Who Are The Palestinains?

Are the Israelis that are shooting Palestinian kids (footballers) scum of the earth?

Fifa Urged to Ban Israel over Shooting of Palestinian Boy Footballers

"The calls for Israel to be removed from the global footballing body Fifa have grown louder after two Palestinian footballers were reportedly shot in the feet at an Israeli checkpoint, preventing them from ever playing football again.

Are the Israelis that are shooting Palestinian kids (footballers) scum of the earth?

Fifa Urged to Ban Israel over Shooting of Palestinian Boy Footballers

"The calls for Israel to be removed from the global footballing body Fifa have grown louder after two Palestinian footballers were reportedly shot in the feet at an Israeli checkpoint, preventing them from ever playing football again.


Are the Israelis that are shooting Palestinian kids (footballers) scum of the earth?

Fifa Urged to Ban Israel over Shooting of Palestinian Boy Footballers

"The calls for Israel to be removed from the global footballing body Fifa have grown louder after two Palestinian footballers were reportedly shot in the feet at an Israeli checkpoint, preventing them from ever playing football again.



Prove what?

You prove that the photo is not a Hasbara propaganda shot.

Of course, if a mother really put an explosive belt on her daughter with the thought that she would blow herself up, it would not reflect well on the mother. But, it is almost certainly Hasbara propaganda. They are very effective at bamboozling Americans.

"Perhaps the most robust section of the Hasbara website is its “Resources” tab, which includes links to talking points, posters and programming ideas, for intended use by pro-Israel college students. Educational materials include Orientalist and Islamophobic videos, such as one that asks, “What if Arab and Muslim countries became bastions for equal rights and basic liberties, instead of barriers to human development and progress?”

Clearly, the aim of these media is not to educate, but rather, to disseminate anti-Arab and anti-Muslim literature for the broader goals of whitewashing the illegal occupation and ethnic cleansing of the Palestinian people. Such racist and crooked propaganda has already taken root across the UCLA campus, manifesting itself in the deplorable statements that circulated at the Undergraduate Students Association Council meeting on Feb. 25, in which Arab and Muslim communities were targeted through language frighteningly similar to that deployed by the Hasbara website."

Submission: Daily Bruin should have disclosed authors? link to Hasbara | Daily Bruin
Based on what we all witnessed when Israel granted the Palestinians their own Gaza, can you imagine the self inflicted genocide the Palestinians would commit upon themselves if Israel ever granted them their own Palestinian State with self determination not having Israel to suck off of any longer for their means of support?
Israel created a Gulag where they control the population, air space, territorial sea and land borders and use it for target practice occasionally.
Are the Israelis that are shooting Palestinian kids (footballers) scum of the earth?

Fifa Urged to Ban Israel over Shooting of Palestinian Boy Footballers

"The calls for Israel to be removed from the global footballing body Fifa have grown louder after two Palestinian footballers were reportedly shot in the feet at an Israeli checkpoint, preventing them from ever playing football again.



Prove what?

You prove that the photo is not a Hasbara propaganda shot.

Of course, if a mother really put an explosive belt on her daughter with the thought that she would blow herself up, it would not reflect well on the mother. But, it is almost certainly Hasbara propaganda. They are very effective at bamboozling Americans.

"Perhaps the most robust section of the Hasbara website is its “Resources” tab, which includes links to talking points, posters and programming ideas, for intended use by pro-Israel college students. Educational materials include Orientalist and Islamophobic videos, such as one that asks, “What if Arab and Muslim countries became bastions for equal rights and basic liberties, instead of barriers to human development and progress?”

Clearly, the aim of these media is not to educate, but rather, to disseminate anti-Arab and anti-Muslim literature for the broader goals of whitewashing the illegal occupation and ethnic cleansing of the Palestinian people. Such racist and crooked propaganda has already taken root across the UCLA campus, manifesting itself in the deplorable statements that circulated at the Undergraduate Students Association Council meeting on Feb. 25, in which Arab and Muslim communities were targeted through language frighteningly similar to that deployed by the Hasbara website."

Submission: Daily Bruin should have disclosed authors? link to Hasbara | Daily Bruin
As long as Hamas has supporters like Montelatici, Turnspeak will exist.
Its occupants need to pack-up and leave, then, don't they?

Where to? Are you recommending ethnic cleansing, which is a crime against humanity?
Of course he didn't. Merely bussed back to their native countries.

Again with the Zionist propaganda. No matter how much source material that is provided and linked to from UN archives and the like, for you to read and learn, you continue to trumpet propaganda you know is untrue. It's like the little child that put his hands over his ears and says blah, blah, blah when the truth is being told to him.

The Christians and the Muslims of Palestine are the indigenous people, the European settlers came from Europe.
Based on what we all witnessed when Israel granted the Palestinians their own Gaza, can you imagine the self inflicted genocide the Palestinians would commit upon themselves if Israel ever granted them their own Palestinian State with self determination not having Israel to suck off of any longer for their means of support?

