Who Are The Palestinains?

When Palestine the WHAT was created?

It doesn't matter. Even people in non self governing territories have the right to self determination without external interference, the right to independence and sovereignty, and the right to territorial integrity.

I asked a very simple question and all I got was a deflection.

BTW, your post war treaties created Palestine is a lie.
You keep saying for example that the Treaty of Lausanne was part of the creation of Palestine, but Palestine or Palestinians is not even mentioned in the treaty.

I never said they were. You are misunderstanding/misrepresenting what I said.

What is Palestine? That is subject to political opinion. It is called: a state, a country, a nation, a legal entity, occupied territory, non self governing territory.

The Palestinian's legal rights are the same in any instance.
OK, so? When Palestine was created by post war treaties, none of that mattered. The People who normally lived there became citizens of Palestine. They did not sift through the ashes of history looking for reasons to exclude anyone.

When Palestine the WHAT was created?

It doesn't matter. Even people in non self governing territories have the right to self determination without external interference, the right to independence and sovereignty, and the right to territorial integrity.
Yeah, well they tried by committing genocide on the Jews, just like the nazis, a civil war ensued and the Arabs lost the battle, after which Israel was rightfully established as the home of the Jewish people, as planned all along.

Don't like them apples? Awwwww.
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Because that one incident (act of genocide) triggered a civil war between the Jews and Arabs, which the Jews won. Muslims cannot coexist with anybody.
A war? That they waited 100 years before they started fighting?

You expect people to believe that?
I expect people to respond to an act of genocide and ethnic cleansing. Especially people who's brethren had already suffered the same in Europe under the Nazis. Enough is enough, never again. Jews fought back and the rest is history. :clap2:
It doesn't matter. Even people in non self governing territories have the right to self determination without external interference, the right to independence and sovereignty, and the right to territorial integrity.

I asked a very simple question and all I got was a deflection.

BTW, your post war treaties created Palestine is a lie.
You keep saying for example that the Treaty of Lausanne was part of the creation of Palestine, but Palestine or Palestinians is not even mentioned in the treaty.

I never said they were. You are misunderstanding/misrepresenting what I said.

What is Palestine? That is subject to political opinion. It is called: a state, a country, a nation, a legal entity, occupied territory, non self governing territory.

The Palestinian's legal rights are the same in any instance.

I never said anything about their rights. But you always talk about post war treaties creating Palestine. Palestine the what??
I'm not trying to get you to say so something so I can use it against you. I'm just asking a question.
I expect people to respond to an act of genocide and ethnic cleansing. Especially people who's brethren had already suffered the same in Europe under the Nazis. Enough is enough, never again. Jews fought back and the rest is history. :clap2:
Ummm..................Palestinian's aren't German!
Are you serious? Self determination for Palestinians without sucking off of Israel. Good Lord, how can you wish that on Palestinians after we saw what happened with their "self determination" when Israel granted them Gaza. Palestinians massacring Palestinians in record numbers. Even I don't detest Palestinians enough to wish them "self determination."

OK, so? When Palestine was created by post war treaties, none of that mattered. The People who normally lived there became citizens of Palestine. They did not sift through the ashes of history looking for reasons to exclude anyone.

When Palestine the WHAT was created?

It doesn't matter. Even people in non self governing territories have the right to self determination without external interference, the right to independence and sovereignty, and the right to territorial integrity.
I asked a very simple question and all I got was a deflection.

BTW, your post war treaties created Palestine is a lie.
You keep saying for example that the Treaty of Lausanne was part of the creation of Palestine, but Palestine or Palestinians is not even mentioned in the treaty.

I never said they were. You are misunderstanding/misrepresenting what I said.

What is Palestine? That is subject to political opinion. It is called: a state, a country, a nation, a legal entity, occupied territory, non self governing territory.

The Palestinian's legal rights are the same in any instance.

I never said anything about their rights. But you always talk about post war treaties creating Palestine. Palestine the what??
I'm not trying to get you to say so something so I can use it against you. I'm just asking a question.

OK,here is the scenario as I see it. If there is something that you disagree with, please bring it to my attention.

Palestine was part of the Ottoman Empire.

Britain occupied the territory in 1917.

The 1906 border between Egypt and the Ottoman Empire was honored as Palestine’s international border with Egypt.

