Who Are The Palestinains?

LMAO! Tinmore sure knows how to put his foot in his mouth. "IT IS ILLEGAL TO ACQUIRE LAND BY FORCE." Gosh I wonder how all the Muslim countries came into being when there were no Muslims at all until the 7th century AD?

They lost their homes because of war.
It is illegal to acquire land by force.

It was a war between the native population and foreign settlers. I have never seen a definition of a civil war that says that.

Israeli say so. Nobody has ever proven that to be true.

Hey Toast, your neighbor invited me to live in your house.

Be sure to thank him for me, will ya?

That's a lie used by PaliNazis to promite their agenda.
Whose agenda are you promoting with lies?

Didn't stop the ISLAMONAZIS stealing Jewish land did it

Which foreign settlers would that be the ISLAMONAZIS from Syria, Iraq, iran, Jordan, Egypt, Saudi Yemen etc or the ones invited over by the lands OWNERS .

Actually the UN says it is true, as do the arab nations that took part. It is only you that says the war was not started by the ISLAMONAZI'S

If his neighbour owned his house he could and he could do nothing about it. In this case the Ottomans invited the Jews to come and live in Palestine because the ISLAMONAZI'S were too lazy to work. Then the LoN who were the successor land owners also invited the Jews to come and live in Palestine.

No lies but verifiable fact, as documented in the links you have used in the past
They were also invited to migrate by the Ottomans in the early 1800's so will you also complain about them ?

They were and they did. They became Turkish citizens. Those citizens automatically became Palestinian citizens when Palestine was separated from Turkey. They are considered by everybody, including the Palestinians, to be a part of the native population of Palestine.

Of course this does not include the settlers who came at a later date.
When the area "Palestine" was separated from Turkey, the people then became British subjects, which was then designated as the future Jewish state called Jewish Palestine. The Arabs were to get Arab Palestine, aka Jordan. You keep repeating the same lies and historical revisionism over and over. Again, there was no country called Palestine, the Arabs did not rule or control that land for 700 years, and had no say in what happens to it.

There were a considerable number of a Jews already living there, some going back to ancient times, the British then invited Jews from all over the world to join their brethern in their future country. Since the Greedy Arabs could not stand a Jewish state in an ocean of Muslim shitholes, they started attacking and massacring the Jews, led by their nazi mufti leader Hussieni. That's when the Jews took up arms and decided to defend themselves.

True story :cool:

Amin Al Husseini: Nazi Father of Jihad, Al Qaeda, Arafat, Saddam Hussein and the Muslim Brotherhood - Tell The Children The Truth - Homepage

When the area "Palestine" was separated from Turkey, the people then became British subjects,

Of course that is not true.

With regard to nationality of the inhabitants of mandated territories, in general, the Council of the League of Nations adopted the following resolution on 23 April 1923:

“(1) The status of the native inhabitants of a Mandated territory is distinct from that of the nationals of the Mandatory Power....
(2) The native inhabitants of a Mandated territory are not invested with the nationality of the Mandatory Power by means of the protection extended to them…”92​

92 League of Nations, Official Journal, June 1923, p. 604. For background information on this resolution, see Council of the League of Nations, Minutes of the Sixty Meeting, 20 April 1923 (id, pp. 567-72, 658-9).
Hmm. Do you deny that the Zionist settlers came from Europe and eventually displaced the Christians and Muslims living in Palestine? Just stating fact is Jew hate to you?

Where do you think all the European Jews came from genius?
Genius will tell you they're not real Jews, they're fake. The real Jews are the Moooooslems who speak Arabic and wave the Koran while trying to kill Jews and Christians. :lmao:

LOL The youngest religion of all three
Fact: All Muslim lands are stolen lands conquered by force whereby the native populations had to convert, leave or be killed. And all three scenarios took place in all the stolen Muslim lands.

LMAO! Tinmore sure knows how to put his foot in his mouth. "IT IS ILLEGAL TO ACQUIRE LAND BY FORCE." Gosh I wonder how all the Muslim countries came into being when there were no Muslims at all until the 7th century AD?

