Who Are The Palestinains?

Hmm. Do you deny that the Zionist settlers came from Europe and eventually displaced the Christians and Muslims living in Palestine? Just stating fact is Jew hate to you?
Those European settlers are all dead and buried and since you're blaming the current Israelis, so yes it is your rabid Jew hate.
Hey. Frouthy, frothing at the mouth again, I see. What does the creation of Haganah have to do with the ethnic cleansing they performed two decades later?

Why, if anyone is frothing at the mouth, it is you, Haniya. You don't even seem to come up for air. If the Jews didn't have jobs, those poor Arabs would have stayed in their impoverished states, and if the Arab leaders didn't tell those who were living in the area to leave so that they could get at the Jews, all those Arabs would have stayed. Those who did stay are now citizens of Israel. I am sure all the readers know what is going on today. Those living in America see the poor Hispanics crossing our southern border for jobs, and those Muslims from Muslim countries are flooding into Europe because their own poor countries can't offer them a living. This is why you see desperate Muslims get into those boats which are not seaworthy and drown on their way to Europe where they hope to get jobs. And this is the same reason you saw Arabs flooding into Israel -- for the jobs. A while back an Egyptian offical said that the Gazans should come back to Egypt where they belonged so I guess he saw the truth -- that many poor Egyptians or their ancestors left and that now these descendents should go back where they belonged.

You are just spouting Zionist propaganda. The only mass immigration was from Europe as all the British reports of the Mandatory confirm. No sense providing the links because you will only accept Zionist propaganda and facts don't matter to you.

But get this through your thick head. The settlers came from Europe, the Christians and Muslims of Palestine did not ask them to come. The British imperialists promoted the mass settlement of Europeans in Palestine. That was the original sin.

That's because the Christians and Muslims had no authority to allow or disallow immigration ... From anywhere!
The British however did have the authority....

The European Jews immigrated. Too bad. Get over it. Stop whining about it.
Hey. Frouthy, frothing at the mouth again, I see. What does the creation of Haganah have to do with the ethnic cleansing they performed two decades later?

Why, if anyone is frothing at the mouth, it is you, Haniya. You don't even seem to come up for air. If the Jews didn't have jobs, those poor Arabs would have stayed in their impoverished states, and if the Arab leaders didn't tell those who were living in the area to leave so that they could get at the Jews, all those Arabs would have stayed. Those who did stay are now citizens of Israel. I am sure all the readers know what is going on today. Those living in America see the poor Hispanics crossing our southern border for jobs, and those Muslims from Muslim countries are flooding into Europe because their own poor countries can't offer them a living. This is why you see desperate Muslims get into those boats which are not seaworthy and drown on their way to Europe where they hope to get jobs. And this is the same reason you saw Arabs flooding into Israel -- for the jobs. A while back an Egyptian offical said that the Gazans should come back to Egypt where they belonged so I guess he saw the truth -- that many poor Egyptians or their ancestors left and that now these descendents should go back where they belonged.

You are just spouting Zionist propaganda. The only mass immigration was from Europe as all the British reports of the Mandatory confirm. No sense providing the links because you will only accept Zionist propaganda and facts don't matter to you.

But get this through your thick head. The settlers came from Europe, the Christians and Muslims of Palestine did not ask them to come. The British imperialists promoted the mass settlement of Europeans in Palestine. That was the original sin.

And what are you showing us by posting night and day and day and night -- that converts become fanatical and start spewing Arab propaganda. You really are a joke. Meanwhile, I will take this opportunity and go once again with what some man observed several hundred years ago since you have basically been vomiting out the same thing ad nauseam. It's a shame that he is long gone so that you could take it up with him.

Tour and Census of Palestine Year 1695: No sign of Arabian names or Palestinians
Posted on April 27, 2014 by ADMIN20 Comments 9 Votes

by Avi Goldreich

(Translated from the Hebrew by Nurit Greenger.)

The time machine is a sensation that nests in me when I am visiting Mr. Hobber old books store in Budapest, Hungary. Hobber learned to know my quirks and after the initial greeting and the glass of mineral water (Mr. Hobber is a vegan) he leads me down the stairs to the huge basement, to the Jewish “section.”

The Jewish section is a room full of antiquity books on subjects that Mr. Hobber sees to be Jewish. Among the books there are some that are not even worthy their leather binding. However, sometime, one can find there real culture treasure. Many of the books are Holy Books that may have been stolen from synagogues’ archives: Talmud, Bible, Mishnah, old Ashkenazi style Siddur, and others. Customarily, I open them to see who the proprietor is; who was the Bar Mitzvah boy who received the book two hundred years ago and to whom did he pass the book at the end of his days. It is simply curiosity.

