Who Are The Palestinains?

Palestine was a land defined by international borders. It had a native population who were citizens of Palestine.

The mandate owned no land and had no borders of its own. It held the land in trust while "rendering of administrative advice and assistance by a Mandatory until such time as they are able to stand alone." ~ LoN covanent

There has been a lot of misinformation about the mandate but it was assigned to Palestine to bring it to independence.

'To bring it to Independence'

Which they rejected in 1947.

No they didn't.

They rejected the partition plan. The partition plan would have brought them independence.
'To bring it to Independence'

Which they rejected in 1947.

No they didn't.

>>While the Jewish community accepted the 1937 and 1947 partition plans, the Palestinian Arab leadership, dominated by the Husseini family, rejected both plans categorically. Indeed, most Palestinians turned down the 1937 design, even though it designated only 20 percent of Palestine to the proposed Jewish state. Furthermore, the Palestinian leadership even rejected the 1939 British White Paper, which had promised them an independent state within ten years while limiting Jewish immigration and turning the Jews into a minority in an Arab Palestinian state.<<

How do you not know that?

What is not to know?

The "Jewish community" did not accept either partition plan.

The creation of Israel had nothing to do with either plan.
No they didn't.

>>While the Jewish community accepted the 1937 and 1947 partition plans, the Palestinian Arab leadership, dominated by the Husseini family, rejected both plans categorically. Indeed, most Palestinians turned down the 1937 design, even though it designated only 20 percent of Palestine to the proposed Jewish state. Furthermore, the Palestinian leadership even rejected the 1939 British White Paper, which had promised them an independent state within ten years while limiting Jewish immigration and turning the Jews into a minority in an Arab Palestinian state.<<

How do you not know that?

What is not to know?

The "Jewish community" did not accept either partition plan.

The creation of Israel had nothing to do with either plan.
Tinmore, give us a rundown of what happened, what should have happened and what is the solution.
You forgot to mention that the "native population" of Palestine were mostly Jews. Not a single Muslim among them anywhere to be found.

OK,here is the scenario as I see it. If there is something that you disagree with, please bring it to my attention.

Palestine was part of the Ottoman Empire.

Britain occupied the territory in 1917.

The 1906 border between Egypt and the Ottoman Empire was honored as Palestine’s international border with Egypt.

The international border between Palestine and Syria/Lebanon was defined in 1920.

Britain recommended that Palestine and Transjordan be divided into two states. The League of Nations accepted that proposal defining Palestine’s eastern international border in 1922.

Those Turkish citizens who normally lived inside that defined territory would become Palestinian nationals and citizens of Palestine.

However none of this could be implemented as long as Palestine was under Turkish sovereignty. The Treaty of Lausanne in 1924 released Palestine, and all of the other newly created states, from Turkish sovereignty.

As a nation of people inside a defined territory the Palestinians have the right to self determination without external interference, the right to independence and sovereignty, and the right to territorial integrity. Anything that happened since then that violates those legal rights is a violation of international law.

Palestine the undefined area was part of the ottoman empire

Britain took the territory in 1917 during WW1 and evicted the axis powers.

The 1906 border between Egypt and the ottoman empire was accepted as the border.

The borders between the FRENCH MANDATED OF PALESTINE Syria/ Lebanon and the BRITISH MANDATE OF PALESTINE were set in 1920

The eastern border of trans Jordan was set in 1922

Those Turkish citizens who lived in the mandated lands of Palestine had the right to accept citizenship of the mandated lands they lived in. Becoming French Palestinian citizens or British Palestinian citizens.

The treaty of Lausanne was the hand over of the reparations for WW1 by the ottomans and the land became mandated LoN land. This included the already formed nations of Iraq, Syria and trans Jordan that were still subject to mandate control.

There was no nation of people to receive those rights as the land was still under mandate, and the Jews declared their intention to create the nation of Israel on the land already set aside by the LEGAL OWNERS for that purpose. It was not until 1988 that the last piece of the mandated land was finally taken over and the mandate could end.

Palestine was a land defined by international borders. It had a native population who were citizens of Palestine.

The mandate owned no land and had no borders of its own. It held the land in trust while "rendering of administrative advice and assistance by a Mandatory until such time as they are able to stand alone." ~ LoN covanent

There has been a lot of misinformation about the mandate but it was assigned to Palestine to bring it to independence.
No they didn't.

>>While the Jewish community accepted the 1937 and 1947 partition plans, the Palestinian Arab leadership, dominated by the Husseini family, rejected both plans categorically. Indeed, most Palestinians turned down the 1937 design, even though it designated only 20 percent of Palestine to the proposed Jewish state. Furthermore, the Palestinian leadership even rejected the 1939 British White Paper, which had promised them an independent state within ten years while limiting Jewish immigration and turning the Jews into a minority in an Arab Palestinian state.<<

How do you not know that?

What is not to know?

The "Jewish community" did not accept either partition plan.

