Who Are The Palestinains?

Hamas Marks Independence Day with Genocide Video

*inn ^

Hamas gave Israel a “gift” on its Independence Day on Tuesday, in the form of a video calling for genocide of Israelis. The animated video, released by Hamas’s so-called “military wing”, the Al-Kassam Brigades, called for resistance and for committing genocide against Jews living in Israel in order to “free Palestine”. The song in the video was to the tune of the Israeli national anthem, Hatikvah, which means “the hope” in Hebrew. The Arabic words of the song twisted that message, warning that it is “the end of the hope” for Israel, that Israel was doomed, and that Jerusalem will...
Hamas Marks Independence Day with Genocide Video

*inn ^

Hamas gave Israel a “gift” on its Independence Day on Tuesday, in the form of a video calling for genocide of Israelis. The animated video, released by Hamas’s so-called “military wing”, the Al-Kassam Brigades, called for resistance and for committing genocide against Jews living in Israel in order to “free Palestine”. The song in the video was to the tune of the Israeli national anthem, Hatikvah, which means “the hope” in Hebrew. The Arabic words of the song twisted that message, warning that it is “the end of the hope” for Israel, that Israel was doomed, and that Jerusalem will...
Wow, that was truly sick. These animals never cease to amaze me.
Hamas Marks Independence Day with Genocide Video

*inn ^

Hamas gave Israel a “gift” on its Independence Day on Tuesday, in the form of a video calling for genocide of Israelis. The animated video, released by Hamas’s so-called “military wing”, the Al-Kassam Brigades, called for resistance and for committing genocide against Jews living in Israel in order to “free Palestine”. The song in the video was to the tune of the Israeli national anthem, Hatikvah, which means “the hope” in Hebrew. The Arabic words of the song twisted that message, warning that it is “the end of the hope” for Israel, that Israel was doomed, and that Jerusalem will...
Wow, that was truly sick. These animals never cease to amaze me.

Anyone with a lick of sense knows the only way to take care of a mad dog is to kill it, and make sure it's really dead, as they do tend to bite you, when you least expect it!
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Hamas Marks Independence Day with Genocide Video

*inn ^

Hamas gave Israel a “gift” on its Independence Day on Tuesday, in the form of a video calling for genocide of Israelis. The animated video, released by Hamas’s so-called “military wing”, the Al-Kassam Brigades, called for resistance and for committing genocide against Jews living in Israel in order to “free Palestine”. The song in the video was to the tune of the Israeli national anthem, Hatikvah, which means “the hope” in Hebrew. The Arabic words of the song twisted that message, warning that it is “the end of the hope” for Israel, that Israel was doomed, and that Jerusalem will...
Wow, that was truly sick. These animals never cease to amaze me.

Anyone with a lick of sense knows the only way to take care of a mad dog is to kill it, and make sure it's really dead, as they do tend to bite you, when you least expect it!
...but isn't Israel doing these animals a favor by providing them with a free one way ticket to their virgin 72 year old Virginians?
Eh Monte, got news for you. The indigenous Palestinians who lived on the land 2000 years ago WERE JEWS!

Well the Palestinians are the people that have lived in Palestine for the past 3,000 years. They may have changed religions, but they are the same people. So it is their land, not the European settler's land.

When you say their land, can you be more specific?

Well, than land that they and their ancestors lived on for the past 2,000 plus years.
when did Israel's ancient land become this "Palestinian land"

It's kind of like when your great, great, great grandparents immigrate to the U.S. from Europe and their house is sequestered by the government for non-payment of taxes and other people buy it and live there for a few generations. When you go to Europe and want your great, great, great grandparents home back, the people living there might resist.

But it is not like that at all is it, it is more like this. It is like you great, great,great grandparents being forcibly evicted from the home they had paid for by an invading horde of psychopathic rapists and murderers. Ran of the land while the invading horde rapes all the female members and forced to leave the home the family had owned for 1,000 years. Then to see the property destroyed by neglect and defaced as you are forcibly moved on yet again. Then many years later you are given the chance to go back and live on the land again by an International force that promises to keep the invaders away from your land. These invaders even after moving on and abandoning the land claim that they have lived there for 20,000 years when the reality is they only invaded 2 generations ago.

The land was never theirs, they stole it and then abandoned it, but now it is once again fertile and abundant they want to steal it all over again. Just like they did in Hebron
The better question is when did it become Jewish land? When it was taken from the Caanites, the Samaritans? When?