Continue reading at:

A Tour and Census of Palestine Year 1695: No sign of Arabian names or Palestinians | Palestine-Israel Conflict
The Haganah had already attacked and expelled most of the Palestinians before any "Arab armies" ever tried to stop the ethnic cleansing of the non-Jews. IDF intelligence reports that were declassified, confirm these facts.

" a report prepared by the intelligence services of the Israeli army, dated 30 June 1948 and entitled "The emigration of Palestinian Arabs in the period 1/12/1947-1/6/1948". This document sets at 391,000 the number of Palestinians who had already left the territory that was by then in the hands of Israel, and evaluates the various factors that had prompted their decisions to leave. "At least 55% of the total of the exodus was caused by our (Haganah/IDF) operations." To this figure, the report’s compilers add the operations of the Irgun and Lehi, which "directly (caused) some 15%... of the emigration". A further 2% was attributed to explicit expulsion orders issued by Israeli troops, and 1% to their psychological warfare. This leads to a figure of 73% for departures caused directly by the Israelis. In addition, the report attributes 22% of the departures to "fears" and "a crisis of confidence" affecting the Palestinian population. As for Arab calls for flight, these were reckoned to be significant in only 5% of cases..."

The expulsion of the Palestinians re-examined - Le Monde diplomatique - English edition
More lies, Haganah and Irgun were created after the 1929 Hebron massacre to defend the Jews against Arab animals continuing this barbaric nazi behavior led by their nazi leader the Mufti.

Moooooslems have a problem when there are consequences for their behavior. Typical.

Hey. Frouthy, frothing at the mouth again, I see. What does the creation of Haganah have to do with the ethnic cleansing they performed two decades later?
The village idiot refuses to admit the ethnic cleansing and genocide committed by his fellow Moooslem animals in Hebron in 1929, and is upset that Jews formed a militia right afterwards to defend themselves of said animals even decades later. Oh well... :cuckoo:
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Great fun. Endless laughs. I'm still waiting for someone to educate me as to when Israel's land since antiquity became this "Palestinian land" that Israel is now stealing? Heh Heh!

Are we havin' fun yet?
Well, according to our resident asylum escapees, today's Jews are "fake" and the real Jews are the 20th century Arab invaders who started calling themselves Palestinian as of 1967. Yup, all those Hamas terrorists waving the Koran speaking Arabic, are actually Jews! "Believe it or not".
Hmm. Do you deny that the Zionist settlers came from Europe and eventually displaced the Christians and Muslims living in Palestine? Just stating fact is Jew hate to you?
It is, when that's all they got! That's all they have. They have a vested interest in making sure people hate Jews.

All they do, is trash the Pals and recite these dumbass mantra's. Rarely does one of them actually address the points someone makes in their argument. And that's because of one or two reasons:
  1. they don't have a valid argument to use
  2. they're not here to debate; they're just here to troll
And if you're not sure they're a troll, just ask them a direct question.

Trolls don't answer direct questions. Ever.
Immigration with the help of the British was what it was called when the European settlers went to North America. They didn't consider themselves invaders either.

"The 'Zionist invasion' is a Palestinian myth."

Let's see most non-Jews lost their land, their homes and were ethnically cleansed. That is not an invasion?

They lost their homes because of war.
It is illegal to acquire land by force.

Westher it was tbe Mandatory Palestine civil war of 1947-48
It was a war between the native population and foreign settlers. I have never seen a definition of a civil war that says that.

or the main war that was started by 5 Arab nations that attacked Israel, the 1948 Arab Israeli war.
Israeli say so. Nobody has ever proven that to be true.

What doss any if this have to do with 'invading'
Immigration through invitation is NOT an invasion.
Hey Toast, your neighbor invited me to live in your house.

Be sure to thank him for me, will ya?

That's a lie used by PaliNazis to promite their agenda.
Whose agenda are you promoting with lies?
Immigration with the help of the British was what it was called when the European settlers went to North America. They didn't consider themselves invaders either.

"The 'Zionist invasion' is a Palestinian myth."

Let's see most non-Jews lost their land, their homes and were ethnically cleansed. That is not an invasion?

They were also invited to migrate by the Ottomans in the early 1800's so will you also complain about them ?

They were and they did. They became Turkish citizens. Those citizens automatically became Palestinian citizens when Palestine was separated from Turkey. They are considered by everybody, including the Palestinians, to be a part of the native population of Palestine.

Of course this does not include the settlers who came at a later date.
Immigration with the help of the British was what it was called when the European settlers went to North America. They didn't consider themselves invaders either.

"The 'Zionist invasion' is a Palestinian myth."

Let's see most non-Jews lost their land, their homes and were ethnically cleansed. That is not an invasion?

They lost their homes because of war.
It is illegal to acquire land by force.