The creation of Israel had nothing to do with either plan.

I don't recall reading anywhere about the Jewish community not accepting the plan.
You forgot to mention that the "native population" of Palestine were mostly Jews. Not a single Muslim among them anywhere to be found.

Palestine the undefined area was part of the ottoman empire

Britain took the territory in 1917 during WW1 and evicted the axis powers.

The 1906 border between Egypt and the ottoman empire was accepted as the border.

The borders between the FRENCH MANDATED OF PALESTINE Syria/ Lebanon and the BRITISH MANDATE OF PALESTINE were set in 1920

The eastern border of trans Jordan was set in 1922

Those Turkish citizens who lived in the mandated lands of Palestine had the right to accept citizenship of the mandated lands they lived in. Becoming French Palestinian citizens or British Palestinian citizens.

The treaty of Lausanne was the hand over of the reparations for WW1 by the ottomans and the land became mandated LoN land. This included the already formed nations of Iraq, Syria and trans Jordan that were still subject to mandate control.

There was no nation of people to receive those rights as the land was still under mandate, and the Jews declared their intention to create the nation of Israel on the land already set aside by the LEGAL OWNERS for that purpose. It was not until 1988 that the last piece of the mandated land was finally taken over and the mandate could end.

Palestine was a land defined by international borders. It had a native population who were citizens of Palestine.

The mandate owned no land and had no borders of its own. It held the land in trust while "rendering of administrative advice and assistance by a Mandatory until such time as they are able to stand alone." ~ LoN covanent

There has been a lot of misinformation about the mandate but it was assigned to Palestine to bring it to independence.

Jordan is not part of palestine.
Lebanon is not part of syria. Syria at one time was five different states
Mandates were to divide up the remains of the Ottoman empire, and that is what they did.
Tinmore, you are wrong again a out the Mandate being assigned to Palestine.
I used to think the same thing. But Palestine=Mandate and Mandate=Palestine.

Look at the name of the birthplace of the people born there during that time. It says Mandatory Palestine, not Palestine.

Then why did the UN armistice agreements (almost a year after the end of the mandate) say that Palestine was still there.

And a 1974 UN resolution said that Palestine was still there.

Do you have a link to your claim?
Why do you insist on continuously crying over milk that Arabs spilt 70 years ago? You're never gonna put that Humpty back together again. It is what it is, accept that and move on. Let's look at the facts in the ground ie...the West Bank is heading fast towards getting annexed by Israel. Time is not on the Palestinian's side.
Tinmore, you are wrong again a out the Mandate being assigned to Palestine.
I used to think the same thing. But Palestine=Mandate and Mandate=Palestine.

Look at the name of the birthplace of the people born there during that time. It says Mandatory Palestine, not Palestine.

Then why did the UN armistice agreements (almost a year after the end of the mandate) say that Palestine was still there.

And a 1974 UN resolution said that Palestine was still there.

Do you have a link to your claim?

I used to think like you, but then Rocco , on several occasions, proved otherwise . I don't remember the links he used, I will try to look it up.

BTW, do you have a map of Palestine from 1949?





Then why did the UN armistice agreements (almost a year after the end of the mandate) say that Palestine was still there.

And a 1974 UN resolution said that Palestine was still there.

Do you have a link to your claim?

I used to think like you, but then Rocco , on several occasions, proved otherwise . I don't remember the links he used, I will try to look it up.

BTW, do you have a map of Palestine from 1949?






Recognizing Jordan's right to exist but not Israel's. both were created out of the mandate.
Your nice embroidered map is hypocritical trash. However, if the PA fails, it might end up being the map of Israel in the future. Lets hope it does not come to that.
Can you show, specifically, where I am incorrect. Not just throwing out a bunch of stuff.

Your constant referencing the Palestinian international borders being that of modern day Palestine and not the real borders of Palestine as it was in 1920. The treaties were put in place to stop the royal houses getting upset over their acquisition of Syria and Transjordan, it had nothing to do with the arab muslims in modern day Palestine.

I reference Palestine's international borders as they were finalized in 1922 and came into affect in 1924.

These borders were referenced in the 1949 UN armistice agreements.

Negotiating a change in these borders is a final status issue in the current peace process.

The borders you reference are those shown above, and not the ones of modern day Palestine. Those borders were put in place were abolished by treaties setting up Iraq, Lebanon, Syria and Transjordan. Since then the only borders that have been negotiated were those between Israel and Egypt and Israel and Jordan. The Palestinians have not negotiated any borders as laid down in UN resolutions 242 and 338.

So when will the Palestinians decide it is time to negotiate their borders .
Tinmore, you are wrong again a out the Mandate being assigned to Palestine.
I used to think the same thing. But Palestine=Mandate and Mandate=Palestine.

Look at the name of the birthplace of the people born there during that time. It says Mandatory Palestine, not Palestine.

