Who Are The Palestinains?

Truth be told, it never truly was.

But it earned 'you' the lasting enmity and distrust of the wider world, beyond the domain of Islam.

Nothing subsequent to that is going to do 'you' any good, because of that.

Indeed, "terrorist" was one of Israel's more successful propaganda campaigns.

It is losing its salt.

That's the dumbest thing I ever hear.
What about the other countries who consider them terrorists?
Lemme guess, it's all a conspiracy, right??

How many countries are there in the world?

How many have designated Hamas as terrorists?
Indeed, "terrorist" was one of Israel's more successful propaganda campaigns.

It is losing its salt.

That's the dumbest thing I ever hear.
What about the other countries who consider them terrorists?
Lemme guess, it's all a conspiracy, right??

How many countries are there in the world?

How many have designated Hamas as terrorists?
Only the key countries matter. No one cares if Monaco doesn't list them as terrorists.
Indeed, "terrorist" was one of Israel's more successful propaganda campaigns.

It is losing its salt.

That's the dumbest thing I ever hear.
What about the other countries who consider them terrorists?
Lemme guess, it's all a conspiracy, right??

How many countries are there in the world?

How many have designated Hamas as terrorists?
US, EU, Canada, Australia, Japan, etc. etc. etc.

You live in the US don't you? Yet you continue to openly support an organization that according the US law has been clearly classified as TERRORIST.
Indeed, "terrorist" was one of Israel's more successful propaganda campaigns.

It is losing its salt.

That's the dumbest thing I ever hear.
What about the other countries who consider them terrorists?
Lemme guess, it's all a conspiracy, right??

How many countries are there in the world?

How many have designated Hamas as terrorists?

9 leading countries have listed palestinian Hamas as terrorist plus EU, four more will not have contact with hamas, three have listed it as not terrorist and most have no opinion.
There are other groups that use the name hamas in other countries where they carry out their own terrorist activity.
Are the Israelis that are shooting Palestinian kids (footballers) scum of the earth?

Fifa Urged to Ban Israel over Shooting of Palestinian Boy Footballers

"The calls for Israel to be removed from the global footballing body Fifa have grown louder after two Palestinian footballers were reportedly shot in the feet at an Israeli checkpoint, preventing them from ever playing football again.



Prove what?

You prove that the photo is not a Hasbara propaganda shot.

Of course, if a mother really put an explosive belt on her daughter with the thought that she would blow herself up, it would not reflect well on the mother. But, it is almost certainly Hasbara propaganda. They are very effective at bamboozling Americans.

"Perhaps the most robust section of the Hasbara website is its “Resources” tab, which includes links to talking points, posters and programming ideas, for intended use by pro-Israel college students. Educational materials include Orientalist and Islamophobic videos, such as one that asks, “What if Arab and Muslim countries became bastions for equal rights and basic liberties, instead of barriers to human development and progress?”

Clearly, the aim of these media is not to educate, but rather, to disseminate anti-Arab and anti-Muslim literature for the broader goals of whitewashing the illegal occupation and ethnic cleansing of the Palestinian people. Such racist and crooked propaganda has already taken root across the UCLA campus, manifesting itself in the deplorable statements that circulated at the Undergraduate Students Association Council meeting on Feb. 25, in which Arab and Muslim communities were targeted through language frighteningly similar to that deployed by the Hasbara website."

Submission: Daily Bruin should have disclosed authors? link to Hasbara | Daily Bruin

More Terrorist loving bullshit from America's enemies sympathizer... Not even honest enough to condemn fucking muslim women that send their daughters off to die for a CULT LEADER!

Prove what?

You prove that the photo is not a Hasbara propaganda shot.

Of course, if a mother really put an explosive belt on her daughter with the thought that she would blow herself up, it would not reflect well on the mother. But, it is almost certainly Hasbara propaganda. They are very effective at bamboozling Americans.

"Perhaps the most robust section of the Hasbara website is its “Resources” tab, which includes links to talking points, posters and programming ideas, for intended use by pro-Israel college students. Educational materials include Orientalist and Islamophobic videos, such as one that asks, “What if Arab and Muslim countries became bastions for equal rights and basic liberties, instead of barriers to human development and progress?”

Clearly, the aim of these media is not to educate, but rather, to disseminate anti-Arab and anti-Muslim literature for the broader goals of whitewashing the illegal occupation and ethnic cleansing of the Palestinian people. Such racist and crooked propaganda has already taken root across the UCLA campus, manifesting itself in the deplorable statements that circulated at the Undergraduate Students Association Council meeting on Feb. 25, in which Arab and Muslim communities were targeted through language frighteningly similar to that deployed by the Hasbara website."

Submission: Daily Bruin should have disclosed authors? link to Hasbara | Daily Bruin

More Terrorist loving bullshit from America's enemies sympathizer... Not even honest enough to condemn fucking muslim women that send their daughters off to die for a CULT LEADER!
That's the dumbest thing I ever hear.
What about the other countries who consider them terrorists?
Lemme guess, it's all a conspiracy, right??

