Who Are The Palestinains?


The reason I say many American SUPPOSED JEWS, really have replaced their religion with liberalism! Suicide is strong with those people!
Yup I say it all the time. American Jews can at times be the stupidest people on earth.
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I agree the Palestinians need a state of their own void of any Israeli invention. A state with Palestinian self determination whereby they can no longer be able to just suck off of Israel for their well being. Problem is no surrounding Arab country will grant their Palestinians a right of return back to their indigenous homelands. So WHERE can they go where they would be welcomed? Gosh I wonder if Mecca might be a nice place for a Palestinian State?

Well the Palestinians are the people that have lived in Palestine for the past 3,000 years. They may have changed religions, but they are the same people. So it is their land, not the European settler's land.
The so-called 'Palestinians' are a polyglot of diverse native and immigrant peoples and tribes which include the descendants of those living there for centuries and those large numbers of job-seeking migrants who drifted into the region beginning in the late 19th Century as the immigrant Jews set up shop and began generating jobs and economic productivity and created a demand for large-scale unskilled Arab labor; a mixture of old-timer and newcomer blood-lines and families, drawn from various lands and countries surrounding Israel-Palestine.

And, as things stand now, they are the former owners of the land; having (a) sold-out to the Jews prior to 1948 and (b) lost their various wars against the Jews. They are now, in large part, and to all practical purposes, a state-less, land-less, displaced people. It is time for them to disperse into the surrounding Muslim-controlled countries and to begin new lives there for themselves and their families. The battle for Palestine is over. It was pretty much over by 1948-1949, and 1967 was the clincher.

Peoples are displaced from time to time as a result of warfare, but the world continues to turn, and it's now clear that the Jews of Israel are there to stay, and will eventually settle for nothing less than Eretz Yisrael, and that they have the muscle to realize their goal.

Pay off the Palestinians with some sort of wergeld, help them to relocate, let 'em go someplace where they're actually welcome, to begin new and peaceful lives, and be done with the goddamned thing - allowing the world get on with far more important business.

The pissant Palestinians simply aren't worth all this fuss, for all these years, in the larger and grander scheme of things.
i Peoples are displaced from time to time as a result of warfare, but the world continues to turn, and it's now clear that the Jews of Israel are there to stay, and will eventually settle for nothing less than Eretz Yisrael, and that they have the muscle to realize their goal.

Naw, it is the Algeria, Rhodesia or South Africa route for the Israeli Jews. Hopefully, the South Africa route. Most everyone realizes it except zealots.
i Peoples are displaced from time to time as a result of warfare, but the world continues to turn, and it's now clear that the Jews of Israel are there to stay, and will eventually settle for nothing less than Eretz Yisrael, and that they have the muscle to realize their goal.

Naw, it is the Algeria, Rhodesia or South Africa route for the Israeli Jews. Hopefully, the South Africa route. Most everyone realizes it except zealots.
Better hurry, then...

i Peoples are displaced from time to time as a result of warfare, but the world continues to turn, and it's now clear that the Jews of Israel are there to stay, and will eventually settle for nothing less than Eretz Yisrael, and that they have the muscle to realize their goal.

Naw, it is the Algeria, Rhodesia or South Africa route for the Israeli Jews. Hopefully, the South Africa route. Most everyone realizes it except zealots.

Isn't it fun the way these converted Muslims conveniently leave out how people of different religions are treated in Muslim countries, but they really lap up the NeoNazi/Islamofascist hates site which inform them to mention South Africa when Israel is nothing like South Africa? I guess like Goebbels they feel if they keep on repeating this ad nauseam, the viewers are going to start believing this nonsense.
Good point. Let's hope the next time Israel could use more land for growth that the Arabs will start yet another war.

i Peoples are displaced from time to time as a result of warfare, but the world continues to turn, and it's now clear that the Jews of Israel are there to stay, and will eventually settle for nothing less than Eretz Yisrael, and that they have the muscle to realize their goal.