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YR5BDwEW6uw]Laila El-Haddad, Journalist, Author, Gaza Mom-The Autograph-09-21-2011 - YouTube[/ame]
Israel created a Gulag where they control the population, air space, territorial sea and land borders and use it for target practice occasionally.
Its occupants need to pack-up and leave, then, don't they?

Where to? Are you recommending ethnic cleansing, which is a crime against humanity?
Some to Jordan...

Some to Lebanon...

Some to Egypt...

Some to Iraq...

Some to Saudi Arabia...

Some to Libya...

Some to Morocco...

Whomever will take a modest percentage of them, in exchange for a couple of decades of financial support, in whole or in part, for such a population transfer...

As many as can be convinced to leave of their own accord...

With the rest being forcibly evicted and expelled once the 'volunteers' have all received their pay-off wergeld and compensation for their troubles and relocation assistance...

A more fair and gentle arrangement than what the Muslims of Lebanon did for their Christian countrymen...
Based on what we all witnessed when Israel granted the Palestinians their own Gaza, can you imagine the self inflicted genocide the Palestinians would commit upon themselves if Israel ever granted them their own Palestinian State with self determination not having Israel to suck off of any longer for their means of support?

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YR5BDwEW6uw]Laila El-Haddad, Journalist, Author, Gaza Mom-The Autograph-09-21-2011 - YouTube[/ame]

The crime is that Hamas, as authority in gaza, is waging war on Israel.

If there are shortages it because hamas does not want to pay the PA for supplies or because certain items that are dual use are not permitted in gaza, because of violence. When things are peaceful, most supplies enter without a problem, but they still have to be distributed by hamas, which many are not.
If they don't like what is happening they should get rid of Hamas and bring in a more moderate authority that will not permit the use of violence and will recognize Israel's right to exist.
Based on what we all witnessed when Israel granted the Palestinians their own Gaza, can you imagine the self inflicted genocide the Palestinians would commit upon themselves if Israel ever granted them their own Palestinian State with self determination not having Israel to suck off of any longer for their means of support?

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YR5BDwEW6uw]Laila El-Haddad, Journalist, Author, Gaza Mom-The Autograph-09-21-2011 - YouTube[/ame]

The crime is that Hamas, as authority in gaza, is waging war on Israel.

If there are shortages it because hamas does not want to pay the PA for supplies or because certain items that are dual use are not permitted in gaza, because of violence. When things are peaceful, most supplies enter without a problem, but they still have to be distributed by hamas, which many are not.
If they don't like what is happening they should get rid of Hamas and bring in a more moderate authority that will not permit the use of violence and will recognize Israel's right to exist.

Who was Israel's boogyman before there was Hamas?

The crime is that Hamas, as authority in gaza, is waging war on Israel.

If there are shortages it because hamas does not want to pay the PA for supplies or because certain items that are dual use are not permitted in gaza, because of violence. When things are peaceful, most supplies enter without a problem, but they still have to be distributed by hamas, which many are not.
If they don't like what is happening they should get rid of Hamas and bring in a more moderate authority that will not permit the use of violence and will recognize Israel's right to exist.

Who was Israel's boogyman before there was Hamas?
Call your handlers at Hamas Terrorist HQ and ask them?
The crime is that Hamas, as authority in gaza, is waging war on Israel.

If there are shortages it because hamas does not want to pay the PA for supplies or because certain items that are dual use are not permitted in gaza, because of violence. When things are peaceful, most supplies enter without a problem, but they still have to be distributed by hamas, which many are not.
If they don't like what is happening they should get rid of Hamas and bring in a more moderate authority that will not permit the use of violence and will recognize Israel's right to exist.

Who was Israel's boogyman before there was Hamas?
Call your handlers at Hamas Terrorist HQ and ask them?

The terrorist card is no longer the ace of trump.
Call your handlers at Hamas Terrorist HQ and ask them?

The terrorist card is no longer the ace of trump.
Truth be told, it never truly was.

But it earned 'you' the lasting enmity and distrust of the wider world, beyond the domain of Islam.

Nothing subsequent to that is going to do 'you' any good, because of that.

Indeed, "terrorist" was one of Israel's more successful propaganda campaigns.

It is losing its salt.
The terrorist card is no longer the ace of trump.
Truth be told, it never truly was.

But it earned 'you' the lasting enmity and distrust of the wider world, beyond the domain of Islam.

Nothing subsequent to that is going to do 'you' any good, because of that.

Indeed, "terrorist" was one of Israel's more successful propaganda campaigns.

It is losing its salt.

That's the dumbest thing I ever hear.
What about the other countries who consider them terrorists?
Lemme guess, it's all a conspiracy, right??

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