Who Are The Palestinains?

Did lil Billy said anything to condemn the brutal murder of an innocent girl by the filthy freedom fighters few days ago? or is he too shocked by the Jewish graffiti terrorists?
Nice Sally impression!

After reading the posts, of all the Israeli kiss-asses in this forum, nothing shocks me anymore.
Aw bless you Truthseeker for bringing up this valid point. This is so funny. Everytime Israel retaliates about 10 times as many Palestinians wind up dead than Israeli's. And yet the dummies keep on attacking Israel. And that folks is what Palestinian mentality is all about. Read this folks.

So very true. And the irony is that we don't hear a single Palestinian or Palestinian supporter complaint about that. But they bitch about Israel who actually made peace offerings to them, built a security fence & gave them their own land in Gaza so they can continue to live on the land they squatted on in Israel. It's called Palestinian Mentality.

And Israel killed 1400 Palestinians during Cast Lead.


What is your point?

The point is if the Palestinians stop firing illegal weapons at Israeli children then the Israeli's will not need to retaliate belligerence. If the Palestinian leaders followed the LAWS written in the Geneva conventions then the people would not be killed.

But the Jordanians mass murdered 50,000 Palestinians locked up in concentration camps without any regrets as an indication of just what will happen to them if they try and steal Jordans land. Now why don't you get all upset over how Palestinians treat other Palestinians, this death toll is more in one month that Israel has yet managed in 67 years.

129 Israeli children have been killed by Palestinians and 1,523 Palestinian children have been killed by Israelis since September 29, 2000. (View Sources & More Information)

1,109 Israelis and at least 6,862 Palestinians have been killed since September 29, 2000. (View Sources & More Information)

8,550 Israelis and 54,761 Palestinians have been injured since September 29, 2000. (View Sources & More Information.)

During Fiscal Year 2013, the U.S. is providing Israel with at least $8.5 million per day in military aid and $0 in military aid to the Palestinians. (View Sources & More Information)

Israel has been targeted by at least 77 UN resolutions and the Palestinians have been targeted by 1. (View Sources & More Information)

0 Israelis are being held prisoner by Palestinians, while 5,224 Palestinians are currently imprisoned by Israel. (View Sources & More Information)

0 Israeli homes have been demolished by Palestinians and at least 27,000 Palestinian homes have been demolished by Israel since 1967. (View Sources & More Information)

The Israeli unemployment rate is 6.8%, while the Palestinian unemployment in the West Bank is 22.5% and 22.5% in Gaza. (View Sources & More Information)

Israel currently has 262 Jewish-only settlements and ‘outposts’ built on confiscated Palestinian land. Palestinians do not have any settlements on Israeli land. (View Sources & More Information)

If Americans Knew - what every American needs to know about Israel/Palestine. Alison Weir on book tour now!

And BTW, I am not an "Israeli-kiss-ass". I'm Israeli. My stand is with patriotism, not ass-kissing.

Get the logic?
You are a patriot to fascism and cruelty.

In contrast, I am also a patriot to my country. However, the difference between you and me, is that I am embarrassed and outraged by my country's actions in Iraq and Afghanistan and I am actively protesting our involvement in those country's, because our actions are not the American way.

You, apparently, feel treating the Palestinian's, like the Nazis treated the Jews, IS the Israeli way?
i And yet the dummies keep on attacking Israel. And that folks is what Palestinian mentality is all about. Read this folks.

Unfortunately, this is just about normal when indigenous people put up resistance. The South African whites killed the indigenous people at about the same rate as the Israelis.

It doesn't change the eventual outcome.
And BTW, I am not an "Israeli-kiss-ass". I'm Israeli. My stand is with patriotism, not ass-kissing.

Get the logic?
You are a patriot to fascism and cruelty.

In contrast, I am also a patriot to my country. However, the difference between you and me, is that I am embarrassed and outraged by my country's actions in Iraq and Afghanistan and I am actively protesting our involvement in those country's, because our actions are not the American way.

You, apparently, feel treating the Palestinian's, like the Nazis treated the Jews, IS the Israeli way?
Dude, many times she and her family have to sleep in bomb shelters and it's not a camping trip. Your brethern are trying to kill them.
And BTW, I am not an "Israeli-kiss-ass". I'm Israeli. My stand is with patriotism, not ass-kissing.