It is illegal to acquire land by force.

It was a war between the native population and foreign settlers. I have never seen a definition of a civil war that says that.

Israeli say so. Nobody has ever proven that to be true.

Hey Toast, your neighbor invited me to live in your house.

Be sure to thank him for me, will ya?

Whose agenda are you promoting with lies?

Didn't stop the ISLAMONAZIS stealing Jewish land did it

Which foreign settlers would that be the ISLAMONAZIS from Syria, Iraq, iran, Jordan, Egypt, Saudi Yemen etc or the ones invited over by the lands OWNERS .

Actually the UN says it is true, as do the arab nations that took part. It is only you that says the war was not started by the ISLAMONAZI'S

If his neighbour owned his house he could and he could do nothing about it. In this case the Ottomans invited the Jews to come and live in Palestine because the ISLAMONAZI'S were too lazy to work. Then the LoN who were the successor land owners also invited the Jews to come and live in Palestine.

No lies but verifiable fact, as documented in the links you have used in the past
Fact: All Muslim lands are stolen lands conquered by force whereby the native populations had to convert, leave or be killed. And all three scenarios took place in all the stolen Muslim lands.

LMAO! Tinmore sure knows how to put his foot in his mouth. "IT IS ILLEGAL TO ACQUIRE LAND BY FORCE." Gosh I wonder how all the Muslim countries came into being when there were no Muslims at all until the 7th century AD?

Didn't stop the ISLAMONAZIS stealing Jewish land did it

Which foreign settlers would that be the ISLAMONAZIS from Syria, Iraq, iran, Jordan, Egypt, Saudi Yemen etc or the ones invited over by the lands OWNERS .

Actually the UN says it is true, as do the arab nations that took part. It is only you that says the war was not started by the ISLAMONAZI'S

If his neighbour owned his house he could and he could do nothing about it. In this case the Ottomans invited the Jews to come and live in Palestine because the ISLAMONAZI'S were too lazy to work. Then the LoN who were the successor land owners also invited the Jews to come and live in Palestine.

No lies but verifiable fact, as documented in the links you have used in the past

or the ones invited over by the lands OWNERS .
Who were the land owners? Neither the LoN nor the mandates took possession of any land.
When the area "Palestine" was separated from Turkey, the people then became British subjects, which was designated as the future Jewish state. You keep repeating the same lies and historical revisionism over and over. Again, the Arabs did not rule or control that land for 700 years, and had no say in what happens to it.

No, you keep repeating the same old propaganda that would make it appear that the Muslim and Christians, that had lived in Palestine for over 2,000 years had less right to the land than a bunch of settlers from Europe. Get stuffed.
Ha ha ha. Islam is only 1400 years old and Arabs were not in control of the land for 700 years. And not many Turks migrated to the area either, although they ruled it. The Arabs are recent 20th century invaders which is evidenced by Jews being majority population in Jerusalem in 1800's to early 1900's. The Arabs have always been the invaders all over the Middle East. That's what they were good at.
Fact: All Muslim lands are stolen lands conquered by force whereby the native populations had to convert, leave or be killed. And all three scenarios took place in all the stolen Muslim lands.

LMAO! Tinmore sure knows how to put his foot in his mouth. "IT IS ILLEGAL TO ACQUIRE LAND BY FORCE." Gosh I wonder how all the Muslim countries came into being when there were no Muslims at all until the 7th century AD?

or the ones invited over by the lands OWNERS .
Who were the land owners? Neither the LoN nor the mandates took possession of any land.

But I can tell you who the land owners are NOW...

Which is all that really matters, now...
Fact: All Muslim lands are stolen lands conquered by force whereby the native populations had to convert, leave or be killed. And all three scenarios took place in all the stolen Muslim lands.

or the ones invited over by the lands OWNERS .
Who were the land owners? Neither the LoN nor the mandates took possession of any land.

But I can tell you who the land owners are NOW...

Which is all that really matters, now...

