Who Are The Palestinains?

Tinmore, how can those Zionists say the Palestinians don't want peace when the noble peace loving, life loving Palestinians themselves elected Hamas to carry out their wishes?

The Zionists IMMIGRATED to Old Palestine and began buying tracts of land.

When it became clear to the Arabs that the Jews were beginning to own far more land than the Arabs felt comfortable with, they Arabs woke up - too little, too late - and decided to start killing Jews, rather than working things out peacefully.

Everything else proceeds from those early butcherings and savagery demonstrated by the Muslim-Arab so-called Palestinians.

Work things out peacefully? What options were on the table?
Looks like peace is about to break out again.

A hidden explosive device planted next to the border fence with Gaza detonated early Wednesday morning as IDF soldiers carried out patrols along the border. The blast caused damage to a patrol vehicle but caused no serious injuries.
The IDF confirmed that a vehicle took a direct hit from the improvised explosive device while conducting a “routine mission” near the southern part of the border.
In a statement, the army said that IDF forces responded immediately by opening fire on “suspicious positions” in Gaza. Forces suspected the presence of terrorists who were waiting to survey the effects of the blast.

Bomb Explodes, Rockets Fired On IDF Soldiers - Israel News
So, you are saying that the Jews lived in Hebron forever. Then one day, out of the clear blue sky, for no reason at all, the Muslims arbitrarily decided that they hate Jews?

That is an interesting philosophy.

Jews from Europe and Russia immigrated to Old Palestine, over several decades.

Buying tracts of land from Muslim-Arabs.

Said Muslim-Arabs eventually growing alarmed that so many Jews were doing so.

So said Muslim-Arabs decided to stop selling land to Jews and started killing them instead.

Any other piercing observations?

Firstly, Europeans bought a tiny percentage of the land and the Europeans started the violence attacking Arab farmers and herders that had been using the land for centuries...
Ahhhhh... still, the Pissing Contest over who attacked who first?

Israel supporters disagree with your interpretation.

They also have Victory on the battlefield, to make their perspective operative.

...In any case buying land and then demanding to rule over the people that were living on the land are two different things...
Yes, they are, indeed, two different things.

The Jews did not demand to rule over other people.

The Jews were prepared to participate in a division of that land into two distinct States.

The dumbass Muslim-Arabs chose not to participate.

That escalated The Troubles into actual warfare, in the classical sense.

Once actual warfare began, old understandings and old legal standings were tossed right out the window, forevermore, and Victory on the battlefield became the deciding factor.

The Muslims should have come to terms, and participated in that division, while there was still time.

Too late now.

Sixty-six years too late (1948), or, forty-seven (1967) years too late, at the most optimistic.

No do-overs.

You snooze, you lose.

Baseball's "sucker's walk".

Take a hike.


...What the f_ck did the Europeans expect the local people to do. Lay down and accept European rule.

Instead, the Muslim-Arab Palestinians should have participated in a peaceful division of the land, in 1948, at the time of the termination of the British Mandate over Old Palestine.

Had the Muslim-Arabs done so, they would have had a State of their own, alongside Israel, and would have been living at-peace, and prospering, for the past 66 years, rather than living in shit-holes, in the few surviving slivers and fragments of present-day Rump Palestine.

Their choice... their responsibility.

A poor choice... a very poor choice.

Nature does not favor people who continually and chronically make poor choices in matters of great import.

Consequently... collectively... Nature has de-selected them.
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Tinmore, how can those Zionists say the Palestinians don't want peace when the noble peace loving, life loving Palestinians themselves elected Hamas to carry out their wishes?

Work things out peacefully? What options were on the table?
Looks like peace is about to break out again.

A hidden explosive device planted next to the border fence with Gaza detonated early Wednesday morning as IDF soldiers carried out patrols along the border. The blast caused damage to a patrol vehicle but caused no serious injuries.
The IDF confirmed that a vehicle took a direct hit from the improvised explosive device while conducting a “routine mission” near the southern part of the border.
In a statement, the army said that IDF forces responded immediately by opening fire on “suspicious positions” in Gaza. Forces suspected the presence of terrorists who were waiting to survey the effects of the blast.

Bomb Explodes, Rockets Fired On IDF Soldiers - Israel News

Like the scorpion said to the frog, "it's in my nature" ...... and they both died.