The international border between Palestine and Syria/Lebanon was defined in 1920.

Britain recommended that Palestine and Transjordan be divided into two states. The League of Nations accepted that proposal defining Palestine’s eastern international border in 1922.

Those Turkish citizens who normally lived inside that defined territory would become Palestinian nationals and citizens of Palestine.

However none of this could be implemented as long as Palestine was under Turkish sovereignty. The Treaty of Lausanne in 1924 released Palestine, and all of the other newly created states, from Turkish sovereignty.

As a nation of people inside a defined territory the Palestinians have the right to self determination without external interference, the right to independence and sovereignty, and the right to territorial integrity. Anything that happened since then that violates those legal rights is a violation of international law.
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no.... learn history...

bedouins who started a war against the jewish population of israel.

there has never been a palestine... it was a designation given to judea by it's occupiers.
Why don't you learn a little history?

Palestinian's are the indigenous Arabs that have been living in that area for the last 2000 years.


what was the government of palestine?

who was it's head of state?

who were the trading partners of "palestine"?

what did "palestine" manufacture/export?

until you can answer those questions, you can feel free to keep your anti-semitic lies to yourself and don't bother posting to me.


The term "Philistine" (as well as "Palestine") comes from the Hebrew p*li�tî(m), which occurs 288 times in the OT; the term "Philistia" (p*le�et) occurs eight times. p*li�tî(m) usually is rendered as allophuloi ("strangers, foreigners") in the Greek versions, and less frequently as phulistiim; it is found in Egyptian sources as prst ("Peleset") and in Assyrian sources as pilisti and palastu.

Philistine pentapolis in southwestern Canaan: Gaza, Ashdod, Ashkelon, Gath, and Ekron (Josh. 13:2-3). Each one was headed by a "lord" (seren). Philistine rulers were also simply called "kings." Under these lords or kings were the Philistine commanders (**rîm) mentioned above.

Along with the cities of the pentapolis, many other Canaanite cities were "Philistinized" over time to one degree or another. The cities were well-planned and laid out; some were walled (e.g., Gaza, Ashdod, Ashkelon, Ekron), while others were not. Several were very large: Ashkelon, for example, was a thriving seaport more than 150 acres in size.

The forms of Philistine religion that we know today conformed closely to common Canaanite religion, and their gods were common Semitic gods.

Not that you get to define what the Palestinian people are or are not...

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The Israeli's had best watch themselves since this muslim is looking to give ALL their land to the fucking, dog Palestinians!

Why don't you learn a little history?

Palestinian's are the indigenous Arabs that have been living in that area for the last 2000 years.


what was the government of palestine?

who was it's head of state?

who were the trading partners of "palestine"?

what did "palestine" manufacture/export?

until you can answer those questions, you can feel free to keep your anti-semitic lies to yourself and don't bother posting to me.


Philistine pentapolis in southwestern Canaan: Gaza, Ashdod, Ashkelon, Gath, and Ekron (Josh. 13:2-3). Each one was headed by a "lord" (seren). Philistine rulers were also simply called "kings." Under these lords or kings were the Philistine commanders (**rîm) mentioned above.

Along with the cities of the pentapolis, many other Canaanite cities were "Philistinized" over time to one degree or another. The cities were well-planned and laid out; some were walled (e.g., Gaza, Ashdod, Ashkelon, Ekron), while others were not. Several were very large: Ashkelon, for example, was a thriving seaport more than 150 acres in size.

The forms of Philistine religion that we know today conformed closely to common Canaanite religion, and their gods were common Semitic gods.

Not that you get to define what the Palestinian people are or are not...

Philistines are an extinct people that were more Greek than anything else!

Palestinians are Arab invaders identical to their neighboring Arabs in every way. Actually, let me correct myself, THEY ARE their neighboring Arabs.

BullShitSeeker strikes again!
Who are the Palestinians?

Drawing up the framework of nationality, Article 30 of the Treaty of Lausanne stated:

“Turkish subjects habitually resident in territory which in accordance with the provisions of the present Treaty is detached from Turkey will become ipso facto, in the conditions laid down by the local law, nationals of the State to which such territory is transferred.”​

The automatic, ipso facto, change from Ottoman to Palestinian nationality was dealt with in Article 1, paragraph 1, of the Citizenship Order, which declared:

“Turkish subjects habitually resident in the territory of Palestine upon the 1st day of August, 1925, shall become Palestinian citizens.”​

Genesis of Citizenship in Palestine and Israel

Why is everyone arguing about irrelevance?