The mandates were given to France, Britain and Russia to bring the people to independence. The mandate was just a set of rules and regulations laid down by the LoN who were the new owners of the Ottoman lands. After various treaties were signed the mandated powers started issuing passports to Palestinians that had the name of the mandated power as the persons nationality.
Palestine was a land defined by international borders. It had a native population who were citizens of Palestine.

The mandate owned no land and had no borders of its own. It held the land in trust while "rendering of administrative advice and assistance by a Mandatory until such time as they are able to stand alone." ~ LoN covanent

There has been a lot of misinformation about the mandate but it was assigned to Palestine to bring it to independence.

'To bring it to Independence'

Which they rejected in 1947.

No they didn't.

What have the Palestinians done to negotiate peace, borders and a just settlement of the problems.

They rejected independence in may 1948 and kept on rejecting it until 1988
Tinmore, you are wrong again a out the Mandate being assigned to Palestine.
I used to think the same thing. But Palestine=Mandate and Mandate=Palestine.

Look at the name of the birthplace of the people born there during that time. It says Mandatory Palestine, not Palestine.

Then why did the UN armistice agreements (almost a year after the end of the mandate) say that Palestine was still there.

And a 1974 UN resolution said that Palestine was still there.

Do you have a link to your claim?

Palestine will always be there, just as the Negev and Jordan valley will. They are places on the map and not nations.

Now what have the Palestinians done to negotiate a just settlement, peace and borders as laid down by the UN resolutions 242 and 338
No they didn't.

>>While the Jewish community accepted the 1937 and 1947 partition plans, the Palestinian Arab leadership, dominated by the Husseini family, rejected both plans categorically. Indeed, most Palestinians turned down the 1937 design, even though it designated only 20 percent of Palestine to the proposed Jewish state. Furthermore, the Palestinian leadership even rejected the 1939 British White Paper, which had promised them an independent state within ten years while limiting Jewish immigration and turning the Jews into a minority in an Arab Palestinian state.<<

How do you not know that?

What is not to know?

The "Jewish community" did not accept either partition plan.

The creation of Israel had nothing to do with either plan.

Evidence from a reliable non biased source

Then detail what the Palestinians have done to negotiate a peace, just settlement and borders with Israel ?
Then why did the UN armistice agreements (almost a year after the end of the mandate) say that Palestine was still there.

And a 1974 UN resolution said that Palestine was still there.

Do you have a link to your claim?

I used to think like you, but then Rocco , on several occasions, proved otherwise . I don't remember the links he used, I will try to look it up.

BTW, do you have a map of Palestine from 1949?






Cant see 1949 in the legend for any of those maps, and are you sure they are from an unbiased source.

Now how about what the Palestinians have done to negotiate a just settlement, mutual borders and peace.
Then why did the UN armistice agreements (almost a year after the end of the mandate) say that Palestine was still there.

And a 1974 UN resolution said that Palestine was still there.

Do you have a link to your claim?

I used to think like you, but then Rocco , on several occasions, proved otherwise . I don't remember the links he used, I will try to look it up.

BTW, do you have a map of Palestine from 1949?





Ha ha ha. Of course a fake map drawn by Arabs, and not the international community, showing Israel as Palestine. Tinmore continues his delusion and whining.
Honestly, Tinmore is so funny. Did you notice how Palestine is even wriiten in red to wake up those Zionists? Heh Heh.

I used to think like you, but then Rocco , on several occasions, proved otherwise . I don't remember the links he used, I will try to look it up.

BTW, do you have a map of Palestine from 1949?





Ha ha ha. Of course a fake map drawn by Arabs, and not the international community, showing Israel as Palestine. Tinmore continues his delusion and whining.
Then why did the UN armistice agreements (almost a year after the end of the mandate) say that Palestine was still there.

And a 1974 UN resolution said that Palestine was still there.

Do you have a link to your claim?

I used to think like you, but then Rocco , on several occasions, proved otherwise . I don't remember the links he used, I will try to look it up.

BTW, do you have a map of Palestine from 1949?






Lol well that was clearly a sign of desperation on your part.
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I used to think like you, but then Rocco , on several occasions, proved otherwise . I don't remember the links he used, I will try to look it up.

BTW, do you have a map of Palestine from 1949?






Lol well that was clearly a sign of desperation on your part.
That's like Mexicans holding a map of US and calling it "Mexico". Ha ha ha. If Tel Aviv is Palestine, then New York belongs to Mexico. Tinmore has a great sense of humor, he should try being a comedian.

I don't know how those assholes in those pictures are holding those fake maps and keeping a straight face. Prime example of Palestinian Mentality.
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Recently, I told a poster who was debating with Tinmore:'you're talking to a guy who believes Tel Aviv is occupied.

Tinmore responded:' I get a lot of crap for saying that, but no one has proved me wrong'
Thats right, no one has proved him wrong that Tel Aviv is occupied territory :lol: :lol: :cuckoo:

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