They just can't help trying to kill Israelis. Now IDF have to find the tunnel or the hole in the fence...... or build a wall like in the WB. They do say that "good fences make good neighbors". This maybe a case in point.
The Zionists went to Palestine to be attacked?
No, Muslim invaders committed genocide and ethnic cleansing on the ancient Jews of Hebron, then more of them invaded and now they claim the city to be their own.

Why don't you face it? Muslims are good at killing and oppressing people. If it's not Jew, it's Christians, if it's not Christians, it's Bahaiis, and then when there are no Muslims left to kill and oppress, they start killing each other. They've done it in their past, are doing it today, and will continue to do it in the future. This is their culture, and their report card is the evidence.

So, you are saying that the Jews lived in Hebron forever. Then one day, out of the clear blue sky, for no reason at all, the Muslims arbitrarily decided that they hate Jews?

That is an interesting philosophy.
Now you're acting like you don't know what happened in Hebron, like a good Hamas liar. Yes, the Jews had been living in a Hebron since before the Crusades and the Palestinian animals committed genocide and ethnic cleansing on them. It was all instigated and orchestrated by your hero Amin Al Husseini, the Nazi Mufti.

Amin Al Husseini: Nazi Father of Jihad, Al Qaeda, Arafat, Saddam Hussein and the Muslim Brotherhood - Tell The Children The Truth - Homepage
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Jews from Europe and Russia immigrated to Old Palestine, over several decades.

Buying tracts of land from Muslim-Arabs.

Said Muslim-Arabs eventually growing alarmed that so many Jews were doing so.

So said Muslim-Arabs decided to stop selling land to Jews and started killing them instead.

Any other piercing observations?

Firstly, Europeans bought a tiny percentage of the land and the Europeans started the violence attacking Arab farmers and herders that had been using the land for centuries...
Ahhhhh... still, the Pissing Contest over who attacked who first?

Israel supporters disagree with your interpretation.

They also have Victory on the battlefield, to make their perspective operative.

...In any case buying land and then demanding to rule over the people that were living on the land are two different things...
Yes, they are, indeed, two different things.

The Jews did not demand to rule over other people.

The Jews were prepared to participate in a division of that land into two distinct States.

The dumbass Muslim-Arabs chose not to participate.

That escalated The Troubles into actual warfare, in the classical sense.

Once actual warfare began, old understandings and old legal standings were tossed right out the window, forevermore, and Victory on the battlefield became the deciding factor.

The Muslims should have come to terms, and participated in that division, while there was still time.

Too late now.

Sixty-six years too late (1948), or, forty-seven (1967) years too late, at the most optimistic.

No do-overs.

You snooze, you lose.

Baseball's "sucker's walk".

Take a hike.


...What the f_ck did the Europeans expect the local people to do. Lay down and accept European rule.

Instead, the Muslim-Arab Palestinians should have participated in a peaceful division of the land, in 1948, at the time of the termination of the British Mandate over Old Palestine.

Had the Muslim-Arabs done so, they would have had a State of their own, alongside Israel, and would have been living at-peace, and prospering, for the past 66 years, rather than living in shit-holes, in the few surviving slivers and fragments of present-day Rump Palestine.

Their choice... their responsibility.

A poor choice... a very poor choice.

Nature does not favor people who continually and chronically make poor choices in matters of great import.

Consequently... collectively... Nature has de-selected them.
So by what right do the Palestinians have to fire rocket missiles into Israeli civilian areas just because they illegally & immorally occupy the land? Seems to me if they have no deeds to land they stole, Israel should remove them. Don't you agree?

Lobbing missiles into civilian areas is not "defending yourself", village idiot.
So is maintaining an illegal and immoral occupation for the last 50 years, of which, the rockets didn't start until year 37.
So, you are saying that the Jews lived in Hebron forever. Then one day, out of the clear blue sky, for no reason at all, the Muslims arbitrarily decided that they hate Jews?

That is an interesting philosophy.

Jews from Europe and Russia immigrated to Old Palestine, over several decades.

Buying tracts of land from Muslim-Arabs.

Said Muslim-Arabs eventually growing alarmed that so many Jews were doing so.

So said Muslim-Arabs decided to stop selling land to Jews and started killing them instead.

Any other piercing observations?

Firstly, Europeans bought a tiny percentage of the land and the Europeans started the violence attacking Arab farmers and herders that had been using the land for centuries. In any case buying land and then demanding to rule over the people that were living on the land are two different things. What the f_ck did the Europeans expect the local people to do. Lay down and accept European rule.
More bullshit from MOHOMOD, the false propagandist convert. The Arabs had no control over the land for at least 700 years.
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The Zionists went to Palestine to be attacked?
No, Muslim invaders committed genocide and ethnic cleansing on the ancient Jews of Hebron, then more of them invaded and now they claim the city to be their own.