How many countries are there in the world?

How many have designated Hamas as terrorists?

9 leading countries have listed palestinian Hamas as terrorist plus EU, four more will not have contact with hamas, three have listed it as not terrorist and most have no opinion.
There are other groups that use the name hamas in other countries where they carry out their own terrorist activity.

So you have a small group of self appointed assholes who pretend to be the "international community."
How many countries are there in the world?

How many have designated Hamas as terrorists?

9 leading countries have listed palestinian Hamas as terrorist plus EU, four more will not have contact with hamas, three have listed it as not terrorist and most have no opinion.
There are other groups that use the name hamas in other countries where they carry out their own terrorist activity.

So you have a small group of self appointed assholes who pretend to be the "international community."

Australia : The military wing of Hamas, the Izz ad-Din al-Qassam Brigades, is listed as a terrorist organization.[334]

Canada: Lists Hamas as a terrorist group in the Canadian Criminal Code.[335][336]

European Union:: Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Cyprus, the Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, the Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, and the United Kingdom.[47] Hamas has been included in the black list of EU-designated terrorists groups since 2003[8]

Israel: The Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs states that "Hamas maintains a terrorist infrastructure in Gaza and the West Bank, and acts to carry out terrorist attacks in the territories and Israel."[337]

Japan: Stated in 2005 that it had frozen the assets of "terrorist organizations, including... Hamas."[12][338]

Jordan: Banned Hamas in 1999[339]

United Kingdom: Hamas as a whole was designated a terrorist organization by the UK Government in 2003 with no distinction made between its military and non-military wings.[345]

United States: Lists Hamas as a "Foreign Terrorist Organization"[346]


"A small group of self-appointed assholes"?

Including your own country?


Now that we know what side you're TRULY on...

The United States of America equates, in your mind, as one of several self-appointed assholes?

And you're an American?

Wow... heckuva revelation... and one that will color my dealings with you from this moment forward...
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The U.S. decides who terrorists are and its puppets follow suit. The Muhajedin were freedom fighters when they were fighting the Soviet Union and then became terrorists when they began fighting the U.S.

The Contras, most murderous terrorist group in Latin America, were freedom fighters according to the U.S. If you can't figure out what a bunch of bullshit this labeling is, you are dimwitted.
The U.S. decides who terrorists are and its puppets follow suit. The Muhajedin were freedom fighters when they were fighting the Soviet Union and then became terrorists when they began fighting the U.S.

The Contras, most murderous terrorist group in Latin America, were freedom fighters according to the U.S. If you can't figure out what a bunch of bullshit this labeling is, you are dimwitted.
The US does, indeed, decide for itself, whom to label as Terrorists, and whom not to.

If you are an American citizen, and you have a problem with that, I suggest you take it up with the State Department.

My failure to buy into your pro-Muslim/pro-Palestinian spin on this does not render me dimwitted.

I can, indeed, be dumb as a box-o-rox from time to time.

My dealings with you, and your propaganda, do not constitute one of those times.
It is just not the U.S. The Chinese label Tibetans as terrorists, the Ukrainians label Russian-speakers as terrorists. The Syrians label the rebels as terrorists. The Spanish label the Basque separatists as terrorists. The French labeled Algerian insurgents as terrorists. The South Africans labeled the non-whites as terrorists.

Get the pattern? Truth and fact are not propaganda.
The U.S. decides who terrorists are and its puppets follow suit. The Muhajedin were freedom fighters when they were fighting the Soviet Union and then became terrorists when they began fighting the U.S.

The Contras, most murderous terrorist group in Latin America, were freedom fighters according to the U.S. If you can't figure out what a bunch of bullshit this labeling is, you are dimwitted.
The US does, indeed, decide for itself, whom to label as Terrorists, and whom not to.

If you are an American citizen, and you have a problem with that, I suggest you take it up with the State Department.

My failure to buy into your pro-Muslim/pro-Palestinian spin on this does not render me dimwitted.

I can, indeed, be dumb as a box-o-rox from time to time.

My dealings with you, and your propaganda, do not constitute one of those times.

Have you ever talked to the State Department?

I have.:eusa_doh::laugh::laugh: :cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:
The U.S. decides who terrorists are and its puppets follow suit. The Muhajedin were freedom fighters when they were fighting the Soviet Union and then became terrorists when they began fighting the U.S.

The Contras, most murderous terrorist group in Latin America, were freedom fighters according to the U.S. If you can't figure out what a bunch of bullshit this labeling is, you are dimwitted.

you forget that they oppressed women and illegally took power in Afghanistan after the USSR left.

Not to mention the destruction of world heritage.
The U.S. decides who terrorists are and its puppets follow suit. The Muhajedin were freedom fighters when they were fighting the Soviet Union and then became terrorists when they began fighting the U.S.