Not even the UN claims to know that.
They were and they did. They became Turkish citizens. Those citizens automatically became Palestinian citizens when Palestine was separated from Turkey. They are considered by everybody, including the Palestinians, to be a part of the native population of Palestine.

Of course this does not include the settlers who came at a later date.
When the area "Palestine" was separated from Turkey, the people then became British subjects, which was designated as the future Jewish state. You keep repeating the same lies and historical revisionism over and over. Again, the Arabs did not rule or control that land for 700 years, and had no say in what happens to it.

No, you keep repeating the same old propaganda that would make it appear that the Muslim and Christians, that had lived in Palestine for over 2,000 years had less right to the land than a bunch of settlers from Europe. Get stuffed.

They had no right to the land under INTERNATIONAL LAW and were incumbent on the mandate to provide for them. It would be just the same if your landlord gave your home to another person who then upped your rent, you have no right to argue the matter.

The Jews that lived in Palestine had done so for 4,500 years and it was to them that the land was bequeathed to RESURECT THE NATIONAL HOME OF THE JEWS. The muslims had only had a presence there for less than 1400 years and the Christians for 1900 years. Historical fact that no amount of ISLAMONAZI PROPAGANDA can alter
They were and they did. They became Turkish citizens. Those citizens automatically became Palestinian citizens when Palestine was separated from Turkey. They are considered by everybody, including the Palestinians, to be a part of the native population of Palestine.

Of course this does not include the settlers who came at a later date.
When the area "Palestine" was separated from Turkey, the people then became British subjects, which was then designated as the future Jewish state called Jewish Palestine. The Arabs were to get Arab Palestine, aka Jordan. You keep repeating the same lies and historical revisionism over and over. Again, there was no country called Palestine, the Arabs did not rule or control that land for 700 years, and had no say in what happens to it.

There were a considerable number of a Jews already living there, some going back to ancient times, the British then invited Jews from all over the world to join their brethern in their future country. Since the Greedy Arabs could not stand a Jewish state in an ocean of Muslim shitholes, they started attacking and massacring the Jews, led by their nazi mufti leader Hussieni. That's when the Jews took up arms and decided to defend themselves.

True story :cool:

Amin Al Husseini: Nazi Father of Jihad, Al Qaeda, Arafat, Saddam Hussein and the Muslim Brotherhood - Tell The Children The Truth - Homepage

When the area "Palestine" was separated from Turkey, the people then became British subjects,

Of course that is not true.

With regard to nationality of the inhabitants of mandated territories, in general, the Council of the League of Nations adopted the following resolution on 23 April 1923:

“(1) The status of the native inhabitants of a Mandated territory is distinct from that of the nationals of the Mandatory Power....
(2) The native inhabitants of a Mandated territory are not invested with the nationality of the Mandatory Power by means of the protection extended to them…”92​

92 League of Nations, Official Journal, June 1923, p. 604. For background information on this resolution, see Council of the League of Nations, Minutes of the Sixty Meeting, 20 April 1923 (id, pp. 567-72, 658-9).

Then why were they issued with British passports and not Palestinian ones.

Why are you missing most of the report from your reply, is it because it says that the people are stateless until they show they are capable of governing themselves. But in a way you are correct they did not become British subjects they became British Palestinian subjects

Unless you can show a treaty signed by the Ottomans and Palestinians giving the land to the Palestinian government. You know like the one between the Ottomans and the LoN
Kondor3, P F Tinmore, MJB12741, et al,

Clearly, what we are talking about here is not land "ownership;" but, rather "sovereignty."

And while Arabs like descendants can show that they were a significant indigenous population in the territory, with civil land "ownership," they cannot show much of any control over territorial "sovereignty" going back six of seven centuries.

Fact: All Muslim lands are stolen lands conquered by force whereby the native populations had to convert, leave or be killed. And all three scenarios took place in all the stolen Muslim lands.
or the ones invited over by the lands OWNERS .
Who were the land owners? Neither the LoN nor the mandates took possession of any land.

But I can tell you who the land owners are NOW...

Which is all that really matters, now...

