Who Are The Palestinains?

I am still interested in your answer to my question.
I propose that they, being dead, get no 72 virgins.

Do you agree with that, or do you think they have an afterlife and a realistic hope of anything that is written in their holy book.

Being that they have the same god as Christianity and Judaism, and that all the books have their own self contradictory and occasionally whacko passages, do you think they get their virgins? Or anything?

That question wasn't adressed to me, but to Caroline.

Sorry to disappoint you, but we're still not the same person, though I don't have a problem with the comparison.

So do you want an honest answer from me or from Caroline?


All you Zionists look alike to me. ;)

From you please Lipush, since you ask so nicely.
And Caroline too if you are willing. :)

I don't believe in that, no.

Oh, oh, which reminds me!


Watch from 5:17

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Yep! Gotta feel sympathetic toward those "peace loving" Palestinians under Israel's brutal treatment of peace offerings, a security fence & land concessions so those "peace loving" Palestinians can remain squatters on Israel's land.

They're less than 0.1% of the Jewish population.

What a lame comparison
All his comparisons are lame and false.

Oh dear. Let's look at this objectively. Some Jews dress just like some Muslims, are we concerned about the absolute numbers that do respectively? Other than that, the photo is just that, a photo of Jews in Jerusalem. Make of it what you will.
They're less than 0.1% of the Jewish population.

What a lame comparison
All his comparisons are lame and false.

Oh dear. Let's look at this objectively. Some Jews dress just like some Muslims, are we concerned about the absolute numbers that do respectively? Other than that, the photo is just that, a photo of Jews in Jerusalem. Make of it what you will.
Oh dear, nuns and sisters dress like Muslims too. But that doesn't mean the ENTIRE Christian world dresses like that. Whereas in Hamas Gaza shitland and many If not most Muslim countries wearing Islamic attire like that is mandatory and carries punishment if women don't comply.

You see how idiotic your comparisons are? All the behavior of a stupid convert to Islam trying to justify the barbarism among his co religionists.

Another false comparison goes down in flames, this seems to be a pattern with you, MOHOMOD. Ha ha ha.
They're less than 0.1% of the Jewish population.

What a lame comparison
All his comparisons are lame and false.

Oh dear. Let's look at this objectively. Some Jews dress just like some Muslims, are we concerned about the absolute numbers that do respectively? Other than that, the photo is just that, a photo of Jews in Jerusalem. Make of it what you will.

And how many Palestinians wear burkas?

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