Who Are The Palestinains?

Palestinians need their own Palestinian State with self determination away from Israel's influence. Problem is no surrounding Arab country will grant their Palestinians a right of return back to their indigenous homelands. Thus the question becomes WHERE to free the Palestinians? Do you think maybe Mecca might be a nice place for a Palestinian State?
The sooner Israel annexes the West Bank and East Jerusalem the sooner the end game.
End game being what, convert? Is this another one of your daily mental masturbation fantasies about the "end of Israel". Ha ha ha.

The end-game means Israel beginning to acknowledge and take actions which will transform it into a secular democracy with equal rights for all people it has under its rule/control.

Already in place inside Israel, it is outside Israel that they have a problem with violent terrorists. They don't need to annexe the west bank just occupy it till the Palestinians decide that peace is what they want.
HUH??? No nation would give equal rights to terrorists from within. Don't believe that? Just tell us of one nation that does.

The end-game means Israel beginning to acknowledge and take actions which will transform it into a secular democracy with equal rights for all people it has under its rule/control.

South Africa

And this is why South Africa is the most violent country in the world. More racism, murders, rapes and violent crime since the end of apartheid. This is why the few decent blacks want a return of certain aspects of apartheid to cut down on crime. It went from a thriving economy to a bankrupt cess pit in a very short time.

You hold up the wrong comparison child and get fed the truth when you do
South Africa

they were citizens of South Africa.

Palestinians are not Israeli, they don't want Israel to exist so there is no reason to try to given citizenship or equal rights. Palestinians already have more right that many other arab in the region. Every one has bent over backwards to cater the wants and needs of the palestinians.

No, the non-Whites were citizens of the various occupied territories, the Bantustans, you idiot.

MANNERS you ignorant pig, if anyone is an idiot it would be you
they were citizens of South Africa.

Palestinians are not Israeli, they don't want Israel to exist so there is no reason to try to given citizenship or equal rights. Palestinians already have more right that many other arab in the region. Every one has bent over backwards to cater the wants and needs of the palestinians.

No, the non-Whites were citizens of the various occupied territories, the Bantustans, you ------.

The territories were autonomous, but were not independent states. They were still part of south africa.

If you can't be civil, please avoid addressing me or responding to my posts. I am sorry your parents did not teach you manners, somebody should have. If you have that much trouble with your temper perhaps spending less time on this board or finding one less stressful might be to your benefit.

You tell the bad mannered arrogant moron Aris, she should be banned for her bad manners and arrgressive manner.
Palestinians need their own Palestinian State with self determination away from Israel's influence. Problem is no surrounding Arab country will grant their Palestinians a right of return back to their indigenous homelands. Thus the question becomes WHERE to free the Palestinians? Do you think maybe Mecca might be a nice place for a Palestinian State?

I think our better halfs in the UK would protest overmuch if the Palestinians squatted in their Bingo Halls.

How about the dark side of the moon ?
End game being what, convert? Is this another one of your daily mental masturbation fantasies about the "end of Israel". Ha ha ha.

The end-game means Israel beginning to acknowledge and take actions which will transform it into a secular democracy with equal rights for all people it has under its rule/control.

Already in place inside Israel, it is outside Israel that they have a problem with violent terrorists. They don't need to annexe the west bank just occupy it till the Palestinians decide that peace is what they want.

>>...it will be based on freedom, justice and peace as envisaged by the prophets of Israel; it will ensure complete equality of social and political rights to all its inhabitants irrespective of religion, race or sex; it will guarantee freedom of religion, conscience, language, education and culture; it will safeguard the Holy Places of all religions; and it will be faithful to the principles of the Charter of the United Nations. <<

west bank and gaza are a separate matter being part of the PA.
Palestinians need their own Palestinian State with self determination away from Israel's influence. Problem is no surrounding Arab country will grant their Palestinians a right of return back to their indigenous homelands. Thus the question becomes WHERE to free the Palestinians? Do you think maybe Mecca might be a nice place for a Palestinian State?
The alternative is to simply break them up and scatter them elsewhere. For some years now, that outcome has been looking increasingly likely to materialize, and the failure of the latest joke-caliber Peace Talks, and the proposed re-uniting of Fatah and Hamas, have actually begun to make that option appear downright attractive. One shoots a Mad Dog, or, if one cannot bring one's self to pull the trigger, one banishes and expels the Mad Dog beyond one's fenced yard, forevermore, to ward-off rabies. Expulsion is preferable to annihilation.
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Palestinian citizens of Israel have equal voting rights & are even represented in the Knesset. Gee I wonder how many Jews have equal voting rights in Arab countries & are represented in their non apartheid governments?

Arab Citizens of Israel
Palestinians need their own Palestinian State with self determination away from Israel's influence. Problem is no surrounding Arab country will grant their Palestinians a right of return back to their indigenous homelands. Thus the question becomes WHERE to free the Palestinians? Do you think maybe Mecca might be a nice place for a Palestinian State?
The alternative is to simply break them up and scatter them elsewhere. For some years now, that outcome has been looking increasingly likely to materialize, and the failure of the latest joke-caliber Peace Talks, and the proposed re-uniting of Fatah and Hamas, have actually begun to make that option appear downright attractive. One shoots a Mad Dog, or, if one cannot bring one's self to pull the trigger, one banishes and expels the Mad Dog beyond one's fenced yard, forevermore, to ward-off rabies. Expulsion is preferable to annihilation.


