That wasn't the topic. We were discussing the various "fairy tales" and their effects on the believers of those fairy tales and history.

But FYI, you have immorality, and then you have immorality. The Palestinians and especially Hamas are on a totally different level of deprivation and inhumanity than Western countries and Israel. You are talking about a culture that sees nothing wrong in recruiting it's young into blowing itself up in schools, movie theaters and restaurants. It takes a special psycho mentality that only Islam can produce today.
Who are the Palestinians?

Drawing up the framework of nationality, Article 30 of the Treaty of Lausanne stated:

“Turkish subjects habitually resident in territory which in accordance with the provisions of the present Treaty is detached from Turkey will become ipso facto, in the conditions laid down by the local law, nationals of the State to which such territory is transferred.”​

The automatic, ipso facto, change from Ottoman to Palestinian nationality was dealt with in Article 1, paragraph 1, of the Citizenship Order, which declared:

“Turkish subjects habitually resident in the territory of Palestine upon the 1st day of August, 1925, shall become Palestinian citizens.”​

Genesis of Citizenship in Palestine and Israel

Why is everyone arguing about irrelevance?
Citizens of Jewish Palestine. Nice try, no cigar. Same repetitive drivel.

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