Why don't you face it? Muslims are good at killing and oppressing people. If it's not Jew, it's Christians, if it's not Christians, it's Bahaiis, and then when there are no Muslims left to kill and oppress, they start killing each other. They've done it in their past, are doing it today, and will continue to do it in the future. This is their culture, and their report card is the evidence.

So, you are saying that the Jews lived in Hebron forever. Then one day, out of the clear blue sky, for no reason at all, the Muslims arbitrarily decided that they hate Jews?

That is an interesting philosophy.

More or less, it did take a BLOOD LIBEL started by the Grand Mufti husseini to start the murders in Hebron

1929 Hebron massacre - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Hebron massacre refers to the killing of sixty-seven Jews (including 23 college students) on 24 August 1929 in Hebron, then part of Mandatory Palestine, by Arabs incited to violence by false rumors that Jews were massacring Arabs in Jerusalem and seizing control of Muslim holy places

At around 4:00 pm, stones were thrown through the windows of Jewish homes. The Hebron Yeshiva was hit and as a student tried to escape the building, he was set upon by the mob who stabbed him to death. The sexton, the only other person in the building at the time, survived by hiding in a well. Some hours later Cafferata attempted to get the local mukhtars to assume responsibility for law and order, but they told him that the Mufti had told them to take action or be fined due to the 'Jewish slaughter of Arabs' in Jerusalem.

Jews from Europe and Russia immigrated to Old Palestine, over several decades.

Buying tracts of land from Muslim-Arabs.

Said Muslim-Arabs eventually growing alarmed that so many Jews were doing so.

So said Muslim-Arabs decided to stop selling land to Jews and started killing them instead.

Any other piercing observations?

Firstly, Europeans bought a tiny percentage of the land and the Europeans started the violence attacking Arab farmers and herders that had been using the land for centuries. In any case buying land and then demanding to rule over the people that were living on the land are two different things. What the f_ck did the Europeans expect the local people to do. Lay down and accept European rule.
More bullshit from MOHOMOD, the false propagandist convert. The Arabs had no control over the land for at least 700 years.

"The Arabs had no control over the land for at least 700 years."

So what, they lived there. The Indians had no control of their land either, before independence. What's your point dimwit.
So, you are saying that the Jews lived in Hebron forever. Then one day, out of the clear blue sky, for no reason at all, the Muslims arbitrarily decided that they hate Jews?

That is an interesting philosophy.

Jews from Europe and Russia immigrated to Old Palestine, over several decades.

Buying tracts of land from Muslim-Arabs.

Said Muslim-Arabs eventually growing alarmed that so many Jews were doing so.

So said Muslim-Arabs decided to stop selling land to Jews and started killing them instead.

Any other piercing observations?

Buying tracts of land from Muslim-Arabs.

I thought the propaganda says that the Arabs didn't own land.

Very few did, and that is from the arab muslims themselves. You see if they owned land they were liable for taxes and conscription in the Ottoman army.
Lobbing missiles into civilian areas is not "defending yourself", village idiot.
So is maintaining an illegal and immoral occupation for the last 50 years, of which, the rockets didn't start until year 37.

You forget the occupation is legal under UNTERNATIONAL LAW and the GENEVA CONVENTIONS. Plus the terrorism started in 1929 when the Grand Mufti ordered the muslims to kill the Jews. So since 1967 the Israelis have stopped the Palestinians from killing Israeli children by occupying the west bank and placing the inhabitants under martial law
Firstly, Europeans bought a tiny percentage of the land and the Europeans started the violence attacking Arab farmers and herders that had been using the land for centuries. In any case buying land and then demanding to rule over the people that were living on the land are two different things. What the f_ck did the Europeans expect the local people to do. Lay down and accept European rule.
More bullshit from MOHOMOD, the false propagandist convert. The Arabs had no control over the land for at least 700 years.

"The Arabs had no control over the land for at least 700 years."

So what, they lived there. The Indians had no control of their land either, before independence. What's your point dimwit.
They lived there but had no say. Palestine was not a country. It was a region which different people lived, all of which had no real say in who rules and controls the land.
How does anyone put an end to the land theft when no surrounding Arab country will grant their Palestinians a right of return?