When it was Judea and Samaria right up until the LoN agreed to resurrect the NATIONAL HOME OF THE JEWS back in Palestine. That was when the land once more became Jewish, when the LEGAL OWNERS gave the Jews the land.
Well the Palestinians are the people that have lived in Palestine for the past 3,000 years. They may have changed religions, but they are the same people. So it is their land, not the European settler's land.

Lets see the Palestinians are muslims so did not exist before 632 C.E.

Palestine did not exist before Rome sacked the land and named it Palestine as an insult

3,000 years ago it was called Judea and Samaria and was owned by the Jews.

The Europeans have closer ties to the land than any Palestinian muslim ever will due to the genetic markers present in their DNA. Couple that with the fact that two former owners of the lands invited them to migrate there and take up ownership negates any claims by the illegal arab muslim invaders.
Well the Palestinians are the people that have lived in Palestine for the past 3,000 years. They may have changed religions, but they are the same people. So it is their land, not the European settler's land.

When you say their land, can you be more specific?

Well, than land that they and their ancestors lived on for the past 2,000 plus years.

So you mean Saudi, Egypt, Syria, Iran etc and not Judea and Samaria then. As that land was inhabited by the Jews who have lived there for nearly 4,000 years. Nice of you to finally admit that the arab muslims are recent invaders of the land and will you now join with the rest of humanity in demanding they return to their homes.
Hamas Marks Independence Day with Genocide Video

*inn ^

Hamas gave Israel a “gift” on its Independence Day on Tuesday, in the form of a video calling for genocide of Israelis. The animated video, released by Hamas’s so-called “military wing”, the Al-Kassam Brigades, called for resistance and for committing genocide against Jews living in Israel in order to “free Palestine”. The song in the video was to the tune of the Israeli national anthem, Hatikvah, which means “the hope” in Hebrew. The Arabic words of the song twisted that message, warning that it is “the end of the hope” for Israel, that Israel was doomed, and that Jerusalem will...
Wow, that was truly sick. These animals never cease to amaze me.

I wonder how many of the ISLAMONAZI PROPAGANDISTS will claim that this is another "Zionist lie"
Proposing of and doing evil acts need to opposed, no matter what the source.

Though it makes sense to massively limit the power of Israeli Zionists, clearly killing them all is neither necessary nor desirable, and not even possible by the meagre military that Hamas has.

As to whether this is from a Hamas source or Mossad, it would be hard to say. Clearly some fools in Palestine think it is useful or 'feel good' to send nasty messages. But then again, many Zionists would love to receive them, as a tool to claim victimhood again. Even when they have more military might than most European states.
Proposing of and doing evil acts need to opposed, no matter what the source.

Though it makes sense to massively limit the power of Israeli Zionists, clearly killing them all is neither necessary nor desirable, and not even possible by the meagre military that Hamas has.

As to whether this is from a Hamas source or Mossad, it would be hard to say. Clearly some fools in Palestine think it is useful or 'feel good' to send nasty messages. But then again, many Zionists would love to receive them, as a tool to claim victimhood again. Even when they have more military might than most European states.

problem is every time the Israeli's are castigated for atrocities they admit to them first then at a later date prove that they did not do them but that the Palestinians did.
They need that military might to combat the terrorism and violence emanating from the muslims. It is the Samson option if the muslims attack the Israelis have far more firepower to hit back with.
Well the Palestinians are the people that have lived in Palestine for the past 3,000 years. They may have changed religions, but they are the same people. So it is their land, not the European settler's land.
The so-called 'Palestinians' are a polyglot of diverse native and immigrant peoples and tribes which include the descendants of those living there for centuries and those large numbers of job-seeking migrants who drifted into the region beginning in the late 19th Century as the immigrant Jews set up shop and began generating jobs and economic productivity and created a demand for large-scale unskilled Arab labor; a mixture of old-timer and newcomer blood-lines and families, drawn from various lands and countries surrounding Israel-Palestine.

And, as things stand now, they are the former owners of the land; having (a) sold-out to the Jews prior to 1948 and (b) lost their various wars against the Jews. They are now, in large part, and to all practical purposes, a state-less, land-less, displaced people. It is time for them to disperse into the surrounding Muslim-controlled countries and to begin new lives there for themselves and their families. The battle for Palestine is over. It was pretty much over by 1948-1949, and 1967 was the clincher.

Peoples are displaced from time to time as a result of warfare, but the world continues to turn, and it's now clear that the Jews of Israel are there to stay, and will eventually settle for nothing less than Eretz Yisrael, and that they have the muscle to realize their goal.