The only irrelevance is that coming from you.

The state was the LON mandate
Phoenall; P F Tinmore; et al,

In some ways, P F Tinmore has a point; the entire question is almost irrelevant.

Who are the Palestinians?

Drawing up the framework of nationality, Article 30 of the Treaty of Lausanne stated:

“Turkish subjects habitually resident in territory which in accordance with the provisions of the present Treaty is detached from Turkey will become ipso facto, in the conditions laid down by the local law, nationals of the State to which such territory is transferred.”​

The automatic, ipso facto, change from Ottoman to Palestinian nationality was dealt with in Article 1, paragraph 1, of the Citizenship Order, which declared:

“Turkish subjects habitually resident in the territory of Palestine upon the 1st day of August, 1925, shall become Palestinian citizens.”​

Genesis of Citizenship in Palestine and Israel

Why is everyone arguing about irrelevance?
The only irrelevance is that coming from you.

The state was the LON mandate

One could make encyclopedia length arguments all day long about Palestinian Citizenship and the implications. But relative to the issues of the day, the importance and the consequences of who is defined as a "Palestinian" will be determined by a final agreement between the Israeli Negotiating Team and the PLO-Negotiation Affairs Department Team. The Mandate, the Oder in Council, and the Citizenship Order, will not have all that much to do with it; other than to stand as a historical reference.

Much of the discussion on the interpretation of the documents out of the first half of the 20th Century (pre-UN) are all overtaken by events. What was decided by the Mandatory, and the League Council, are historical - yet in repair now. Even the famous Resolution 181(II) is now in the category of a political attempt that did not meet the expectations of the General Assembly --- "peaceful settlement."

Who is determined to be a "Palestinian" is --- today --- a politically loaded question. It will have a bearing on the question in the Right of Return (RoR) issue; as well as, the post-Conflict apportionment of War Reparations, Conflict Restitution, Civil Claims of Settlement, Damage Awards, and other associated cost accumulated over the last half-Century (+). It will have a bearing on the issue of "decedents" and the apportionment of valued restitution.

Finally, the question of "Who is a Palestinian" begs the examination of the sequence:
  • Who was considered a Palestinian pre-War 1948/1949;
  • Who was considered a Palestinian under Israeli Independence Territory;
  • Who was considered a Palestinian post-War 1948/1949;
  • Who was considered a Palestinian post Jordanian Sovereignty (Annexation 1950), prior to November 1988, [pre-Palestinian Declaration of Independence (P-DOI)];
  • Who was considered a Palestinian after November 1988 (post P-DOI).
In order to reach a logical conclusion today, the entire sequence of events has to be examined and a determination made as to the effect each even had on the question.

OR --- as I said in the beginning, the final Treaty of Peace become the terminal definition.

Most Respectfully,
I agree with you, the Muslim and Christian Palestinians are just as immoral as the Jewish Israelis
That wasn't the topic. We were discussing the various "fairy tales" and their effects on the believers of those fairy tales and history.

But FYI, you have immorality, and then you have immorality. The Palestinians and especially Hamas are on a totally different level of deprivation and inhumanity than Western countries and Israel. You are talking about a culture that sees nothing wrong in recruiting it's young into blowing itself up in schools, movie theaters and restaurants. It takes a special psycho mentality that only Islam can produce today.

It takes a special psycho mentality to fire missiles into an apartment building you know women and children are sleeping in. And, don't you include Israel as anywhere similar morality-wise to a Western country. Western countries repudiated colonialism and the oppression of people because of their religion a long time ago.

Not when you are safeguarding the lives of others and you have given the women and children ample notice to vacate the premises. It is then up to the terrorists using the building to attack Israel to evacuate the building. Read the Geneva conventions IV for the details. The Palestinian muslims give no warning of their intended attacks so making them liable for the tag of TERRORIST
Who are the Palestinians?

Why is everyone arguing about irrelevance?
Citizens of Jewish Palestine. Nice try, no cigar. Same repetitive drivel.