The Contras, most murderous terrorist group in Latin America, were freedom fighters according to the U.S. If you can't figure out what a bunch of bullshit this labeling is, you are dimwitted.
The US does, indeed, decide for itself, whom to label as Terrorists, and whom not to.

If you are an American citizen, and you have a problem with that, I suggest you take it up with the State Department.

My failure to buy into your pro-Muslim/pro-Palestinian spin on this does not render me dimwitted.

I can, indeed, be dumb as a box-o-rox from time to time.

My dealings with you, and your propaganda, do not constitute one of those times.

Have you ever talked to the State Department?

I have.:eusa_doh::laugh::laugh: :cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:

One of my relatives works there; Most of the staff are very anti-Israel.
The U.S. decides who terrorists are and its puppets follow suit. The Muhajedin were freedom fighters when they were fighting the Soviet Union and then became terrorists when they began fighting the U.S.

The Contras, most murderous terrorist group in Latin America, were freedom fighters according to the U.S. If you can't figure out what a bunch of bullshit this labeling is, you are dimwitted.
The US does, indeed, decide for itself, whom to label as Terrorists, and whom not to.

If you are an American citizen, and you have a problem with that, I suggest you take it up with the State Department.

My failure to buy into your pro-Muslim/pro-Palestinian spin on this does not render me dimwitted.

I can, indeed, be dumb as a box-o-rox from time to time.

My dealings with you, and your propaganda, do not constitute one of those times.

Have you ever talked to the State Department?

I have.:eusa_doh::laugh::laugh: :cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:

maybe .... but they certainly weren't listening to you at the time,

The US does, indeed, decide for itself, whom to label as Terrorists, and whom not to.

If you are an American citizen, and you have a problem with that, I suggest you take it up with the State Department.

My failure to buy into your pro-Muslim/pro-Palestinian spin on this does not render me dimwitted.

I can, indeed, be dumb as a box-o-rox from time to time.

My dealings with you, and your propaganda, do not constitute one of those times.

Have you ever talked to the State Department?

I have.:eusa_doh::laugh::laugh: :cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:

One of my relatives works there; Most of the staff are very anti-Israel.

"One of my relatives works there; Most of the staff are very anti-Israel"

Being minimally even-handed is considered anti-Israel. That's hilarious.
The US does, indeed, decide for itself, whom to label as Terrorists, and whom not to.

If you are an American citizen, and you have a problem with that, I suggest you take it up with the State Department.

My failure to buy into your pro-Muslim/pro-Palestinian spin on this does not render me dimwitted.

I can, indeed, be dumb as a box-o-rox from time to time.

My dealings with you, and your propaganda, do not constitute one of those times.

Have you ever talked to the State Department?

I have.:eusa_doh::laugh::laugh: :cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:

One of my relatives works there; Most of the staff are very anti-Israel.

I called to ask them why they were negotiating with someone who has no authority to make a deal instead of the elected government.

He asked me to hold on while he got the information. About twenty minutes later he got back on the phone and said: "Uhh, can I get back to you? We can't find Palestine."

They have every political party in Palestine listed as terrorists, but they don't know where it is.:eusa_doh:
The U.S. decides who terrorists are and its puppets follow suit. The Muhajedin were freedom fighters when they were fighting the Soviet Union and then became terrorists when they began fighting the U.S.

The Contras, most murderous terrorist group in Latin America, were freedom fighters according to the U.S. If you can't figure out what a bunch of bullshit this labeling is, you are dimwitted.

The system will not allow me to give you a positive rep, so :thup:

The criteria used for this name calling is anyone we do not like.
Have you ever talked to the State Department?

I have.:eusa_doh::laugh::laugh: :cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:

One of my relatives works there; Most of the staff are very anti-Israel.

I called to ask them why they were negotiating with someone who has no authority to make a deal instead of the elected government.

He asked me to hold on while he got the information. About twenty minutes later he got back on the phone and said: "Uhh, can I get back to you? We can't find Palestine."

They have every political party in Palestine listed as terrorists, but they don't know where it is.:eusa_doh:
You blew it, Tinmore. Should have asked the guy for a 1948 map.
How many countries are there in the world?

How many have designated Hamas as terrorists?

9 leading countries have listed palestinian Hamas as terrorist plus EU, four more will not have contact with hamas, three have listed it as not terrorist and most have no opinion.
There are other groups that use the name hamas in other countries where they carry out their own terrorist activity.

So you have a small group of self appointed assholes who pretend to be the "international community."
So you call your own country the USA, all of Europe including the United Kingdom, Canada, Japan, Australia...self appointed assholes?

If you hate your own country that much in favor of these Palestinian terrorist animals, why don't you just give up your citizenship and leave? Nobody's stopping you, you know, and don't let the door hit your behind.

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