Who Are The Palestinains?

It makes Israel look bad. Their arab brethren use them as a scapegoat. And the Palestinians know it too so they play on it with their disgusting victim and gimmee gimmee gimmee mentality.
They didn't ask for your immoral and illegal occupation, so why did you give it to them?

Are you going to "...gimmee gimmee gimmee..." an answer to that?

Their leaders accepted it in full because it meant two minor royal houses would get nations of their own in Syria and Jordan. They only became aggressive about the Jews getting a nation of their own when Husseini stirred up the hornets nest
It doesn't matter. Even people in non self governing territories have the right to self determination without external interference, the right to independence and sovereignty, and the right to territorial integrity.

I asked a very simple question and all I got was a deflection.

BTW, your post war treaties created Palestine is a lie.
You keep saying for example that the Treaty of Lausanne was part of the creation of Palestine, but Palestine or Palestinians is not even mentioned in the treaty.

I never said they were. You are misunderstanding/misrepresenting what I said.

What is Palestine? That is subject to political opinion. It is called: a state, a country, a nation, a legal entity, occupied territory, non self governing territory.

The Palestinian's legal rights are the same in any instance.

prior to the mandate it was an undefined area under Ottoman control, at the formation of the mandate it was still an undefined area only under LoN control. It was not a nation, state or country and its inhabitants were given the only chance they ever had of creating a series of nations out of the land. These nations became Iraq, Syria, Jordan and the NATIONAL HOME OF THE JEWS. The non Jews were offered the chance to migrate to one of the other nations, or they could stay as full citizens of the NATIONAL HOME OF THE JEWS. At no time were their legal rights of the time violated by the creation of these 4 nations.
I expect people to respond to an act of genocide and ethnic cleansing. Especially people who's brethren had already suffered the same in Europe under the Nazis. Enough is enough, never again. Jews fought back and the rest is history. :clap2:
Ummm..................Palestinian's aren't German!

Did not stop them from following one of their leaders and becoming fully fledged NAZIS
Do not talk to me in that tone of prose.

what was the government of palestine?
Doesn't matter.

who was it's head of state?
Doesn't matter.

who were the trading partners of "palestine"?
Doesn't matter.

what did "palestine" manufacture/export?
Doesn't matter.

until you can answer those questions, you can feel free to keep your anti-semitic lies to yourself and don't bother posting to me.
I'd rather be an anti-Semite, than an Israeli kiss-ass!

No, it's not okay, Ms. Hat.

Alright, pencils down and eyes to the front of the class, you're in the need for a little schoolin'...

Before the partition, Jews comprised only one-third of the population of Palestine, which held some 608,000 Jews and 1,237,000 Arabs. Even within the area designated for Israel under the U.N. partition plan, the population consisted of some 500,000 Jews and 330,000 Arabs. How could a country with such a large Arab minority become a Jewish homeland?
You got that, twisted sister?

It doesn't matter what government they had, who their leaders were, who they traded with or what name they went by, the only thing that matters, is there were over a million of them who lived there and more than half of them, were driven from their homes by Jewish terrorists.

There was...a shared belief by many of the Jewish (later Israeli) military leaders during the war that the entire Palestinian population was the enemy. Acting on that belief, the Jewish militias (the official Haganah and the unofficial Stern Gang and Irgun) engaged in a consistent course of conduct that was intended to--and did--cause the Arab population to flee. The Israeli myth that the Palestinians left on instructions from Arab leaders has long since been shown to be a fabrication.
And if you don't believe that, then how do you explain the comments from the "fathers of Zionism"?

"there surely will be a great change in the population of the country"
- David Ben-Gurion, father of Israel and leader of its military, February 7, 1948

"An infiltration is bound to end badly. It continues until the inevitable moment when the native population feels itself threatened, and forces the government to stop a further influx of Jews. Immigration is consequently futile unless based on an assured supremacy."
- Theodor Herzl, the father of political Zionism, articulated the Zionist colonial plan in his 1896 book _Der Judenstaat_ (The Jewish State).
BTW, Herzl wasn't referring to infiltrating Arabs.
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Philistines are an extinct people that were more Greek than anything else!

Palestinians are Arab invaders identical to their neighboring Arabs in every way. Actually, let me correct myself, THEY ARE their neighboring Arabs.

BullShitSeeker strikes again!
See above, you fucking moron, you just got debunked!
I never said they were. You are misunderstanding/misrepresenting what I said.

What is Palestine? That is subject to political opinion. It is called: a state, a country, a nation, a legal entity, occupied territory, non self governing territory.

The Palestinian's legal rights are the same in any instance.

I never said anything about their rights. But you always talk about post war treaties creating Palestine. Palestine the what??
I'm not trying to get you to say so something so I can use it against you. I'm just asking a question.