It was a war between the native population and foreign settlers. I have never seen a definition of a civil war that says that.

Israeli say so. Nobody has ever proven that to be true.

What doss any if this have to do with 'invading'
Immigration through invitation is NOT an invasion.
Hey Toast, your neighbor invited me to live in your house.

Be sure to thank him for me, will ya?

That's a lie used by PaliNazis to promite their agenda.
Whose agenda are you promoting with lies?

Didn't stop the ISLAMONAZIS stealing Jewish land did it

Which foreign settlers would that be the ISLAMONAZIS from Syria, Iraq, iran, Jordan, Egypt, Saudi Yemen etc or the ones invited over by the lands OWNERS .

Actually the UN says it is true, as do the arab nations that took part. It is only you that says the war was not started by the ISLAMONAZI'S

If his neighbour owned his house he could and he could do nothing about it. In this case the Ottomans invited the Jews to come and live in Palestine because the ISLAMONAZI'S were too lazy to work. Then the LoN who were the successor land owners also invited the Jews to come and live in Palestine.

No lies but verifiable fact, as documented in the links you have used in the past
Immigration with the help of the British was what it was called when the European settlers went to North America. They didn't consider themselves invaders either.

"The 'Zionist invasion' is a Palestinian myth."

Let's see most non-Jews lost their land, their homes and were ethnically cleansed. That is not an invasion?

They were also invited to migrate by the Ottomans in the early 1800's so will you also complain about them ?

They were and they did. They became Turkish citizens. Those citizens automatically became Palestinian citizens when Palestine was separated from Turkey. They are considered by everybody, including the Palestinians, to be a part of the native population of Palestine.

Of course this does not include the settlers who came at a later date.

Yet you and the rest of the ISLAMONAZI'S consider the many thousands of arab muslims who arrived at a later date to be Palestinians, even though they never lived anywhere in Palestine until after 1948, 1967 and 1973.
The demographics you rely on so much prove that the Palestinians are mostly recent migrants as it was impossible for a culture to increase their population as they did when the best they could muster was 15% live births. Your links are destroying your argument because they prove the LIE.
Didn't stop the ISLAMONAZIS stealing Jewish land did it

Which foreign settlers would that be the ISLAMONAZIS from Syria, Iraq, iran, Jordan, Egypt, Saudi Yemen etc or the ones invited over by the lands OWNERS .

Actually the UN says it is true, as do the arab nations that took part. It is only you that says the war was not started by the ISLAMONAZI'S

If his neighbour owned his house he could and he could do nothing about it. In this case the Ottomans invited the Jews to come and live in Palestine because the ISLAMONAZI'S were too lazy to work. Then the LoN who were the successor land owners also invited the Jews to come and live in Palestine.

No lies but verifiable fact, as documented in the links you have used in the past
O' contraire', tipesh kmo naal , that "invitation" was conditional. You could come to Palestine, on one condition, shmenah, which Lord Balfour stated, at San Remo, in 1917...

“His Majesty’s Government view with favour the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people, and will use their best endeavours to facilitate the achievement of this object,

it being clearly understood that nothing shall be done which may prejudice the civil and religious rights of existing non-Jewish communities in Palestine,

or the rights and political status enjoyed by Jews in any other country.”
- Arthur James Balfour [Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs] British Foreign Office, November 2nd, 1917
So, according to Lord Balfour, you could come over if you didn't "prejudice the civil and religious rights of EXISTING NON-JEWISH communities".

Did you do that?

Well, let's just see....

They treat the Arabs with hostility and cruelty, deprive them of their rights, offend them without cause and even boast of these deeds; and nobody among us opposes this despicable and dangerous inclination ...
- Ahad Ha'am
...no, you didn't!

Therefore, your "invitation", has been revoked!

So, Lekh Tee'Zedayen
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Didn't stop the ISLAMONAZIS stealing Jewish land did it

Which foreign settlers would that be the ISLAMONAZIS from Syria, Iraq, iran, Jordan, Egypt, Saudi Yemen etc or the ones invited over by the lands OWNERS .

Actually the UN says it is true, as do the arab nations that took part. It is only you that says the war was not started by the ISLAMONAZI'S

If his neighbour owned his house he could and he could do nothing about it. In this case the Ottomans invited the Jews to come and live in Palestine because the ISLAMONAZI'S were too lazy to work. Then the LoN who were the successor land owners also invited the Jews to come and live in Palestine.

No lies but verifiable fact, as documented in the links you have used in the past
O' contraire', tipesh kmo naal , that "invitation" was conditional. You could come to Palestine, on one condition, shmenah, which Lord Balfour stated, at San Remo, in 1917...