Naw, it is the Algeria, Rhodesia or South Africa route for the Israeli Jews. Hopefully, the South Africa route. Most everyone realizes it except zealots.
Better hurry, then...

Good point. Let's hope the next time Israel could use more land for growth that the Arabs will start yet another war.

i Peoples are displaced from time to time as a result of warfare, but the world continues to turn, and it's now clear that the Jews of Israel are there to stay, and will eventually settle for nothing less than Eretz Yisrael, and that they have the muscle to realize their goal.

Naw, it is the Algeria, Rhodesia or South Africa route for the Israeli Jews. Hopefully, the South Africa route. Most everyone realizes it except zealots.
Better hurry, then...


The sooner Israel annexes the West Bank and East Jerusalem the sooner the end game.
Good point. Let's hope the next time Israel could use more land for growth that the Arabs will start yet another war.

The sooner Israel annexes the West Bank and East Jerusalem the sooner the end game.
End game being what, convert? Is this another one of your daily mental masturbation fantasies about the "end of Israel". Ha ha ha.

The end-game means Israel beginning to acknowledge and take actions which will transform it into a secular democracy with equal rights for all people it has under its rule/control.
HUH??? No nation would give equal rights to terrorists from within. Don't believe that? Just tell us of one nation that does.

The sooner Israel annexes the West Bank and East Jerusalem the sooner the end game.
End game being what, convert? Is this another one of your daily mental masturbation fantasies about the "end of Israel". Ha ha ha.

The end-game means Israel beginning to acknowledge and take actions which will transform it into a secular democracy with equal rights for all people it has under its rule/control.
HUH??? No nation would give equal rights to terrorists from within. Don't believe that? Just tell us of one nation that does.

End game being what, convert? Is this another one of your daily mental masturbation fantasies about the "end of Israel". Ha ha ha.

The end-game means Israel beginning to acknowledge and take actions which will transform it into a secular democracy with equal rights for all people it has under its rule/control.

South Africa
HUH??? No nation would give equal rights to terrorists from within. Don't believe that? Just tell us of one nation that does.

The end-game means Israel beginning to acknowledge and take actions which will transform it into a secular democracy with equal rights for all people it has under its rule/control.

South Africa

they were citizens of South Africa.

Palestinians are not Israeli, they don't want Israel to exist so there is no reason to try to given citizenship or equal rights. Palestinians already have more right that many other arab in the region. Every one has bent over backwards to cater the wants and needs of the palestinians.
HUH??? No nation would give equal rights to terrorists from within. Don't believe that? Just tell us of one nation that does.

South Africa

they were citizens of South Africa.

Palestinians are not Israeli, they don't want Israel to exist so there is no reason to try to given citizenship or equal rights. Palestinians already have more right that many other arab in the region. Every one has bent over backwards to cater the wants and needs of the palestinians.

No, the non-Whites were citizens of the various occupied territories, the Bantustans, you idiot.
South Africa

they were citizens of South Africa.

Palestinians are not Israeli, they don't want Israel to exist so there is no reason to try to given citizenship or equal rights. Palestinians already have more right that many other arab in the region. Every one has bent over backwards to cater the wants and needs of the palestinians.

No, the non-Whites were citizens of the various occupied territories, the Bantustans, you ------.

The territories were autonomous, but were not independent states. They were still part of south africa.

If you can't be civil, please avoid addressing me or responding to my posts. I am sorry your parents did not teach you manners, somebody should have. If you have that much trouble with your temper perhaps spending less time on this board or finding one less stressful might be to your benefit.
The sooner Israel annexes the West Bank and East Jerusalem the sooner the end game.
End game being what, convert? Is this another one of your daily mental masturbation fantasies about the "end of Israel". Ha ha ha.

The end-game means Israel beginning to acknowledge and take actions which will transform it into a secular democracy with equal rights for all people it has under its rule/control.

And how exactly is that going to work when the majority of Jews moving to Israel are Orthodox Tanach Thumpers?

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