As for the Arab and Jewish Turks who were residing in Palestine, another calculation is required. In mid-1925, the number of Arabs in the total population was 717,006 inhabitants: 641,494 Muslims and 75,512 Christians.145 There were also 8,507 persons who were classified as Others,146 mainly Druze, Baha’i and Samiritans – all were Arabs in fact. The number of Arab immigrants who entered Palestine and registered therein as residents from 1920 to 1925 was 2,783.147 Thus, the net number of Arabs who were Ottomans, and then automatically acquired Palestinian nationality, was as follows: (717,006 + 8,507) – 2,783 = 722,730, about 99 % of the total population in Palestine at the time. On the other hand, the number of Jews within the total population, at the same moment, was 121,725.148 Of these, the majority were foreigners: 37,997 acquired provisional Palestinian nationality in 1922, as mentioned above, plus 76,585 registered as immigrants upon entering Palestine between 1920 and 1925.149 Thus, the net number of Jews who were Turkish and then became Palestinian citizens was: 121,725 - (37,997 + 76,585) = 7,143 individuals, a bit below 1 % of the total population.

Genesis of Citizenship in Palestine and Israel

Jewish Palestine? :lol::lol::cuckoo::cuckoo:

Yes Jewish Palestine, and your link is inadmissible due to the source being some Palestinian extremist with his own agenda and a habit of altering legal documents to meet with his personal POV.
It takes a special psycho mentality to fire missiles into an apartment building you know women and children are sleeping in.

Especially if the psychos are Palestinian animals who fire from top of those apartment buildings praying that Israel will actually kill innocent people, without sending leaflets or warning them, like the Israelis do.

Like I said convert, your Palestinians in the depths of depravity.

"Especially if the psychos are Palestinian animals who fire from top of those apartment buildings"

Even if it were true, why would the Palestinians have to fire at attacking Israeli aircraft, if Israel was not doing the attacking?

The Israelis have a 10/20 to 1 or so kill ratio of civilians. For every Israeli civilian killed by the Palestinians 10 to 20 Palestinian civilians are killed by the Jews. Who are the murderous animals?

Simple child it is because the Israelis are defending against illegal chemical and biological weapons fired at their children. The Palestinian leaders would rather see the building supplies used to build smuggling tunnels that to provide shelters for the women and children which results in a higher death toll. Under the terms of the Geneva conventions IV this puts the onus for the civilian deaths on to the Palestinians making them the murderous animals.
Jewish Palestine? :lol::lol::cuckoo::cuckoo:
Yup, voted unanimously by 51 member states:


under the provisions of Article 25

Presented to Parliament by Command of His Majesty,
December, 1922.

Whereas the Principal Allied Powers have also agreed that the Mandatory should be responsible for putting into effect the declaration originally made on November 2nd, 1917, by the Government of His Britannic Majesty, and adopted by the said Powers, in favor of the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people

Whereas recognition has thereby been given to the historical connection of the Jewish people with Palestine and to the grounds for reconstituting their national home in that country; and

Whereas the Principal Allied Powers have selected His Britannic Majesty as the Mandatory for Palestine; and

Whereas the mandate in respect of Palestine has been formulated in the following terms and submitted to the Council of the League for approval; and

Whereas His Britannic Majesty has accepted the mandate in respect of Palestine and undertaken to exercise it on behalf of the League of Nations in conformity with the following provisions; and

And that flopped big time.

None of that had anything to do with the creation of Israel.

How do you work that one out fool, the San Remo conference laid down the ground rules that included a NATIONAL HOME FOR THE JEWS IN HISTORIC PALESTINE. Then the rest of the treaties made just reinforced this item with the full acceptance of the arab leaders. It was only when Hussieni stirred up the hornets nest that resulted in the arab invasion and the ensuing expulsion of terrorists and enemies of Israel.
"Especially if the psychos are Palestinian animals who fire from top of those apartment buildings"

Even if it were true, why would the Palestinians have to fire at attacking Israeli aircraft, if Israel was not doing the attacking?