Is advocating genocide within the rules of the board? :eek:
Palestinians need their own Palestinian State with self determination away from Israel's influence. Problem is no surrounding Arab country will grant their Palestinians a right of return back to their indigenous homelands. Thus the question becomes WHERE to free the Palestinians? Do you think maybe Mecca might be a nice place for a Palestinian State?
The alternative is to simply break them up and scatter them elsewhere. For some years now, that outcome has been looking increasingly likely to materialize, and the failure of the latest joke-caliber Peace Talks, and the proposed re-uniting of Fatah and Hamas, have actually begun to make that option appear downright attractive. One shoots a Mad Dog, or, if one cannot bring one's self to pull the trigger, one banishes and expels the Mad Dog beyond one's fenced yard, forevermore, to ward-off rabies. Expulsion is preferable to annihilation.


Is advocating genocide within the rules of the board? :eek:
Nobody here is advocating genocide.

Go back and read the passage again.

The Jews cannot bring themselves to pull the trigger.

I could not pull the trigger either.

That leaves expulsion.

Better to kick them out than to slaughter them.

Giving them a better deal than they would have given the Jews of Israel.

Having sworn to wipe Israel off the map and to drown the Jews in the Mediterranean.

It's your boys (the Palestinians) who have been advocating genocide over time, not me or mine.

Nice try.

Palestinians need their own Palestinian State with self determination away from Israel's influence. Problem is no surrounding Arab country will grant their Palestinians a right of return back to their indigenous homelands. Thus the question becomes WHERE to free the Palestinians? Do you think maybe Mecca might be a nice place for a Palestinian State?
The alternative is to simply break them up and scatter them elsewhere. For some years now, that outcome has been looking increasingly likely to materialize, and the failure of the latest joke-caliber Peace Talks, and the proposed re-uniting of Fatah and Hamas, have actually begun to make that option appear downright attractive. One shoots a Mad Dog, or, if one cannot bring one's self to pull the trigger, one banishes and expels the Mad Dog beyond one's fenced yard, forevermore, to ward-off rabies. Expulsion is preferable to annihilation.


Is advocating genocide within the rules of the board? :eek:
You mean like how you nazis publicly whack off to the destruction of Israel? Good question.
>>One shoots a Mad Dog, or, if one cannot bring one's self to pull the trigger, one banishes and expels the Mad Dog beyond one's fenced yard, forevermore, to ward-off rabies. Expulsion is preferable to annihilation.<<

Actually shooting the dog is better so the rabies does not spread. With the brain inflammation you don't want the dog to suffer pain and paralysis. You put the mad dog down, it is kinder.
>>One shoots a Mad Dog, or, if one cannot bring one's self to pull the trigger, one banishes and expels the Mad Dog beyond one's fenced yard, forevermore, to ward-off rabies. Expulsion is preferable to annihilation.<<

Actually shooting the dog is better so the rabies does not spread. With the brain inflammation you don't want the dog to suffer pain and paralysis. You put the mad dog down, it is kinder.
True, but that's where the analogy (rightfully) breaks down, and we are obliged to remember that although we are dealing with a Collective that may rightfully be labeled as a Mad Dog, its constituent parts are living, breathing human beings, who may prove redeemable, and who may actually have a chance at new and better and happier lives, if relocated and given a chance. By doing so, we render ourselves better people than the Palestinian Collective, which has repeatedly sworn to drown the Jews in the Med.
>>One shoots a Mad Dog, or, if one cannot bring one's self to pull the trigger, one banishes and expels the Mad Dog beyond one's fenced yard, forevermore, to ward-off rabies. Expulsion is preferable to annihilation.<<

Actually shooting the dog is better so the rabies does not spread. With the brain inflammation you don't want the dog to suffer pain and paralysis. You put the mad dog down, it is kinder.
True, but that's where the analogy (rightfully) breaks down, and we are obliged to remember that although we are dealing with a Collective that may rightfully be labeled as a Mad Dog, its constituent parts are living, breathing human beings, who may prove redeemable, and who may actually have a chance at new and better and happier lives, if relocated and given a chance. By doing so, we render ourselves better people than the Palestinian Collective, which has repeatedly sworn to drown the Jews in the Med.

you remove the bad apples, you don't throw away the whole barrel.
No need for Israel to massacre Palestinians like the Arab countries did. Just rub out their terrorists & their leaders.
Israel would not stand for that.

It takes small children now, from their parents. It imprisons them, isolates them and beats them, for months at a time sometimes.

When released they are shocked, traumatised, scared and fail in their education.

Israel is actually creating the conditions to ensure it has someone who hates them for decades to come.
Israel needs an enemy, so it can keep claiming to be a victim, while massively superior to any threat it may face.
Israel would not stand for that.

It takes small children now, from their parents. It imprisons them, isolates them and beats them, for months at a time sometimes.

When released they are shocked, traumatised, scared and fail in their education.

Israel is actually creating the conditions to ensure it has someone who hates them for decades to come.
Israel needs an enemy, so it can keep claiming to be a victim, while massively superior to any threat it may face.


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