The Allied Powers and the League of Nations took trusteeship (not ownership) of the territory from the sovereign power (Ottoman Empire) when it was surrendered. And the Allied Powers and the League of Nations exercised the de facto power of sovereignty
after forfeiture by the Empire after the war. This de facto power of sovereignty was exercised over the territory by their agent, the UK, through the instrument known as a Mandate; a set of instructions written by the Allied Powers and League of Nations.

At no time, during the active period of the Mandate, did any Arab Power have sovereign control of the territory UNTIL March 1946; when HRH, Emir Abdullah negotiated a new Anglo-Transjordanian treaty, ending the Mandate over the territory east of the Jordan River --- and gaining full independence for Transjordan. The following May, the Parliament voted create the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan with HM King Abdullah as Head of State.

During the 1967 War, the West Bank was sovereign territory of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan; occupied at the end of the 1948/49 War and annexed in 1950 by Jordanian Parliament --- in which the Palestinian Arabs of the West Bank were equally represented (right of self-determination). And while the argument of recognition is often raised, it should be noted that the population of the West Bank did not oppose the annexation and it remained sovereign territory of the Hashemite Kingdom until July 1988, HM King Hussein announced the severance of all administrative and legal ties with the occupied West Bank. In the mean time, as a result of the 1967 War, as a matter of combat outcome for their participation in the Arab War Effort, Jordan lost control of the West Bank with it forces pushed back across to the East side of the Jordan River; and the West Bank became Jordanian territory occupied by Israel.

During occupation and a few months after HM announced the severance of all administrative and legal ties with the occupied West Bank, the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO), recognized as the sole representative of the Palestinian People, declared Independence in November 1988. And again, the Palestinian People exercised their right of self-determination; unopposed by the Israeli Government, but still occupied territory.

While there has been, under Israel's unilateral disengagement plan, a withdrawal from the Gaza Strip in 2005, the failure of that withdrawal to secure peace and stability out of the Hostile Arab Palestinians, contributed greatly to successive decisions not to withdraw from the West Bank. Unlike the Jordanians, Israel has not annexed any territory in the West Bank. However, Israel unilaterally expanded the boundaries of Jerusalem (a separate trusteeship) by annexing some 70 sq kilometes to the municipal boundaries of the West Bank area and evicting over 6,000 Palestinians from the Old City’s Mughrabi Quarter in order to create a plaza in front of Al-Buraq (the Western Wall). Israel then declared Jerusalem its capital. East Jerusalem was annexed shortly after the war in a move that has not been recognized by the international community or the Palestinians.

Most Respectfully,
Fact: All Muslim lands are stolen lands conquered by force whereby the native populations had to convert, leave or be killed. And all three scenarios took place in all the stolen Muslim lands.

LMAO! Tinmore sure knows how to put his foot in his mouth. "IT IS ILLEGAL TO ACQUIRE LAND BY FORCE." Gosh I wonder how all the Muslim countries came into being when there were no Muslims at all until the 7th century AD?

or the ones invited over by the lands OWNERS .
Who were the land owners? Neither the LoN nor the mandates took possession of any land.

Under treaty the Ottomans signed over sovereignty of the land to the LoN at the treaty of Sevres. As stated in Article 95

The High Contracting Parties agree to entrust, by application of the provisions of Article 22, the administration of Palestine, within such boundaries as may be determined by the Principal Allied Powers, to a Mandatory to be selected by the said Powers. The Mandatory will be responsible for putting into effect the declaration originally made on November 2, 1917, by the British Government, and adopted by the other Allied Powers, in favour of the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people, it being clearly understood that nothing shall be done which may prejudice the civil and religious rights of existing non-Jewish communities in Palestine, or the rights and political status enjoyed by Jews in any other country.

Just for emphasis to show that the Jews were badly treated by the arab muslims. And can you see where the borders of Palestine had not been officially agreed by the LoN
Who were the land owners? Neither the LoN nor the mandates took possession of any land.

But I can tell you who the land owners are NOW...

Which is all that really matters, now...

Not even the UN claims to know that.