The Israelis have a 10/20 to 1 or so kill ratio of civilians. For every Israeli civilian killed by the Palestinians 10 to 20 Palestinian civilians are killed by the Jews. Who are the murderous animals?
Oh but its more than true. Israelis were human enough to pass out leaflets and make phone calls. Palestinian animals on the other hand pray they can kill more Jewish children. They are a sick, barbaric depraved culture, with no respect for life. Here are the animals you adore and falsely compare:

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wkAuvIQTzWU]Miss Ahlam Tamimi murders 15 in Jerusalem, Israel ~ NO REGRETS - YouTube[/ame]

And Israel killed 1400 Palestinians during Cast Lead.


What is your point?

The point is if the Palestinians stop firing illegal weapons at Israeli children then the Israeli's will not need to retaliate belligerence. If the Palestinian leaders followed the LAWS written in the Geneva conventions then the people would not be killed.

But the Jordanians mass murdered 50,000 Palestinians locked up in concentration camps without any regrets as an indication of just what will happen to them if they try and steal Jordans land. Now why don't you get all upset over how Palestinians treat other Palestinians, this death toll is more in one month that Israel has yet managed in 67 years.
Jewish Palestine? :lol::lol::cuckoo::cuckoo:
Yup, voted unanimously by 51 member states:


under the provisions of Article 25

Presented to Parliament by Command of His Majesty,
December, 1922.

Whereas the Principal Allied Powers have also agreed that the Mandatory should be responsible for putting into effect the declaration originally made on November 2nd, 1917, by the Government of His Britannic Majesty, and adopted by the said Powers, in favor of the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people

Whereas recognition has thereby been given to the historical connection of the Jewish people with Palestine and to the grounds for reconstituting their national home in that country; and

Whereas the Principal Allied Powers have selected His Britannic Majesty as the Mandatory for Palestine; and

Whereas the mandate in respect of Palestine has been formulated in the following terms and submitted to the Council of the League for approval; and

Whereas His Britannic Majesty has accepted the mandate in respect of Palestine and undertaken to exercise it on behalf of the League of Nations in conformity with the following provisions; and

Why do you leave the most important part out? Why are you so childish. You think we wouldn't see it. What a little punk you are. Read the bold print over and over again.

The UN's partition plan, creating a gerrymandered area where Jews would have a slight majority, allowing Jews to rule over Christians and Muslims, contravened the terms of the Mandate. Having Jews rule over Christians and Muslims "might" have (and the word in the Mandate is "might") prejudiced "the civil and religious rights of existing non-Jewish communities in Palestine,"

"....Whereas the Principal Allied Powers have also agreed that the Mandatory should be responsible for putting into effect the declaration originally made on November 2nd, 1917, by the Government of His Britannic Majesty, and adopted by the said Powers, in favor of the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people, it being clearly understood that nothing should be done which might prejudice the civil and religious rights of existing non-Jewish communities in Palestine, or the rights and political status enjoyed by Jews in any other country; and...."

Which was implemented with the understanding of the relevant civil and religious rights at that time. You cant look forward in time and say " some idiot will decide that the civil and religious rights extant in the USA in 2014 were what we meant in Palestine 1921"
Eh Tinmore, got news for you. Long before there were any Muslims at all let alone Muslim Palestinians, there were the indigenous Palestinian Jews. Hurts huh?

Jewish Palestine? :lol::lol::cuckoo::cuckoo:

OK, so? When Palestine was created by post war treaties, none of that mattered. The People who normally lived there became citizens of Palestine. They did not sift through the ashes of history looking for reasons to exclude anyone.

That is correct they became citizens of the British mandate of Palestine, or the French mandate of Palestine. This was until such a time as they showed the capability of being able to stand on their own feet and govern themselves. This was also to stop any feeling of inadequacy by the future Syrians and Jordanians when their nations were created in Palestine.

But you seem to want to exclude the Jews from having any civil rights or identity, in fact your idea is to exclude all Jews from the human race and make them "untermensch" like your NAZI idols did.
OK, so? When Palestine was created by post war treaties, none of that mattered. The People who normally lived there became citizens of Palestine. They did not sift through the ashes of history looking for reasons to exclude anyone.

When Palestine the WHAT was created?

It doesn't matter. Even people in non self governing territories have the right to self determination without external interference, the right to independence and sovereignty, and the right to territorial integrity.

It does matter as it could not be a state or nation unless it was created and named as such. They were given those rights and refused them by declaring war on the Jews and Israel. They did not accept those rights until 1988 when they finally declared independence under the terms of the UN partition plan for Palestine.

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