Pay off the Palestinians with some sort of wergeld, help them to relocate, let 'em go someplace where they're actually welcome, to begin new and peaceful lives, and be done with the goddamned thing - allowing the world get on with far more important business.

The pissant Palestinians simply aren't worth all this fuss, for all these years, in the larger and grander scheme of things.
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Hamas Marks Independence Day with Genocide Video

*inn ^

Hamas gave Israel a “gift” on its Independence Day on Tuesday, in the form of a video calling for genocide of Israelis. The animated video, released by Hamas’s so-called “military wing”, the Al-Kassam Brigades, called for resistance and for committing genocide against Jews living in Israel in order to “free Palestine”. The song in the video was to the tune of the Israeli national anthem, Hatikvah, which means “the hope” in Hebrew. The Arabic words of the song twisted that message, warning that it is “the end of the hope” for Israel, that Israel was doomed, and that Jerusalem will...

this is who Israel should have as a neighbor and future partner in negotiations???
Hamas Marks Independence Day with Genocide Video

*inn ^

Hamas gave Israel a “gift” on its Independence Day on Tuesday, in the form of a video calling for genocide of Israelis. The animated video, released by Hamas’s so-called “military wing”, the Al-Kassam Brigades, called for resistance and for committing genocide against Jews living in Israel in order to “free Palestine”. The song in the video was to the tune of the Israeli national anthem, Hatikvah, which means “the hope” in Hebrew. The Arabic words of the song twisted that message, warning that it is “the end of the hope” for Israel, that Israel was doomed, and that Jerusalem will...

this is who Israel should have as a neighbor and future partner in negotiations???
It is my guess that the time is fast approaching, when Israel is going to be obliged to go into Gaza and exterminate Hamas.
Proposing of and doing evil acts need to opposed, no matter what the source.

Though it makes sense to massively limit the power of Israeli Zionists, clearly killing them all is neither necessary nor desirable, and not even possible by the meagre military that Hamas has.

As to whether this is from a Hamas source or Mossad, it would be hard to say. Clearly some fools in Palestine think it is useful or 'feel good' to send nasty messages. But then again, many Zionists would love to receive them, as a tool to claim victimhood again. Even when they have more military might than most European states.

problem is every time the Israeli's are castigated for atrocities they admit to them first then at a later date prove that they did not do them but that the Palestinians did.
They need that military might to combat the terrorism and violence emanating from the muslims. It is the Samson option if the muslims attack the Israelis have far more firepower to hit back with.

I see what you are saying, but actually that is sledgehammer to nut stuff.
Israel needs peace. It THINKS it needs war, but that is because its leaders insist on continued expansion and ethnic cleansing of anyone who it Other" than "them".

For its opponents to allow peace, the opponents need to be given a very good measure of personal security, opportunity, and justice. Justice in having security of their families lands, and its assets. Security in not facing constant attacks, being killed, being robbed by the occupier. And opportunity in not having their wealth and economy suppressed with "Israeli security" being touted as a flimsy excuse.

What Israel needs is punishment, so when it does wrong it is not rewarded.
If every time Israel arrested a young boy, killed an unarmed man, stole more land for settlements or took water resource from Palestine, Israel was deprived of a little more land, a little more money, a little of their influence, Israel would cease and make peace.

As the US rewards Israel for being aggressive to Palestine and for being aggressive to America, guess what?

Yes, the bad child learns to be worse.

You DO know the Sampson Strategy is to nuke all major cities of nations who "don't help enough" don't you.
So potentially, half of Europe, Berlin, and possibly even in America, if the Israeli decide you haven't been nice enough to them.

Sadly Germany gave Israel a set of nuke missile carrying subs a few years ago, so they can do it. :/
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montelatici, et al,

As intellectually stimulating and informative these bouts in ancient history are, they have little to nothing to do with the reality and practicalities of today.

The better question is when did it become Jewish land? When it was taken from the Caanites, the Samaritans? When?

The "Jewish State" was first officially designated by the General Assembly in Part II - Boundaries, Section B - THE JEWISH STATE, of Resolution 181(II), and became effective on implementation midnight 14/15 May 1948, as announced by the UN Palestine Commission and the Declaration of Independence. Subsequent acts of aggression by the Arab League attempting to introduce external interference, Wars, Armistice Arrangements, then Treaties resulted in the alteration of those initial boundaries.

Everything else is merely of prior to that is mere of historical interest; but not practically applicable in any contemporary way.

Most Respectfully,

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