Get the logic?
You are a patriot to fascism and cruelty.

In contrast, I am also a patriot to my country. However, the difference between you and me, is that I am embarrassed and outraged by my country's actions in Iraq and Afghanistan and I am actively protesting our involvement in those country's, because our actions are not the American way.

You, apparently, feel treating the Palestinian's, like the Nazis treated the Jews, IS the Israeli way?
Dude, many times she and her family have to sleep in bomb shelters and it's not a camping trip. Your brethern are trying to kill them.

And this certainly doesn't help! Jumping from an anti-Semite, to a muslim enabler!

And BTW, I am not an "Israeli-kiss-ass". I'm Israeli. My stand is with patriotism, not ass-kissing.

Get the logic?
You are a patriot to fascism and cruelty.

In contrast, I am also a patriot to my country. However, the difference between you and me, is that I am embarrassed and outraged by my country's actions in Iraq and Afghanistan and I am actively protesting our involvement in those country's, because our actions are not the American way.

You, apparently, feel treating the Palestinian's, like the Nazis treated the Jews, IS the Israeli way?

Yeah we are so awful.

We expell Jews from their houses while the Arab nomads steal our Negev land under permossion.

We let them wave their stupid flag in our cities.

We let them sit in our government.

We give them jobs.

We take care of their babies in our hospitals.

We give organizations the ability to care for them.

We let them sue us in courts even though they're enemies.

What NAZIS we are.

Go fuck yourself.

Last edited:
And BTW, I am not an "Israeli-kiss-ass". I'm Israeli. My stand is with patriotism, not ass-kissing.

Get the logic?
You are a patriot to fascism and cruelty.

In contrast, I am also a patriot to my country. However, the difference between you and me, is that I am embarrassed and outraged by my country's actions in Iraq and Afghanistan and I am actively protesting our involvement in those country's, because our actions are not the American way.

You, apparently, feel treating the Palestinian's, like the Nazis treated the Jews, IS the Israeli way?
Dude, many times she and her family have to sleep in bomb shelters and it's not a camping trip. Your brethern are trying to kill them.

Thanks, my friend. But he already told me he doesn't give a dn. Pointing out our life reality to him doesn't mean much

for him- killing israelis is ok. Because of the "occupation"
And BTW, I am not an "Israeli-kiss-ass". I'm Israeli. My stand is with patriotism, not ass-kissing.

Get the logic?
You are a patriot to fascism and cruelty.

In contrast, I am also a patriot to my country. However, the difference between you and me, is that I am embarrassed and outraged by my country's actions in Iraq and Afghanistan and I am actively protesting our involvement in those country's, because our actions are not the American way.

You, apparently, feel treating the Palestinian's, like the Nazis treated the Jews, IS the Israeli way?

Yeah we are so awful.

We expell Jews from their houses while the Arab nomads steal our Negev land under permossion.

We let them wave their stupid flag in our cities.

We let them sit in our government.

We give them jobs.

We take care of their babies in our hospitals.

We give organizations the ability to care for them.

We let them sue us in courts even though they're enemies.

What NAZIS we are.

Go fuck yourself.


:clap2: Well said Lipush
I'm still waiting for Billy to comdemn the horrible murder 2 days ago.

For some reason he's holding to his silence.

Any idea why?

Oh. Right. Palestinian terrorism is ok. Afer all- it's not as awful as price tag or graffiti in a mosque...
It is obvious you are not exactly among the brightest of people on this earth. You see Billo this issue is really quite simple. If you don't want the Israeli's to kill your people, stop attacking the Israeli's. Capice?

Dude, many times she and her family have to sleep in bomb shelters and it's not a camping trip. Your brethern are trying to kill them.
And you look the other way while her and her ilk, are trying to kill them in greater numbers.
Did lil Billy said anything to condemn the brutal murder of an innocent girl by the filthy freedom fighters few days ago? or is he too shocked by the Jewish graffiti terrorists?
Nice Sally impression!

After reading the posts, of all the Israeli kiss-asses in this forum, nothing shocks me anymore.
...said the IslamoNazi ass kisser.

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