“His Majesty’s Government view with favour the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people, and will use their best endeavours to facilitate the achievement of this object,

it being clearly understood that nothing shall be done which may prejudice the civil and religious rights of existing non-Jewish communities in Palestine,

or the rights and political status enjoyed by Jews in any other country.”
- Arthur James Balfour [Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs] British Foreign Office, November 2nd, 1917
So, according to Lord Balfour, you could come over if you didn't "prejudice the civil and religious rights of EXISTING NON-JEWISH communities".

Did you do that?

Well, let's just see....

They treat the Arabs with hostility and cruelty, deprive them of their rights, offend them without cause and even boast of these deeds; and nobody among us opposes this despicable and dangerous inclination ...
- Ahad Ha'am
...no, you didn't!

Therefore, your "invitation", has been revoked!

So, Lekh Tee'Zedayen

Which they did not breach, but the ISLAMOMAZI's did and brought it all on themselves. It was the ISLAMONAZI's that attacked the Jews and tried to wipe them out back in 1929. That started a civil war that neither side could ever win. And what about the invitation from the Ottomans.

As I have already shown that is a crock of shit that you cherry picked from a large document. You ignored all the reports of ISLAMONAZI atrocities, attacks, breaches of International Law and violence.

Now did the arab muslims abide by the same agreement that was brought by Balfour.
Immigration with the help of the British was what it was called when the European settlers went to North America. They didn't consider themselves invaders either.

"The 'Zionist invasion' is a Palestinian myth."

Let's see most non-Jews lost their land, their homes and were ethnically cleansed. That is not an invasion?

They were also invited to migrate by the Ottomans in the early 1800's so will you also complain about them ?

They were and they did. They became Turkish citizens. Those citizens automatically became Palestinian citizens when Palestine was separated from Turkey. They are considered by everybody, including the Palestinians, to be a part of the native population of Palestine.

Of course this does not include the settlers who came at a later date.
When the area "Palestine" was separated from Turkey, the people then became British subjects, which was then designated as the future Jewish state called Jewish Palestine. The Arabs were to get Arab Palestine, aka Jordan. You keep repeating the same lies and historical revisionism over and over. Again, there was no country called Palestine, the Arabs did not rule or control that land for 700 years, and had no say in what happens to it.

There were a considerable number of a Jews already living there, some going back to ancient times, the British then invited Jews from all over the world to join their brethern in their future country. Since the Greedy Arabs could not stand a Jewish state in an ocean of Muslim shitholes, they started attacking and massacring the Jews, led by their nazi mufti leader Hussieni. That's when the Jews took up arms and decided to defend themselves.

True story :cool:

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They were also invited to migrate by the Ottomans in the early 1800's so will you also complain about them ?

They were and they did. They became Turkish citizens. Those citizens automatically became Palestinian citizens when Palestine was separated from Turkey. They are considered by everybody, including the Palestinians, to be a part of the native population of Palestine.

Of course this does not include the settlers who came at a later date.
When the area "Palestine" was separated from Turkey, the people then became British subjects, which was designated as the future Jewish state. You keep repeating the same lies and historical revisionism over and over. Again, the Arabs did not rule or control that land for 700 years, and had no say in what happens to it.

No, you keep repeating the same old propaganda that would make it appear that the Muslim and Christians, that had lived in Palestine for over 2,000 years had less right to the land than a bunch of settlers from Europe. Get stuffed.
They were and they did. They became Turkish citizens. Those citizens automatically became Palestinian citizens when Palestine was separated from Turkey. They are considered by everybody, including the Palestinians, to be a part of the native population of Palestine.

Of course this does not include the settlers who came at a later date.
When the area "Palestine" was separated from Turkey, the people then became British subjects, which was designated as the future Jewish state. You keep repeating the same lies and historical revisionism over and over. Again, the Arabs did not rule or control that land for 700 years, and had no say in what happens to it.

No, you keep repeating the same old propaganda that would make it appear that the Muslim and Christians, that had lived in Palestine for over 2,000 years had less right to the land than a bunch of settlers from Europe. Get stuffed.
Ha ha ha. Islam is only 1400 years old and Arabs were not in control of the land for 700 years. And not many Turks migrated to the area either, although they ruled it. The Arabs are recent 20th century invaders which is evidenced by Jews being majority population in Jerusalem in 1800's to early 1900's. The Arabs have always been the invaders all over the Middle East. That's what they were good at.
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Hmm. Do you deny that the Zionist settlers came from Europe and eventually displaced the Christians and Muslims living in Palestine? Just stating fact is Jew hate to you?

Where do you think all the European Jews came from genius?
Genius will tell you they're not real Jews, they're fake. The real Jews are the Moooooslems who speak Arabic and wave the Koran while trying to kill Jews and Christians. :lmao:

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