Jews from Europe and Russia immigrated to Old Palestine, over several decades.

Buying tracts of land from Muslim-Arabs.

Said Muslim-Arabs eventually growing alarmed that so many Jews were doing so.

So said Muslim-Arabs decided to stop selling land to Jews and started killing them instead.

Any other piercing observations?

Buying tracts of land from Muslim-Arabs.

I thought the propaganda says that the Arabs didn't own land.

Very few did, and that is from the arab muslims themselves. You see if they owned land they were liable for taxes and conscription in the Ottoman army.[/QUOTE]
Firstly, Europeans bought a tiny percentage of the land and the Europeans started the violence attacking Arab farmers and herders that had been using the land for centuries. In any case buying land and then demanding to rule over the people that were living on the land are two different things. What the f_ck did the Europeans expect the local people to do. Lay down and accept European rule.
More bullshit from MOHOMOD, the false propagandist convert. The Arabs had no control over the land for at least 700 years.

"The Arabs had no control over the land for at least 700 years."

So what, they lived there. The Indians had no control of their land either, before independence. What's your point dimwit.
Ha ha ha. Palestinians are recent 20th century Arab invaders who started calling themselves Palestinians as of the 1960's'. They ain't no Indians.

Palestinians are Arabs. The same people who have a history of invading, looting, and raping people's and their lands, INCLUDING INDIA. True story :cool:

Will Durant, the famous historian summed it up like this:
"The Islamic conquest of India is probably the bloodiest story in history. It is a discouraging tale, for its evident moral is that civilization is a precious good, whose delicate complex of order and freedom, culture and peace, can at any moment be overthrown by barbarians invading from without or multiplying within."
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Jews from Europe and Russia immigrated to Old Palestine, over several decades.

Buying tracts of land from Muslim-Arabs.

Said Muslim-Arabs eventually growing alarmed that so many Jews were doing so.

So said Muslim-Arabs decided to stop selling land to Jews and started killing them instead.

Any other piercing observations?

Firstly, Europeans bought a tiny percentage of the land and the Europeans started the violence attacking Arab farmers and herders that had been using the land for centuries...
Ahhhhh... still, the Pissing Contest over who attacked who first?

Israel supporters disagree with your interpretation.

They also have Victory on the battlefield, to make their perspective operative.

...In any case buying land and then demanding to rule over the people that were living on the land are two different things...
Yes, they are, indeed, two different things.

The Jews did not demand to rule over other people.

The Jews were prepared to participate in a division of that land into two distinct States.

The dumbass Muslim-Arabs chose not to participate.

That escalated The Troubles into actual warfare, in the classical sense.

Once actual warfare began, old understandings and old legal standings were tossed right out the window, forevermore, and Victory on the battlefield became the deciding factor.

The Muslims should have come to terms, and participated in that division, while there was still time.

Too late now.

Sixty-six years too late (1948), or, forty-seven (1967) years too late, at the most optimistic.

No do-overs.

You snooze, you lose.

Baseball's "sucker's walk".

Take a hike.


...What the f_ck did the Europeans expect the local people to do. Lay down and accept European rule.

Instead, the Muslim-Arab Palestinians should have participated in a peaceful division of the land, in 1948, at the time of the termination of the British Mandate over Old Palestine.

Had the Muslim-Arabs done so, they would have had a State of their own, alongside Israel, and would have been living at-peace, and prospering, for the past 66 years, rather than living in shit-holes, in the few surviving slivers and fragments of present-day Rump Palestine.

Their choice... their responsibility.

A poor choice... a very poor choice.

Nature does not favor people who continually and chronically make poor choices in matters of great import.

Consequently... collectively... Nature has de-selected them.

Since I can't pos rep you; :clap2: :clap2:

Very well said Kondor!!
Firstly, Europeans bought a tiny percentage of the land and the Europeans started the violence attacking Arab farmers and herders that had been using the land for centuries. In any case buying land and then demanding to rule over the people that were living on the land are two different things. What the f_ck did the Europeans expect the local people to do. Lay down and accept European rule.
More bullshit from MOHOMOD, the false propagandist convert. The Arabs had no control over the land for at least 700 years.

"The Arabs had no control over the land for at least 700 years."

So what, they lived there. The Indians had no control of their land either, before independence. What's your point dimwit.