OK,here is the scenario as I see it. If there is something that you disagree with, please bring it to my attention.

Palestine was part of the Ottoman Empire.

Britain occupied the territory in 1917.

The 1906 border between Egypt and the Ottoman Empire was honored as Palestine’s international border with Egypt.

The international border between Palestine and Syria/Lebanon was defined in 1920.

Britain recommended that Palestine and Transjordan be divided into two states. The League of Nations accepted that proposal defining Palestine’s eastern international border in 1922.

Those Turkish citizens who normally lived inside that defined territory would become Palestinian nationals and citizens of Palestine.

However none of this could be implemented as long as Palestine was under Turkish sovereignty. The Treaty of Lausanne in 1924 released Palestine, and all of the other newly created states, from Turkish sovereignty.

As a nation of people inside a defined territory the Palestinians have the right to self determination without external interference, the right to independence and sovereignty, and the right to territorial integrity. Anything that happened since then that violates those legal rights is a violation of international law.

Palestine the undefined area was part of the ottoman empire

Britain took the territory in 1917 during WW1 and evicted the axis powers.

The 1906 border between Egypt and the ottoman empire was accepted as the border.

The borders between the FRENCH MANDATED OF PALESTINE Syria/ Lebanon and the BRITISH MANDATE OF PALESTINE were set in 1920

The eastern border of trans Jordan was set in 1922

Those Turkish citizens who lived in the mandated lands of Palestine had the right to accept citizenship of the mandated lands they lived in. Becoming French Palestinian citizens or British Palestinian citizens.

The treaty of Lausanne was the hand over of the reparations for WW1 by the ottomans and the land became mandated LoN land. This included the already formed nations of Iraq, Syria and trans Jordan that were still subject to mandate control.

There was no nation of people to receive those rights as the land was still under mandate, and the Jews declared their intention to create the nation of Israel on the land already set aside by the LEGAL OWNERS for that purpose. It was not until 1988 that the last piece of the mandated land was finally taken over and the mandate could end.
That wasn't the topic. We were discussing the various "fairy tales" and their effects on the believers of those fairy tales and history.

But FYI, you have immorality, and then you have immorality. The Palestinians and especially Hamas are on a totally different level of deprivation and inhumanity than Western countries and Israel. You are talking about a culture that sees nothing wrong in recruiting it's young into blowing itself up in schools, movie theaters and restaurants. It takes a special psycho mentality that only Islam can produce today.

It takes a special psycho mentality to fire missiles into an apartment building you know women and children are sleeping in. And, don't you include Israel as anywhere similar morality-wise to a Western country. Western countries repudiated colonialism and the oppression of people because of their religion a long time ago.

Not when you are safeguarding the lives of others and you have given the women and children ample notice to vacate the premises. It is then up to the terrorists using the building to attack Israel to evacuate the building. Read the Geneva conventions IV for the details. The Palestinian muslims give no warning of their intended attacks so making them liable for the tag of TERRORIST
But then again, Pali terrorist animals have no respect for their own people's lives.
Philistines are an extinct people that were more Greek than anything else!

Palestinians are Arab invaders identical to their neighboring Arabs in every way. Actually, let me correct myself, THEY ARE their neighboring Arabs.

BullShitSeeker strikes again!
See above, you fucking moron, you just got debunked!
Above what, dipstick, see below, you illiterate ignorant goofball, Philistines became extinct about three thousand years ago. Long before any Arab invaders made it there. Wow.

Philistines - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

-10th–7th centuries BC: Philistines lose most of their distinctive culture and are absorbed by that of surrounding peoples.
So very true. And the irony is that we don't hear a single Palestinian or Palestinian supporter complaint about that. But they bitch about Israel who actually made peace offerings to them, built a security fence & gave them their own land in Gaza so they can continue to live on the land they squatted on in Israel. It's called Palestinian Mentality.

Oh but its more than true. Israelis were human enough to pass out leaflets and make phone calls. Palestinian animals on the other hand pray they can kill more Jewish children. They are a sick, barbaric depraved culture, with no respect for life. Here are the animals you adore and falsely compare:

Miss Ahlam Tamimi murders 15 in Jerusalem, Israel ~ NO REGRETS - YouTube

And Israel killed 1400 Palestinians during Cast Lead.


What is your point?

The point is if the Palestinians stop firing illegal weapons at Israeli children then the Israeli's will not need to retaliate belligerence. If the Palestinian leaders followed the LAWS written in the Geneva conventions then the people would not be killed.

But the Jordanians mass murdered 50,000 Palestinians locked up in concentration camps without any regrets as an indication of just what will happen to them if they try and steal Jordans land. Now why don't you get all upset over how Palestinians treat other Palestinians, this death toll is more in one month that Israel has yet managed in 67 years.[/QUOTE]
I never said they were. You are misunderstanding/misrepresenting what I said.

