Who Are The Palestinains?

From a U.S. source Time Magazine.

" judging from a report on the Israeli military-justice system in the West Bank compiled by the Palestine office of the Geneva-based Defense for Children International, which works closely with the U.N. and European states........The report states that "the ill-treatment and torture" of Palestinian child prisoners "appears to be widespread, systematic and institutionalized, suggesting complicity at all levels of the political and military chain of command."

Israeli Prisons: Are Palestinian Children Abused? - TIME
Israel would not stand for that.

It takes small children now, from their parents. It imprisons them, isolates them and beats them, for months at a time sometimes.

When released they are shocked, traumatised, scared and fail in their education.

Israel is actually creating the conditions to ensure it has someone who hates them for decades to come.
Israel needs an enemy, so it can keep claiming to be a victim, while massively superior to any threat it may face.

You of course are aware that arrest and/or questioning procedures were change so your claim is no longer valid.

Israel does not take small children, they have to be over the age of 12 to be responsible for their action. Palestinians define a child as under 16 yrs of age. If convinced, children only serve 6 months.

You can make a claim that any child that cries at night, or if they miss their parents is traumatized. That would mean kids going to summer camp that cry are being traumatized as well. Getting up before dawn, clean their room, get washed, dress and to their mess hall to eat, following direction all day. Anyone that has been to boarding or military school can equate and would not call it torture or traumatizing. For a 5 yr old being away from parents for the first time and in strange surroundings, but not for a 12-16 yr old.

I'm sure they might feel that this is so terrible and cruel, and exaggerate and dramatize every little event as if the world is about to end, but in reality they just don't want to do what they are told. Everything is a crisis. That is what kids do and how they act. I'm sure it is no picnic, but I doubt it is as horrifying as they claim. They are in prison because they did something wrong. It is supposed to leave an impression.

When they changed their "using children as human shield" policy the IDF immediately employed a "neighbor" technique, which meant - yes you've guess it, Using Childern as Human Shields again!

As to "Just stopped" well that's nice. 60 or 80 years from now, the victims from last week may be gone.

And "over the age of 12".

Good god aris, you have no conscience at all do you?
>>Good god aris, you have no conscience at all do you?<<

I grew up with different experience than most. I've also raise three wonderful children. My conscience is fine.
12 yr old are no babies. They break the law or try to hurt someone, they should be punished. I support the scare kids straight programs. I also support the trouble teen boot camp. I think if kid understood the consequences they would not commit the crime, most of them.
Israel would not stand for that.

It takes small children now, from their parents. It imprisons them, isolates them and beats them, for months at a time sometimes.

When released they are shocked, traumatised, scared and fail in their education.

Israel is actually creating the conditions to ensure it has someone who hates them for decades to come.
Israel needs an enemy, so it can keep claiming to be a victim, while massively superior to any threat it may face.

:cuckoo: :cuckoo:
Where is the comment relevant to the discussion?

The rebuttal?

The alternative perspective?

Not very good are you toast.
Israel would not stand for that.

It takes small children now, from their parents. It imprisons them, isolates them and beats them, for months at a time sometimes.

When released they are shocked, traumatised, scared and fail in their education.

Israel is actually creating the conditions to ensure it has someone who hates them for decades to come.
Israel needs an enemy, so it can keep claiming to be a victim, while massively superior to any threat it may face.
Sounds like the Palestinians should pack up and leave then, and go somewhere where they're wanted. There's nothing left for them, where they are now.
Israel would not stand for that.

It takes small children now, from their parents. It imprisons them, isolates them and beats them, for months at a time sometimes.

When released they are shocked, traumatised, scared and fail in their education.

Israel is actually creating the conditions to ensure it has someone who hates them for decades to come.
Israel needs an enemy, so it can keep claiming to be a victim, while massively superior to any threat it may face.

:cuckoo: :cuckoo:
Say what you want, the Little Demon does amuse...

Most likely a graduate of the Hamas-Goebbels School of Propaganda and Culinary Arts...
Israel would not stand for that.

It takes small children now, from their parents. It imprisons them, isolates them and beats them, for months at a time sometimes.

When released they are shocked, traumatised, scared and fail in their education.

Israel is actually creating the conditions to ensure it has someone who hates them for decades to come.
Israel needs an enemy, so it can keep claiming to be a victim, while massively superior to any threat it may face.

You of course are aware that arrest and/or questioning procedures were change so your claim is no longer valid.

Israel does not take small children, they have to be over the age of 12 to be responsible for their action. Palestinians define a child as under 16 yrs of age. If convinced, children only serve 6 months.

You can make a claim that any child that cries at night, or if they miss their parents is traumatized. That would mean kids going to summer camp that cry are being traumatized as well. Getting up before dawn, clean their room, get washed, dress and to their mess hall to eat, following direction all day. Anyone that has been to boarding or military school can equate and would not call it torture or traumatizing. For a 5 yr old being away from parents for the first time and in strange surroundings, but not for a 12-16 yr old.

I'm sure they might feel that this is so terrible and cruel, and exaggerate and dramatize every little event as if the world is about to end, but in reality they just don't want to do what they are told. Everything is a crisis. That is what kids do and how they act. I'm sure it is no picnic, but I doubt it is as horrifying as they claim. They are in prison because they did something wrong. It is supposed to leave an impression.
>>One shoots a Mad Dog, or, if one cannot bring one's self to pull the trigger, one banishes and expels the Mad Dog beyond one's fenced yard, forevermore, to ward-off rabies. Expulsion is preferable to annihilation.<<

Actually shooting the dog is better so the rabies does not spread. With the brain inflammation you don't want the dog to suffer pain and paralysis. You put the mad dog down, it is kinder.
True, but that's where the analogy (rightfully) breaks down, and we are obliged to remember that although we are dealing with a Collective that may rightfully be labeled as a Mad Dog, its constituent parts are living, breathing human beings, who may prove redeemable, and who may actually have a chance at new and better and happier lives, if relocated and given a chance. By doing so, we render ourselves better people than the Palestinian Collective, which has repeatedly sworn to drown the Jews in the Med.

you remove the bad apples, you don't throw away the whole barrel.
True enough.

The more of those Hamas Leadership peckerwoods they kill, the better.
Now, could imagine the whining and crying about antisemitism if one were to post similar cartoons regarding the takeover of Israel by the Jewish utra orthodox radicals?
What are you, some kind of male chauvenist who doesn't even care about the abusive treatment of women under Islamic law? Disgusting.

Now, could imagine the whining and crying about antisemitism if one were to post similar cartoons regarding the takeover of Israel by the Jewish utra orthodox radicals?
FGM is not compulsory in Islam. Some sects practice it. Most don't

The Hijab, hiqab and burka: none of them are compulsory by Islam. Modesty is, unless in private or with the same sex.

The 72 virgins is a myth put about by recruiting sergeants, esp. for young impressionable suicide bombers. Suicide is forbidden in Islam.
They also don't get 72 virgins after death because ... well, they are dead.

In all this "Picture" approach to discussion is pretty awful. And contains more bigotry than commentary.
Are those contributors still weaning from picture books to those with writing?

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