I think his point is that the Arabs living there had no authority to make decisions like who will buy land there and who can immigrate there.
So, you are saying that the Jews lived in Hebron forever. Then one day, out of the clear blue sky, for no reason at all, the Muslims arbitrarily decided that they hate Jews?

That is an interesting philosophy.

Jews from Europe and Russia immigrated to Old Palestine, over several decades.

Buying tracts of land from Muslim-Arabs.

Said Muslim-Arabs eventually growing alarmed that so many Jews were doing so.

So said Muslim-Arabs decided to stop selling land to Jews and started killing them instead.

Any other piercing observations?

Firstly, Europeans bought a tiny percentage of the land and the Europeans started the violence attacking Arab farmers and herders that had been using the land for centuries. In any case buying land and then demanding to rule over the people that were living on the land are two different things. What the f_ck did the Europeans expect the local people to do. Lay down and accept European rule.

Wrong as it was Jews that were living in Palestine that bought the land through the Jewish National Fund. These land purchases started in the 1840's well before Zionism was invented

Jewish land purchase in Palestine - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Ottoman Land Code of 1858 "brought about the appropriation by the influential and rich families of Beirut, Damascus, and to a lesser extent Jerusalem and Jaffa and other sub-district capitals, of vast tracts of land in Syria and Palestine and their registration in the name of these families in the land registers".[8] Many of the fellahin did not understand the importance of the registers and therefore the wealthy families took advantage of this. Jewish buyers who were looking for large tracts of land found it favorable to purchase from the wealthy owners. As well many small farmers became in debt to rich families which lead to the transfer of land to the new owners and then eventually to the Jewish buyers.

When purchasing land, Jewish migrants were concerned with the displacement of fellahin, agricultural laborers who cultivated the land. "In 1920, Labor Zionist leader David Ben-Gurion expressed his concern about the Arab fellahin, whom he viewed as 'the most important asset of the native population'. Ben-Gurion said 'under no circumstances must we touch land belonging to the fellahs or worked by them'

Because of the desire to displace the fewest number of people possible, large tracts of land were purchased in the coastal plain the valley areas since most of the area was uncultivated and swampy

Guess you have been educated again child
As usual, you demonstrate that the old adage is a wise course to take when one is dimwitted:

"Tis better to be silent and be thought a fool, than to speak and remove all doubt."

There is also a list of all the counties and the relative land holdings of Jews and Arabs in 1947.

"This map shows the land that had been purchased by the Jews by 1947. In 1948 it was still about 7% of the total land area..."

Land Ownership In Palestine (As Of 1947).

Jews from Europe and Russia immigrated to Old Palestine, over several decades.

Buying tracts of land from Muslim-Arabs.

Said Muslim-Arabs eventually growing alarmed that so many Jews were doing so.

So said Muslim-Arabs decided to stop selling land to Jews and started killing them instead.

Any other piercing observations?

Firstly, Europeans bought a tiny percentage of the land and the Europeans started the violence attacking Arab farmers and herders that had been using the land for centuries. In any case buying land and then demanding to rule over the people that were living on the land are two different things. What the f_ck did the Europeans expect the local people to do. Lay down and accept European rule.

Wrong as it was Jews that were living in Palestine that bought the land through the Jewish National Fund. These land purchases started in the 1840's well before Zionism was invented

Jewish land purchase in Palestine - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Ottoman Land Code of 1858 "brought about the appropriation by the influential and rich families of Beirut, Damascus, and to a lesser extent Jerusalem and Jaffa and other sub-district capitals, of vast tracts of land in Syria and Palestine and their registration in the name of these families in the land registers".[8] Many of the fellahin did not understand the importance of the registers and therefore the wealthy families took advantage of this. Jewish buyers who were looking for large tracts of land found it favorable to purchase from the wealthy owners. As well many small farmers became in debt to rich families which lead to the transfer of land to the new owners and then eventually to the Jewish buyers.

When purchasing land, Jewish migrants were concerned with the displacement of fellahin, agricultural laborers who cultivated the land. "In 1920, Labor Zionist leader David Ben-Gurion expressed his concern about the Arab fellahin, whom he viewed as 'the most important asset of the native population'. Ben-Gurion said 'under no circumstances must we touch land belonging to the fellahs or worked by them'

Because of the desire to displace the fewest number of people possible, large tracts of land were purchased in the coastal plain the valley areas since most of the area was uncultivated and swampy

Guess you have been educated again child
Down goes MOHOMOD in humiliation again. I'm beginning to think he enjoys this.

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