What is Palestine? That is subject to political opinion. It is called: a state, a country, a nation, a legal entity, occupied territory, non self governing territory.

The Palestinian's legal rights are the same in any instance.

I never said anything about their rights. But you always talk about post war treaties creating Palestine. Palestine the what??
I'm not trying to get you to say so something so I can use it against you. I'm just asking a question.

OK,here is the scenario as I see it. If there is something that you disagree with, please bring it to my attention.

Palestine was part of the Ottoman Empire.

Britain occupied the territory in 1917.

The 1906 border between Egypt and the Ottoman Empire was honored as Palestine’s international border with Egypt.

The international border between Palestine and Syria/Lebanon was defined in 1920.

Britain recommended that Palestine and Transjordan be divided into two states. The League of Nations accepted that proposal defining Palestine’s eastern international border in 1922.

Those Turkish citizens who normally lived inside that defined territory would become Palestinian nationals and citizens of Palestine.

However none of this could be implemented as long as Palestine was under Turkish sovereignty. The Treaty of Lausanne in 1924 released Palestine, and all of the other newly created states, from Turkish sovereignty.

As a nation of people inside a defined territory the Palestinians have the right to self determination without external interference, the right to independence and sovereignty, and the right to territorial integrity. Anything that happened since then that violates those legal rights is a violation of international law.

I agree with most of what you say here, as you have backed them up with links in the past that I remember.

However, I have read several links about the treaty of Lausanne and I see nothing there about releasing Palestine or other places from Turkish sovereignty.
It doesn't even mention Palestine.
So very true. And the irony is that we don't hear a single Palestinian or Palestinian supporter complaint about that. But they bitch about Israel who actually made peace offerings to them, built a security fence & gave them their own land in Gaza so they can continue to live on the land they squatted on in Israel. It's called Palestinian Mentality.

Oh but its more than true. Israelis were human enough to pass out leaflets and make phone calls. Palestinian animals on the other hand pray they can kill more Jewish children. They are a sick, barbaric depraved culture, with no respect for life. Here are the animals you adore and falsely compare:

Miss Ahlam Tamimi murders 15 in Jerusalem, Israel ~ NO REGRETS - YouTube

And Israel killed 1400 Palestinians during Cast Lead.


What is your point?

The point is if the Palestinians stop firing illegal weapons at Israeli children then the Israeli's will not need to retaliate belligerence. If the Palestinian leaders followed the LAWS written in the Geneva conventions then the people would not be killed.

But the Jordanians mass murdered 50,000 Palestinians locked up in concentration camps without any regrets as an indication of just what will happen to them if they try and steal Jordans land. Now why don't you get all upset over how Palestinians treat other Palestinians, this death toll is more in one month that Israel has yet managed in 67 years.
It's called Palestinian Mentality.
I never said they were. You are misunderstanding/misrepresenting what I said.

What is Palestine? That is subject to political opinion. It is called: a state, a country, a nation, a legal entity, occupied territory, non self governing territory.

The Palestinian's legal rights are the same in any instance.

I never said anything about their rights. But you always talk about post war treaties creating Palestine. Palestine the what??
I'm not trying to get you to say so something so I can use it against you. I'm just asking a question.

OK,here is the scenario as I see it. If there is something that you disagree with, please bring it to my attention.

Palestine was part of the Ottoman Empire.

Britain occupied the territory in 1917.

The 1906 border between Egypt and the Ottoman Empire was honored as Palestine’s international border with Egypt.

The international border between Palestine and Syria/Lebanon was defined in 1920.

Britain recommended that Palestine and Transjordan be divided into two states. The League of Nations accepted that proposal defining Palestine’s eastern international border in 1922.

Those Turkish citizens who normally lived inside that defined territory would become Palestinian nationals and citizens of Palestine.

However none of this could be implemented as long as Palestine was under Turkish sovereignty. The Treaty of Lausanne in 1924 released Palestine, and all of the other newly created states, from Turkish sovereignty.

As a nation of people inside a defined territory the Palestinians have the right to self determination without external interference, the right to independence and sovereignty, and the right to territorial integrity. Anything that happened since then that violates those legal rights is a violation of international law.
two years earlier at al Aqeer the king of saudi agreed with the brits for a creation of a jewish state.
The danger to Palestinians is that Palestinian mentality just keeps on repeating itself. For example, first they support Arafat to lead them by taking them from the toilet to the sewer, getting them massacred over & over again by their own Arab brothers, embezzling their money & then dies from AIDS leaving the Palestinians living in ignorance & poverty with no hope for a Palestinian State.