Lets just say that since August 10 1920 the land was owned under treaty by the LoN until may 14 1948 when Israel invoked Un resolution 181 and declared independence. It is all detailed in the many treaties signed since the end of WW1. Under International law at the time land could be won in war which is why large parts of Germany were taken by the allied powers.
i And while Arabs like descendants can show that they were a significant indigenous population in the territory, with civil land "ownership," they cannot show much of any control over territorial "sovereignty" going back six of seven centuries.

The Jews can't show any sovereignty over the territory for more than 2,000 years. There's the rub.
i And while Arabs like descendants can show that they were a significant indigenous population in the territory, with civil land "ownership," they cannot show much of any control over territorial "sovereignty" going back six of seven centuries.

The Jews can't show any sovereignty over the territory for more than 2,000 years. There's the rub.
The rub is the term Palestinian referred to Jews who maintained a presence in the homeland of their ancestors, and it was then hijacked by Egyptian born and raised Yasser Arafat leader of the Palestinian Bowel Movement. LOL
i And while Arabs like descendants can show that they were a significant indigenous population in the territory, with civil land "ownership," they cannot show much of any control over territorial "sovereignty" going back six of seven centuries.

The Jews can't show any sovereignty over the territory for more than 2,000 years. There's the rub.

And how long have the muslims been around ?

The Jews have been in the area for 4,500 years, the Christians for 2,000 years and the muslims for less than 1400 years. FACT that you cant dispute, making the muslims claim the weakest of the 3 .

The fact remains that the arab muslims had no land title when the Ottomans destroyed them and took the land. They lost the land in 1919 and it was taken by the LoN as reparations for WW2.

But I can tell you who the land owners are NOW...

Which is all that really matters, now...

Not even the UN claims to know that.

Lets just say that since August 10 1920 the land was owned under treaty by the LoN until may 14 1948 when Israel invoked Un resolution 181 and declared independence. It is all detailed in the many treaties signed since the end of WW1. Under International law at the time land could be won in war which is why large parts of Germany were taken by the allied powers.

Russia acquired vast land and imposed their political views on states they took from the nazis. Yugoslavia was another as well as China.

If you have a state that is financially failing/failed, vs a state occupied/annexed/claimed by another state that makes it prosperous and improves the right of those living there, which one is better for the world?
Children go out and try to become independent, but too many fall into the world of drugs, prostitution, gangs or other crimes just to get by. Were they not better off at home? Would they not be better off in some home and walked through the process of establishing themselves with a roof, job, transportation, financial planning and if necessary rehab and/or other guidance counseling. Some children might never be able to live on their own and will always need help.
This ideal of self determination has to be reasonable with some vision of how they will run the state and seek to best economy to support all their people. Right now the PA and G are fiscal failures and a drain on the world economy.
If Israel ever gave the Palestinians their own land with total self determination, the Palestinians would no longer be able to suck off of Israel to provide for them & would commit a self genocide upon themselves. I vote yes for Israel to give in to this Palestinian demand.

Not even the UN claims to know that.

Lets just say that since August 10 1920 the land was owned under treaty by the LoN until may 14 1948 when Israel invoked Un resolution 181 and declared independence. It is all detailed in the many treaties signed since the end of WW1. Under International law at the time land could be won in war which is why large parts of Germany were taken by the allied powers.

Russia acquired vast land and imposed their political views on states they took from the nazis. Yugoslavia was another as well as China.

If you have a state that is financially failing/failed, vs a state occupied/annexed/claimed by another state that makes it prosperous and improves the right of those living there, which one is better for the world?
Children go out and try to become independent, but too many fall into the world of drugs, prostitution, gangs or other crimes just to get by. Were they not better off at home? Would they not be better off in some home and walked through the process of establishing themselves with a roof, job, transportation, financial planning and if necessary rehab and/or other guidance counseling. Some children might never be able to live on their own and will always need help.
This ideal of self determination has to be reasonable with some vision of how they will run the state and seek to best economy to support all their people. Right now the PA and G are fiscal failures and a drain on the world economy.[/QUOTE]

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