And then what do the Palestinians do? They actually elect Hamas to lead them. And just look at the results so far. Had they had any sense they could have found someone to lead them in protest like the followers of MLK did whereby they would have gained overwhelming world support in their protests against Israel. Praise be to Allah that Palestinian mentality is what is & will never change.

So very true. And the irony is that we don't hear a single Palestinian or Palestinian supporter complaint about that. But they bitch about Israel who actually made peace offerings to them, built a security fence & gave them their own land in Gaza so they can continue to live on the land they squatted on in Israel. It's called Palestinian Mentality.

And Israel killed 1400 Palestinians during Cast Lead.


What is your point?

The point is if the Palestinians stop firing illegal weapons at Israeli children then the Israeli's will not need to retaliate belligerence. If the Palestinian leaders followed the LAWS written in the Geneva conventions then the people would not be killed.

But the Jordanians mass murdered 50,000 Palestinians locked up in concentration camps without any regrets as an indication of just what will happen to them if they try and steal Jordans land. Now why don't you get all upset over how Palestinians treat other Palestinians, this death toll is more in one month that Israel has yet managed in 67 years.
It's called Palestinian Mentality.
So very true. And the irony is that we don't hear a single Palestinian or Palestinian supporter complaint about that. But they bitch about Israel who actually made peace offerings to them, built a security fence & gave them their own land in Gaza so they can continue to live on the land they squatted on in Israel. It's called Palestinian Mentality.

Oh but its more than true. Israelis were human enough to pass out leaflets and make phone calls. Palestinian animals on the other hand pray they can kill more Jewish children. They are a sick, barbaric depraved culture, with no respect for life. Here are the animals you adore and falsely compare:

Miss Ahlam Tamimi murders 15 in Jerusalem, Israel ~ NO REGRETS - YouTube

And Israel killed 1400 Palestinians during Cast Lead.


What is your point?

The point is if the Palestinians stop firing illegal weapons at Israeli children then the Israeli's will not need to retaliate belligerence. If the Palestinian leaders followed the LAWS written in the Geneva conventions then the people would not be killed.

But the Jordanians mass murdered 50,000 Palestinians locked up in concentration camps without any regrets as an indication of just what will happen to them if they try and steal Jordans land. Now why don't you get all upset over how Palestinians treat other Palestinians, this death toll is more in one month that Israel has yet managed in 67 years.

129 Israeli children have been killed by Palestinians and 1,523 Palestinian children have been killed by Israelis since September 29, 2000. (View Sources & More Information)

1,109 Israelis and at least 6,862 Palestinians have been killed since September 29, 2000. (View Sources & More Information)

8,550 Israelis and 54,761 Palestinians have been injured since September 29, 2000. (View Sources & More Information.)

During Fiscal Year 2013, the U.S. is providing Israel with at least $8.5 million per day in military aid and $0 in military aid to the Palestinians. (View Sources & More Information)

Israel has been targeted by at least 77 UN resolutions and the Palestinians have been targeted by 1. (View Sources & More Information)

0 Israelis are being held prisoner by Palestinians, while 5,224 Palestinians are currently imprisoned by Israel. (View Sources & More Information)

0 Israeli homes have been demolished by Palestinians and at least 27,000 Palestinian homes have been demolished by Israel since 1967. (View Sources & More Information)

The Israeli unemployment rate is 6.8%, while the Palestinian unemployment in the West Bank is 22.5% and 22.5% in Gaza. (View Sources & More Information)

Israel currently has 262 Jewish-only settlements and ‘outposts’ built on confiscated Palestinian land. Palestinians do not have any settlements on Israeli land. (View Sources & More Information)

If Americans Knew - what every American needs to know about Israel/Palestine. Alison Weir on book tour now!

"Especially if the psychos are Palestinian animals who fire from top of those apartment buildings"

Even if it were true, why would the Palestinians have to fire at attacking Israeli aircraft, if Israel was not doing the attacking?

The Israelis have a 10/20 to 1 or so kill ratio of civilians. For every Israeli civilian killed by the Palestinians 10 to 20 Palestinian civilians are killed by the Jews. Who are the murderous animals?
Oh but its more than true. Israelis were human enough to pass out leaflets and make phone calls. Palestinian animals on the other hand pray they can kill more Jewish children. They are a sick, barbaric depraved culture, with no respect for life. Here are the animals you adore and falsely compare:

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wkAuvIQTzWU]Miss Ahlam Tamimi murders 15 in Jerusalem, Israel ~ NO REGRETS - YouTube[/ame]

And Israel killed 1400 Palestinians during Cast Lead.


What is your point?

and of those killed only around 300 were civilians
Did lil Billy said anything to condemn the brutal murder of an innocent girl by the filthy freedom fighters few days ago? or is he too shocked by the Jewish graffiti terrorists?

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